Kailash Nadh 82735bba69 Refactor behaviour of loading static files from disk vs. embedding.

- Introduce `main.appDir` and `main.fronendDir` Go compile-time flags
  to hardcode custom paths for loading frontend assets
  (frontend/dist/frontend in the repo after build) and app assets
  (queries.sql, schema.sql, config.toml.sample) in environments where
  embedding files in the binary is not feasible.
  These default to CWD unless explicitly set during compilation.

- Fix the Vue favicon path oddity by copying the icon into the built
  frontend dir in the `make-frontend` step.
2021-07-11 10:46:45 +05:30

224 lines
5.9 KiB

package main
import (
_ "embed"
const (
emailMsgr = "email"
// App contains the "global" components that are
// passed around, especially through HTTP handlers.
type App struct {
fs stuffbin.FileSystem
db *sqlx.DB
queries *Queries
constants *constants
manager *manager.Manager
importer *subimporter.Importer
messengers map[string]messenger.Messenger
media media.Store
i18n *i18n.I18n
notifTpls *template.Template
log *log.Logger
bufLog *buflog.BufLog
// Channel for passing reload signals.
sigChan chan os.Signal
// Global variable that stores the state indicating that a restart is required
// after a settings update.
needsRestart bool
// Global state that stores data on an available remote update.
update *AppUpdate
var (
// Buffered log writer for storing N lines of log entries for the UI.
bufLog = buflog.New(5000)
lo = log.New(io.MultiWriter(os.Stdout, bufLog), "",
ko = koanf.New(".")
fs stuffbin.FileSystem
db *sqlx.DB
queries *Queries
// Compile-time variables.
buildString string
versionString string
// If these are set in build ldflags and static assets (*.sql, config.toml.sample. ./frontend)
// are not embedded (in make dist), these paths are looked up. The default values before, when not
// overridden by build flags, are relative to the CWD at runtime.
appDir string = "."
frontendDir string = "frontend"
func init() {
// Display version.
if ko.Bool("version") {
// Generate new config.
if ko.Bool("new-config") {
path := ko.Strings("config")[0]
if err := newConfigFile(path); err != nil {
lo.Printf("generated %s. Edit and run --install", path)
// Load config files to pick up the database settings first.
initConfigFiles(ko.Strings("config"), ko)
// Load environment variables and merge into the loaded config.
if err := ko.Load(env.Provider("LISTMONK_", ".", func(s string) string {
return strings.Replace(strings.ToLower(
strings.TrimPrefix(s, "LISTMONK_")), "__", ".", -1)
}), nil); err != nil {
lo.Fatalf("error loading config from env: %v", err)
// Connect to the database, load the filesystem to read SQL queries.
db = initDB()
fs = initFS(appDir, frontendDir, ko.String("static-dir"), ko.String("i18n-dir"))
// Installer mode? This runs before the SQL queries are loaded and prepared
// as the installer needs to work on an empty DB.
if ko.Bool("install") {
// Save the version of the last listed migration.
install(migList[len(migList)-1].version, db, fs, !ko.Bool("yes"))
// Check if the DB schema is installed.
if ok, err := checkSchema(db); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error checking schema in DB: %v", err)
} else if !ok {
lo.Fatal("the database does not appear to be setup. Run --install.")
if ko.Bool("upgrade") {
upgrade(db, fs, !ko.Bool("yes"))
// Before the queries are prepared, see if there are pending upgrades.
// Load the SQL queries from the filesystem.
_, queries := initQueries(queryFilePath, db, fs, true)
// Load settings from DB.
func main() {
// Initialize the main app controller that wraps all of the app's
// components. This is passed around HTTP handlers.
app := &App{
fs: fs,
db: db,
constants: initConstants(),
media: initMediaStore(),
messengers: make(map[string]messenger.Messenger),
log: lo,
bufLog: bufLog,
// Load i18n language map.
app.i18n = initI18n(app.constants.Lang, fs)
_, app.queries = initQueries(queryFilePath, db, fs, true)
app.manager = initCampaignManager(app.queries, app.constants, app)
app.importer = initImporter(app.queries, db, app)
app.notifTpls = initNotifTemplates("/email-templates/*.html", fs, app.i18n, app.constants)
// Initialize the default SMTP (`email`) messenger.
app.messengers[emailMsgr] = initSMTPMessenger(app.manager)
// Initialize any additional postback messengers.
for _, m := range initPostbackMessengers(app.manager) {
app.messengers[m.Name()] = m
// Attach all messengers to the campaign manager.
for _, m := range app.messengers {
// Start the campaign workers. The campaign batches (fetch from DB, push out
// messages) get processed at the specified interval.
go app.manager.Run(time.Second * 5)
// Start the app server.
srv := initHTTPServer(app)
// Star the update checker.
if ko.Bool("app.check_updates") {
go checkUpdates(versionString, time.Hour*24, app)
// Wait for the reload signal with a callback to gracefully shut down resources.
// The `wait` channel is passed to awaitReload to wait for the callback to finish
// within N seconds, or do a force reload.
app.sigChan = make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(app.sigChan, syscall.SIGHUP)
closerWait := make(chan bool)
<-awaitReload(app.sigChan, closerWait, func() {
// Stop the HTTP server.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// Close the campaign manager.
// Close the DB pool.
// Close the messenger pool.
for _, m := range app.messengers {
// Signal the close.
closerWait <- true