2014-09-18 14:08:44 +02:00

91 lines
3.3 KiB

FROM ubuntu:14.04
MAINTAINER "Konrad Kleine"
ENV NGX_ROOT /usr/share/nginx/html
ENV SOURCE_DIR /tmp/source
# This adds everything we need to the build root except those
# element that are matched by .dockerignore.
# We explicitly list every directory and file that is involved
# in the build process but. All config files (like nginx) are
# not listed to speed up the build process.
# Create dirs
RUN mkdir -p $SOURCE_DIR/dist
RUN mkdir -p $SOURCE_DIR/app
RUN mkdir -p $SOURCE_DIR/test
# Add dirs
ADD test $SOURCE_DIR/test
# Dot files
ADD .jshintrc $SOURCE_DIR/
ADD .bowerrc $SOURCE_DIR/
ADD .editorconfig $SOURCE_DIR/
ADD .travis.yml $SOURCE_DIR/
# Other files
ADD bower.json $SOURCE_DIR/
ADD Gruntfile.js $SOURCE_DIR/
ADD package.json $SOURCE_DIR/
# This is written so compact, to reduce the size of the
# final container and its layers. We have to install build
# dependencies, build the app, deploy the app to the web
# root, remove the source code, and then uninstall the build
# dependencies. When packed into one RUN instruction, the
# resulting layer will hopefully only be comprised of the
# installed app artifacts.
RUN apt-get -y update && \
apt-get -y install git nodejs nodejs-legacy npm nginx gettext-base && \
cd $SOURCE_DIR && \
npm install -g yo && \
npm install && \
bower install --allow-root && \
grunt build --allow-root && \
cp -rf $SOURCE_DIR/dist/* $NGX_ROOT && \
rm -rf $SOURCE_DIR && \
apt-get -y --auto-remove purge git nodejs nodejs-legacy npm && \
apt-get -y clean
# Add nginx config files for HTTP and HTTPS
ADD nginx-site.conf /root/nginx-site.conf
ADD nginx-site-ssl.conf /root/nginx-site-ssl.conf
# Final touches on the app artifacts.
RUN find $NGX_ROOT -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; && \
find $NGX_ROOT -type f -exec chmod 755 {} \; && \
chown -R www-data:www-data $NGX_ROOT && \
echo "\ndaemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# Build the start script
RUN echo "#!/bin/sh" > $START_SCRIPT && \
echo "rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*" >> $START_SCRIPT && \
echo "cat /root/nginx-site.conf | DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL=\$DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL envsubst '\$DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL' > /etc/nginx/sites-available/registry" >> $START_SCRIPT && \
echo "if [ -n \"\$ENABLE_SSL\" ]; then" >> $START_SCRIPT && \
echo " cat /root/nginx-site-ssl.conf | DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL=\$DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL envsubst '\$DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL' > /etc/nginx/conf.d/registry-ssl" >> $START_SCRIPT && \
echo "fi" >> $START_SCRIPT && \
echo "ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/registry /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/registry && \\" >> $START_SCRIPT && \
echo "nginx -t && nginx" >> $START_SCRIPT && \
chmod +x /root/
# Exposed ports
EXPOSE 80 443
# If you wish to run the registry container with SSL,
# you can provide your own SSL server key and your
# SSL server certificate.
VOLUME ["/etc/nginx/ssl/server.crt", "/etc/nginx/ssl/server.key"]
# Define default command.
CMD ["/root/"]