Konrad Mohrfeldt 89bfe74f50 use make’s dependency handling to speed-up rebuilds
make allows us to run build targets based on dependencies and will only
execute targets if the dependencies have changed. This drastically
speeds up rebuilds if some targets have already been executed and
are still up to date.
2021-06-26 21:10:08 +02:00

83 lines
2.4 KiB

LAST_COMMIT := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
BUILDSTR := ${VERSION} (\#${LAST_COMMIT} $(shell date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"))
YARN ?= yarn
GOPATH ?= $(HOME)/go
STUFFBIN ?= $(GOPATH)/bin/stuffbin
FRONTEND_YARN_MODULES = frontend/node_modules
FRONTEND_DIST = frontend/dist
frontend/package.json \
frontend/vue.config.js \
frontend/babel.config.js \
$(shell find frontend/fontello frontend/public frontend/src -type f)
BIN := listmonk
STATIC := config.toml.sample \
schema.sql queries.sql \
static/public:/public \
static/email-templates \
frontend/dist/favicon.png:/frontend/favicon.png \
frontend/dist/frontend:/frontend \
.PHONY: build
build: $(BIN)
go get -u
$(FRONTEND_YARN_MODULES): frontend/package.json frontend/yarn.lock
cd frontend && $(YARN) install
touch --no-create $(FRONTEND_YARN_MODULES)
# Build the backend to ./listmonk.
$(BIN): $(shell find cmd -type f -name "*.go")
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ${BIN} -ldflags="-s -w -X 'main.buildString=${BUILDSTR}' -X 'main.versionString=${VERSION}'" cmd/*.go
# Run the backend.
.PHONY: run
run: $(BIN)
# Build the JS frontend into frontend/dist.
export VUE_APP_VERSION="${VERSION}" && cd frontend && $(YARN) build
touch --no-create $(FRONTEND_DIST)
.PHONY: build-frontend
build-frontend: $(FRONTEND_DIST)
# Run the JS frontend server in dev mode.
.PHONY: run-frontend
export VUE_APP_VERSION="${VERSION}" && cd frontend && $(YARN) serve
# Run Go tests.
.PHONY: test
go test ./...
# Bundle all static assets including the JS frontend into the ./listmonk binary
# using stuffbin (installed with make deps).
.PHONY: dist
dist: $(STUFFBIN) build build-frontend
$(STUFFBIN) -a stuff -in ${BIN} -out ${BIN} ${STATIC}
# pack-releases runns stuffbin packing on the given binary. This is used
# in the .goreleaser post-build hook.
.PHONY: pack-bin
pack-bin: $(STUFFBIN)
$(STUFFBIN) -a stuff -in ${BIN} -out ${BIN} ${STATIC}
# Use goreleaser to do a dry run producing local builds.
.PHONY: release-dry
goreleaser --parallelism 1 --rm-dist --snapshot --skip-validate --skip-publish
# Use goreleaser to build production releases and publish them.
.PHONY: release
goreleaser --parallelism 1 --rm-dist --skip-validate