#!/usr/bin/env python import string import httplib import sys from socket import * import re import getopt from discovery import * from lib import htmlExport from lib import hostchecker print "\n*******************************************************************" print "* *" print "* | |_| |__ ___ /\ /\__ _ _ ____ _____ ___| |_ ___ _ __ *" print "* | __| '_ \ / _ \ / /_/ / _` | '__\ \ / / _ \/ __| __/ _ \ '__| *" print "* | |_| | | | __/ / __ / (_| | | \ V / __/\__ \ || __/ | *" print "* \__|_| |_|\___| \/ /_/ \__,_|_| \_/ \___||___/\__\___|_| *" print "* *" print "* TheHarvester Ver. 2.5 *" print "* Coded by Christian Martorella *" print "* Edge-Security Research *" print "* cmartorella@edge-security.com *" print "*******************************************************************\n\n" def usage(): print "Usage: theharvester options \n" print " -d: Domain to search or company name" print """ -b: data source: google googleCSE bing bingapi pgp linkedin google-profiles people123 jigsaw twitter GooglePlus all\n""" print " -s: Start in result number X (default 0)" print " -v: Verify host name via dns resolution and search for virtual hosts" print " -f: Save the results into an HTML and XML file" print " -n: Perform a DNS reverse query on all ranges discovered" print " -c: Perform a DNS brute force for the domain name" print " -t: Perform a DNS TLD expansion discovery" print " -e: Use this DNS server" print " -l: Limit the number of results to work with(bing goes from 50 to 50 results," print " -h: use SHODAN database to query discovered hosts" print " google 100 to 100, and pgp doesn't use this option)" print "\nExamples:" print " ./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -l 500 -b google" print " ./theharvester.py -d microsoft.com -b pgp" print " ./theharvester.py -d microsoft -l 200 -b linkedin" print " ./theHarvester.py -d apple.com -b googleCSE -l 500 -s 300\n" def start(argv): if len(sys.argv) < 4: usage() sys.exit() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "l:d:b:s:vf:nhcte:") except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit() start = 0 host_ip = [] filename = "" bingapi = "yes" dnslookup = False dnsbrute = False dnstld = False shodan = False vhost = [] virtual = False limit = 100 dnsserver = "" for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-l': limit = int(arg) elif opt == '-d': word = arg elif opt == '-s': start = int(arg) elif opt == '-v': virtual = "basic" elif opt == '-f': filename = arg elif opt == '-n': dnslookup = True elif opt == '-c': dnsbrute = True elif opt == '-h': shodan = True elif opt == '-e': dnsserver = arg elif opt == '-t': dnstld = True elif opt == '-b': engine = arg if engine not in ("google","googleCSE" , "linkedin", "pgp", "all", "google-profiles", "bing", "bing_api", "yandex", "people123", "jigsaw", "dogpilesearch","twitter","googleplus"): usage() print "Invalid search engine, try with: bing, google, linkedin, pgp, exalead, jigsaw, bing_api, people123, google-profiles,dogpilesearch,twitter,googleplus" sys.exit() else: pass if engine == "google": print "[-] Searching in Google:" search = googlesearch.search_google(word, limit, start) search.process() all_emails = search.get_emails() all_hosts = search.get_hostnames() if engine == "googleCSE": print "[-] Searching in Google Custom Search:" search = googleCSE.search_googleCSE(word, limit, start) search.process() search.store_results() all_emails = search.get_emails() all_hosts = search.get_hostnames() if engine == "exalead": print "[-] Searching in Exalead:" search = exaleadsearch.search_exalead(word, limit, start) search.process() all_emails = search.get_emails() all_hosts = search.get_hostnames() elif engine == "bing" or engine == "bingapi": print "[-] Searching in Bing:" search = bingsearch.search_bing(word, limit, start) if engine == "bingapi": bingapi = "yes" else: bingapi = "no" search.process(bingapi) all_emails = search.get_emails() all_hosts = search.get_hostnames() elif engine == "yandex": # Not working yet print "[-] Searching in Yandex:" search = yandexsearch.search_yandex(word, limit, start) search.process() all_emails = search.get_emails() all_hosts = search.get_hostnames() elif engine == "pgp": print "[-] Searching in PGP key server.." search = pgpsearch.search_pgp(word) search.process() all_emails = search.get_emails() all_hosts = search.get_hostnames() elif engine == "people123": print "[-] Searching in 123People.." search = people123.search_123people(word, limit) search.process() people = search.get_people() all_emails = search.get_emails() print "Users from 123People:" print "=====================" for user in people: print user elif engine == "jigsaw": print "[-] Searching in Jigsaw.." search = jigsaw.search_jigsaw(word, limit) search.process() people = search.get_people() print "Users from Jigsaw:" print "=====================" for user in people: print user sys.exit() elif engine == "dogpilesearch": print "[-] Searching in Dogpilesearch.." search = dogpilesearch.search_dogpile(word, limit) search.process() all_emails = search.get_emails() all_hosts = search.get_hostnames() elif engine == "googleplus": print "[-] Searching in Google+ .." search = googleplussearch.search_googleplus(word, limit) search.process() people = search.get_people() print "Users from Google+:" print "====================" for user in people: print user sys.exit() elif engine == "twitter": print "[-] Searching in Twitter .." search = twittersearch.search_twitter(word, limit) search.process() people = search.get_people() print "Users from Twitter:" print "====================" for