const apiUrl = Cypress.env('apiUrl'); describe('Subscribers', () => { it('Opens subscribers page', () => { cy.resetDB(); cy.loginAndVisit('/subscribers'); }); it('Counts subscribers', () => { cy.get('tbody td[data-label=Status]').its('length').should('eq', 2); }); it('Searches subscribers', () => { const cases = [ { value: 'john{enter}', count: 1, contains: '' }, { value: 'anon{enter}', count: 1, contains: '' }, { value: '{enter}', count: 2, contains: null }, ]; cases.forEach((c) => { cy.get('[data-cy=search]').clear().type(c.value); cy.get('tbody td[data-label=Status]').its('length').should('eq', c.count); if (c.contains) { cy.get('tbody td[data-label=E-mail]').contains(c.contains); } }); }); it('Exports subscribers', () => { const cases = [ { listIDs: [], ids: [], query: '', length: 3, }, { listIDs: [], ids: [], query: "name ILIKE '%anon%'", length: 2, }, { listIDs: [], ids: [], query: "name like 'nope'", length: 1, }, ]; // listIDs[] and ids[] are unused for now as Cypress doesn't support encoding of arrays in `qs`. cases.forEach((c) => { cy.request({ url: `${apiUrl}/api/subscribers/export`, qs: { query: c.query, list_id: c.listIDs, id: c.ids } }).then((resp) => { cy.expect(resp.body.trim().split('\n')).to.have.lengthOf(c.length); }); }); }); it('Advanced searches subscribers', () => { cy.get('[data-cy=btn-advanced-search]').click(); const cases = [ { value: 'subscribers.attribs->>\'city\'=\'Bengaluru\'', count: 2 }, { value: 'subscribers.attribs->>\'city\'=\'Bengaluru\' AND id=1', count: 1 }, { value: '(subscribers.attribs->>\'good\')::BOOLEAN = true AND name like \'Anon%\'', count: 1 }, ]; cases.forEach((c) => { cy.get('[data-cy=query]').clear().type(c.value); cy.get('[data-cy=btn-query]').click(); cy.get('tbody td[data-label=Status]').its('length').should('eq', c.count); }); cy.get('[data-cy=btn-query-reset]').click(); cy.wait(1000); cy.get('tbody td[data-label=Status]').its('length').should('eq', 2); }); it('Does bulk subscriber list add and remove', () => { const cases = [ // radio: action to perform, rows: table rows to select and perform on: [expected statuses of those rows after thea action] { radio: 'check-list-add', lists: [0, 1], rows: { 0: ['unconfirmed', 'unconfirmed'] } }, { radio: 'check-list-unsubscribe', lists: [0, 1], rows: { 0: ['unsubscribed', 'unsubscribed'], 1: ['unsubscribed'] } }, { radio: 'check-list-remove', lists: [0, 1], rows: { 1: [] } }, { radio: 'check-list-add', lists: [0, 1], rows: { 0: ['unsubscribed', 'unsubscribed'], 1: ['unconfirmed', 'unconfirmed'] } }, { radio: 'check-list-remove', lists: [0], rows: { 0: ['unsubscribed'] } }, { radio: 'check-list-add', lists: [0], rows: { 0: ['unconfirmed', 'unsubscribed'] } }, ]; cases.forEach((c, n) => { // Select one of the 2 subscribers in the table. Object.keys(c.rows).forEach((r) => { cy.get('tbody td.checkbox-cell .checkbox').eq(r).click(); }); // Open the 'manage lists' modal. cy.get('[data-cy=btn-manage-lists]').click(); // Check both lists in the modal. c.lists.forEach((l) => { cy.get('.list-selector input').click(); cy.get('.list-selector .autocomplete a').first().click(); }); // Select the radio option in the modal. cy.get(`[data-cy=${}] .check`).click(); // Save. cy.get('.modal').click(); // Check the status of the lists on the subscriber. Object.keys(c.rows).forEach((r) => { cy.get('tbody td[data-label=E-mail]').eq(r).find('.tags').then(($el) => { cy.wrap($el).find('.tag').should('have.length', c.rows[r].length); c.rows[r].forEach((status, n) => { // eg: .tag(n).unconfirmed