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synced 2025-03-03 17:53:22 +08:00
This commit removes the Go html2text lib that would automatically convert all HTML messages to plaintext and add them as the alt text body to outgoing e-mails. This lib also had memory leak issues with certain kinds of HTML templates. A new UI field for optionally adding an alt plaintext body to a campaign is added. On enabling, it converts the HTML message in the campaign editor into plaintext (using the textversionjs lib). This introduces breaking changes in the campaigns table schema, model, and template compilation.
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385 lines
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package models
import (
null "gopkg.in/volatiletech/null.v6"
// Enum values for various statuses.
const (
// Subscriber.
SubscriberStatusEnabled = "enabled"
SubscriberStatusDisabled = "disabled"
SubscriberStatusBlockListed = "blocklisted"
// Subscription.
SubscriptionStatusUnconfirmed = "unconfirmed"
SubscriptionStatusConfirmed = "confirmed"
SubscriptionStatusUnsubscribed = "unsubscribed"
// Campaign.
CampaignStatusDraft = "draft"
CampaignStatusScheduled = "scheduled"
CampaignStatusRunning = "running"
CampaignStatusPaused = "paused"
CampaignStatusFinished = "finished"
CampaignStatusCancelled = "cancelled"
CampaignTypeRegular = "regular"
CampaignTypeOptin = "optin"
CampaignContentTypeRichtext = "richtext"
CampaignContentTypeHTML = "html"
CampaignContentTypePlain = "plain"
// List.
ListTypePrivate = "private"
ListTypePublic = "public"
ListOptinSingle = "single"
ListOptinDouble = "double"
// User.
UserTypeSuperadmin = "superadmin"
UserTypeUser = "user"
UserStatusEnabled = "enabled"
UserStatusDisabled = "disabled"
// BaseTpl is the name of the base template.
BaseTpl = "base"
// ContentTpl is the name of the compiled message.
ContentTpl = "content"
// regTplFunc represents contains a regular expression for wrapping and
// substituting a Go template function from the user's shorthand to a full
// function call.
type regTplFunc struct {
regExp *regexp.Regexp
replace string
// Regular expression for matching {{ Track "http://link.com" }} in the template
// and substituting it with {{ Track "http://link.com" .Campaign.UUID .Subscriber.UUID }}
// before compilation. This string gimmick is to make linking easier for users.
var regTplFuncs = []regTplFunc{
regExp: regexp.MustCompile("{{(\\s+)?TrackLink\\s+?(\"|`)(.+?)(\"|`)(\\s+)?}}"),
replace: `{{ TrackLink "$3" . }}`,
regExp: regexp.MustCompile(`{{(\s+)?(TrackView|UnsubscribeURL|OptinURL|MessageURL)(\s+)?}}`),
replace: `{{ $2 . }}`,
// AdminNotifCallback is a callback function that's called
// when a campaign's status changes.
type AdminNotifCallback func(subject string, data interface{}) error
// Base holds common fields shared across models.
type Base struct {
ID int `db:"id" json:"id"`
CreatedAt null.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt null.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"`
// User represents an admin user.
type User struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Password string `json:"-"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Status string `json:"status"`
// Subscriber represents an e-mail subscriber.
type Subscriber struct {
UUID string `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
Email string `db:"email" json:"email"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
Attribs SubscriberAttribs `db:"attribs" json:"attribs"`
Status string `db:"status" json:"status"`
CampaignIDs pq.Int64Array `db:"campaigns" json:"-"`
Lists types.JSONText `db:"lists" json:"lists"`
// Pseudofield for getting the total number of subscribers
// in searches and queries.
Total int `db:"total" json:"-"`
type subLists struct {
SubscriberID int `db:"subscriber_id"`
Lists types.JSONText `db:"lists"`
// SubscriberAttribs is the map of key:value attributes of a subscriber.
type SubscriberAttribs map[string]interface{}
// Subscribers represents a slice of Subscriber.
type Subscribers []Subscriber
// SubscriberExport represents a subscriber record that is exported to raw data.
type SubscriberExport struct {
UUID string `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
Email string `db:"email" json:"email"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
Attribs string `db:"attribs" json:"attribs"`
Status string `db:"status" json:"status"`
// List represents a mailing list.
type List struct {
UUID string `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
Type string `db:"type" json:"type"`
Optin string `db:"optin" json:"optin"`
Tags pq.StringArray `db:"tags" json:"tags"`
SubscriberCount int `db:"subscriber_count" json:"subscriber_count"`
SubscriberID int `db:"subscriber_id" json:"-"`
// This is only relevant when querying the lists of a subscriber.
SubscriptionStatus string `db:"subscription_status" json:"subscription_status,omitempty"`
// Pseudofield for getting the total number of subscribers
// in searches and queries.
Total int `db:"total" json:"-"`
// Campaign represents an e-mail campaign.
type Campaign struct {
UUID string `db:"uuid" json:"uuid"`
Type string `db:"type" json:"type"`
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
Subject string `db:"subject" json:"subject"`
FromEmail string `db:"from_email" json:"from_email"`
Body string `db:"body" json:"body"`
AltBody null.String `db:"altbody" json:"altbody"`
SendAt null.Time `db:"send_at" json:"send_at"`
Status string `db:"status" json:"status"`
ContentType string `db:"content_type" json:"content_type"`
Tags pq.StringArray `db:"tags" json:"tags"`
TemplateID int `db:"template_id" json:"template_id"`
Messenger string `db:"messenger" json:"messenger"`
// TemplateBody is joined in from templates by the next-campaigns query.
