# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ shodan.client ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This module implements the Shodan API. :copyright: (c) 2014- by John Matherly """ import time import requests import json from .exception import APIError from .helpers import api_request, create_facet_string from .stream import Stream # Try to disable the SSL warnings in urllib3 since not everybody can install # C extensions. If you're able to install C extensions you can try to run: # # pip install requests[security] # # Which will download libraries that offer more full-featured SSL classes try: requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() except: pass # Define a basestring type if necessary for Python3 compatibility try: basestring except NameError: basestring = str class Shodan: """Wrapper around the Shodan REST and Streaming APIs :param key: The Shodan API key that can be obtained from your account page (https://account.shodan.io) :type key: str :ivar exploits: An instance of `shodan.Shodan.Exploits` that provides access to the Exploits REST API. :ivar stream: An instance of `shodan.Shodan.Stream` that provides access to the Streaming API. """ class Data: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent def list_datasets(self): """Returns a list of datasets that the user has permission to download. :returns: A list of objects where every object describes a dataset """ return self.parent._request('/shodan/data', {}) def list_files(self, dataset): """Returns a list of files that belong to the given dataset. :returns: A list of objects where each object contains a 'name', 'size', 'timestamp' and 'url' """ return self.parent._request('/shodan/data/{}'.format(dataset), {}) class Tools: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent def myip(self): """Get your current IP address as seen from the Internet. :returns: str -- your IP address """ return self.parent._request('/tools/myip', {}) class Exploits: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent def search(self, query, page=1, facets=None): """Search the entire Shodan Exploits archive using the same query syntax as the website. :param query: The exploit search query; same syntax as website. :type query: str :param facets: A list of strings or tuples to get summary information on. :type facets: str :param page: The page number to access. :type page: int :returns: dict -- a dictionary containing the results of the search. """ query_args = { 'query': query, 'page': page, } if facets: query_args['facets'] = create_facet_string(facets) return self.parent._request('/api/search', query_args, service='exploits') def count(self, query, facets=None): """Search the entire Shodan Exploits archive but only return the total # of results, not the actual exploits. :param query: The exploit search query; same syntax as website. :type query: str :param facets: A list of strings or tuples to get summary information on. :type facets: str :returns: dict -- a dictionary containing the results of the search. """ query_args = { 'query': query, } if facets: query_args['facets'] = create_facet_string(facets) return self.parent._request('/api/count', query_args, service='exploits') class Labs: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent def honeyscore(self, ip): """Calculate the probability of an IP being an ICS honeypot. :param ip: IP address of the device :type ip: str :returns: int -- honeyscore ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 """ return self.parent._request('/labs/honeyscore/{}'.format(ip), {}) def __init__(self, key): """Initializes the API object. :param key: The Shodan API key. :type key: str """ self.api_key = key self.base_url = 'https://api.shodan.io' self.base_exploits_url = 'https://exploits.shodan.io' self.data = self.Data(self) self.exploits = self.Exploits(self) self.labs = self.Labs(self) self.tools = self.Tools(self) self.stream = Stream(key) self._session = requests.Session() def _request(self, function, params, service='shodan', method='get'): """General-purpose function to create web requests to SHODAN. Arguments: function -- name of the function you want to execute params -- dictionary of parameters for the function Returns A dictionary containing the function's results. """ # Add the API key parameter automatically params['key'] = self.api_key # Determine the base_url based on which service we're interacting with base_url = { 'shodan': self.base_url, 'exploits': self.base_exploits_url, }.get(service, 'shodan') # Send the request try: if method.lower() == 'post': data = self._session.post(base_url + function, params) else: data = self._session.get(base_url + function, params=params) except: raise APIError('Unable to connect to Shodan') # Check that the API key wasn't rejected if data.status_code == 401: try: # Return the actual error message if the API returned valid JSON error = data.json()['error'] except Exception as e: error = 'Invalid API key' raise APIError(error) # Parse the text into JSON try: data = data.json() except: raise APIError('Unable to parse JSON response') # Raise an exception if an error occurred if type(data) == dict and 'error' in data: raise APIError(data['error']) # Return the data return data def count(self, query, facets=None): """Returns the total number of search results for the query. :param query: Search query; identical syntax to the website :type query: str :param facets: (optional) A list of properties to get summary information on :type facets: str :returns: A dictionary with 1 main property: total. If facets have been provided then another property called "facets" will be available at the top-level of the