""" $Id: Base.py,v 2007/05/22 20:28:31 customdesigned Exp $ This file is part of the pydns project. Homepage: http://pydns.sourceforge.net This code is covered by the standard Python License. Base functionality. Request and Response classes, that sort of thing. """ import socket import time from discovery.DNS import Type from discovery.DNS import Class from discovery.DNS import Opcode import asyncore class DNSError(Exception): pass defaults = {'protocol': 'udp', 'port': 53, 'opcode': Opcode.QUERY, 'qtype': Type.A, 'rd': 1, 'timing': 1, 'timeout': 30} defaults['server'] = [] def ParseResolvConf(resolv_path): global defaults try: lines = open(resolv_path).readlines() except: print("error in path" + resolv_path) for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == ';' or line[0] == '#': continue fields = line.split() if len(fields) < 2: continue if fields[0] == 'domain' and len(fields) > 1: defaults['domain'] = fields[1] if fields[0] == 'search': pass if fields[0] == 'options': pass if fields[0] == 'sortlist': pass if fields[0] == 'nameserver': defaults['server'].append(fields[1]) def DiscoverNameServers(): import sys if sys.platform in ('win32', 'nt'): import win32dns defaults['server'] = win32dns.RegistryResolve() else: return ParseResolvConf() class DnsRequest: """ high level Request object """ def __init__(self, *name, **args): self.donefunc = None #fix maybe? self.asyn= False #self.async = None #TODO FIX async is a keyword self.defaults = {} self.argparse(name, args) self.defaults = self.args def argparse(self, name, args): if not name and 'name' in self.defaults: args['name'] = self.defaults['name'] if isinstance(name, str): args['name'] = name else: if len(name) == 1: if name[0]: args['name'] = name[0] for i in defaults.keys(): if i not in args: if i in self.defaults: args[i] = self.defaults[i] else: args[i] = defaults[i] if isinstance(args['server'], str): args['server'] = [args['server']] self.args = args def socketInit(self, a, b): self.s = socket.socket(a, b) def processUDPReply(self): import time import select if self.args['timeout'] > 0: r, w, e = select.select([self.s], [], [], self.args['timeout']) if not len(r): raise DNSError('Timeout') self.reply = self.s.recv(1024) self.time_finish = time.time() self.args['server'] = self.ns return self.processReply() def processTCPReply(self): import time import Lib self.f = self.s.makefile('r') header = self.f.read(2) if len(header) < 2: raise DNSError('EOF') count = Lib.unpack16bit(header) self.reply = self.f.read(count) if len(self.reply) != count: raise DNSError('incomplete reply') self.time_finish = time.time() self.args['server'] = self.ns return self.processReply() def processReply(self): import discovery.DNS.Lib as Lib self.args['elapsed'] = (self.time_finish - self.time_start) * 1000 u = Lib.Munpacker(self.reply) r = Lib.DnsResult(u, self.args) r.args = self.args # self.args=None # mark this DnsRequest object as used. return r #### TODO TODO TODO #### # if protocol == 'tcp' and qtype == Type.AXFR: # while 1: # header = f.read(2) # if len(header) < 2: # print '========== EOF ==========' # break # count = Lib.unpack16bit(header) # if not count: # print '========== ZERO COUNT ==========' # break # print '========== NEXT ==========' # reply = f.read(count) # if len(reply) != count: # print '*** Incomplete reply ***' # break # u = Lib.Munpacker(reply) # Lib.dumpM(u) def conn(self): self.s.connect((self.ns, self.port)) def req(self, *name, **args): " needs a refactoring " import time import discovery.DNS.Lib as Lib self.argparse(name, args) # if not self.args: # raise DNSError,'reinitialize request before reuse' protocol = self.args['protocol'] self.port = self.args['port'] opcode = self.args['opcode'] rd = self.args['rd'] server = self.args['server'] if isinstance(self.args['qtype'], str): try: qtype = getattr(Type, str.upper(self.args['qtype'])) except AttributeError: raise DNSError('unknown query type') else: qtype = self.args['qtype'] if 'name' not in self.args: print(self.args) raise DNSError('nothing to lookup') qname = self.args['name'] if qtype == Type.AXFR: print('Query type AXFR, protocol forced to TCP') protocol = 'tcp' # print 'QTYPE %d(%s)' % (qtype, Type.typestr(qtype)) m = Lib.Mpacker() # jesus. keywords and default args would be good. TODO. m.addHeader(0, 0, opcode, 0, 0, rd, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) m.addQuestion(qname, qtype, Class.IN) self.request = m.getbuf() try: if protocol == 'udp': self.sendUDPRequest(server) else: self.sendTCPRequest(server) except socket.error as reason: raise DNSError(reason) if self.asyn: return None else: return self.response def sendUDPRequest(self, server): "refactor me" self.response = None