-- subscribers -- name: get-subscriber -- Get a single subscriber by id or UUID or email. SELECT * FROM subscribers WHERE CASE WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1 WHEN $2 != '' THEN uuid = $2::UUID WHEN $3 != '' THEN email = $3 END; -- name: get-subscribers-by-emails -- Get subscribers by emails. SELECT * FROM subscribers WHERE email=ANY($1); -- name: get-subscriber-lists WITH sub AS ( SELECT id FROM subscribers WHERE CASE WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1 ELSE uuid = $2 END ) SELECT * FROM lists LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (lists.id = subscriber_lists.list_id) WHERE subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM sub) -- Optional list IDs or UUIDs to filter. AND (CASE WHEN CARDINALITY($3::INT[]) > 0 THEN id = ANY($3::INT[]) WHEN CARDINALITY($4::UUID[]) > 0 THEN uuid = ANY($4::UUID[]) ELSE TRUE END) AND (CASE WHEN $5 != '' THEN subscriber_lists.status = $5::subscription_status END) AND (CASE WHEN $6 != '' THEN lists.optin = $6::list_optin ELSE TRUE END) ORDER BY id; -- name: get-subscriber-lists-lazy -- Get lists associations of subscribers given a list of subscriber IDs. -- This query is used to lazy load given a list of subscriber IDs. -- The query returns results in the same order as the given subscriber IDs, and for non-existent subscriber IDs, -- the query still returns a row with 0 values. Thus, for lazy loading, the application simply iterate on the results in -- the same order as the list of campaigns it would've queried and attach the results. WITH subs AS ( SELECT subscriber_id, JSON_AGG( ROW_TO_JSON( (SELECT l FROM (SELECT subscriber_lists.status AS subscription_status, lists.*) l) ) ) AS lists FROM lists LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (subscriber_lists.list_id = lists.id) WHERE subscriber_lists.subscriber_id = ANY($1) GROUP BY subscriber_id ) SELECT id as subscriber_id, COALESCE(s.lists, '[]') AS lists FROM (SELECT id FROM UNNEST($1) AS id) x LEFT JOIN subs AS s ON (s.subscriber_id = id) ORDER BY ARRAY_POSITION($1, id); -- name: insert-subscriber WITH sub AS ( INSERT INTO subscribers (uuid, email, name, status, attribs) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id, status ), listIDs AS ( SELECT id FROM lists WHERE (CASE WHEN CARDINALITY($6::INT[]) > 0 THEN id=ANY($6) ELSE uuid=ANY($7::UUID[]) END) ), subs AS ( INSERT INTO subscriber_lists (subscriber_id, list_id, status) VALUES( (SELECT id FROM sub), UNNEST(ARRAY(SELECT id FROM listIDs)), (CASE WHEN $4='blocklisted' THEN 'unsubscribed'::subscription_status ELSE $8::subscription_status END) ) ON CONFLICT (subscriber_id, list_id) DO UPDATE SET updated_at=NOW(), status=( CASE WHEN $4='blocklisted' OR (SELECT status FROM sub)='blocklisted' THEN 'unsubscribed'::subscription_status ELSE $8::subscription_status END ) ) SELECT id from sub; -- name: upsert-subscriber -- Upserts a subscriber where existing subscribers get their names and attributes overwritten. -- If $7 = true, update values, otherwise, skip. WITH sub AS ( INSERT INTO subscribers as s (uuid, email, name, attribs, status) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, 'enabled') ON CONFLICT (email) DO UPDATE SET name=(CASE WHEN $7 THEN $3 ELSE s.name END), attribs=(CASE WHEN $7 THEN $4 ELSE s.attribs END), updated_at=NOW() RETURNING uuid, id ), subs AS ( INSERT INTO subscriber_lists (subscriber_id, list_id, status) VALUES((SELECT id FROM sub), UNNEST($5::INT[]), $6) ON CONFLICT (subscriber_id, list_id) DO UPDATE SET updated_at=NOW(), status=(CASE WHEN $7 THEN $6 ELSE subscriber_lists.status END) ) SELECT uuid, id from sub; -- name: upsert-blocklist-subscriber -- Upserts a subscriber where the update will only set the status to blocklisted -- unlike upsert-subscribers where name and attributes are updated. In addition, all -- existing subscriptions are marked as 'unsubscribed'. -- This is used in the bulk importer. WITH sub AS ( INSERT INTO subscribers (uuid, email, name, attribs, status) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, 'blocklisted') ON CONFLICT (email) DO UPDATE SET status='blocklisted', updated_at=NOW() RETURNING id ) UPDATE subscriber_lists SET status='unsubscribed', updated_at=NOW() WHERE subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM sub); -- name: update-subscriber -- Updates a subscriber's data, and given a list of list_ids, inserts subscriptions -- for them while deleting existing subscriptions not in the list. WITH s AS ( UPDATE subscribers SET email=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2 ELSE email END), name=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3 ELSE name END), status=(CASE WHEN $4 != '' THEN $4::subscriber_status ELSE status END), attribs=(CASE WHEN $5 != '' THEN $5::JSONB ELSE attribs END), updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = $1 RETURNING id ), d AS ( DELETE FROM subscriber_lists WHERE subscriber_id = $1 AND list_id != ALL($6) ), listIDs AS ( SELECT id FROM lists WHERE (CASE WHEN CARDINALITY($6::INT[]) > 0 THEN id=ANY($6) ELSE uuid=ANY($7::UUID[]) END) ) INSERT INTO subscriber_lists (subscriber_id, list_id, status) VALUES( (SELECT id FROM s), UNNEST(ARRAY(SELECT id FROM listIDs)), (CASE WHEN $4='blocklisted' THEN 'unsubscribed'::subscription_status ELSE $8::subscription_status END) ) ON CONFLICT (subscriber_id, list_id) DO UPDATE SET status = (CASE WHEN $4='blocklisted' THEN 'unsubscribed'::subscription_status ELSE subscriber_lists.status END); -- name: delete-subscribers -- Delete one or more subscribers by ID or UUID. DELETE FROM subscribers WHERE CASE WHEN ARRAY_LENGTH($1::INT[], 1) > 0 THEN id = ANY($1) ELSE uuid = ANY($2::UUID[]) END; -- name: delete-blocklisted-subscribers DELETE FROM subscribers WHERE status = 'blocklisted'; -- name: delete-orphan-subscribers DELETE FROM subscribers a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM subscriber_lists b WHERE b.subscriber_id = a.id); -- name: blocklist-subscribers WITH b AS ( UPDATE subscribers SET status='blocklisted', updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = ANY($1::INT[]) ) UPDATE subscriber_lists SET status='unsubscribed', updated_at=NOW() WHERE subscriber_id = ANY($1::INT[]); -- name: add-subscribers-to-lists INSERT INTO subscriber_lists (subscriber_id, list_id, status) (SELECT a, b, (CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3::subscription_status ELSE 'unconfirmed' END) FROM UNNEST($1::INT[]) a, UNNEST($2::INT[]) b) ON CONFLICT (subscriber_id, list_id) DO UPDATE SET status=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3::subscription_status ELSE subscriber_lists.status END); -- name: delete-subscriptions DELETE FROM subscriber_lists WHERE (subscriber_id, list_id) = ANY(SELECT a, b FROM UNNEST($1::INT[]) a, UNNEST($2::INT[]) b); -- name: confirm-subscription-optin WITH subID AS ( SELECT id FROM subscribers WHERE uuid = $1::UUID ), listIDs AS ( SELECT id FROM lists WHERE uuid = ANY($2::UUID[]) ) UPDATE subscriber_lists SET status='confirmed', updated_at=NOW() WHERE subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM subID) AND list_id = ANY(SELECT id FROM listIDs); -- name: unsubscribe-subscribers-from-lists UPDATE subscriber_lists SET status='unsubscribed', updated_at=NOW() WHERE (subscriber_id, list_id) = ANY(SELECT a, b FROM UNNEST($1::INT[]) a, UNNEST($2::INT[]) b); -- name: unsubscribe-by-campaign -- Unsubscribes a subscriber given a campaign UUID (from all the lists in the campaign) and the subscriber UUID. -- If $3 is TRUE, then all subscriptions of the subscriber is blocklisted -- and all existing subscriptions, irrespective of lists, unsubscribed. WITH lists AS ( SELECT list_id FROM campaign_lists LEFT JOIN campaigns ON (campaign_lists.campaign_id = campaigns.id) WHERE campaigns.uuid = $1 ), sub AS ( UPDATE subscribers SET status = (CASE WHEN $3 IS TRUE THEN 'blocklisted' ELSE status END) WHERE uuid = $2 RETURNING id ) UPDATE subscriber_lists SET status = 'unsubscribed' WHERE subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM sub) AND status != 'unsubscribed' AND -- If $3 is false, unsubscribe from the campaign's lists, otherwise all lists. CASE WHEN $3 IS FALSE THEN list_id = ANY(SELECT list_id FROM lists) ELSE list_id != 0 END; -- name: delete-unconfirmed-subscriptions WITH optins AS ( SELECT id FROM lists WHERE optin = 'double' ) DELETE FROM subscriber_lists WHERE status = 'unconfirmed' AND list_id IN (SELECT id FROM optins) AND created_at < $1; -- privacy -- name: export-subscriber-data WITH prof AS ( SELECT id, uuid, email, name, attribs, status, created_at, updated_at FROM subscribers WHERE CASE WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1 ELSE uuid = $2 END ), subs AS ( SELECT subscriber_lists.status AS subscription_status, (CASE WHEN lists.type = 'private' THEN 'Private list' ELSE lists.name END) as name, lists.type, subscriber_lists.created_at FROM lists LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (subscriber_lists.list_id = lists.id) WHERE subscriber_lists.subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM prof) ), views AS ( SELECT subject as campaign, COUNT(subscriber_id) as views FROM campaign_views LEFT JOIN campaigns ON (campaigns.id = campaign_views.campaign_id) WHERE subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM prof) GROUP BY campaigns.id ORDER BY campaigns.id ), clicks AS ( SELECT url, COUNT(subscriber_id) as clicks FROM link_clicks LEFT JOIN links ON (links.id = link_clicks.link_id) WHERE subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM prof) GROUP BY links.id ORDER BY links.id ) SELECT (SELECT email FROM prof) as email, COALESCE((SELECT JSON_AGG(t) FROM prof t), '{}') AS profile, COALESCE((SELECT JSON_AGG(t) FROM subs t), '[]') AS subscriptions, COALESCE((SELECT JSON_AGG(t) FROM views t), '[]') AS campaign_views, COALESCE((SELECT JSON_AGG(t) FROM clicks t), '[]') AS link_clicks; -- Partial and RAW queries used to construct arbitrary subscriber -- queries for segmentation follow. -- name: query-subscribers -- raw: true -- Unprepared statement for issuring arbitrary WHERE conditions for -- searching subscribers. While the results are sliced using offset+limit, -- there's a COUNT() OVER() that still returns the total result count -- for pagination in the frontend, albeit being a field that'll repeat -- with every resultant row. -- %s = arbitrary expression, %s = order by field, %s = order direction SELECT subscribers.