TemplateBody string `db:"template_body" json:"-"`
Tpl *template.Template `json:"-"`
SubjectTpl *template.Template `json:"-"`
AltBodyTpl *template.Template `json:"-"`
// Pseudofield for getting the total number of subscribers
// in searches and queries.
Total int `db:"total" json:"-"`
// CampaignMeta contains fields tracking a campaign's progress.
type CampaignMeta struct {
CampaignID int `db:"campaign_id" json:"-"`
Views int `db:"views" json:"views"`
Clicks int `db:"clicks" json:"clicks"`
// This is a list of {list_id, name} pairs unlike Subscriber.Lists[]
// because lists can be deleted after a campaign is finished, resulting
// in null lists data to be returned. For that reason, campaign_lists maintains
// campaign-list associations with a historical record of id + name that persist
// even after a list is deleted.
Lists types.JSONText `db:"lists" json:"lists"`
StartedAt null.Time `db:"started_at" json:"started_at"`
ToSend int `db:"to_send" json:"to_send"`
Sent int `db:"sent" json:"sent"`
// Campaigns represents a slice of Campaigns.
type Campaigns []Campaign
// Template represents a reusable e-mail template.
type Template struct {
Name string `db:"name" json:"name"`
Body string `db:"body" json:"body,omitempty"`
IsDefault bool `db:"is_default" json:"is_default"`
// GetIDs returns the list of subscriber IDs.
func (subs Subscribers) GetIDs() []int {
IDs := make([]int, len(subs))
for i, c := range subs {
IDs[i] = c.ID
return IDs
// LoadLists lazy loads the lists for all the subscribers
// in the Subscribers slice and attaches them to their []Lists property.
func (subs Subscribers) LoadLists(stmt *sqlx.Stmt) error {
var sl []subLists
err := stmt.Select(&sl, pq.Array(subs.GetIDs()))
if err != nil {
return err
if len(subs) != len(sl) {
return errors.New("campaign stats count does not match")
for i, s := range sl {
if s.SubscriberID == subs[i].ID {
subs[i].Lists = s.Lists
return nil
// Value returns the JSON marshalled SubscriberAttribs.
func (s SubscriberAttribs) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return json.Marshal(s)
// Scan unmarshals JSON into SubscriberAttribs.
func (s SubscriberAttribs) Scan(src interface{}) error {
if data, ok := src.([]byte); ok {
return json.Unmarshal(data, &s)
return fmt.Errorf("Could not not decode type %T -> %T", src, s)
// GetIDs returns the list of campaign IDs.
func (camps Campaigns) GetIDs() []int {
IDs := make([]int, len(camps))
for i, c := range camps {
IDs[i] = c.ID
return IDs
// LoadStats lazy loads campaign stats onto a list of campaigns.
func (camps Campaigns) LoadStats(stmt *sqlx.Stmt) error {
var meta []CampaignMeta
if err := stmt.Select(&meta, pq.Array(camps.GetIDs())); err != nil {
return err
if len(camps) != len(meta) {
return errors.New("campaign stats count does not match")
for i, c := range meta {
if c.CampaignID == camps[i].ID {
camps[i].Lists = c.Lists
camps[i].Views = c.Views
camps[i].Clicks = c.Clicks
return nil
// CompileTemplate compiles a campaign body template into its base
// template and sets the resultant template to Campaign.Tpl.
func (c *Campaign) CompileTemplate(f template.FuncMap) error {
// Compile the base template.
body := c.TemplateBody
for _, r := range regTplFuncs {
body = r.regExp.ReplaceAllString(body, r.replace)
baseTPL, err := template.New(BaseTpl).Funcs(f).Parse(body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error compiling base template: %v", err)
// Compile the campaign message.
body = c.Body
for _, r := range regTplFuncs {
body = r.regExp.ReplaceAllString(body, r.replace)
msgTpl, err := template.New(ContentTpl).Funcs(f).Parse(body)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error compiling message: %v", err)
out, err := baseTPL.AddParseTree(ContentTpl, msgTpl.Tree)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error inserting child template: %v", err)
c.Tpl = out
// If the subject line has a template string, compile it.
if strings.Contains(c.Subject, "{{") {
subj := c.Subject
for _, r := range regTplFuncs {
subj = r.regExp.ReplaceAllString(subj, r.replace)
subjTpl, err := template.New(ContentTpl).Funcs(f).Parse(subj)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error compiling subject: %v", err)
c.SubjectTpl = subjTpl
if strings.Contains(c.AltBody.String, "{{") {
b := c.AltBody.String
for _, r := range regTplFuncs {
b = r.regExp.ReplaceAllString(b, r.replace)
bTpl, err := template.New(ContentTpl).Funcs(f).Parse(b)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error compiling alt plaintext message: %v", err)
c.AltBodyTpl = bTpl
return nil
// FirstName splits the name by spaces and returns the first chunk
// of the name that's greater than 2 characters in length, assuming
// that it is the subscriber's first name.
func (s Subscriber) FirstName() string {
for _, s := range strings.Split(s.Name, " ") {
if len(s) > 2 {
return s
return s.Name
// LastName splits the name by spaces and returns the last chunk
// of the name that's greater than 2 characters in length, assuming
// that it is the subscriber's last name.
func (s Subscriber) LastName() string {
chunks := strings.Split(s.Name, " ")
for i := len(chunks) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
chunk := chunks[i]
if len(chunk) > 2 {
return chunk
return s.Name