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synced 2025-03-04 02:05:31 +08:00
This is a big commit that involves drastic changes to how static assets (.sql and template files, the whole frontend bundle) are handled. listmonk distribution should be a self-contained single binary distribution, hence all static assets should be bundled. After evaluating several solutions, srtkkou/zgok seemed like the best bet but it lacked several fundamental features, namely the ability to fall back to the local filesystem in the absence of embedded assets (for instance, in the dev mode). Moreover, there was a lot of room for cleanup. After a PR went unanswered, github.com/knadh/stuffbin was created. Just like zgok, this enables arbitrary files and assets to be embedded into a compiled Go binary that can be read during runtime. These changes followed: - Compress and embed all static files into the binary during the build (Makefile) to make it standalone and distributable - Refactor static paths (/public/* for public facing assets, /frontend/* for the frontend app's assets) - Add 'logo_url' to config - Remove 'assets_path' from config - Tweak yarn build to not produce symbol maps and override the default /static (%PUBLIC_URL%) path to /frontend
274 lines
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274 lines
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package main
import (
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/postgres"
flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"
type constants struct {
RootURL string `mapstructure:"root"`
LogoURL string `mapstructure:"logo_url"`
FaviconURL string `mapstructure:"favicon_url"`
UploadPath string `mapstructure:"upload_path"`
UploadURI string `mapstructure:"upload_uri"`
FromEmail string `mapstructure:"from_email"`
NotifyEmails []string `mapstructure:"notify_emails"`
// App contains the "global" components that are
// passed around, especially through HTTP handlers.
type App struct {
Constants *constants
DB *sqlx.DB
Queries *Queries
Importer *subimporter.Importer
Manager *manager.Manager
FS stuffbin.FileSystem
Logger *log.Logger
NotifTpls *template.Template
Messenger messenger.Messenger
var logger *log.Logger
func init() {
logger = log.New(os.Stdout, "SYS: ", log.Ldate|log.Ltime|log.Lshortfile)
// Register --help handler.
flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("config", flag.ContinueOnError)
flagSet.Usage = func() {
// Setup the default configuration.
flagSet.StringSlice("config", []string{"config.toml"},
"Path to one or more config files (will be merged in order)")
flagSet.Bool("install", false, "Run first time installation")
flagSet.Bool("version", false, "Current version of the build")
// Process flags.
// Read the config files.
cfgs := viper.GetStringSlice("config")
for _, c := range cfgs {
logger.Printf("reading config: %s", c)
if err := viper.MergeInConfig(); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("error reading config: %s", err)
// initFileSystem initializes the stuffbin FileSystem to provide
// access to bunded static assets to the app.
func initFileSystem(binPath string) (stuffbin.FileSystem, error) {
fs, err := stuffbin.UnStuff("./listmonk")
if err == nil {
return fs, nil
// Running in local mode. Load the required static assets into
// the in-memory stuffbin.FileSystem.
logger.Printf("unable to initialize embedded filesystem: %v", err)
logger.Printf("using local filesystem for static assets")
files := []string{
// The frontend app's static assets are aliased to /frontend
// so that they are accessible at localhost:port/frontend/static/ ...
fs, err = stuffbin.NewLocalFS("/", files...)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize local file for assets: %v", err)
return fs, nil
// initMessengers initializes various messaging backends.
func initMessengers(r *manager.Manager) messenger.Messenger {
// Load SMTP configurations for the default e-mail Messenger.
var srv []messenger.Server
for name := range viper.GetStringMapString("smtp") {
if !viper.GetBool(fmt.Sprintf("smtp.%s.enabled", name)) {
logger.Printf("skipped SMTP: %s", name)
var s messenger.Server
viper.UnmarshalKey("smtp."+name, &s)
s.Name = name
s.SendTimeout = s.SendTimeout * time.Millisecond
srv = append(srv, s)
logger.Printf("loaded SMTP: %s (%s@%s)", s.Name, s.Username, s.Host)
msgr, err := messenger.NewEmailer(srv...)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("error loading e-mail messenger: %v", err)
if err := r.AddMessenger(msgr); err != nil {
logger.Printf("error registering messenger %s", err)
return msgr
func main() {
// Connect to the DB.