* FROM subscribers LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON ( -- Optional list filtering. (CASE WHEN CARDINALITY($1::INT[]) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AND subscriber_lists.subscriber_id = subscribers.id ) WHERE (CARDINALITY($1) = 0 OR subscriber_lists.list_id = ANY($1::INT[])) %s ORDER BY %s %s OFFSET $2 LIMIT (CASE WHEN $3 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE $3 END); -- name: query-subscribers-count -- Replica of query-subscribers for obtaining the results count. SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM subscribers LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON ( -- Optional list filtering. (CASE WHEN CARDINALITY($1::INT[]) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AND subscriber_lists.subscriber_id = subscribers.id ) WHERE (CARDINALITY($1) = 0 OR subscriber_lists.list_id = ANY($1::INT[])) %s; -- name: query-subscribers-for-export -- raw: true -- Unprepared statement for issuring arbitrary WHERE conditions for -- searching subscribers to do bulk CSV export. -- %s = arbitrary expression SELECT subscribers.id, subscribers.uuid, subscribers.email, subscribers.name, subscribers.status, subscribers.attribs, subscribers.created_at, subscribers.updated_at FROM subscribers LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists sl ON ( -- Optional list filtering. (CASE WHEN CARDINALITY($1::INT[]) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AND sl.subscriber_id = subscribers.id ) WHERE sl.list_id = ALL($1::INT[]) AND id > $2 AND (CASE WHEN CARDINALITY($3::INT[]) > 0 THEN id=ANY($3) ELSE true END) %s ORDER BY subscribers.id ASC LIMIT (CASE WHEN $4 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE $4 END); -- name: query-subscribers-template -- raw: true -- This raw query is reused in multiple queries (blocklist, add to list, delete) -- etc., so it's kept has a raw template to be injected into other raw queries, -- and for the same reason, it is not terminated with a semicolon. -- -- All queries that embed this query should expect -- $1=true/false (dry-run or not) and $2=[]INT (option list IDs). -- That is, their positional arguments should start from $3. SELECT subscribers.id FROM subscribers LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON ( -- Optional list filtering. (CASE WHEN CARDINALITY($2::INT[]) > 0 THEN true ELSE false END) AND subscriber_lists.subscriber_id = subscribers.id ) WHERE subscriber_lists.list_id = ALL($2::INT[]) %s LIMIT (CASE WHEN $1 THEN 1 END) -- name: delete-subscribers-by-query -- raw: true WITH subs AS (%s) DELETE FROM subscribers WHERE id=ANY(SELECT id FROM subs); -- name: blocklist-subscribers-by-query -- raw: true WITH subs AS (%s), b AS ( UPDATE subscribers SET status='blocklisted', updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = ANY(SELECT id FROM subs) ) UPDATE subscriber_lists SET status='unsubscribed', updated_at=NOW() WHERE subscriber_id = ANY(SELECT id FROM subs); -- name: add-subscribers-to-lists-by-query -- raw: true WITH subs AS (%s) INSERT INTO subscriber_lists (subscriber_id, list_id) (SELECT a, b FROM UNNEST(ARRAY(SELECT id FROM subs)) a, UNNEST($3::INT[]) b) ON CONFLICT (subscriber_id, list_id) DO NOTHING; -- name: delete-subscriptions-by-query -- raw: true WITH subs AS (%s) DELETE FROM subscriber_lists WHERE (subscriber_id, list_id) = ANY(SELECT a, b FROM UNNEST(ARRAY(SELECT id FROM subs)) a, UNNEST($3::INT[]) b); -- name: unsubscribe-subscribers-from-lists-by-query -- raw: true WITH subs AS (%s) UPDATE subscriber_lists SET status='unsubscribed', updated_at=NOW() WHERE (subscriber_id, list_id) = ANY(SELECT a, b FROM UNNEST(ARRAY(SELECT id FROM subs)) a, UNNEST($3::INT[]) b); -- lists -- name: get-lists SELECT * FROM lists WHERE (CASE WHEN $1 = '' THEN 1=1 ELSE type=$1::list_type END) ORDER BY CASE WHEN $2 = 'id' THEN id END, CASE WHEN $2 = 'name' THEN name END; -- name: query-lists WITH ls AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () AS total, lists.