self.socketInit(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) for self.ns in server: try: # TODO. Handle timeouts &c correctly (RFC) #self.s.connect((self.ns, self.port)) self.conn() self.time_start = time.time() if not self.asyn: self.s.send(self.request) self.response = self.processUDPReply() # except socket.error: except None: continue break if not self.response: if not self.asyn: raise DNSError('no working nameservers found') def sendTCPRequest(self, server): " do the work of sending a TCP request " import time import discovery.DNS.Lib as Lib self.response = None for self.ns in server: try: self.socketInit(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.time_start = time.time() self.conn() self.s.send(Lib.pack16bit(len(self.request)) + self.request) self.s.shutdown(1) self.response = self.processTCPReply() except socket.error: continue break if not self.response: raise DNSError('no working nameservers found') # class DnsAsyncRequest(DnsRequest): class DnsAsyncRequest(DnsRequest, asyncore.dispatcher_with_send): " an asynchronous request object. out of date, probably broken " def __init__(self, *name, **args): DnsRequest.__init__(self, *name, **args) # XXX todo if 'done' in args and args['done']: self.donefunc = args['done'] else: self.donefunc = self.showResult # self.realinit(name,args) # XXX todo self.asyn = 1 def conn(self): import time self.connect((self.ns, self.port)) self.time_start = time.time() if 'start' in self.args and self.args['start']: asyncore.dispatcher.go(self) def socketInit(self, a, b): self.create_socket(a, b) asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.s = self def handle_read(self): if self.args['protocol'] == 'udp': self.response = self.processUDPReply() if self.donefunc: self.donefunc(*(self,)) def handle_connect(self): self.send(self.request) def handle_write(self): pass def showResult(self, *s): self.response.show() # # $Log: Base.py,v $ # Revision 2007/05/22 20:28:31 customdesigned # Missing import Lib # # Revision 2007/05/22 20:25:52 customdesigned # Use socket.inetntoa,inetaton. # # Revision 2007/05/22 20:21:46 customdesigned # Trap socket error # # Revision 2007/05/22 20:19:35 customdesigned # Skip bogus but non-empty lines in resolv.conf # # Revision 1.12 2002/04/23 06:04:27 anthonybaxter # attempt to refactor the DNSRequest.req method a little. after doing a bit # of this, I've decided to bite the bullet and just rewrite the puppy. will # be checkin in some design notes, then unit tests and then writing the sod. # # Revision 1.11 2002/03/19 13:05:02 anthonybaxter # converted to class based exceptions (there goes the python1.4 compatibility :) # # removed a quite gross use of 'eval()'. # # Revision 1.10 2002/03/19 12:41:33 anthonybaxter # tabnannied and reindented everything. 4 space indent, no tabs. # yay. # # Revision 1.9 2002/03/19 12:26:13 anthonybaxter # death to leading tabs. # # Revision 1.8 2002/03/19 10:30:33 anthonybaxter # first round of major bits and pieces. The major stuff here (summarised # from my local, off-net CVS server :/ this will cause some oddities with # the # # tests/testPackers.py: # a large slab of unit tests for the packer and unpacker code in DNS.Lib # # DNS/Lib.py: # placeholder for addSRV. # added 'klass' to addA, make it the same as the other A* records. # made addTXT check for being passed a string, turn it into a length 1 list. # explicitly check for adding a string of length > 255 (prohibited). # a bunch of cleanups from a first pass with pychecker # new code for pack/unpack. the bitwise stuff uses struct, for a smallish # (disappointly small, actually) improvement, while addr2bin is much # much faster now. # # DNS/Base.py: # added DiscoverNameServers. This automatically does the right thing # on unix/ win32. No idea how MacOS handles this. *sigh* # Incompatible change: Don't use ParseResolvConf on non-unix, use this # function, instead! # a bunch of cleanups from a first pass with pychecker # # Revision 1.5 2001/08/09 09:22:28 anthonybaxter # added what I hope is win32 resolver lookup support. I'll need to try # and figure out how to get the CVS checkout onto my windows machine to # make sure it works (wow, doing something other than games on the # windows machine :) # # Code from Wolfgang.Strobl@gmd.de # win32dns.py from # http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/66260 # # Really, ParseResolvConf() should be renamed "FindNameServers" or # some such. # # Revision 1.4 2001/08/09 09:08:55 anthonybaxter # added identifying header to top of each file # # Revision 1.3 2001/07/19 07:20:12 anthony # Handle blank resolv.conf lines. # Patch from Bastian Kleineidam # # Revision 1.2 2001/07/19 06:57:07 anthony # cvs keywords added # #