import sqlite3 import datetime class stash_manager: def __init__(self): self.db = "stash.sqlite" self.results = "" self.totalresults = "" self.latestscandomain = {} self.domainscanhistory = [] self.scanboarddata = {} self.scanstats = [] self.latestscanresults = [] self.previousscanresults = [] def do_init(self): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute ('CREATE TABLE results (domain text, resource text, type text, find_date date, source text)') conn.commit() conn.close() return def store(self,domain, resource,res_type,source): self.domain = domain self.resource = resource self.type = res_type self.source = source = try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute ('INSERT INTO results (domain,resource, type, find_date, source) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)',(self.domain,self.resource,self.type,,self.source)) conn.commit() conn.close() except Exception as e: print(e) return def store_all(self,domain,all,res_type,source): self.domain = domain self.all = all self.type = res_type self.source = source = for x in self.all: try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute ('INSERT INTO results (domain,resource, type, find_date, source) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)',(self.domain,x,self.type,,self.source)) conn.commit() conn.close() except Exception as e: print(e) return def generatedashboardcode(self,domain): try: self.latestscandomain["domain"] = domain conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="host"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["host"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="email"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["email"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="ip"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["ip"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="vhost"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["vhost"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="shodan"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["shodan"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT MAX(find_date) FROM results WHERE domain=?''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["latestdate"] = data[0] latestdate = data [0] c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="host"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailshost = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailshost"] = scandetailshost c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="email"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailsemail = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailsemail"] = scandetailsemail c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="ip"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailsip = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailsip"] = scandetailsip c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="vhost"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailsvhost = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailsvhost"] = scandetailsvhost c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="shodan"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailsshodan = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailsshodan"] = scandetailsshodan return self.latestscandomain except Exception as e: print(e) finally: conn.close() def getlatestscanresults(self,domain,previousday=False): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) if previousday: try: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT(find_date) FROM results WHERE find_date=date('now', '-1 day') and domain=?''',(domain,)) previousscandate = c.fetchone() if not previousscandate: #when theHarvester runs first time/day this query will return self.previousscanresults = ["No results","No results","No results","No results","No results"] else: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(''' SELECT find_date, domain, source,type,resource FROM results WHERE find_date=? and domain=? ORDER BY source,type ''',(previousscandate[0],domain,)) results = c.fetchall() self.previousscanresults = results return self.previousscanresults except Exception as e: print("Error in getting the previous scan results from the database: " + str(e)) else: try: c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT MAX(find_date) FROM results WHERE domain=?''',(domain,)) latestscandate = c.fetchone() c = conn.cursor() c.execute(''' SELECT find_date, domain, source,type,resource FROM results WHERE find_date=? and domain=? ORDER BY source,type ''',(latestscandate[0],domain,)) results = c.fetchall() self.latestscanresults = results return self.latestscanresults except Exception as e: print("Error in getting the latest scan results from the database: " + str(e)) except Exception as e: print("Error connecting to theHarvester database: " + str(e)) finally: conn.close() def getscanboarddata(self): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE type="host"''') data = c.fetchone() self.scanboarddata["host"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE type="email"''') data = c.fetchone() self.scanboarddata["email"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE type="ip"''') data = c.fetchone() self.scanboarddata["ip"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE type="vhost"''') data = c.fetchone() self.scanboarddata["vhost"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE type="shodan"''') data = c.fetchone() self.scanboarddata["shodan"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(domain)) FROM results ''') data = c.fetchone() self.scanboarddata["domains"] = data[0] return self.scanboarddata except Exception as e: print(e) finally: conn.close() def getscanhistorydomain(self,domain): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT(find_date) FROM results WHERE domain=?''',(domain,)) dates = c.fetchall() for date in dates: c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="host" AND find_date=?''',(domain,date[0])) counthost = c.fetchone() c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="email" AND find_date=?''',(domain,date[0])) countemail = c.fetchone() c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="ip" AND find_date=?''',(domain,date[0])) countip = c.fetchone() c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="vhost" AND find_date=?''',(domain,date[0])) countvhost = c.fetchone() c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="shodan" AND find_date=?''',(domain,date[0])) countshodan = c.fetchone() results = { "date" : str(date[0]), "hosts" : str(counthost[0]), "email" : str(countemail[0]), "ip" : str(countip[0]), "vhost" : str(countvhost[0]), "shodan" : str(countshodan[0]) } self.domainscanhistory.append(results) return self.domainscanhistory except Exception as e: print(e) finally: conn.close() def getpluginscanstatistics(self): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute(''' SELECT domain,find_date, type, source, count(*) FROM results GROUP BY domain,find_date, type, source ''') results = c.fetchall() self.scanstats = results return self.scanstats except Exception as e: print(e) finally: conn.close() def latestscanchartdata(self,domain): try: self.latestscandomain["domain"] = domain conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="host"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["host"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="email"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["email"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="ip"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["ip"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="vhost"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["vhost"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) from results WHERE domain=? AND type="shodan"''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["shodan"] = data[0] c.execute('''SELECT MAX(find_date) FROM results WHERE domain=?''',(domain,)) data = c.fetchone() self.latestscandomain["latestdate"] = data[0] latestdate = data [0] c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="host"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailshost = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailshost"] = scandetailshost c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="email"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailsemail = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailsemail"] = scandetailsemail c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="ip"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailsip = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailsip"] = scandetailsip c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="vhost"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailsvhost = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailsvhost"] = scandetailsvhost c.execute('''SELECT * FROM results WHERE domain=? AND find_date=? AND type="shodan"''',(domain,latestdate,)) scandetailsshodan = c.fetchall() self.latestscandomain["scandetailsshodan"] = scandetailsshodan return self.latestscandomain except Exception as e: print(e) finally: conn.close()