cy.wrap($el).find('.tag').eq(n).should('have.class', status); }); }); }); }); }); it('Resets subscribers page', () => { cy.resetDB(); cy.loginAndVisit('/subscribers'); }); it('Edits subscribers', () => { const status = ['enabled', 'blocklisted']; const json = '{"string": "hello", "ints": [1,2,3], "null": null, "sub": {"bool": true}}'; // Collect values being edited on each sub to confirm the changes in the next step // index by their ID shown in the modal. const rows = {}; // Open the edit popup and edit the default lists. cy.get('[data-cy=btn-edit]').each(($el, n) => { const email = `email-${n}`; const name = `name-${n}`; // Open the edit modal. cy.wrap($el).click(); // Get the ID from the header and proceed to fill the form. let id = 0; cy.get('[data-cy=id]').then(($el) => { id = $el.text(); cy.get('input[name=email]').clear().type(email); cy.get('input[name=name]').clear().type(name); cy.get('select[name=status]').select(status[n]); cy.get('.list-selector input').click(); cy.get('.list-selector .autocomplete a').first().click(); cy.get('textarea[name=attribs]').clear().type(json, { parseSpecialCharSequences: false, delay: 0 }); cy.get('.modal-card-foot button[type=submit]').click(); rows[id] = { email, name, status: status[n] }; }); }); // Confirm the edits on the table. cy.wait(250); cy.get('tbody tr').each(($el) => { cy.wrap($el).find('td[data-id]').invoke('attr', 'data-id').then((id) => { cy.wrap($el).find('td[data-label=E-mail]').contains(rows[id].email.toLowerCase()); cy.wrap($el).find('td[data-label=Name]').contains(rows[id].name); cy.wrap($el).find('td[data-label=Status]').contains(rows[id].status, { matchCase: false }); // Both lists on the enabled sub should be 'unconfirmed' and the blocklisted one, 'unsubscribed.' cy.wrap($el).find(`.tags .${rows[id].status === 'enabled' ? 'unconfirmed' : 'unsubscribed'}`) .its('length').should('eq', 2); cy.wrap($el).find('td[data-label=Lists]').then((l) => { cy.expect(parseInt(l.text().trim())).to.equal(rows[id].status === 'blocklisted' ? 0 : 2); }); }); }); }); it('Deletes subscribers', () => { // Delete all visible lists. cy.get('tbody tr').each(() => { cy.get('tbody a[data-cy=btn-delete]').first().click(); cy.get('.modal').click(); }); // Confirm deletion. cy.get('table'); }); it('Creates new subscribers', () => { const statuses = ['enabled', 'blocklisted']; const lists = [[1], [2], [1, 2]]; const json = '{"string": "hello", "ints": [1,2,3], "null": null, "sub": {"bool": true}}'; // Cycle through each status and each list ID combination and create subscribers. const n = 0; for (let n = 0; n < 6; n++) { const email = `email-${n}`; const name = `name-${n}`; const status = statuses[(n + 1) % statuses.length]; const list = lists[(n + 1) % lists.length]; cy.get('[data-cy=btn-new]').click(); cy.get('input[name=email]').type(email); cy.get('input[name=name]').type(name); cy.get('select[name=status]').select(status); list.forEach((l) => { cy.get('.list-selector input').click(); cy.get('.list-selector .autocomplete a').first().click(); }); cy.get('textarea[name=attribs]').clear().type(json, { parseSpecialCharSequences: false, delay: 0 }); cy.get('.modal-card-foot button[type=submit]').click(); // Confirm the addition by inspecting the newly created list row, // which is always the first row in the table. cy.wait(250); const tr = cy.get('tbody tr:nth-child(1)').then(($el) => { cy.wrap($el).find('td[data-label=E-mail]').contains(email.toLowerCase()); cy.wrap($el).find('td[data-label=Name]').contains(name); cy.wrap($el).find('td[data-label=Status]').contains(status, { matchCase: false }); cy.wrap($el).find(`.tags .