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package core
import (
// GetSubscriber fetches a subscriber by one of the given params.
func (c *Core) GetSubscriber(id int, uuid, email string) (models.Subscriber, error) {
var uu interface{}
if uuid != "" {
uu = uuid
var out models.Subscribers
if err := c.q.GetSubscriber.Select(&out, id, uu, email); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error fetching subscriber: %v", err)
return models.Subscriber{}, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
"name", "{globals.terms.subscriber}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
if len(out) == 0 {
return models.Subscriber{}, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.notFound", "name",
fmt.Sprintf("{globals.terms.subscriber} (%d: %s%s)", id, uuid, email)))
if err := out.LoadLists(c.q.GetSubscriberListsLazy); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error loading subscriber lists: %v", err)
return models.Subscriber{}, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
"name", "{globals.terms.lists}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
return out[0], nil
// GetSubscribersByEmail fetches a subscriber by one of the given params.
func (c *Core) GetSubscribersByEmail(emails []string) (models.Subscribers, error) {
var out models.Subscribers
if err := c.q.GetSubscribersByEmails.Select(&out, pq.Array(emails)); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error fetching subscriber: %v", err)
return nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorFetching", "name", "{globals.terms.subscriber}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
if len(out) == 0 {
return nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, c.i18n.T("campaigns.noKnownSubsToTest"))
if err := out.LoadLists(c.q.GetSubscriberListsLazy); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error loading subscriber lists: %v", err)
return nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorFetching", "name", "{globals.terms.lists}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
return out, nil
// QuerySubscribers queries and returns paginated subscrribers based on the given params including the total count.
func (c *Core) QuerySubscribers(query string, listIDs []int, order, orderBy string, offset, limit int) (models.Subscribers, int, error) {
// There's an arbitrary query condition.
cond := ""
if query != "" {
cond = " AND " + query
// Sort params.
if !strSliceContains(orderBy, subQuerySortFields) {
orderBy = "subscribers.id"
if order != SortAsc && order != SortDesc {
order = SortDesc
// Required for pq.Array()
if listIDs == nil {
listIDs = []int{}
// Create a readonly transaction that just does COUNT() to obtain the count of results
// and to ensure that the arbitrary query is indeed readonly.
stmt := fmt.Sprintf(c.q.QuerySubscribersCount, cond)
tx, err := c.db.BeginTxx(context.Background(), &sql.TxOptions{ReadOnly: true})
if err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error preparing subscriber query: %v", err)
return nil, 0, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, c.i18n.Ts("subscribers.errorPreparingQuery", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
defer tx.Rollback()
// Execute the readonly query and get the count of results.
total := 0
if err := tx.Get(&total, stmt, pq.Array(listIDs)); err != nil {
return nil, 0, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorFetching", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
// No results.
if total == 0 {
return models.Subscribers{}, 0, nil
// Run the query again and fetch the actual data. stmt is the raw SQL query.
var out models.Subscribers
stmt = strings.ReplaceAll(c.q.QuerySubscribers, "%query%", cond)
stmt = strings.ReplaceAll(stmt, "%order%", orderBy+" "+order)
if err := tx.Select(&out, stmt, pq.Array(listIDs), offset, limit); err != nil {
return nil, 0, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorFetching", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
// Lazy load lists for each subscriber.
if err := out.LoadLists(c.q.GetSubscriberListsLazy); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error fetching subscriber lists: %v", err)
return nil, 0, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorFetching", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
return out, total, nil
// GetSubscriberLists returns a subscriber's lists based on the given conditions.
func (c *Core) GetSubscriberLists(subID int, uuid string, listIDs []int, listUUIDs []string, subStatus string, listType string) ([]models.List, error) {
if listIDs == nil {
listIDs = []int{}
if listUUIDs == nil {
listUUIDs = []string{}
var uu interface{}
if uuid != "" {
uu = uuid
// Fetch double opt-in lists from the given list IDs.
// Get the list of subscription lists where the subscriber hasn't confirmed.
out := []models.List{}
if err := c.q.GetSubscriberLists.Select(&out, subID, uu, pq.Array(listIDs), pq.Array(listUUIDs), subStatus, listType); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error fetching lists for opt-in: %s", pqErrMsg(err))
return nil, err
return out, nil
// GetSubscriberProfileForExport returns the subscriber's profile data as a JSON exportable.
