from discovery.constants import * from parsers import myparser import requests import time class search_google: def __init__(self, word, limit, start): self.word = word self.results = "" self.totalresults = "" self.server = '' self.dorks = [] self.links = [] self.database = '' self.quantity = '100' self.limit = limit self.counter = start def do_search(self): try: # Do normal scraping. urly = 'http://' + self.server + '/search?num=' + self.quantity + '&start=' + str( self.counter) + '&hl=en&meta=&q=%40\"' + self.word + '\"' except Exception as e: print(e) try: headers = {'User-Agent': googleUA} r = requests.get(urly, headers=headers) except Exception as e: print(e) self.results = r.text if search(self.results): time.sleep(getDelay() * 5) # Sleep for a longer time. else: time.sleep(getDelay()) self.totalresults += self.results def do_search_profiles(self): try: urly = 'http://' + self.server + '/search?num=' + self.quantity + '&start=' + str( self.counter) + '&hl=en&meta=&\"Google%20Profile\"%20\"Companies%20I%27ve%20worked%20for\"%20\"at%20' + self.word + '\"' except Exception as e: print(e) try: headers = {'User-Agent': googleUA} r = requests.get(urly, headers=headers) except Exception as e: print(e) self.results = r.text if search(self.results): time.sleep(getDelay() * 5) # Sleep for a longer time. else: time.sleep(getDelay()) self.totalresults += self.results def get_emails(self): rawres = myparser.Parser(self.totalresults, self.word) return rawres.emails() def get_hostnames(self): rawres = myparser.Parser(self.totalresults, self.word) return rawres.hostnames() def get_files(self): rawres = myparser.Parser(self.totalresults, self.word) return rawres.fileurls(self.files) def get_profiles(self): rawres = myparser.Parser(self.totalresults, self.word) return rawres.profiles() def process(self, google_dorking): if google_dorking is False: while self.counter <= self.limit and self.counter <= 1000: self.do_search() print(f'\tSearching {self.counter} results.') self.counter += 100 else: # Google dorking is true. self.counter = 0 # Reset counter. print('\n') print('[-] Searching with Google Dorks: ') while self.counter <= self.limit and self.counter <= 200: # Only 200 dorks in list. self.googledork() # Call Google dorking method if user wanted it! print(f'\tSearching {self.counter} results.') self.counter += 100 def process_profiles(self): while self.counter < self.limit: self.do_search_profiles() time.sleep(getDelay()) self.counter += 100 print(f'\tSearching {self.counter} results.') def append_dorks(self): # Wrap in try-except incase filepaths are messed up. try: with open('wordlists/dorks.txt', mode='r') as fp: self.dorks = [dork.strip() for dork in fp] except FileNotFoundError as error: print(error) def construct_dorks(self): # Format is: + space + inurl:admindork colon = '%3A' plus = '%2B' space = '+' period = '%2E' double_quote = '%22' asterick = '%2A' left_bracket = '%5B' right_bracket = '%5D' question_mark = '%3F' slash = '%2F' single_quote = '%27' ampersand = '%26' left_peren = '%28' right_peren = '%29' pipe = '%7C' # Replace links with html encoding. self.links = [self.database + space + self.word + space + str(dork).replace(':', colon).replace('+', plus).replace('.', period).replace('"', double_quote) .replace('*', asterick).replace('[', left_bracket).replace(']', right_bracket) .replace('?', question_mark).replace(' ', space).replace('/', slash).replace("'",single_quote) .replace('&', ampersand).replace('(', left_peren).replace(')', right_peren).replace('|', pipe) for dork in self.dorks] def googledork(self): self.append_dorks() # Call functions to create list. self.construct_dorks() if self.counter >= 0 and self.counter <= 100: self.send_dork(start=0, end=100) elif self.counter >= 100 and self.counter <= 200: self.send_dork(start=101, end=200) else: # Only 200 dorks to prevent Google from blocking IP. pass def send_dork(self, start, end): # Helper function to minimize code reusability. headers = {'User-Agent': googleUA} # Get random user agent to try and prevent google from blocking IP. for i in range(start, end): try: link = self.links[i] # Get link from dork list. req = requests.get(link, headers=headers) self.results = req.text if search(self.results): time.sleep(getDelay() * 5) # Sleep for a longer time. else: time.sleep(getDelay()) self.totalresults += self.results except: continue