2018-11-21 01:04:57 +08:00
$Id: Base.py,v 2007/05/22 20:28:31 customdesigned Exp $
This file is part of the pydns project.
Homepage: http://pydns.sourceforge.net
This code is covered by the standard Python License.
Base functionality. Request and Response classes, that sort of thing.
import socket
import time
2018-11-21 11:17:41 +08:00
from discovery.DNS import Type, Class, Opcode
2018-11-21 01:04:57 +08:00
import asyncore
class DNSError(Exception):
defaults = {'protocol': 'udp', 'port': 53, 'opcode': Opcode.QUERY,
'qtype': Type.A, 'rd': 1, 'timing': 1, 'timeout': 30}
defaults['server'] = []
def ParseResolvConf(resolv_path):
global defaults
lines = open(resolv_path).readlines()
print("error in path" + resolv_path)
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if not line or line[0] == ';' or line[0] == '#':
fields = line.split()
if len(fields) < 2:
if fields[0] == 'domain' and len(fields) > 1:
defaults['domain'] = fields[1]
if fields[0] == 'search':
if fields[0] == 'options':
if fields[0] == 'sortlist':
if fields[0] == 'nameserver':
def DiscoverNameServers():
import sys
if sys.platform in ('win32', 'nt'):
import win32dns
defaults['server'] = win32dns.RegistryResolve()
2018-11-21 11:17:41 +08:00
return ParseResolvConf(resolv_path="/etc/resolv.conf")
2018-11-21 01:04:57 +08:00
class DnsRequest:
""" high level Request object """
def __init__(self, *name, **args):
self.donefunc = None
#fix maybe?
self.asyn= False
#self.async = None #TODO FIX async is a keyword
self.defaults = {}
self.argparse(name, args)
self.defaults = self.args
def argparse(self, name, args):
if not name and 'name' in self.defaults:
args['name'] = self.defaults['name']
if isinstance(name, str):
args['name'] = name
if len(name) == 1:
if name[0]:
args['name'] = name[0]
for i in defaults.keys():
if i not in args:
if i in self.defaults:
args[i] = self.defaults[i]
args[i] = defaults[i]
if isinstance(args['server'], str):
args['server'] = [args['server']]
self.args = args
def socketInit(self, a, b):
self.s = socket.socket(a, b)
def processUDPReply(self):
import time
import select
if self.args['timeout'] > 0:
r, w, e = select.select([self.s], [], [], self.args['timeout'])
if not len(r):
raise DNSError('Timeout')
self.reply = self.s.recv(1024)
self.time_finish = time.time()
self.args['server'] = self.ns
return self.processReply()
def processTCPReply(self):
import time
2018-11-21 11:17:41 +08:00
from discovery.DNS import Lib
2018-11-21 01:04:57 +08:00
self.f = self.s.makefile('r')
header = self.f.read(2)
if len(header) < 2:
raise DNSError('EOF')
count = Lib.unpack16bit(header)
self.reply = self.f.read(count)
if len(self.reply) != count:
raise DNSError('incomplete reply')
self.time_finish = time.time()
self.args['server'] = self.ns
return self.processReply()
def processReply(self):
import discovery.DNS.Lib as Lib
self.args['elapsed'] = (self.time_finish - self.time_start) * 1000
u = Lib.Munpacker(self.reply)
r = Lib.DnsResult(u, self.args)
r.args = self.args
# self.args=None # mark this DnsRequest object as used.
return r
#### TODO TODO TODO ####
# if protocol == 'tcp' and qtype == Type.AXFR:
# while 1:
# header = f.read(2)
# if len(header) < 2:
# print '========== EOF =========='
# break
# count = Lib.unpack16bit(header)
# if not count:
# print '========== ZERO COUNT =========='
# break
# print '========== NEXT =========='
# reply = f.read(count)
# if len(reply) != count:
# print '*** Incomplete reply ***'
# break
# u = Lib.Munpacker(reply)
# Lib.dumpM(u)
def conn(self):
self.s.connect((self.ns, self.port))
def req(self, *name, **args):
" needs a refactoring "
import time
import discovery.DNS.Lib as Lib
self.argparse(name, args)
# if not self.args:
# raise DNSError,'reinitialize request before reuse'
protocol = self.args['protocol']
self.port = self.args['port']
opcode = self.args['opcode']
rd = self.args['rd']
server = self.args['server']
if isinstance(self.args['qtype'], str):
qtype = getattr(Type, str.upper(self.args['qtype']))
except AttributeError:
raise DNSError('unknown query type')
qtype = self.args['qtype']
if 'name' not in self.args:
raise DNSError('nothing to lookup')
qname = self.args['name']
if qtype == Type.AXFR:
print('Query type AXFR, protocol forced to TCP')
protocol = 'tcp'
# print 'QTYPE %d(%s)' % (qtype, Type.typestr(qtype))
m = Lib.Mpacker()