// Get the subscriber's data. A single query that gets the profile, list subscriptions, campaign views,
// and link clicks. Names of private lists are replaced with "Private list".
func (c *Core) GetSubscriberProfileForExport(id int, uuid string) (models.SubscriberExportProfile, error) {
var uu interface{}
if uuid != "" {
uu = uuid
var out models.SubscriberExportProfile
if err := c.q.ExportSubscriberData.Get(&out, id, uu); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error fetching subscriber export data: %v", err)
return models.SubscriberExportProfile{}, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorFetching", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", err.Error()))
return out, nil
// ExportSubscribers returns an iterator function that provides lists of subscribers based
// on the given criteria in an exportable form. The iterator function returned can be called
// repeatedly until there are nil subscribers. It's an iterator because exports can be extremely
// large and may have to be fetched in batches from the DB and streamed somewhere.
func (c *Core) ExportSubscribers(query string, subIDs, listIDs []int, batchSize int) (func() ([]models.SubscriberExport, error), error) {
// There's an arbitrary query condition.
cond := ""
if query != "" {
cond = " AND " + query
stmt := fmt.Sprintf(c.q.QuerySubscribersForExport, cond)
stmt = strings.ReplaceAll(c.q.QuerySubscribersForExport, "%query%", cond)
// Verify that the arbitrary SQL search expression is read only.
if cond != "" {
tx, err := c.db.Unsafe().BeginTxx(context.Background(), &sql.TxOptions{ReadOnly: true})
if err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error preparing subscriber query: %v", err)
return nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest,
c.i18n.Ts("subscribers.errorPreparingQuery", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
defer tx.Rollback()
if _, err := tx.Query(stmt, nil, 0, nil, 1); err != nil {
return nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest,
c.i18n.Ts("subscribers.errorPreparingQuery", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
if subIDs == nil {
subIDs = []int{}
if listIDs == nil {
listIDs = []int{}
// Prepare the actual query statement.
tx, err := c.db.Preparex(stmt)
if err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error preparing subscriber query: %v", err)
return nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest,
c.i18n.Ts("subscribers.errorPreparingQuery", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
id := 0
return func() ([]models.SubscriberExport, error) {
var out []models.SubscriberExport
if err := tx.Select(&out, pq.Array(listIDs), id, pq.Array(subIDs), batchSize); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error exporting subscribers by query: %v", err)
return nil, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorFetching", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
if len(out) == 0 {
return nil, nil
id = out[len(out)-1].ID
return out, nil
}, nil
// InsertSubscriber inserts a subscriber and returns the ID. The first bool indicates if
// it was a new subscriber, and the second bool indicates if the subscriber was sent an optin confirmation.
// bool = optinSent?
func (c *Core) InsertSubscriber(sub models.Subscriber, listIDs []int, listUUIDs []string, preconfirm bool) (models.Subscriber, bool, error) {
uu, err := uuid.NewV4()
if err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error generating UUID: %v", err)
return models.Subscriber{}, false, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorUUID", "error", err.Error()))
sub.UUID = uu.String()
subStatus := models.SubscriptionStatusUnconfirmed
if preconfirm {
subStatus = models.SubscriptionStatusConfirmed
if sub.Status == "" {
sub.Status = models.UserStatusEnabled
// For pq.Array()
if listIDs == nil {
listIDs = []int{}
if listUUIDs == nil {
listUUIDs = []string{}
if err = c.q.InsertSubscriber.Get(&sub.ID,
subStatus); err != nil {
if pqErr, ok := err.(*pq.Error); ok && pqErr.Constraint == "subscribers_email_key" {
return models.Subscriber{}, false, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusConflict,
} else {
// return sub.Subscriber, errSubscriberExists
c.log.Printf("error inserting subscriber: %v", err)
return models.Subscriber{}, false, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
"name", "{globals.terms.subscriber}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
// Fetch the subscriber's full data. If the subscriber already existed and wasn't
// created, the id will be empty. Fetch the details by e-mail then.
out, err := c.GetSubscriber(sub.ID, "", sub.Email)
if err != nil {
return models.Subscriber{}, false, err
hasOptin := false
if !preconfirm && c.constants.SendOptinConfirmation {
// Send a confirmation e-mail (if there are any double opt-in lists).
num, _ := c.h.SendOptinConfirmation(out, listIDs)
hasOptin = num > 0
return out, hasOptin, nil
// UpdateSubscriber updates a subscriber's properties.
func (c *Core) UpdateSubscriber(id int, sub models.Subscriber) (models.Subscriber, error) {
// Format raw JSON attributes.
attribs := []byte("{}")
if len(sub.Attribs) > 0 {
if b, err := json.Marshal(sub.Attribs); err != nil {
return models.Subscriber{}, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
"name", "{globals.terms.subscriber}", "error", err.Error()))
} else {
attribs = b
_, err := c.q.UpdateSubscriber.Exec(id,
if err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error updating subscriber: %v", err)
return models.Subscriber{}, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorUpdating", "name", "{globals.terms.subscriber}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
out, err := c.GetSubscriber(sub.ID, "", sub.Email)
if err != nil {
return models.Subscriber{}, err
return out, nil
// UpdateSubscriberWithLists updates a subscriber's properties.