* FROM lists WHERE CASE WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1 WHEN $2 != '' THEN uuid = $2::UUID WHEN $3 != '' THEN name ILIKE $3 ELSE true END OFFSET $4 LIMIT (CASE WHEN $5 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE $5 END) ), counts AS ( SELECT list_id, JSON_OBJECT_AGG(status, subscriber_count) AS subscriber_statuses FROM ( SELECT COUNT(*) as subscriber_count, list_id, status FROM subscriber_lists WHERE ($1 = 0 OR list_id = $1) GROUP BY list_id, status ) row GROUP BY list_id ) SELECT ls.*, subscriber_statuses FROM ls LEFT JOIN counts ON (counts.list_id = ls.id) ORDER BY %s %s; -- name: get-lists-by-optin -- Can have a list of IDs or a list of UUIDs. SELECT * FROM lists WHERE (CASE WHEN $1 != '' THEN optin=$1::list_optin ELSE TRUE END) AND (CASE WHEN $2::INT[] IS NOT NULL THEN id = ANY($2::INT[]) WHEN $3::UUID[] IS NOT NULL THEN uuid = ANY($3::UUID[]) END) ORDER BY name; -- name: create-list INSERT INTO lists (uuid, name, type, optin, tags) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id; -- name: update-list UPDATE lists SET name=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2 ELSE name END), type=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3::list_type ELSE type END), optin=(CASE WHEN $4 != '' THEN $4::list_optin ELSE optin END), tags=$5::VARCHAR(100)[], updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = $1; -- name: update-lists-date UPDATE lists SET updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = ANY($1); -- name: delete-lists DELETE FROM lists WHERE id = ALL($1); -- campaigns -- name: create-campaign -- This creates the campaign and inserts campaign_lists relationships. WITH campLists AS ( -- Get the list_ids and their optin statuses for the campaigns found in the previous step. SELECT lists.id AS list_id, campaign_id, optin FROM lists INNER JOIN campaign_lists ON (campaign_lists.list_id = lists.id) WHERE lists.id = ANY($14::INT[]) ), tpl AS ( -- If there's no template_id given, use the defualt template. SELECT (CASE WHEN $13 = 0 THEN id ELSE $13 END) AS id FROM templates WHERE is_default IS TRUE ), counts AS ( SELECT COALESCE(COUNT(id), 0) as to_send, COALESCE(MAX(id), 0) as max_sub_id FROM subscribers LEFT JOIN campLists ON (campLists.campaign_id = ANY($14::INT[])) LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON ( subscriber_lists.status != 'unsubscribed' AND subscribers.id = subscriber_lists.subscriber_id AND subscriber_lists.list_id = campLists.list_id AND -- For double opt-in lists, consider only 'confirmed' subscriptions. For single opt-ins, -- any status except for 'unsubscribed' (already excluded above) works. (CASE WHEN campLists.optin = 'double' THEN subscriber_lists.status = 'confirmed' ELSE true END) ) WHERE subscriber_lists.list_id=ANY($14::INT[]) AND subscribers.status='enabled' ), camp AS ( INSERT INTO campaigns (uuid, type, name, subject, from_email, body, altbody, content_type, send_at, headers, tags, messenger, template_id, to_send, max_subscriber_id) SELECT $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, (SELECT id FROM tpl), (SELECT to_send FROM counts), (SELECT max_sub_id FROM counts) RETURNING id ) INSERT INTO campaign_lists (campaign_id, list_id, list_name) (SELECT (SELECT id FROM camp), id, name FROM lists WHERE id=ANY($14::INT[])) RETURNING (SELECT id FROM camp); -- name: query-campaigns -- Here, 'lists' is returned as an aggregated JSON array from campaign_lists because -- the list reference may have been deleted. -- While the results are sliced using offset+limit, -- there's a COUNT() OVER() that still returns the total result count -- for pagination in the frontend, albeit being a field that'll repeat -- with every resultant row. SELECT c.id, c.uuid, c.name, c.subject, c.from_email, c.messenger, c.started_at, c.to_send, c.sent, c.type, c.body, c.altbody, c.send_at, c.headers, c.status, c.content_type, c.tags, c.template_id, c.created_at, c.updated_at, COUNT(*) OVER () AS total, ( SELECT COALESCE(ARRAY_TO_JSON(ARRAY_AGG(l)), '[]') FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(campaign_lists.list_id, 0) AS id, campaign_lists.list_name AS name FROM campaign_lists WHERE campaign_lists.campaign_id = c.id ) l ) AS lists FROM campaigns c WHERE ($1 = 0 OR id = $1) AND status=ANY(CASE WHEN CARDINALITY($2::campaign_status[]) != 0 THEN $2::campaign_status[] ELSE ARRAY[status] END) AND ($3 = '' OR CONCAT(name, subject) ILIKE $3) ORDER BY %s %s OFFSET $4 LIMIT (CASE WHEN $5 = 0 THEN NULL ELSE $5 END); -- name: get-campaign SELECT campaigns.