${status === 'enabled' ? 'unconfirmed' : 'unsubscribed'}`) .its('length').should('eq', list.length); cy.wrap($el).find('td[data-label=Lists]').then((l) => { cy.expect(parseInt(l.text().trim())).to.equal(status === 'blocklisted' ? 0 : list.length); }); }); } }); it('Sorts subscribers', () => { const asc = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; const desc = [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3]; const cases = ['cy-status', 'cy-email', 'cy-name', 'cy-created_at', 'cy-updated_at']; cases.forEach((c) => { cy.sortTable(`thead th.${c}`, asc); cy.wait(250); cy.sortTable(`thead th.${c}`, desc); cy.wait(250); }); }); }); describe('Domain blocklist', () => { it('Opens settings page', () => { cy.resetDB(); }); it('Add domains to blocklist', () => { cy.loginAndVisit('/settings'); cy.get('.b-tabs nav a').eq(2).click(); cy.get('textarea[name="privacy.domain_blocklist"]').clear().type('\n\nBaN.OrG\n\\n\n'); cy.get('[data-cy=btn-save]').click(); }); it('Try subscribing via public page', () => { cy.visit(`${apiUrl}/subscription/form`); cy.get('input[name=email]').clear().type(''); cy.get('button[type=submit]').click(); cy.get('h2').contains('Subscribe'); cy.visit(`${apiUrl}/subscription/form`); cy.get('input[name=email]').clear().type(''); cy.get('button[type=submit]').click(); cy.get('h2').contains('Error'); }); // Post to the admin API. it('Try via admin API', () => { cy.wait(1000); // Add non-banned domain. cy.request({ method: 'POST', url: `${apiUrl}/api/subscribers`, failOnStatusCode: true, body: { email: '', name: 'test', lists: [1], status: 'enabled', }, }).should((response) => { expect(response.status).to.equal(200); }); // Add banned domain. cy.request({ method: 'POST', url: `${apiUrl}/api/subscribers`, failOnStatusCode: false, body: { email: '', name: 'test', lists: [1], status: 'enabled', }, }).should((response) => { expect(response.status).to.equal(400); }); // Modify an existinb subscriber to a banned domain. cy.request({ method: 'PUT', url: `${apiUrl}/api/subscribers/1`, failOnStatusCode: false, body: { email: '', name: 'test', lists: [1], status: 'enabled', }, }).should((response) => { expect(response.status).to.equal(400); }); }); it('Try via import', () => { cy.loginAndVisit('/subscribers/import'); cy.get('.list-selector input').click(); cy.get('.list-selector .autocomplete a').first().click(); cy.fixture('subs-domain-blocklist.csv').then((data) => { cy.get('input[type="file"]').attachFile({ fileContent: data.toString(), fileName: 'subs.csv', mimeType: 'text/csv', }); }); cy.get('').click(); cy.get('section.wrap .has-text-success'); // cy.get('').click(); cy.get('.log-view').should('contain', '').and('contain', 'ban2-import@ban.ORG'); cy.wait(100); }); it('Clear blocklist and try', () => { cy.loginAndVisit('/settings'); cy.get('.b-tabs nav a').eq(2).click(); cy.get('textarea[name="privacy.domain_blocklist"]').clear(); cy.get('[data-cy=btn-save]').click(); cy.wait(1000); // Add banned domain. cy.request({ method: 'POST', url: `${apiUrl}/api/subscribers`, failOnStatusCode: true, body: { email: '', name: 'test', lists: [1], status: 'enabled', }, }).should((response) => { expect(response.status).to.equal(200); }); // Modify an existinb subscriber to a banned domain. cy.request({ method: 'PUT', url: `${apiUrl}/api/subscribers/1`, failOnStatusCode: true, body: { email: '', name: 'test', lists: [1], status: 'enabled', }, }).should((response) => { expect(response.status).to.equal(200); }); }); });