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package manager
import (
const (
// BaseTPL is the name of the base template.
BaseTPL = "base"
// ContentTpl is the name of the compiled message.
ContentTpl = "content"
dummyUUID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
// DataSource represents a data backend, such as a database,
// that provides subscriber and campaign records.
type DataSource interface {
NextCampaigns(excludeIDs []int64) ([]*models.Campaign, error)
NextSubscribers(campID, limit int) ([]models.Subscriber, error)
GetCampaign(campID int) (*models.Campaign, error)
UpdateCampaignStatus(campID int, status string) error
CreateLink(url string) (string, error)
// Manager handles the scheduling, processing, and queuing of campaigns
// and message pushes.
type Manager struct {
cfg Config
src DataSource
messengers map[string]messenger.Messenger
notifCB models.AdminNotifCallback
logger *log.Logger
// Campaigns that are currently running.
camps map[int]*models.Campaign
campsMutex sync.RWMutex
// Links generated using Track() are cached here so as to not query
// the database for the link UUID for every message sent. This has to
// be locked as it may be used externally when previewing campaigns.
links map[string]string
linksMutex sync.RWMutex
subFetchQueue chan *models.Campaign
campMsgQueue chan CampaignMessage
campMsgErrorQueue chan msgError
campMsgErrorCounts map[int]int
msgQueue chan Message
// CampaignMessage represents an instance of campaign message to be pushed out,
// specific to a subscriber, via the campaign's messenger.
type CampaignMessage struct {
Campaign *models.Campaign
Subscriber models.Subscriber
from string
to string
subject string
body []byte
unsubURL string
// Message represents a generic message to be pushed to a messenger.
type Message struct {
Subscriber models.Subscriber
// Messenger is the messenger backend to use: email|postback.
Messenger string
// Config has parameters for configuring the manager.
type Config struct {
// Number of subscribers to pull from the DB in a single iteration.
BatchSize int
Concurrency int
MessageRate int
MaxSendErrors int
RequeueOnError bool
FromEmail string
IndividualTracking bool
LinkTrackURL string
UnsubURL string
OptinURL string
MessageURL string
ViewTrackURL string
UnsubHeader bool
type msgError struct {
camp *models.Campaign
err error
// New returns a new instance of Mailer.
func New(cfg Config, src DataSource, notifCB models.AdminNotifCallback, l *log.Logger) *Manager {
if cfg.BatchSize < 1 {
cfg.BatchSize = 1000
if cfg.Concurrency < 1 {
cfg.Concurrency = 1
if cfg.MessageRate < 1 {
cfg.MessageRate = 1
return &Manager{
cfg: cfg,
src: src,
notifCB: notifCB,
logger: l,
messengers: make(map[string]messenger.Messenger),
camps: make(map[int]*models.Campaign),
links: make(map[string]string),
subFetchQueue: make(chan *models.Campaign, cfg.Concurrency),
campMsgQueue: make(chan CampaignMessage, cfg.Concurrency*2),
msgQueue: make(chan Message, cfg.Concurrency),
campMsgErrorQueue: make(chan msgError, cfg.MaxSendErrors),
campMsgErrorCounts: make(map[int]int),
// NewCampaignMessage creates and returns a CampaignMessage that is made available
// to message templates while they're compiled. It represents a message from
// a campaign that's bound to a single Subscriber.
func (m *Manager) NewCampaignMessage(c *models.Campaign, s models.Subscriber) CampaignMessage {
return CampaignMessage{
Campaign: c,
Subscriber: s,
subject: c.Subject,
from: c.FromEmail,
to: s.Email,
unsubURL: fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.UnsubURL, c.UUID, s.UUID),
// AddMessenger adds a Messenger messaging backend to the manager.
func (m *Manager) AddMessenger(msg messenger.Messenger) error {
id := msg.Name()
if _, ok := m.messengers[id]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("messenger '%s' is already loaded", id)
m.messengers[id] = msg
return nil
// PushMessage pushes a Message to be sent out by the workers.
func (m *Manager) PushMessage(msg Message) error {
t := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 3)
defer t.Stop()
select {
case m.msgQueue <- msg:
case <-t.C:
m.logger.Println("message push timed out: %'s'", msg.Subject)
return errors.New("message push timed out")
return nil
// HasMessenger checks if a given messenger is registered.
func (m *Manager) HasMessenger(id string) bool {
_, ok := m.messengers[id]
return ok
// HasRunningCampaigns checks if there are any active campaigns.
func (m *Manager) HasRunningCampaigns() bool {
defer m.campsMutex.Unlock()
return len(m.camps) > 0
// Run is a blocking function (that should be invoked as a goroutine)
// that scans the data source at regular intervals for pending campaigns,
// and queues them for processing. The process queue fetches batches of
// subscribers and pushes messages to them for each queued campaign
// until all subscribers are exhausted, at which point, a campaign is marked
// as "finished".
func (m *Manager) Run(tick time.Duration) {
go m.scanCampaigns(tick)
// Spawn N message workers.