user in people: print user sys.exit() elif engine == "linkedin": print "[-] Searching in Linkedin.." search = linkedinsearch.search_linkedin(word, limit) search.process() people = search.get_people() print "Users from Linkedin:" print "====================" for user in people: print user sys.exit() elif engine == "google-profiles": print "[-] Searching in Google profiles.." search = googlesearch.search_google(word, limit, start) search.process_profiles() people = search.get_profiles() print "Users from Google profiles:" print "---------------------------" for users in people: print users sys.exit() elif engine == "all": print "Full harvest.." all_emails = [] all_hosts = [] virtual = "basic" print "[-] Searching in Google.." search = googlesearch.search_google(word, limit, start) search.process() emails = search.get_emails() hosts = search.get_hostnames() all_emails.extend(emails) all_hosts.extend(hosts) print "[-] Searching in PGP Key server.." search = pgpsearch.search_pgp(word) search.process() emails = search.get_emails() hosts = search.get_hostnames() all_hosts.extend(hosts) all_emails.extend(emails) print "[-] Searching in Bing.." bingapi = "no" search = bingsearch.search_bing(word, limit, start) search.process(bingapi) emails = search.get_emails() hosts = search.get_hostnames() all_hosts.extend(hosts) all_emails.extend(emails) print "[-] Searching in Exalead.." search = exaleadsearch.search_exalead(word, limit, start) search.process() emails = search.get_emails() hosts = search.get_hostnames() all_hosts.extend(hosts) all_emails.extend(emails) #Results############################################################ print "\n\n[+] Emails found:" print "------------------" if all_emails == []: print "No emails found" else: for emails in all_emails: print emails print "\n[+] Hosts found in search engines:" print "------------------------------------" if all_hosts == []: print "No hosts found" else: print "[-] Resolving hostnames IPs... " full_host = hostchecker.Checker(all_hosts) full = full_host.check() for host in full: ip = host.split(':')[0] print host if host_ip.count(ip.lower()): pass else: host_ip.append(ip.lower()) #DNS reverse lookup################################################# dnsrev = [] if dnslookup == True: print "\n[+] Starting active queries:" analyzed_ranges = [] for x in full: ip = x.split(":")[0] range = ip.split(".") range[3] = "0/24" range = string.join(range, '.') if not analyzed_ranges.count(range): print "[-]Performing reverse lookup in :" + range a = dnssearch.dns_reverse(range, True) a.list() res = a.process() analyzed_ranges.append(range) else: continue for x in res: if x.count(word): dnsrev.append(x) if x not in full: full.append(x) print "Hosts found after reverse lookup:" print "---------------------------------" for xh in dnsrev: print xh #DNS Brute force#################################################### dnsres = [] if dnsbrute == True: print "\n[-] Starting DNS brute force:" a = dnssearch.dns_force(word, dnsserver, verbose=True) res = a.process() print "\n[+] Hosts found after DNS brute force:\n" for y in res: print y dnsres.append(y) if y not in full: full.append(y) #DNS TLD expansion################################################### dnstldres = [] if dnstld == True: print "[-] Starting DNS TLD expansion:" a = dnssearch.dns_tld(word, dnsserver, verbose=True) res = a.process() print "\n[+] Hosts found after DNS TLD expansion:" print "==========================================" for y in res: print y dnstldres.append(y) if y not in full: full.append(y) #Virtual hosts search############################################### if virtual == "basic": print "[+] Virtual hosts:" print "==================" for l in host_ip: search = bingsearch.search_bing(l, limit, start) search.process_vhost() res = search.get_allhostnames() for x in res: print l + "\t" + x vhost.append(l + ":" + x) full.append(l + ":" + x) else: pass shodanres = [] shodanvisited = [] if shodan == True: print "[+] Shodan Database search:" for x in full: print x try: ip = x.split(":")[0] if not shodanvisited.count(ip): print "\tSearching for: " + x a = shodansearch.search_shodan(ip) shodanvisited.append(ip) results = a.run() for res in results: shodanres.append( x + "SAPO" + str(res['banner']) + "SAPO" + str(res['port'])) except: pass print "[+] Shodan results:" print "===================" for x in shodanres: print x.split("SAPO")[0] + ":" + x.split("SAPO")[1] else: pass ################################################################### # Here i need to add explosion mode. # Tengo que sacar los TLD para hacer esto. recursion = None if recursion: start = 0 for word in vhost: search = googlesearch.search_google(word, limit, start) search.process() emails = search.get_emails() hosts = search.get_hostnames() print emails print hosts else: pass if filename != "": try: print "[+] Saving files..." html = htmlExport.htmlExport( all_emails, full, vhost, dnsres, dnsrev, filename, word, shodanres, dnstldres) save = html.writehtml() except Exception as e: print e print "Error creating the file" try: filename = filename.split(".")[0] + ".xml" file = open(filename, 'w') file.write('') for x in all_emails: file.write('' + x + '') for x in all_hosts: file.write('' + x + '') for x in vhost: file.write('' + x + '') file.write('') file.close print "Files saved!" except Exception as er: print "Error saving XML file: " + er sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": try: start(sys.argv[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Search interrupted by user.." except: sys.exit()