Bots easily bypass the simple `nonce` hack. This commit adds support
for the widget.
- New `Security` tab in the admin settings UI.
- Enable/disable CAPTCHA.
- Render CAPTCHA on the public subscription form.
- Change public and admin frontend primary colours.
- Change images.
- Refactor and fix styling on public pages.
- Remove CSS grid lib from public pages.
- Update Buefy and fix broken component styles (modal, toast).
Sending th optional flag as `trunue` in the POST /api/subscrirs
body will skip sending opt-iconfirmation e-mails to subscribers
and mark list subscriptions in the request a`confirmed`.
In addition to generating HTML forms for selected public lists,
the form page now shows a URL (/subscription/form) that can be
publicly shared to solicit subscriptions. The page lists all
public lists in the database. This page can be disabled on the
Settings UI.