# About The `docker-registry-frontend` is a browser-based solution for browsing and modifying a private Docker registry. [![](https://badge.imagelayers.io/konradkleine/docker-registry-frontend:v2.svg)](https://imagelayers.io/?images=konradkleine/docker-registry-frontend:v2 'Get your own badge on imagelayers.io') [![devDependency Status](https://david-dm.org/kwk/docker-registry-frontend/dev-status.svg?style=flat-square)](https://david-dm.org/kwk/docker-registry-frontend#info=devDependencies) [![Issue Count](https://codeclimate.com/github/kwk/docker-registry-frontend/badges/issue_count.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/kwk/docker-registry-frontend) # Before opening a bug report... ...make sure you have consulted the `example-setup/README.md`. ## PLEASE, READ THIS! ***THIS VERSION OF THE DOCKER REGISTRY FRONTEND ONLY WORKS WITH THE DOCKER REGISTRY V2. THERE'S ALSO A LEGACY ["V1-DEPRECATED" BRANCH][v1branch] WHICH WORKS WITH THE OLD 0.9.1 DOCKER REGISTRY. THE ["V1-DEPRECATED" BRANCH][v1branch] IS VERY STABLE BUT WON'T RECEIVE SIGNIFICANT ATTENTION ANY LONGER BECAUSE THE OLD DOCKER REGISTRY WAS DECLARED DEPRECATED.*** ***~~THE V2 SUPPORT FOR THE DOCKER REGISTRY FRONTEND IS STILL UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT.~~ THERE'S A FAIR CHANCE THAT A MAJORITY OF FEATURES IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. CHECK THE [ISSUES](https://github.com/kwk/docker-registry-frontend/issues) AND OPEN A BUG IF SOMETHING DOESN'T WORK RIGHT AWAY.*** ***TO PULL A VERSION OF THIS BRANCH FROM THE DOCKER HUB, MAKE SURE YOU PULL AND RUN ```konradkleine/docker-registry-frontend:v2```*** # Features For a list of all the features, please see the [Wiki][features]. Note, that currently the Wiki pages still refer to version 1 of this frontend. # Development To learn how to develop for the docker-registry-frontend, see [here](develop/README.md). # Usage This application is available in the form of a Docker image that you can run as a container by executing this command: sudo docker run \ -d \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST=ENTER-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT=ENTER-PORT-TO-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -p 8080:80 \ konradkleine/docker-registry-frontend:v2 This command starts the container and forwards the container's private port `80` to your host's port `8080`. Make sure you specify the correct url to your registry. When the application runs you can open your browser and navigate to [http://localhost:8080][1]. ## Docker registry using SSL encryption If the Docker registry is only reachable via HTTPs (e.g. if it sits behind a proxy) , you can run the following command: sudo docker run \ -d \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST=ENTER-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT=ENTER-PORT-TO-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_USE_SSL=1 \ -p 8080:80 \ konradkleine/docker-registry-frontend:v2 ## SSL encryption If you want to run the application with SSL enabled, you can do the following: sudo docker run \ -d \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST=ENTER-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT=ENTER-PORT-TO-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_USE_SSL=yes \ -v $PWD/server.crt:/etc/apache2/server.crt:ro \ -v $PWD/server.key:/etc/apache2/server.key:ro \ -p 443:443 \ konradkleine/docker-registry-frontend:v2 Note that the application still serves the port `80` but it is simply not exposed ;). Enable it at your own will. When the application runs with SSL you can open your browser and navigate to [https://localhost][2]. ## Use the application as the registry If you are running the Docker registry on the same host as the application but only accessible to the application (eg. listening on ``) then you can use the application as the registry itself. Normally this would then give bad advice on how to access a tag: docker pull localhost:5000/yourname/imagename:latest We can override what hostname and port to put here: sudo docker run \ -d \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST=localhost \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT=5000 \ -e ENV_REGISTRY_PROXY_FQDN=ENTER-YOUR-APPLICATION-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_REGISTRY_PROXY_PORT=ENTER-PORT-TO-YOUR-APPLICATION-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_USE_SSL=yes \ -v $PWD/server.crt:/etc/apache2/server.crt:ro \ -v $PWD/server.key:/etc/apache2/server.key:ro \ -p 443:443 \ konradkleine/docker-registry-frontend:v2 A value of `80` or `443` for `ENV_REGISTRY_PROXY_PORT` will not actually be shown as Docker will check `443` and then `80` by default. ## Kerberos authentication If you want to use Kerberos to protect access to the registry frontend, you can do the following: sudo docker run \ -d \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST=ENTER-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT=ENTER-PORT-TO-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_AUTH_USE_KERBEROS=yes \ -e ENV_AUTH_NAME="Kerberos login" \ -e ENV_AUTH_KRB5_KEYTAB=/etc/apache2/krb5.keytab \ -v $PWD/krb5.keytab:/etc/apache2/krb5.keytab:ro \ -e ENV_AUTH_KRB_REALMS="ENTER.YOUR.REALMS.HERE" \ -e ENV_AUTH_KRB_SERVICE_NAME=HTTP \ -p 80:80 \ konradkleine/docker-registry-frontend:v2 You can of course combine SSL and Kerberos. # Browse mode If you want to start applicaton with browse mode which means no repos/tags management feature in the UI, You can specify `ENV_MODE_BROWSE_ONLY` flag as follows: sudo docker run \ -d \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_HOST=ENTER-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT=ENTER-PORT-TO-YOUR-REGISTRY-HOST-HERE \ -e ENV_MODE_BROWSE_ONLY=true \ -p 8080:80 \ konradkleine/docker-registry-frontend:v2 You can set `true` or `false` to this flag. **NOTE** For now `ENV_MODE_BROWSE_ONLY` will be overwritten to `true`. # Default repositories per page By default 20 repositories will be listed per page. To adjust this number, to let's say 50 pass `-e ENV_DEFAULT_REPOSITORIES_PER_PAGE=50` to your `docker run` command. # Default tags per page By default 10 tags will be listed per page. To adjust this number, to let's say 5 pass `-e ENV_DEFAULT_TAGS_PER_PAGE=5` to your `docker run` command. Note that providing a big number will result in a heavy load on browsers. # Contributions are welcome! If you like the application, I invite you to contribute and report bugs or feature request on the project's github page: [https://github.com/kwk/docker-registry-frontend][3]. To learn how to develop for the docker-registry-frontend, see [here](develop/README.md). Thank you for your interest! -- Konrad [1]: http://localhost:8080 [2]: https://localhost [3]: https://github.com/kwk/docker-registry-frontend [features]: https://github.com/kwk/docker-registry-frontend/wiki/Features [v1branch]: https://github.com/kwk/docker-registry-frontend/tree/v1-deprecated