# jesus. keywords and default args would be good. TODO.
0, opcode, 0, 0, rd, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 0)
m.addQuestion(qname, qtype, Class.IN)
self.request = m.getbuf()
if protocol == 'udp':
except socket.error as reason:
raise DNSError(reason)
if self.asyn:
return None
return self.response
def sendUDPRequest(self, server):
"refactor me"
self.response = None
self.socketInit(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
for self.ns in server:
# TODO. Handle timeouts &c correctly (RFC)
#self.s.connect((self.ns, self.port))
self.time_start = time.time()
if not self.asyn:
self.response = self.processUDPReply()
# except socket.error:
2018-11-21 11:17:41 +08:00
except Exception:
2018-11-21 01:04:57 +08:00
if not self.response:
if not self.asyn:
raise DNSError('no working nameservers found')
def sendTCPRequest(self, server):
" do the work of sending a TCP request "
import time
import discovery.DNS.Lib as Lib
self.response = None
for self.ns in server:
self.socketInit(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.time_start = time.time()
self.s.send(Lib.pack16bit(len(self.request)) + self.request)
self.response = self.processTCPReply()
except socket.error:
if not self.response:
raise DNSError('no working nameservers found')
# class DnsAsyncRequest(DnsRequest):
class DnsAsyncRequest(DnsRequest, asyncore.dispatcher_with_send):
" an asynchronous request object. out of date, probably broken "
def __init__(self, *name, **args):
DnsRequest.__init__(self, *name, **args)
# XXX todo
if 'done' in args and args['done']:
self.donefunc = args['done']
self.donefunc = self.showResult
# self.realinit(name,args) # XXX todo
2018-11-21 11:17:41 +08:00
self.asyn = True
2018-11-21 01:04:57 +08:00
def conn(self):
import time
self.connect((self.ns, self.port))
self.time_start = time.time()
if 'start' in self.args and self.args['start']:
def socketInit(self, a, b):
self.create_socket(a, b)
self.s = self
def handle_read(self):
if self.args['protocol'] == 'udp':
self.response = self.processUDPReply()
if self.donefunc:
def handle_connect(self):
def handle_write(self):
def showResult(self, *s):
# $Log: Base.py,v $
# Revision 2007/05/22 20:28:31 customdesigned
# Missing import Lib
# Revision 2007/05/22 20:25:52 customdesigned
# Use socket.inetntoa,inetaton.
# Revision 2007/05/22 20:21:46 customdesigned
# Trap socket error
# Revision 2007/05/22 20:19:35 customdesigned
# Skip bogus but non-empty lines in resolv.conf
# Revision 1.12 2002/04/23 06:04:27 anthonybaxter
# attempt to refactor the DNSRequest.req method a little. after doing a bit
# of this, I've decided to bite the bullet and just rewrite the puppy. will
# be checkin in some design notes, then unit tests and then writing the sod.
# Revision 1.11 2002/03/19 13:05:02 anthonybaxter
# converted to class based exceptions (there goes the python1.4 compatibility :)
# removed a quite gross use of 'eval()'.
# Revision 1.10 2002/03/19 12:41:33 anthonybaxter
# tabnannied and reindented everything. 4 space indent, no tabs.
# yay.
# Revision 1.9 2002/03/19 12:26:13 anthonybaxter
# death to leading tabs.
# Revision 1.8 2002/03/19 10:30:33 anthonybaxter
# first round of major bits and pieces. The major stuff here (summarised
# from my local, off-net CVS server :/ this will cause some oddities with
# the
# tests/testPackers.py:
# a large slab of unit tests for the packer and unpacker code in DNS.Lib
# DNS/Lib.py:
# placeholder for addSRV.
# added 'klass' to addA, make it the same as the other A* records.
# made addTXT check for being passed a string, turn it into a length 1 list.
# explicitly check for adding a string of length > 255 (prohibited).
# a bunch of cleanups from a first pass with pychecker
# new code for pack/unpack. the bitwise stuff uses struct, for a smallish
# (disappointly small, actually) improvement, while addr2bin is much
# much faster now.
# DNS/Base.py:
# added DiscoverNameServers. This automatically does the right thing
# on unix/ win32. No idea how MacOS handles this. *sigh*
# Incompatible change: Don't use ParseResolvConf on non-unix, use this
# function, instead!
# a bunch of cleanups from a first pass with pychecker
# Revision 1.5 2001/08/09 09:22:28 anthonybaxter
# added what I hope is win32 resolver lookup support. I'll need to try
# and figure out how to get the CVS checkout onto my windows machine to
# make sure it works (wow, doing something other than games on the
# windows machine :)
# Code from Wolfgang.Strobl@gmd.de
# win32dns.py from
# http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/66260
# Really, ParseResolvConf() should be renamed "FindNameServers" or
# some such.
# Revision 1.4 2001/08/09 09:08:55 anthonybaxter
# added identifying header to top of each file
# Revision 1.3 2001/07/19 07:20:12 anthony
# Handle blank resolv.conf lines.
# Patch from Bastian Kleineidam
# Revision 1.2 2001/07/19 06:57:07 anthony
# cvs keywords added