*, COALESCE(templates.body, (SELECT body FROM templates WHERE is_default = true LIMIT 1)) AS template_body FROM campaigns LEFT JOIN templates ON (templates.id = campaigns.template_id) WHERE CASE WHEN $1 > 0 THEN campaigns.id = $1 ELSE uuid = $2 END; -- name: get-campaign-stats -- This query is used to lazy load campaign stats (views, counts, list of lists) given a list of campaign IDs. -- The query returns results in the same order as the given campaign IDs, and for non-existent campaign IDs, -- the query still returns a row with 0 values. Thus, for lazy loading, the application simply iterate on the results in -- the same order as the list of campaigns it would've queried and attach the results. WITH lists AS ( SELECT campaign_id, JSON_AGG(JSON_BUILD_OBJECT('id', list_id, 'name', list_name)) AS lists FROM campaign_lists WHERE campaign_id = ANY($1) GROUP BY campaign_id ), views AS ( SELECT campaign_id, COUNT(campaign_id) as num FROM campaign_views WHERE campaign_id = ANY($1) GROUP BY campaign_id ), clicks AS ( SELECT campaign_id, COUNT(campaign_id) as num FROM link_clicks WHERE campaign_id = ANY($1) GROUP BY campaign_id ), bounces AS ( SELECT campaign_id, COUNT(campaign_id) as num FROM bounces WHERE campaign_id = ANY($1) GROUP BY campaign_id ) SELECT id as campaign_id, COALESCE(v.num, 0) AS views, COALESCE(c.num, 0) AS clicks, COALESCE(b.num, 0) AS bounces, COALESCE(l.lists, '[]') AS lists FROM (SELECT id FROM UNNEST($1) AS id) x LEFT JOIN lists AS l ON (l.campaign_id = id) LEFT JOIN views AS v ON (v.campaign_id = id) LEFT JOIN clicks AS c ON (c.campaign_id = id) LEFT JOIN bounces AS b ON (b.campaign_id = id) ORDER BY ARRAY_POSITION($1, id); -- name: get-campaign-for-preview SELECT campaigns.*, COALESCE(templates.body, (SELECT body FROM templates WHERE is_default = true LIMIT 1)) AS template_body, ( SELECT COALESCE(ARRAY_TO_JSON(ARRAY_AGG(l)), '[]') FROM ( SELECT COALESCE(campaign_lists.list_id, 0) AS id, campaign_lists.list_name AS name FROM campaign_lists WHERE campaign_lists.campaign_id = campaigns.id ) l ) AS lists FROM campaigns LEFT JOIN templates ON (templates.id = (CASE WHEN $2=0 THEN campaigns.template_id ELSE $2 END)) WHERE campaigns.id = $1; -- name: get-campaign-status SELECT id, status, to_send, sent, started_at, updated_at FROM campaigns WHERE status=$1; -- name: next-campaigns -- Retreives campaigns that are running (or scheduled and the time's up) and need -- to be processed. It updates the to_send count and max_subscriber_id of the campaign, -- that is, the total number of subscribers to be processed across all lists of a campaign. -- Thus, it has a sideaffect. -- In addition, it finds the max_subscriber_id, the upper limit across all lists of -- a campaign. This is used to fetch and slice subscribers for the campaign in next-subscriber-campaigns. WITH camps AS ( -- Get all running campaigns and their template bodies (if the template's deleted, the default template body instead) SELECT campaigns.*, COALESCE(templates.body, (SELECT body FROM templates WHERE is_default = true LIMIT 1)) AS template_body FROM campaigns LEFT JOIN templates ON (templates.id = campaigns.template_id) WHERE (status='running' OR (status='scheduled' AND NOW() >= campaigns.send_at)) AND NOT(campaigns.id = ANY($1::INT[])) ), campLists AS ( -- Get the list_ids and their optin statuses for the campaigns found in the previous step. SELECT lists.id AS list_id, campaign_id, optin FROM lists INNER JOIN campaign_lists ON (campaign_lists.list_id = lists.id) WHERE campaign_lists.campaign_id = ANY(SELECT id FROM camps) ), counts AS ( -- For each campaign above, get the total number of subscribers and the max_subscriber_id -- across all its lists. SELECT id AS campaign_id, COUNT(DISTINCT(subscriber_lists.subscriber_id)) AS to_send, COALESCE(MAX(subscriber_lists.subscriber_id), 0) AS max_subscriber_id FROM camps LEFT JOIN campLists ON (campLists.campaign_id = camps.id) LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON ( subscriber_lists.list_id = campLists.list_id AND (CASE -- For optin campaigns, only e-mail 'unconfirmed' subscribers belonging to 'double' optin lists. WHEN camps.type = 'optin' THEN subscriber_lists.status = 'unconfirmed' AND campLists.optin = 'double' -- For regular campaigns with double optin lists, only e-mail 'confirmed' subscribers. WHEN campLists.optin = 'double' THEN subscriber_lists.status = 'confirmed' -- For regular campaigns with non-double optin lists, e-mail everyone -- except unsubscribed subscribers. ELSE subscriber_lists.status != 'unsubscribed' END) ) GROUP BY camps.id ), u AS ( -- For each campaign, update the to_send count and set the max_subscriber_id. UPDATE campaigns AS ca SET to_send = co.to_send, status = (CASE WHEN status != 'running' THEN 'running' ELSE status END), max_subscriber_id = co.max_subscriber_id, started_at=(CASE WHEN ca.started_at IS NULL THEN NOW() ELSE ca.started_at END) FROM (SELECT * FROM counts) co WHERE ca.id = co.campaign_id ) SELECT * FROM camps; -- name: get-campaign-analytics-unique-counts WITH intval AS ( -- For intervals < a week, aggregate counts hourly, otherwise daily. SELECT CASE WHEN (EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM ($3::TIMESTAMP - $2::TIMESTAMP)) / 86400) >= 7 THEN 'day' ELSE 'hour' END ), uniqIDs AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON(subscriber_id) subscriber_id, campaign_id, DATE_TRUNC((SELECT * FROM