mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 17:53:22 +08:00
This was originally authored by @stevesavanna in #707. This commit contains changes and refactors that could not be pushed to the original PR. Changes from #707 - Don't ignore bounce mails missing campaign / subscriber UUIDs. The original behaviour falls back to looking up subscribers by e-mail. - Refactor repetetive header.get + regexp conditions per header into a simpler lookup map. - Trim e-mail header values of `\r`. Closes #707, #763 Co-authored-by: stevesavanna <steven@savannacorp.com>
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548 lines
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package models
import (
null "gopkg.in/volatiletech/null.v6"
// Enum values for various statuses.
const (
// Subscriber.
SubscriberStatusEnabled = "enabled"
SubscriberStatusDisabled = "disabled"
SubscriberStatusBlockListed = "blocklisted"
// Subscription.
SubscriptionStatusUnconfirmed = "unconfirmed"
SubscriptionStatusConfirmed = "confirmed"
SubscriptionStatusUnsubscribed = "unsubscribed"
// Campaign.
CampaignStatusDraft = "draft"
CampaignStatusScheduled = "scheduled"
CampaignStatusRunning = "running"
CampaignStatusPaused = "paused"
CampaignStatusFinished = "finished"
CampaignStatusCancelled = "cancelled"
CampaignTypeRegular = "regular"
CampaignTypeOptin = "optin"
CampaignContentTypeRichtext = "richtext"
CampaignContentTypeHTML = "html"
CampaignContentTypeMarkdown = "markdown"
CampaignContentTypePlain = "plain"
// List.
ListTypePrivate = "private"
ListTypePublic = "public"
ListOptinSingle = "single"
ListOptinDouble = "double"
// User.
UserTypeSuperadmin = "superadmin"
UserTypeUser = "user"
UserStatusEnabled = "enabled"
UserStatusDisabled = "disabled"
// BaseTpl is the name of the base template.
BaseTpl = "base"
// ContentTpl is the name of the compiled message.
ContentTpl = "content"
// Headers attached to e-mails for bounce tracking.
EmailHeaderSubscriberUUID = "X-Listmonk-Subscriber"
EmailHeaderCampaignUUID = "X-Listmonk-Campaign"
// Standard e-mail headers.
EmailHeaderDate = "Date"
EmailHeaderFrom = "From"
EmailHeaderSubject = "Subject"
EmailHeaderMessageId = "Message-Id"
EmailHeaderDeliveredTo = "Delivered-To"
EmailHeaderReceived = "Received"
BounceTypeHard = "hard"
BounceTypeSoft = "soft"
// Headers represents an array of string maps used to represent SMTP, HTTP headers etc.
// similar to url.Values{}
type Headers []map[string]string
// regTplFunc represents contains a regular expression for wrapping and
// substituting a Go template function from the user's shorthand to a full
// function call.
type regTplFunc struct {
regExp *regexp.Regexp
replace string
var regTplFuncs = []regTplFunc{
// Regular expression for matching {{ TrackLink "http://link.com" }} in the template
// and substituting it with {{ Track "http://link.com" . }} (the dot context)
// before compilation. This is to make linking easier for users.
regExp: regexp.MustCompile("{{(\\s+)?TrackLink(\\s+)?(.+?)(\\s+)?}}"),
replace: `{{ TrackLink $3 . }}`,
// Convert the shorthand https://google.com@TrackLink to {{ TrackLink ... }}.
// This is for WYSIWYG editors that encode and break quotes {{ "" }} when inserted
// inside <a href="{{ TrackLink "https://these-quotes-break" }}>.
regExp: regexp.MustCompile(`(https?://.+?)@TrackLink`),
replace: `{{ TrackLink "$1" . }}`,
regExp: regexp.MustCompile(`{{(\s+)?(TrackView|UnsubscribeURL|OptinURL|MessageURL)(\s+)?}}`),
replace: `{{ $2 . }}`,
// AdminNotifCallback is a callback function that's called
// when a campaign's status changes.
type AdminNotifCallback func(subject string, data interface{}) error
// Base holds common fields shared across models.
type Base struct {
ID int `db:"id" json:"id"`
CreatedAt null.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt null.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"`
// User represents an admin user.
type User struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Password string `json:"-"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Status string `json:"status"`
// Subscriber represents an e-mail subscriber.
type Subscriber struct {
UUID string `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
Email string `db:"email" json:"email" form:"email"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name" form:"name"`
Attribs SubscriberAttribs `db:"attribs" json:"attribs"`
Status string `db:"status" json:"status"`
Lists types.JSONText `db:"lists" json:"lists"`
type subLists struct {
SubscriberID int `db:"subscriber_id"`
Lists types.JSONText `db:"lists"`
// SubscriberAttribs is the map of key:value attributes of a subscriber.
type SubscriberAttribs map[string]interface{}
// StringIntMap is used to define DB Scan()s.