db, err := connectDB(viper.GetString("db.host"),
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("error connecting to DB: %v", err)
defer db.Close()
var c constants
viper.UnmarshalKey("app", &c)
c.RootURL = strings.TrimRight(c.RootURL, "/")
c.UploadURI = filepath.Clean(c.UploadURI)
c.UploadPath = filepath.Clean(c.UploadPath)
// Initialize the static file system into which all
// required static assets (.sql, .js files etc.) are loaded.
fs, err := initFileSystem(os.Args[0])
if err != nil {
// Initialize the app context that's passed around.
app := &App{
Constants: &c,
DB: db,
Logger: logger,
FS: fs,
// Load SQL queries.
qB, err := fs.Read("/queries.sql")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("error reading queries.sql: %v", err)
qMap, err := goyesql.ParseBytes(qB)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("error parsing SQL queries: %v", err)
// Run the first time installation.
if viper.GetBool("install") {
install(app, qMap)
// Map queries to the query container.
q := &Queries{}
if err := scanQueriesToStruct(q, qMap, db.Unsafe()); err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("no SQL queries loaded: %v", err)
app.Queries = q
// Initialize the bulk subscriber importer.
importNotifCB := func(subject string, data map[string]interface{}) error {
return sendNotification(notifTplImport, subject, data, app)
app.Importer = subimporter.New(q.UpsertSubscriber.Stmt,
// Read system e-mail templates.
notifTpls, err := stuffbin.ParseTemplatesGlob(fs, "/email-templates/*.html")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("error loading system e-mail templates: %v", err)
app.NotifTpls = notifTpls
// Initialize the campaign manager.
campNotifCB := func(subject string, data map[string]interface{}) error {
return sendNotification(notifTplCampaign, subject, data, app)
m := manager.New(manager.Config{
Concurrency: viper.GetInt("app.concurrency"),
MaxSendErrors: viper.GetInt("app.max_send_errors"),
FromEmail: app.Constants.FromEmail,
// url.com/unsubscribe/{campaign_uuid}/{subscriber_uuid}
UnsubscribeURL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/unsubscribe/%%s/%%s", app.Constants.RootURL),
// url.com/link/{campaign_uuid}/{subscriber_uuid}/{link_uuid}
LinkTrackURL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/link/%%s/%%s/%%s", app.Constants.RootURL),
// url.com/campaign/{campaign_uuid}/{subscriber_uuid}/px.png
ViewTrackURL: fmt.Sprintf("%s/campaign/%%s/%%s/px.png", app.Constants.RootURL),
}, newManagerDB(q), campNotifCB, logger)
app.Manager = m
// Add messengers.
app.Messenger = initMessengers(app.Manager)
// Initialize the workers that push out messages.
go m.Run(time.Duration(time.Second * 5))
// Initialize the HTTP server.
var srv = echo.New()
srv.HideBanner = true
// Register app (*App) to be injected into all HTTP handlers.
srv.Use(func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
c.Set("app", app)
return next(c)
// Parse user facing templates.
tpl, err := stuffbin.ParseTemplatesGlob(fs, "/public/templates/*.html")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("error parsing public templates: %v", err)
srv.Renderer = &tplRenderer{
templates: tpl,
RootURL: c.RootURL,
LogoURL: c.LogoURL,
FaviconURL: c.FaviconURL}
// Register HTTP handlers and static file servers.
fSrv := app.FS.FileServer()
srv.GET("/public/*", echo.WrapHandler(fSrv))
srv.GET("/frontend/*", echo.WrapHandler(fSrv))
srv.Static(c.UploadURI, c.UploadURI)