intval), created_at) AS "timestamp" FROM %s WHERE campaign_id=ANY($1) AND created_at >= $2 AND created_at <= $3 ORDER BY subscriber_id, "timestamp" ) SELECT COUNT(*) AS "count", campaign_id, "timestamp" FROM uniqIDs GROUP BY campaign_id, "timestamp"; -- name: get-campaign-analytics-counts -- raw: true WITH intval AS ( -- For intervals < a week, aggregate counts hourly, otherwise daily. SELECT CASE WHEN (EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM ($3::TIMESTAMP - $2::TIMESTAMP)) / 86400) >= 7 THEN 'day' ELSE 'hour' END ) SELECT campaign_id, COUNT(*) AS "count", DATE_TRUNC((SELECT * FROM intval), created_at) AS "timestamp" FROM %s WHERE campaign_id=ANY($1) AND created_at >= $2 AND created_at <= $3 GROUP BY campaign_id, "timestamp" ORDER BY "timestamp" ASC; -- name: get-campaign-bounce-counts WITH intval AS ( -- For intervals < a week, aggregate counts hourly, otherwise daily. SELECT CASE WHEN (EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM ($3::TIMESTAMP - $2::TIMESTAMP)) / 86400) >= 7 THEN 'day' ELSE 'hour' END ) SELECT campaign_id, COUNT(*) AS "count", DATE_TRUNC((SELECT * FROM intval), created_at) AS "timestamp" FROM bounces WHERE campaign_id=ANY($1) AND created_at >= $2 AND created_at <= $3 GROUP BY campaign_id, "timestamp" ORDER BY "timestamp" ASC; -- name: get-campaign-link-counts -- raw: true -- %s = * or DISTINCT subscriber_id (prepared based on based on individual tracking=on/off). Prepared on boot. SELECT COUNT(%s) AS "count", url FROM link_clicks LEFT JOIN links ON (link_clicks.link_id = links.id) WHERE campaign_id=ANY($1) AND link_clicks.created_at >= $2 AND link_clicks.created_at <= $3 GROUP BY links.url ORDER BY "count" DESC LIMIT 50; -- name: next-campaign-subscribers -- Returns a batch of subscribers in a given campaign starting from the last checkpoint -- (last_subscriber_id). Every fetch updates the checkpoint and the sent count, which means -- every fetch returns a new batch of subscribers until all rows are exhausted. WITH camps AS ( SELECT last_subscriber_id, max_subscriber_id, type FROM campaigns WHERE id = $1 AND status='running' ), campLists AS ( SELECT lists.id AS list_id, optin FROM lists LEFT JOIN campaign_lists ON (campaign_lists.list_id = lists.id) WHERE campaign_lists.campaign_id = $1 ), subIDs AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (subscriber_lists.subscriber_id) subscriber_id, list_id, status FROM subscriber_lists WHERE -- ARRAY_AGG is 20x faster instead of a simple SELECT because the query planner -- understands the CTE's cardinality after the scalar array conversion. Huh. list_id = ANY((SELECT ARRAY_AGG(list_id) FROM campLists)::INT[]) AND status != 'unsubscribed' AND subscriber_id > (SELECT last_subscriber_id FROM camps) AND subscriber_id <= (SELECT max_subscriber_id FROM camps) ORDER BY subscriber_id LIMIT $2 ), subs AS ( SELECT subscribers.* FROM subIDs LEFT JOIN campLists ON (campLists.list_id = subIDs.list_id) INNER JOIN subscribers ON ( subscribers.status != 'blocklisted' AND subscribers.id = subIDs.subscriber_id AND (CASE -- For optin campaigns, only e-mail 'unconfirmed' subscribers. WHEN (SELECT type FROM camps) = 'optin' THEN subIDs.status = 'unconfirmed' AND campLists.optin = 'double' -- For regular campaigns with double optin lists, only e-mail 'confirmed' subscribers. WHEN campLists.optin = 'double' THEN subIDs.status = 'confirmed' -- For regular campaigns with non-double optin lists, e-mail everyone -- except unsubscribed subscribers. ELSE subIDs.status != 'unsubscribed' END) ) ), u AS ( UPDATE campaigns SET last_subscriber_id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM subs), sent = sent + (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM subs), updated_at = NOW() WHERE (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM subs) > 0 AND id=$1 ) SELECT * FROM subs; -- name: delete-campaign-views DELETE FROM campaign_views WHERE created_at < $1; -- name: delete-campaign-link-clicks DELETE FROM link_clicks WHERE created_at < $1; -- name: get-one-campaign-subscriber SELECT * FROM subscribers LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (subscribers.id = subscriber_lists.subscriber_id AND subscriber_lists.status != 'unsubscribed') WHERE subscriber_lists.list_id=ANY( SELECT list_id FROM campaign_lists where campaign_id=$1 AND list_id IS NOT NULL ) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1; -- name: update-campaign WITH camp AS ( UPDATE campaigns SET name=$2, subject=$3, from_email=$4, body=$5, altbody=(CASE WHEN $6 = '' THEN NULL ELSE $6 END), content_type=$7::content_type, send_at=$8::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, status=(CASE WHEN NOT $9 THEN 'draft' ELSE status END), headers=$10, tags=$11::VARCHAR(100)[], messenger=$12, template_id=$13, updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = $1 RETURNING id ), d AS ( -- Reset list relationships DELETE