import string import httplib import sys import myparser class search_pgp: def __init__(self, word): self.word = word self.results = "" self.server = "" #self.server = "" self.hostname = "" self.userAgent = "(Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0;en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6" def process(self): print "\tSearching PGP results..." try: h = httplib.HTTP(self.server) h.putrequest('GET', "/pks/lookup?search=" + self.word + "&op=index") h.putheader('Host', self.hostname) h.putheader('User-agent', self.userAgent) h.endheaders() returncode, returnmsg, headers = h.getreply() self.results = h.getfile().read() except Exception, e: print "Unable to connect to PGP server: ",str(e) pass def get_emails(self): rawres = myparser.parser(self.results, self.word) return rawres.emails() def get_hostnames(self): rawres = myparser.parser(self.results, self.word) return rawres.hostnames()