package migrations import ( "" "" "" ) // V2_5_0 performs the DB migrations. func V2_5_0(db *sqlx.DB, fs stuffbin.FileSystem, ko *koanf.Koanf) error { // Insert new preference settings. if _, err := db.Exec(` INSERT INTO settings (key, value) VALUES ('upload.extensions', '["jpg","jpeg","png","gif","svg","*"]'), ('app.enable_public_archive_rss_content', 'false'), ('bounce.actions', '{"soft": {"count": 2, "action": "none"}, "hard": {"count": 2, "action": "blocklist"}, "complaint" : {"count": 2, "action": "blocklist"}}'), ('privacy.record_optin_ip', 'false') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; `); err != nil { return err } if _, err := db.Exec(` DELETE FROM settings WHERE key IN ('bounce.count', 'bounce.action'); -- Add the content_type column. ALTER TABLE media ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS content_type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'application/octet-stream'; -- Add meta column to subscriptions. ALTER TABLE subscriber_lists ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS meta JSONB NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'; -- Fill the content type column for existing files (which would only be images at this point). UPDATE media SET content_type = CASE WHEN LOWER(SUBSTRING(filename FROM '.([^.]+)$')) = 'svg' THEN 'image/svg+xml' ELSE 'image/' || LOWER(SUBSTRING(filename FROM '.([^.]+)$')) END; `); err != nil { return err } if _, err := db.Exec(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS campaign_media ( campaign_id INTEGER REFERENCES campaigns(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, -- Media items may be deleted, so media_id is nullable -- and a copy of the original name is maintained here. media_id INTEGER NULL REFERENCES media(id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE, filename TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_camp_media_id ON campaign_media (campaign_id, media_id); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_camp_media_camp_id ON campaign_media(campaign_id); `); err != nil { return err } return nil }