# This code is in the public domain, it comes # with absolutely no warranty and you can do # absolutely whatever you want with it. __date__ = '17 May 2007' __version__ = '1.7' __doc__ = """ This is markup.py - a Python module that attempts to make it easier to generate HTML/XML from a Python program in an intuitive, lightweight, customizable and pythonic way. The code is in the public domain. Version: %s as of %s. Documentation and further info is at http://markup.sourceforge.net/ Please send bug reports, feature requests, enhancement ideas or questions to nogradi at gmail dot com. Installation: drop markup.py somewhere into your Python path. """ % ( __version__, __date__ ) import string class element: """This class handles the addition of a new element.""" def __init__(self, tag, case='lower', parent=None): self.parent = parent if case == 'lower': self.tag = tag.lower() else: self.tag = tag.upper() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) > 1: raise ArgumentError(self.tag) # if class_ was defined in parent it should be added to every element if self.parent is not None and self.parent.class_ is not None: if 'class_' not in kwargs: kwargs['class_'] = self.parent.class_ if self.parent is None and len(args) == 1: x = [self.render(self.tag, False, myarg, mydict) for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts(args, kwargs)] return '\n'.join(x) elif self.parent is None and len(args) == 0: x = [self.render(self.tag, True, myarg, mydict) for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts(args, kwargs)] return '\n'.join(x) if self.tag in self.parent.twotags: for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts(args, kwargs): self.render(self.tag, False, myarg, mydict) elif self.tag in self.parent.onetags: if len(args) == 0: for myarg, mydict in _argsdicts(args, kwargs): # here myarg is always None, because len( args ) = 0 self.render(self.tag, True, myarg, mydict) else: raise ClosingError(self.tag) elif self.parent.mode == 'strict_html' and self.tag in self.parent.deptags: raise DeprecationError(self.tag) else: raise InvalidElementError(self.tag, self.parent.mode) def render(self, tag, single, between, kwargs): """Append the actual tags to content.""" out = "<%s" % tag for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): # when value is None that means stuff like <... checked> if value is not None: # strip this so class_ will mean class, etc. key = key.strip('_') # special cases, maybe change _ to - overall? if key == 'http_equiv': key = 'http-equiv' elif key == 'accept_charset': key = 'accept-charset' out = "%s %s=\"%s\"" % (out, key, escape(value)) else: out = "%s %s" % (out, key) if between is not None: out = "%s>%s" % (out, between, tag) else: if single: out = "%s />" % out else: out = "%s>" % out if self.parent is not None: self.parent.content.append(out) else: return out def close(self): """Append a closing tag unless element has only opening tag.""" if self.tag in self.parent.twotags: self.parent.content.append("" % self.tag) elif self.tag in self.parent.onetags: raise ClosingError(self.tag) elif self.parent.mode == 'strict_html' and self.tag in self.parent.deptags: raise DeprecationError(self.tag) def open(self, **kwargs): """Append an opening tag.""" if self.tag in self.parent.twotags or self.tag in self.parent.onetags: self.render(self.tag, False, None, kwargs) elif self.mode == 'strict_html' and self.tag in self.parent.deptags: raise DeprecationError(self.tag) class page: """This is our main class representing a document. Elements are added as attributes of an instance of this class.""" def __init__(self, mode='strict_html', case='lower', onetags=None, twotags=None, separator='\n', class_=None): """Stuff that effects the whole document. mode -- 'strict_html' for HTML 4.01 (default) 'html' alias for 'strict_html' 'loose_html' to allow some deprecated elements 'xml' to allow arbitrary elements case -- 'lower' element names will be printed in lower case (default) 'upper' they will be printed in upper case onetags -- list or tuple of valid elements with opening tags only twotags -- list or tuple of valid elements with both opening and closing tags these two keyword arguments may be used to select the set of valid elements in 'xml' mode invalid elements will raise appropriate exceptions separator -- string to place between added elements, defaults to newline class_ -- a class that will be added to every element if defined""" valid_onetags = [ "AREA", "BASE", "BR", "COL", "FRAME", "HR", "IMG", "INPUT", "LINK", "META", "PARAM"] valid_twotags = [ "A", "ABBR", "ACRONYM", "ADDRESS", "B", "BDO", "BIG", "BLOCKQUOTE", "BODY", "BUTTON", "CAPTION", "CITE", "CODE", "COLGROUP", "DD", "DEL", "DFN", "DIV", "DL", "DT", "EM", "FIELDSET", "FORM", "FRAMESET", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "HEAD", "HTML", "I", "IFRAME", "INS", "KBD", "LABEL", "LEGEND", "LI", "MAP", "NOFRAMES", "NOSCRIPT", "OBJECT", "OL", "OPTGROUP", "OPTION", "P", "PRE", "Q", "SAMP", "SCRIPT", "SELECT", "SMALL", "SPAN", "STRONG", "STYLE", "SUB", "SUP", "TABLE", "TBODY", "TD", "TEXTAREA", "TFOOT", "TH", "THEAD", "TITLE", "TR", "TT", "UL", "VAR"] deprecated_onetags = ["BASEFONT", "ISINDEX"] deprecated_twotags = [ "APPLET", "CENTER", "DIR", "FONT", "MENU", "S", "STRIKE", "U"] self.header = [] self.content = [] self.footer = [] self.case = case self.separator = separator # init( ) sets it to True so we know that has to be # printed at the end self._full = False self.class_ = class_ if mode == 'strict_html' or mode == 'html': self.onetags = valid_onetags self.onetags += map(string.lower, self.onetags) self.twotags = valid_twotags self.twotags += map(string.lower, self.twotags) self.deptags = deprecated_onetags + deprecated_twotags self.deptags += map(string.lower, self.deptags) self.mode = 'strict_html' elif mode == 'loose_html': self.onetags = valid_onetags + deprecated_onetags self.onetags += map(string.lower, self.onetags) self.twotags = valid_twotags + deprecated_twotags self.twotags += map(string.lower, self.twotags) self.mode = mode elif mode == 'xml': if onetags and twotags: self.onetags = onetags self.twotags = twotags elif (onetags and not twotags) or (twotags and not onetags): raise CustomizationError() else: self.onetags = russell() self.twotags = russell() self.mode = mode else: raise ModeError(mode) def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith("__") and attr.endswith("__"): raise AttributeError(attr) return element(attr, case=self.case, parent=self) def __str__(self): if self._full and (self.mode == 'strict_html' or self.mode == 'loose_html'): end = ['', ''] else: end = [] return ( self.separator.join( self.header + self.content + self.footer + end) ) def __call__(self, escape=False): """Return the document as a string. escape -- False print normally True replace < and > by < and > the default escape sequences in most browsers""" if escape: return _escape(self.__str__()) else: return self.__str__() def add(self, text): """This is an alias to addcontent.""" self.addcontent(text) def addfooter(self, text): """Add some text to the bottom of the document""" self.footer.append(text) def addheader(self, text): """Add some text to the top of the document""" self.header.append(text) def addcontent(self, text): """Add some text to the main part of the document""" self.content.append(text) def init(self, lang='en', css=None, metainfo=None, title=None, header=None, footer=None, charset=None, encoding=None, doctype=None, bodyattrs=None, script=None): """This method is used for complete documents with appropriate doctype, encoding, title, etc information. For an HTML/XML snippet omit this method. lang -- language, usually a two character string, will appear as in html mode (ignored in xml mode) css -- Cascading Style Sheet filename as a string or a list of strings for multiple css files (ignored in xml mode) metainfo -- a dictionary in the form { 'name':'content' } to be inserted into meta element(s) as (ignored in xml mode) bodyattrs --a dictionary in the form { 'key':'value', ... } which will be added as attributes of the element as (ignored in xml mode) script -- dictionary containing src:type pairs, title -- the title of the document as a string to be inserted into a title element as my title (ignored in xml mode) header -- some text to be inserted right after the element (ignored in xml mode) footer -- some text to be inserted right before the element (ignored in xml mode) charset -- a string defining the character set, will be inserted into a element (ignored in xml mode) encoding -- a string defining the encoding, will be put into to first line of the document as in xml mode (ignored in html mode) doctype -- the document type string, defaults to in html mode (ignored in xml mode)""" self._full = True if self.mode == 'strict_html' or self.mode == 'loose_html': if doctype is None: doctype = "" self.header.append(doctype) self.html(lang=lang) self.head() if charset is not None: self.meta( http_equiv='Content-Type', content="text/html; charset=%s" % charset) if metainfo is not None: self.metainfo(metainfo) if css is not None: self.css(css) if title is not None: self.title(title) if script is not None: self.scripts(script) self.head.close() if bodyattrs is not None: self.body(**bodyattrs) else: self.body() if header is not None: self.content.append(header) if footer is not None: self.footer.append(footer) elif self.mode == 'xml': if doctype is None: if encoding is not None: doctype = "" % encoding else: doctype = "" self.header.append(doctype) def css(self, filelist): """This convenience function is only useful for html. It adds css stylesheet(s) to the document via the element.""" if isinstance(filelist, basestring): self.link( href=filelist, rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', media='all') else: for file in filelist: self.link( href=file, rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', media='all') def metainfo(self, mydict): """This convenience function is only useful for html. It adds meta information via the element, the argument is a dictionary of the form { 'name':'content' }.""" if isinstance(mydict, dict): for name, content in mydict.iteritems(): self.meta(name=name, content=content) else: raise TypeError( "Metainfo should be called with a dictionary argument of name:content pairs.") def scripts(self, mydict): """Only useful in html, mydict is dictionary of src:type pairs will be rendered as """ if isinstance(mydict, dict): for src, type in mydict.iteritems(): self.script('', src=src, type='text/%s' % type) else: raise TypeError( "Script should be given a dictionary of src:type pairs.") class _oneliner: """An instance of oneliner returns a string corresponding to one element. This class can be used to write 'oneliners' that return a string immediately so there is no need to instantiate the page class.""" def __init__(self, case='lower'): self.case = case def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith("__") and attr.endswith("__"): raise AttributeError(attr) return element(attr, case=self.case, parent=None) oneliner = _oneliner(case='lower') upper_oneliner = _oneliner(case='upper') def _argsdicts(args, mydict): """A utility generator that pads argument list and dictionary values, will only be called with len( args ) = 0, 1.""" if len(args) == 0: args = None, elif len(args) == 1: args = _totuple(args[0]) else: raise Exception("We should have never gotten here.") mykeys = mydict.keys() myvalues = map(_totuple, mydict.values()) maxlength = max(map(len, [args] + myvalues)) for i in xrange(maxlength): thisdict = {} for key, value in zip(mykeys, myvalues): try: thisdict[key] = value[i] except IndexError: thisdict[key] = value[-1] try: thisarg = args[i] except IndexError: thisarg = args[-1] yield thisarg, thisdict def _totuple(x): """Utility stuff to convert string, int, float, None or anything to a usable tuple.""" if isinstance(x, basestring): out = x, elif isinstance(x, (int, float)): out = str(x), elif x is None: out = None, else: out = tuple(x) return out def escape(text, newline=False): """Escape special html characters.""" if isinstance(text, basestring): if '&' in text: text = text.replace('&', '&') if '>' in text: text = text.replace('>', '>') if '<' in text: text = text.replace('<', '<') if '\"' in text: text = text.replace('\"', '"') if '\'' in text: text = text.replace('\'', '"') if newline: if '\n' in text: text = text.replace('\n', '
') return text _escape = escape def unescape(text): """Inverse of escape.""" if isinstance(text, basestring): if '&' in text: text = text.replace('&', '&') if '>' in text: text = text.replace('>', '>') if '<' in text: text = text.replace('<', '<') if '"' in text: text = text.replace('"', '\"') return text class dummy: """A dummy class for attaching attributes.""" pass doctype = dummy() doctype.frameset = "" doctype.strict = "" doctype.loose = "" class russell: """A dummy class that contains anything.""" def __contains__(self, item): return True class MarkupError(Exception): """All our exceptions subclass this.""" def __str__(self): return self.message class ClosingError(MarkupError): def __init__(self, tag): self.message = "The element '%s' does not accept non-keyword arguments (has no closing tag)." % tag class OpeningError(MarkupError): def __init__(self, tag): self.message = "The element '%s' can not be opened." % tag class ArgumentError(MarkupError): def __init__(self, tag): self.message = "The element '%s' was called with more than one non-keyword argument." % tag class InvalidElementError(MarkupError): def __init__(self, tag, mode): self.message = "The element '%s' is not valid for your mode '%s'." % ( tag, mode) class DeprecationError(MarkupError): def __init__(self, tag): self.message = "The element '%s' is deprecated, instantiate markup.page with mode='loose_html' to allow it." % tag class ModeError(MarkupError): def __init__(self, mode): self.message = "Mode '%s' is invalid, possible values: strict_html, loose_html, xml." % mode class CustomizationError(MarkupError): def __init__(self): self.message = "If you customize the allowed elements, you must define both types 'onetags' and 'twotags'." if __name__ == '__main__': print __doc__