2019-01-01 07:14:12 +08:00
# coding=utf-8
import os
import sys
class Core:
def banner():
print("* *")
print("* | |_| |__ ___ /\ /\__ _ _ ____ _____ ___| |_ ___ _ __ *")
print("* | __| '_ \ / _ \ / /_/ / _` | '__\ \ / / _ \/ __| __/ _ \ '__| *")
print("* | |_| | | | __/ / __ / (_| | | \ V / __/\__ \ || __/ | *")
print("* \__|_| |_|\___| \/ /_/ \__,_|_| \_/ \___||___/\__\___|_| *")
print("* *")
print("* theHarvester 3.0.6 v111 *")
print("* Coded by Christian Martorella *")
print("* Edge-Security Research *")
print("* cmartorella@edge-security.com *")
def usage():
comm = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) == os.getcwd():
comm = "./" + comm
print("Usage: theHarvester.py <options> \n")
print(" -d: company name or domain to search")
print(""" -b: source: baidu, bing, bingapi, censys, crtsh, cymon, dogpile, google,
2019-01-01 07:32:10 +08:00
googleCSE, google-certificates, google-profiles,
2019-01-01 07:14:12 +08:00
hunter, linkedin, netcraft, pgp, securityTrails, threatcrowd,
trello, twitter, vhost, virustotal, yahoo, all""")
print(" -g: use Google Dorking instead of normal Google search")
print(" -s: start with result number X (default: 0)")
print(" -v: verify host name via DNS resolution and search for virtual hosts")
print(" -f: save the results into an HTML and/or XML file")
print(" -n: perform a DNS reverse query on all ranges discovered")
print(" -c: perform a DNS brute force on the domain")
print(" -t: perform a DNS TLD expansion discovery")
print(" -e: specify DNS server")
print(" -p: port scan the detected hosts and check for Takeovers (21,22,80,443,8080)")
print(" -l: limit the number of results (Bing goes from 50 to 50 results,")
print(" Google 100 to 100, and PGP doesn't use this option)")
print(" -h: use Shodan to query discovered hosts")
print((" " + comm + " -d acme.com -l 500 -b google -f myresults.html"))
print((" " + comm + " -d acme.com -b pgp, virustotal"))
print((" " + comm + " -d acme -l 200 -b linkedin"))
print((" " + comm + " -d acme.com -l 200 -g -b google"))
print((" " + comm + " -d acme.com -b googleCSE -l 500 -s 300"))
print((" " + comm + " -d acme.edu -l 100 -b bing -h \n"))