for i := 0; i < m.cfg.Concurrency; i++ {
go m.messageWorker()
// Fetch the next set of subscribers for a campaign and process them.
for c := range m.subFetchQueue {
has, err := m.nextSubscribers(c, m.cfg.BatchSize)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error processing campaign batch (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
if has {
// There are more subscribers to fetch.
m.subFetchQueue <- c
} else if m.isCampaignProcessing(c.ID) {
// There are no more subscribers. Either the campaign status
// has changed or all subscribers have been processed.
newC, err := m.exhaustCampaign(c, "")
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error exhausting campaign (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
m.sendNotif(newC, newC.Status, "")
// messageWorker is a blocking function that listens to the message queue
// and pushes out incoming messages on it to the messenger.
func (m *Manager) messageWorker() {
// Counter to keep track of the message / sec rate limit.
numMsg := 0
for {
select {
// Campaign message.
case msg, ok := <-m.campMsgQueue:
if !ok {
// Pause on hitting the message rate.
if numMsg >= m.cfg.MessageRate {
numMsg = 0
// Outgoing message.
out := messenger.Message{
From: msg.from,
To: []string{msg.to},
Subject: msg.subject,
ContentType: msg.Campaign.ContentType,
Body: msg.body,
Subscriber: msg.Subscriber,
Campaign: msg.Campaign,
// Attach List-Unsubscribe headers?
if m.cfg.UnsubHeader {
h := textproto.MIMEHeader{}
h.Set("List-Unsubscribe-Post", "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click")
h.Set("List-Unsubscribe", `<`+msg.unsubURL+`>`)
out.Headers = h
if err := m.messengers[msg.Campaign.Messenger].Push(out); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error sending message in campaign %s: subscriber %s: %v",
msg.Campaign.Name, msg.Subscriber.UUID, err)
select {
case m.campMsgErrorQueue <- msgError{camp: msg.Campaign, err: err}:
// Arbitrary message.
case msg, ok := <-m.msgQueue:
if !ok {
err := m.messengers[msg.Messenger].Push(messenger.Message{
From: msg.From,
To: msg.To,
Subject: msg.Subject,
ContentType: msg.ContentType,
Body: msg.Body,
Subscriber: msg.Subscriber,
Campaign: msg.Campaign,
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error sending message '%s': %v", msg.Subject, err)
// TemplateFuncs returns the template functions to be applied into
// compiled campaign templates.
func (m *Manager) TemplateFuncs(c *models.Campaign) template.FuncMap {
return template.FuncMap{
"TrackLink": func(url string, msg *CampaignMessage) string {
subUUID := msg.Subscriber.UUID
if !m.cfg.IndividualTracking {
subUUID = dummyUUID
return m.trackLink(url, msg.Campaign.UUID, subUUID)
"TrackView": func(msg *CampaignMessage) template.HTML {
subUUID := msg.Subscriber.UUID
if !m.cfg.IndividualTracking {
subUUID = dummyUUID
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<img src="%s" alt="" />`,
fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.ViewTrackURL, msg.Campaign.UUID, subUUID)))
"UnsubscribeURL": func(msg *CampaignMessage) string {
return msg.unsubURL
"OptinURL": func(msg *CampaignMessage) string {
// Add list IDs.
// TODO: Show private lists list on optin e-mail
return fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.OptinURL, msg.Subscriber.UUID, "")
"MessageURL": func(msg *CampaignMessage) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.MessageURL, c.UUID, msg.Subscriber.UUID)
"Date": func(layout string) string {
if layout == "" {
layout = time.ANSIC
return time.Now().Format(layout)
// Close closes and exits the campaign manager.
func (m *Manager) Close() {
// scanCampaigns is a blocking function that periodically scans the data source
// for campaigns to process and dispatches them to the manager.
func (m *Manager) scanCampaigns(tick time.Duration) {
t := time.NewTicker(tick)
for {
select {
// Periodically scan the data source for campaigns to process.
case <-t.C:
campaigns, err := m.src.NextCampaigns(m.getPendingCampaignIDs())
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error fetching campaigns: %v", err)
for _, c := range campaigns {
if err := m.addCampaign(c); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error processing campaign (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
m.logger.Printf("start processing campaign (%s)", c.Name)
// If subscriber processing is busy, move on. Blocking and waiting
// can end up in a race condition where the waiting campaign's
// state in the data source has changed.
select {
case m.subFetchQueue <- c:
// Aggregate errors from sending messages to check against the error threshold
// after which a campaign is paused.
case e, ok := <-m.campMsgErrorQueue:
if !ok {
if m.cfg.MaxSendErrors < 1 {
// If the error threshold is met, pause the campaign.
if m.campMsgErrorCounts[e.camp.ID] >= m.cfg.MaxSendErrors {
m.logger.Printf("error counted exceeded %d. pausing campaign %s",
m.cfg.MaxSendErrors, e.camp.Name)
if m.isCampaignProcessing(e.camp.ID) {
m.exhaustCampaign(e.camp, models.CampaignStatusPaused)
delete(m.campMsgErrorCounts, e.camp.ID)
// Notify admins.