FROM campaign_lists WHERE campaign_id = $1 AND NOT(list_id = ANY($14)) ) INSERT INTO campaign_lists (campaign_id, list_id, list_name) (SELECT $1 as campaign_id, id, name FROM lists WHERE id=ANY($14::INT[])) ON CONFLICT (campaign_id, list_id) DO UPDATE SET list_name = EXCLUDED.list_name; -- name: update-campaign-counts UPDATE campaigns SET to_send=(CASE WHEN $2 != 0 THEN $2 ELSE to_send END), sent=(CASE WHEN $3 != 0 THEN $3 ELSE sent END), last_subscriber_id=(CASE WHEN $4 != 0 THEN $4 ELSE last_subscriber_id END), updated_at=NOW() WHERE id=$1; -- name: update-campaign-status UPDATE campaigns SET status=$2, updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = $1; -- name: delete-campaign DELETE FROM campaigns WHERE id=$1; -- name: register-campaign-view WITH view AS ( SELECT campaigns.id as campaign_id, subscribers.id AS subscriber_id FROM campaigns LEFT JOIN subscribers ON (CASE WHEN $2::TEXT != '' THEN subscribers.uuid = $2::UUID ELSE FALSE END) WHERE campaigns.uuid = $1 ) INSERT INTO campaign_views (campaign_id, subscriber_id) VALUES((SELECT campaign_id FROM view), (SELECT subscriber_id FROM view)); -- users -- name: get-users SELECT * FROM users WHERE $1 = 0 OR id = $1 OFFSET $2 LIMIT $3; -- name: create-user INSERT INTO users (email, name, password, type, status) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING id; -- name: update-user UPDATE users SET email=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2 ELSE email END), name=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3 ELSE name END), password=(CASE WHEN $4 != '' THEN $4 ELSE password END), type=(CASE WHEN $5 != '' THEN $5::user_type ELSE type END), status=(CASE WHEN $6 != '' THEN $6::user_status ELSE status END), updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = $1; -- name: delete-user -- Delete a user, except for the primordial super admin. DELETE FROM users WHERE $1 != 1 AND id=$1; -- templates -- name: get-templates -- Only if the second param ($2) is true, body is returned. SELECT id, name, type, subject, (CASE WHEN $2 = false THEN body ELSE '' END) as body, is_default, created_at, updated_at FROM templates WHERE ($1 = 0 OR id = $1) AND ($3 = '' OR type = $3::template_type) ORDER BY created_at; -- name: create-template INSERT INTO templates (name, type, subject, body) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING id; -- name: update-template UPDATE templates SET name=(CASE WHEN $2 != '' THEN $2 ELSE name END), subject=(CASE WHEN $3 != '' THEN $3 ELSE name END), body=(CASE WHEN $4 != '' THEN $4 ELSE body END), updated_at=NOW() WHERE id = $1; -- name: set-default-template WITH u AS ( UPDATE templates SET is_default=true WHERE id=$1 AND type='campaign' RETURNING id ) UPDATE templates SET is_default=false WHERE id != $1; -- name: delete-template -- Delete a template as long as there's more than one. On deletion, set all campaigns -- with that template to the default template instead. WITH tpl AS ( DELETE FROM templates WHERE id = $1 AND (SELECT COUNT(id) FROM templates) > 1 AND is_default = false RETURNING id ), def AS ( SELECT id FROM templates WHERE is_default = true AND type='campaign' LIMIT 1 ), up AS ( UPDATE campaigns SET template_id = (SELECT id FROM def) WHERE (SELECT id FROM tpl) > 0 AND template_id = $1 ) SELECT id FROM tpl; -- media -- name: insert-media INSERT INTO media (uuid, filename, thumb, provider, meta, created_at) VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, NOW()) RETURNING id; -- name: get-all-media SELECT * FROM media WHERE provider=$1 ORDER BY created_at DESC; -- name: get-media SELECT * FROM media WHERE CASE WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1 ELSE uuid = $2 END; -- name: delete-media DELETE FROM media WHERE id=$1 RETURNING filename; -- links -- name: create-link INSERT INTO links (uuid, url) VALUES($1, $2) ON CONFLICT (url) DO UPDATE SET url=EXCLUDED.url RETURNING uuid; -- name: register-link-click WITH link AS( SELECT id, url FROM links WHERE uuid = $1 ) INSERT INTO link_clicks (campaign_id, subscriber_id, link_id) VALUES( (SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE uuid = $2), (SELECT id FROM subscribers WHERE (CASE WHEN $3::TEXT != '' THEN subscribers.uuid = $3::UUID ELSE FALSE END) ), (SELECT id FROM link) ) RETURNING (SELECT url FROM link); -- name: get-dashboard-charts WITH clicks AS ( SELECT JSON_AGG(ROW_TO_JSON(row)) FROM ( WITH viewDates AS ( SELECT TIMEZONE('UTC', created_at)::DATE AS to_date, TIMEZONE('UTC', created_at)::DATE - INTERVAL '30 DAY' AS from_date FROM link_clicks ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 ) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, created_at::DATE as date FROM link_clicks -- use > between < to force the use of the date index. WHERE TIMEZONE('UTC', created_at)::DATE BETWEEN (SELECT from_date FROM viewDates) AND (SELECT to_date FROM viewDates) GROUP by