type StringIntMap map[string]int
// Subscribers represents a slice of Subscriber.
type Subscribers []Subscriber
// SubscriberExport represents a subscriber record that is exported to raw data.
type SubscriberExport struct {
UUID string `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
Email string `db:"email" json:"email"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
Attribs string `db:"attribs" json:"attribs"`
Status string `db:"status" json:"status"`
// List represents a mailing list.
type List struct {
UUID string `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
Type string `db:"type" json:"type"`
Optin string `db:"optin" json:"optin"`
Tags pq.StringArray `db:"tags" json:"tags"`
SubscriberCount int `db:"-" json:"subscriber_count"`
SubscriberCounts StringIntMap `db:"subscriber_statuses" json:"subscriber_statuses"`
SubscriberID int `db:"subscriber_id" json:"-"`
// This is only relevant when querying the lists of a subscriber.
SubscriptionStatus string `db:"subscription_status" json:"subscription_status,omitempty"`
// Pseudofield for getting the total number of subscribers
// in searches and queries.
Total int `db:"total" json:"-"`
// Campaign represents an e-mail campaign.
type Campaign struct {
UUID string `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
Type string `db:"type" json:"type"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
Subject string `db:"subject" json:"subject"`
FromEmail string `db:"from_email" json:"from_email"`
Body string `db:"body" json:"body"`
AltBody null.String `db:"altbody" json:"altbody"`
SendAt null.Time `db:"send_at" json:"send_at"`
Status string `db:"status" json:"status"`
ContentType string `db:"content_type" json:"content_type"`
Tags pq.StringArray `db:"tags" json:"tags"`
Headers Headers `db:"headers" json:"headers"`
TemplateID int `db:"template_id" json:"template_id"`
Messenger string `db:"messenger" json:"messenger"`
// TemplateBody is joined in from templates by the next-campaigns query.
TemplateBody string `db:"template_body" json:"-"`
Tpl *template.Template `json:"-"`
SubjectTpl *template.Template `json:"-"`
AltBodyTpl *template.Template `json:"-"`
// Pseudofield for getting the total number of subscribers
// in searches and queries.
Total int `db:"total" json:"-"`
// CampaignMeta contains fields tracking a campaign's progress.
type CampaignMeta struct {
CampaignID int `db:"campaign_id" json:"-"`
Views int `db:"views" json:"views"`
Clicks int `db:"clicks" json:"clicks"`
Bounces int `db:"bounces" json:"bounces"`
// This is a list of {list_id, name} pairs unlike Subscriber.Lists[]
// because lists can be deleted after a campaign is finished, resulting
// in null lists data to be returned. For that reason, campaign_lists maintains
// campaign-list associations with a historical record of id + name that persist
// even after a list is deleted.
Lists types.JSONText `db:"lists" json:"lists"`
StartedAt null.Time `db:"started_at" json:"started_at"`
ToSend int `db:"to_send" json:"to_send"`
Sent int `db:"sent" json:"sent"`
// Campaigns represents a slice of Campaigns.
type Campaigns []Campaign
// Template represents a reusable e-mail template.
type Template struct {
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
Body string `db:"body" json:"body,omitempty"`
IsDefault bool `db:"is_default" json:"is_default"`
// Bounce represents a single bounce event.
type Bounce struct {
ID int `db:"id" json:"id"`
Type string `db:"type" json:"type"`
Source string `db:"source" json:"source"`
Meta json.RawMessage `db:"meta" json:"meta"`
CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"`
// One of these should be provided.
Email string `db:"email" json:"email,omitempty"`
SubscriberUUID string `db:"subscriber_uuid" json:"subscriber_uuid,omitempty"`
SubscriberID int `db:"subscriber_id" json:"subscriber_id,omitempty"`
CampaignUUID string `db:"campaign_uuid" json:"campaign_uuid,omitempty"`
Campaign *json.RawMessage `db:"campaign" json:"campaign"`
// Pseudofield for getting the total number of bounces
// in searches and queries.
Total int `db:"total" json:"-"`
// markdown is a global instance of Markdown parser and renderer.
var markdown = goldmark.New(
// GetIDs returns the list of subscriber IDs.
func (subs Subscribers) GetIDs() []int {
IDs := make([]int, len(subs))
for i, c := range subs {
IDs[i] = c.ID
return IDs
// LoadLists lazy loads the lists for all the subscribers
// in the Subscribers slice and attaches them to their []Lists property.
func (subs Subscribers) LoadLists(stmt *sqlx.Stmt) error {
var sl []subLists
err := stmt.Select(&sl, pq.Array(subs.GetIDs()))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(subs) != len(sl) {
return errors.New("campaign stats count does not match")
for i, s := range sl {
if s.SubscriberID == subs[i].ID {
subs[i].Lists = s.Lists
return nil
// Value returns the JSON marshalled SubscriberAttribs.
func (s SubscriberAttribs) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return json.Marshal(s)
// Scan unmarshals JSONB from the DB.
