- Upgrade eslint and fix a massive number (~2500!) of linting errors from new rules.
- Upgrade babel core frontend dev dependency.
- Upgrade UI lib and other frontend deps.
- Refactor the Vue admin app to use `vite` instead of `webpack`.
- This was an extremely tedious and painstaking, trial-and-error
alchemy job. My disdain for the Javascript "ecosystem" grows.
- Re-add custom admin appearance endpoints to the refactored Vue page.
- Remove obsolete vue-cli config.
- Re-auto-format all .vue files again to work with new linters.
Used `vue-cli` to upgrade all the dev deps from node v16 or lower. Here
are the steps followed
- `vue upgrade` to upgrade all deps to latest.
- remove `node_modules` directory and `yarn.lock` file.
- `yarn install` to install dependencies again.
- Remove `humps` lib dependency with a new util function.
- Replace hacky way of excluding certain fields in responses with
a proper key filtering mechanism.
E-mails in the domain blocklist are disallowed on the admin UI, public
subscription forms, API, and in the bulk importer.
- Add blocklist setting that takes a list of multi-line domains on the
Settings -> Privacy UI.
- Refactor e-mail validation in subimporter to add blocklist checking
- Add Cypress testr testing domain blocklist behaviour on admin
and non-admin views.
Passing `?minimal=true` to the /lists API returns all lists without
additional metadata (subscriber count) which is orders of magnitude
faster than counting subscribers per list in large DBs.
The frontend intitialization always calls the GET /lists API on load
to keep it available in multiple contexts like the new campaign page.
However, this "boot up" call does not need additional metdata. This
initialization GET /lists call now calls /lists?minimal=true.
- Change public and admin frontend primary colours.
- Change images.
- Refactor and fix styling on public pages.
- Remove CSS grid lib from public pages.
- Update Buefy and fix broken component styles (modal, toast).
- Vue 2.6 introduces "v-slot" which Buefy 0.9.7 uses.
- Refactor all `<b-table>` and `<b-column>` instances to work with the
new `v-slot` snytax.
- Refactor `<b-column>` <td> and class attributes to work wit hthe new
- Fix Buefy scss setup to work with the update.
- Fix sidebar responsive view to work with the update.
Previously, converting between formats simply copied over raw content.
This update does actual conversion between different formats. While
lossy, this seems to a good enough approximation for even reasonbly
rich HTML content. Closes#348.
- richtext, html => plain
Strips HTML and converts content to plain text.
- richtext, html => markdown
Uses turndown (JS) lib to convert HTML to Markdown.
- plain => richtext, html
Converts line breaks in plain text to HTML breaks.
- richtext => html
"Beautifies" the HTML generated by the WYSIWYG editor unlike the
earlier behaviour of dumping one long line of HTML.
- markdown => richtext, html
Makes an API call to the backend to use the Goldmark lib to convert
Markdown to HTML.
This commit removes the Go html2text lib that would automatically
convert all HTML messages to plaintext and add them as the alt
text body to outgoing e-mails. This lib also had memory leak
issues with certain kinds of HTML templates.
A new UI field for optionally adding an alt plaintext body to
a campaign is added. On enabling, it converts the HTML message in
the campaign editor into plaintext (using the textversionjs lib).
This introduces breaking changes in the campaigns table schema,
model, and template compilation.
- antd+react was resulting in extremely clunky and unreadable
spaghetti frontend code (primarily due to how antd is).
- Buefy is lighter by an order of magnitude, has excellent
responsive views (especially tables) and usability.
- Vue's templating produces far more readable template code.