date ORDER BY date ) row ), views AS ( SELECT JSON_AGG(ROW_TO_JSON(row)) FROM ( WITH viewDates AS ( SELECT TIMEZONE('UTC', created_at)::DATE AS to_date, TIMEZONE('UTC', created_at)::DATE - INTERVAL '30 DAY' AS from_date FROM campaign_views ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 ) SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, created_at::DATE as date FROM campaign_views -- use > between < to force the use of the date index. WHERE TIMEZONE('UTC', created_at)::DATE BETWEEN (SELECT from_date FROM viewDates) AND (SELECT to_date FROM viewDates) GROUP by date ORDER BY date ) row ) SELECT JSON_BUILD_OBJECT('link_clicks', COALESCE((SELECT * FROM clicks), '[]'), 'campaign_views', COALESCE((SELECT * FROM views), '[]')); -- name: get-dashboard-counts WITH subs AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS num, status FROM subscribers GROUP BY status ) SELECT JSON_BUILD_OBJECT('subscribers', JSON_BUILD_OBJECT( 'total', (SELECT SUM(num) FROM subs), 'blocklisted', (SELECT num FROM subs WHERE status='blocklisted'), 'orphans', ( SELECT COUNT(id) FROM subscribers LEFT JOIN subscriber_lists ON (subscribers.id = subscriber_lists.subscriber_id) WHERE subscriber_lists.subscriber_id IS NULL ) ), 'lists', JSON_BUILD_OBJECT( 'total', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lists), 'private', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lists WHERE type='private'), 'public', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lists WHERE type='public'), 'optin_single', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lists WHERE optin='single'), 'optin_double', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lists WHERE optin='double') ), 'campaigns', JSON_BUILD_OBJECT( 'total', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM campaigns), 'by_status', ( SELECT JSON_OBJECT_AGG (status, num) FROM (SELECT status, COUNT(*) AS num FROM campaigns GROUP BY status) r ) ), 'messages', (SELECT SUM(sent) AS messages FROM campaigns)); -- name: get-settings SELECT JSON_OBJECT_AGG(key, value) AS settings FROM ( SELECT * FROM settings ORDER BY key ) t; -- name: update-settings UPDATE settings AS s SET value = c.value -- For each key in the incoming JSON map, update the row with the key and its value. FROM(SELECT * FROM JSONB_EACH($1)) AS c(key, value) WHERE s.key = c.key; -- name: record-bounce -- Insert a bounce and count the bounces for the subscriber and either unsubscribe them, WITH sub AS ( SELECT id, status FROM subscribers WHERE CASE WHEN $1 != '' THEN uuid = $1::UUID ELSE email = $2 END ), camp AS ( SELECT id FROM campaigns WHERE $3 != '' AND uuid = $3::UUID ), bounce AS ( -- Record the bounce if the subscriber is not already blocklisted; INSERT INTO bounces (subscriber_id, campaign_id, type, source, meta, created_at) SELECT (SELECT id FROM sub), (SELECT id FROM camp), $4, $5, $6, $7 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 WHERE (SELECT status FROM sub) = 'blocklisted') ), num AS ( -- Add a +1 to include the current insertion that is happening. SELECT COUNT(*) + 1 AS num FROM bounces WHERE subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM sub) ), -- block1 and block2 will run when $8 = 'blocklist' and the number of bounces exceed $8. block1 AS ( UPDATE subscribers SET status='blocklisted' WHERE $9 = 'blocklist' AND (SELECT num FROM num) >= $8 AND id = (SELECT id FROM sub) AND (SELECT status FROM sub) != 'blocklisted' ), block2 AS ( UPDATE subscriber_lists SET status='unsubscribed' WHERE $9 = 'blocklist' AND (SELECT num FROM num) >= $8 AND subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM sub) AND (SELECT status FROM sub) != 'blocklisted' ) -- This delete will only run when $9 = 'delete' and the number of bounces exceed $8. DELETE FROM subscribers WHERE $9 = 'delete' AND (SELECT num FROM num) >= $8 AND id = (SELECT id FROM sub); -- name: query-bounces SELECT COUNT(*) OVER () AS total, bounces.id, bounces.type, bounces.source, bounces.meta, bounces.created_at, bounces.subscriber_id, subscribers.uuid AS subscriber_uuid, subscribers.email AS email, subscribers.email AS email, ( CASE WHEN bounces.campaign_id IS NOT NULL THEN JSON_BUILD_OBJECT('id', bounces.campaign_id, 'name', campaigns.name) ELSE NULL END ) AS campaign FROM bounces LEFT JOIN subscribers ON (subscribers.id = bounces.subscriber_id) LEFT JOIN campaigns ON (campaigns.id = bounces.campaign_id) WHERE ($1 = 0 OR bounces.id = $1) AND ($2 = 0 OR bounces.campaign_id = $2) AND ($3 = 0 OR bounces.subscriber_id = $3) AND ($4 = '' OR bounces.source = $4) ORDER BY %s %s OFFSET $5 LIMIT $6; -- name: delete-bounces DELETE FROM bounces WHERE CARDINALITY($1::INT[]) = 0 OR id = ANY($1); -- name: delete-bounces-by-subscriber WITH sub AS ( SELECT id FROM subscribers WHERE CASE WHEN $1 > 0 THEN id = $1 ELSE uuid = $2 END ) DELETE FROM bounces WHERE subscriber_id = (SELECT id FROM sub);