func (s SubscriberAttribs) Scan(src interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
s = make(SubscriberAttribs)
return nil
if data, ok := src.([]byte); ok {
return json.Unmarshal(data, &s)
return fmt.Errorf("could not not decode type %T -> %T", src, s)
// Scan unmarshals JSONB from the DB.
func (s StringIntMap) Scan(src interface{}) error {
if src == nil {
s = make(StringIntMap)
return nil
if data, ok := src.([]byte); ok {
return json.Unmarshal(data, &s)
return fmt.Errorf("could not not decode type %T -> %T", src, s)
// GetIDs returns the list of campaign IDs.
func (camps Campaigns) GetIDs() []int {
IDs := make([]int, len(camps))
for i, c := range camps {
IDs[i] = c.ID
return IDs
// LoadStats lazy loads campaign stats onto a list of campaigns.
func (camps Campaigns) LoadStats(stmt *sqlx.Stmt) error {
var meta []CampaignMeta
if err := stmt.Select(&meta, pq.Array(camps.GetIDs())); err != nil {
return err
if len(camps) != len(meta) {
return errors.New("campaign stats count does not match")
for i, c := range meta {
if c.CampaignID == camps[i].ID {
camps[i].Lists = c.Lists
camps[i].Views = c.Views
camps[i].Clicks = c.Clicks
camps[i].Bounces = c.Bounces
return nil
// CompileTemplate compiles a campaign body template into its base
// template and sets the resultant template to Campaign.Tpl.
func (c *Campaign) CompileTemplate(f template.FuncMap) error {
// Compile the base template.
body := c.TemplateBody
for _, r := range regTplFuncs {
body = r.regExp.ReplaceAllString(body, r.replace)
baseTPL, err := template.New(BaseTpl).Funcs(f).Parse(body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error compiling base template: %v", err)
// If the format is markdown, convert Markdown to HTML.
if c.ContentType == CampaignContentTypeMarkdown {
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := markdown.Convert([]byte(c.Body), &b); err != nil {
return err
body = b.String()
} else {
body = c.Body
// Compile the campaign message.
for _, r := range regTplFuncs {
body = r.regExp.ReplaceAllString(body, r.replace)
msgTpl, err := template.New(ContentTpl).Funcs(f).Parse(body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error compiling message: %v", err)
out, err := baseTPL.AddParseTree(ContentTpl, msgTpl.Tree)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error inserting child template: %v", err)
c.Tpl = out
// If the subject line has a template string, compile it.
if strings.Contains(c.Subject, "{{") {
subj := c.Subject
for _, r := range regTplFuncs {
subj = r.regExp.ReplaceAllString(subj, r.replace)
subjTpl, err := template.New(ContentTpl).Funcs(f).Parse(subj)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error compiling subject: %v", err)
c.SubjectTpl = subjTpl
if strings.Contains(c.AltBody.String, "{{") {
b := c.AltBody.String
for _, r := range regTplFuncs {
b = r.regExp.ReplaceAllString(b, r.replace)
bTpl, err := template.New(ContentTpl).Funcs(f).Parse(b)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error compiling alt plaintext message: %v", err)
c.AltBodyTpl = bTpl
return nil
// ConvertContent converts a campaign's body from one format to another,
// for example, Markdown to HTML.
func (c *Campaign) ConvertContent(from, to string) (string, error) {
body := c.Body
for _, r := range regTplFuncs {
body = r.regExp.ReplaceAllString(body, r.replace)
// If the format is markdown, convert Markdown to HTML.
var out string
if from == CampaignContentTypeMarkdown &&
(to == CampaignContentTypeHTML || to == CampaignContentTypeRichtext) {
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := markdown.Convert([]byte(c.Body), &b); err != nil {
return out, err
out = b.String()
} else {
return out, errors.New("unknown formats to convert")
return out, nil
// FirstName splits the name by spaces and returns the first chunk
// of the name that's greater than 2 characters in length, assuming
// that it is the subscriber's first name.
func (s Subscriber) FirstName() string {
for _, s := range strings.Split(s.Name, " ") {
if len(s) > 2 {
return s
return s.Name
// LastName splits the name by spaces and returns the last chunk
// of the name that's greater than 2 characters in length, assuming
// that it is the subscriber's last name.
func (s Subscriber) LastName() string {
chunks := strings.Split(s.Name, " ")
for i := len(chunks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
chunk := chunks[i]
if len(chunk) > 2 {
return chunk
return s.Name
// Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface.
func (h *Headers) Scan(src interface{}) error {
var b []byte
switch src := src.(type) {
case []byte:
b = src
case string:
b = []byte(src)
case nil:
return nil
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, h); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Value implements the driver.Valuer interface.
func (h Headers) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
if h == nil {
return nil, nil
if n := len(h); n > 0 {
b, err := json.Marshal(h)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
return "[]", nil