// If deleteLists is set to true, all existing subscriptions are deleted and only
// the ones provided are added or retained.
func (c *Core) UpdateSubscriberWithLists(id int, sub models.Subscriber, listIDs []int, listUUIDs []string, preconfirm, deleteLists bool) (models.Subscriber, error) {
subStatus := models.SubscriptionStatusUnconfirmed
if preconfirm {
subStatus = models.SubscriptionStatusConfirmed
// Format raw JSON attributes.
attribs := []byte("{}")
if len(sub.Attribs) > 0 {
if b, err := json.Marshal(sub.Attribs); err != nil {
return models.Subscriber{}, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
"name", "{globals.terms.subscriber}", "error", err.Error()))
} else {
attribs = b
_, err := c.q.UpdateSubscriberWithLists.Exec(id,
if err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error updating subscriber: %v", err)
return models.Subscriber{}, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorUpdating", "name", "{globals.terms.subscriber}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
out, err := c.GetSubscriber(sub.ID, "", sub.Email)
if err != nil {
return models.Subscriber{}, err
if !preconfirm && c.constants.SendOptinConfirmation {
// Send a confirmation e-mail (if there are any double opt-in lists).
c.h.SendOptinConfirmation(out, listIDs)
return out, nil
// BlocklistSubscribers blocklists the given list of subscribers.
func (c *Core) BlocklistSubscribers(subIDs []int) error {
if _, err := c.q.BlocklistSubscribers.Exec(pq.Array(subIDs)); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error blocklisting subscribers: %v", err)
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("subscribers.errorBlocklisting", "error", err.Error()))
return nil
// BlocklistSubscribersByQuery blocklists the given list of subscribers.
func (c *Core) BlocklistSubscribersByQuery(query string, listIDs []int) error {
if err := c.q.ExecSubQueryTpl(sanitizeSQLExp(query), c.q.BlocklistSubscribersByQuery, listIDs, c.db); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error blocklisting subscribers: %v", err)
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("subscribers.errorBlocklisting", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
return nil
// DeleteSubscribers deletes the given list of subscribers.
func (c *Core) DeleteSubscribers(subIDs []int, subUUIDs []string) error {
if subIDs == nil {
subIDs = []int{}
if subUUIDs == nil {
subUUIDs = []string{}
if _, err := c.q.DeleteSubscribers.Exec(pq.Array(subIDs), pq.Array(subUUIDs)); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error deleting subscribers: %v", err)
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorDeleting", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
return nil
// DeleteSubscribersByQuery deletes subscribers by a given arbitrary query expression.
func (c *Core) DeleteSubscribersByQuery(query string, listIDs []int) error {
err := c.q.ExecSubQueryTpl(sanitizeSQLExp(query), c.q.DeleteSubscribersByQuery, listIDs, c.db)
if err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error deleting subscribers: %v", err)
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorDeleting", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
return err
// UnsubscribeByCampaign unsubscribes a given subscriber from lists in a given campaign.
func (c *Core) UnsubscribeByCampaign(subUUID, campUUID string, blocklist bool) error {
if _, err := c.q.UnsubscribeByCampaign.Exec(campUUID, subUUID, blocklist); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error unsubscribing: %v", err)
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorUpdating", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
return nil
// ConfirmOptionSubscription confirms a subscriber's optin subscription.
func (c *Core) ConfirmOptionSubscription(subUUID string, listUUIDs []string, meta models.JSON) error {
if meta == nil {
meta = models.JSON{}
if _, err := c.q.ConfirmSubscriptionOptin.Exec(subUUID, pq.Array(listUUIDs), meta); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error confirming subscription: %v", err)
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorUpdating", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
return nil
// DeleteSubscriberBounces deletes the given list of subscribers.
func (c *Core) DeleteSubscriberBounces(id int, uuid string) error {
var uu interface{}
if uuid != "" {
uu = uuid
if _, err := c.q.DeleteBouncesBySubscriber.Exec(id, uu); err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error deleting bounces: %v", err)
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorDeleting", "name", "{globals.terms.bounces}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
return nil
// DeleteOrphanSubscribers deletes orphan subscriber records (subscribers without lists).
func (c *Core) DeleteOrphanSubscribers() (int, error) {
res, err := c.q.DeleteOrphanSubscribers.Exec()
if err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error deleting orphan subscribers: %v", err)
return 0, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorDeleting", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
n, _ := res.RowsAffected()
return int(n), nil
// DeleteBlocklistedSubscribers deletes blocklisted subscribers.
func (c *Core) DeleteBlocklistedSubscribers() (int, error) {
res, err := c.q.DeleteBlocklistedSubscribers.Exec()
if err != nil {
c.log.Printf("error deleting blocklisted subscribers: %v", err)
return 0, echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusInternalServerError,
c.i18n.Ts("globals.messages.errorDeleting", "name", "{globals.terms.subscribers}", "error", pqErrMsg(err)))
n, _ := res.RowsAffected()
return int(n), nil