m.sendNotif(e.camp, models.CampaignStatusPaused, "Too many errors")
// addCampaign adds a campaign to the process queue.
func (m *Manager) addCampaign(c *models.Campaign) error {
// Validate messenger.
if _, ok := m.messengers[c.Messenger]; !ok {
m.src.UpdateCampaignStatus(c.ID, models.CampaignStatusCancelled)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown messenger %s on campaign %s", c.Messenger, c.Name)
// Load the template.
if err := c.CompileTemplate(m.TemplateFuncs(c)); err != nil {
return err
// Add the campaign to the active map.
m.camps[c.ID] = c
return nil
// getPendingCampaignIDs returns the IDs of campaigns currently being processed.
func (m *Manager) getPendingCampaignIDs() []int64 {
// Needs to return an empty slice in case there are no campaigns.
ids := make([]int64, 0, len(m.camps))
for _, c := range m.camps {
ids = append(ids, int64(c.ID))
return ids
// nextSubscribers processes the next batch of subscribers in a given campaign.
// If returns a bool indicating whether there any subscribers were processed
// in the current batch or not. This can happen when all the subscribers
// have been processed, or if a campaign has been paused or cancelled abruptly.
func (m *Manager) nextSubscribers(c *models.Campaign, batchSize int) (bool, error) {
// Fetch a batch of subscribers.
subs, err := m.src.NextSubscribers(c.ID, batchSize)
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("error fetching campaign subscribers (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
// There are no subscribers.
if len(subs) == 0 {
return false, nil
// Push messages.
for _, s := range subs {
msg := m.NewCampaignMessage(c, s)
if err := msg.Render(); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error rendering message (%s) (%s): %v", c.Name, s.Email, err)
// Push the message to the queue while blocking and waiting until
// the queue is drained.
m.campMsgQueue <- msg
return true, nil
// isCampaignProcessing checks if the campaign is bing processed.
func (m *Manager) isCampaignProcessing(id int) bool {
_, ok := m.camps[id]
return ok
func (m *Manager) exhaustCampaign(c *models.Campaign, status string) (*models.Campaign, error) {
delete(m.camps, c.ID)
// A status has been passed. Change the campaign's status
// without further checks.
if status != "" {
if err := m.src.UpdateCampaignStatus(c.ID, status); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error updating campaign (%s) status to %s: %v", c.Name, status, err)
} else {
m.logger.Printf("set campaign (%s) to %s", c.Name, status)
return c, nil
// Fetch the up-to-date campaign status from the source.
cm, err := m.src.GetCampaign(c.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If a running campaign has exhausted subscribers, it's finished.
if cm.Status == models.CampaignStatusRunning {
cm.Status = models.CampaignStatusFinished
if err := m.src.UpdateCampaignStatus(c.ID, models.CampaignStatusFinished); err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error finishing campaign (%s): %v", c.Name, err)
} else {
m.logger.Printf("campaign (%s) finished", c.Name)
} else {
m.logger.Printf("stop processing campaign (%s)", c.Name)
return cm, nil
// trackLink register a URL and return its UUID to be used in message templates
// for tracking links.
func (m *Manager) trackLink(url, campUUID, subUUID string) string {
if uu, ok := m.links[url]; ok {
return fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.LinkTrackURL, uu, campUUID, subUUID)
// Register link.
uu, err := m.src.CreateLink(url)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Printf("error registering tracking for link '%s': %v", url, err)
// If the registration fails, fail over to the original URL.
return url
m.links[url] = uu
return fmt.Sprintf(m.cfg.LinkTrackURL, uu, campUUID, subUUID)
// sendNotif sends a notification to registered admin e-mails.
func (m *Manager) sendNotif(c *models.Campaign, status, reason string) error {
var (
subject = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", strings.Title(status), c.Name)
data = map[string]interface{}{
"ID": c.ID,
"Name": c.Name,
"Status": status,
"Sent": c.Sent,
"ToSend": c.ToSend,
"Reason": reason,
return m.notifCB(subject, data)
// Render takes a Message, executes its pre-compiled Campaign.Tpl
// and applies the resultant bytes to Message.body to be used in messages.
func (m *CampaignMessage) Render() error {
out := bytes.Buffer{}
// Render the subject if it's a template.
if m.Campaign.SubjectTpl != nil {
if err := m.Campaign.SubjectTpl.ExecuteTemplate(&out, models.ContentTpl, m); err != nil {
return err
m.subject = out.String()
if err := m.Campaign.Tpl.ExecuteTemplate(&out, models.BaseTpl, m); err != nil {
return err
m.body = out.Bytes()
return nil
// Subject returns a copy of the message subject
func (m *CampaignMessage) Subject() string {
return m.subject
// Body returns a copy of the message body.
func (m *CampaignMessage) Body() []byte {
out := make([]byte, len(m.body))
copy(out, m.body)
return out