dictionary. Visit the website for more detailed information. """ query_args = { 'query': query, } if facets: query_args['facets'] = create_facet_string(facets) return self._request('/shodan/host/count', query_args) def host(self, ips, history=False, minify=False): """Get all available information on an IP. :param ip: IP of the computer :type ip: str :param history: (optional) True if you want to grab the historical (non-current) banners for the host, False otherwise. :type history: bool :param minify: (optional) True to only return the list of ports and the general host information, no banners, False otherwise. :type minify: bool """ if isinstance(ips, basestring): ips = [ips] params = {} if history: params['history'] = history if minify: params['minify'] = minify return self._request('/shodan/host/%s' % ','.join(ips), params) def info(self): """Returns information about the current API key, such as a list of add-ons and other features that are enabled for the current user's API plan. """ return self._request('/api-info', {}) def ports(self): """Get a list of ports that Shodan crawls :returns: An array containing the ports that Shodan crawls for. """ return self._request('/shodan/ports', {}) def protocols(self): """Get a list of protocols that the Shodan on-demand scanning API supports. :returns: A dictionary containing the protocol name and description. """ return self._request('/shodan/protocols', {}) def scan(self, ips, force=False): """Scan a network using Shodan :param ips: A list of IPs or netblocks in CIDR notation or an object structured like: { "": [ (443, "https"), (8080, "http") ], "": [ (503, "modbus") ] } :type ips: str or dict :param force: Whether or not to force Shodan to re-scan the provided IPs. Only available to enterprise users. :type force: bool :returns: A dictionary with a unique ID to check on the scan progress, the number of IPs that will be crawled and how many scan credits are left. """ if isinstance(ips, basestring): ips = [ips] if isinstance(ips, dict): networks = json.dumps(ips) else: networks = ','.join(ips) params = { 'ips': networks, 'force': force, } return self._request('/shodan/scan', params, method='post') def scan_internet(self, port, protocol): """Scan a network using Shodan :param port: The port that should get scanned. :type port: int :param port: The name of the protocol as returned by the protocols() method. :type port: str :returns: A dictionary with a unique ID to check on the scan progress. """ params = { 'port': port, 'protocol': protocol, } return self._request('/shodan/scan/internet', params, method='post') def scan_status(self, scan_id): """Get the status information about a previously submitted scan. :param id: The unique ID for the scan that was submitted :type id: str :returns: A dictionary with general information about the scan, including its status in getting processed. """ return self._request('/shodan/scan/%s' % scan_id, {}) def search(self, query, page=1, limit=None, offset=None, facets=None, minify=True): """Search the SHODAN database. :param query: Search query; identical syntax to the website :type query: str :param page: (optional) Page number of the search results :type page: int :param limit: (optional) Number of results to return :type limit: int :param offset: (optional) Search offset to begin getting results from :type offset: int :param facets: (optional) A list of properties to get summary information on :type facets: str :param minify: (optional) Whether to minify the banner and only return the important data :type minify: bool :returns: A dictionary with 2 main items: matches and total. If facets have been provided then another property called "facets" will be available at the top-level of the dictionary. Visit the website for more detailed information. """ args = { 'query': query, 'minify': minify, } if limit: args['limit'] = limit if offset: args['offset'] = offset else: args['page'] = page if facets: args['facets'] = create_facet_string(facets) return self._request('/shodan/host/search', args) def search_cursor(self, query, minify=True, retries=5): """Search the SHODAN database. This method returns an iterator that can directly be in a loop. Use it when you want to loop over all of the results of a search query. But this method doesn't return a "matches" array or the "total" information. And it also can't be used with facets, it's only use is to iterate over results more easily. :param query: Search query; identical syntax to the website :type query: str :param minify: (optional) Whether to minify the banner and only return the important data :type minify: bool :param retries: (optional) How often to retry the search in case it times out :type minify: int :returns: A search cursor that can be used as an iterator/ generator. """ args = { 'query': query, 'minify': minify, } page = 1 tries = 0 while page == 1 or results['matches']: try: results = self.search(query, minify=minify, page=page) for banner in results['matches']: try: yield banner except GeneratorExit: return # exit out of the function page += 1 tries = 0 except: # We've retried several times but it keeps failing, so lets error out if tries >= retries: break tries += 1 time.sleep(1.0) # wait 1 second if the search errored out for some reason def search_tokens(self, query): """Returns information about the search query itself (filters used etc.) :param query: Search query; identical syntax to the website :type query: str :returns: A dictionary with 4 main properties: filters, errors, attributes and string. """ query_args = { 'query': query, } return self._request('/shodan/host/search/tokens', query_args) def services(self): """Get a list of services that Shodan crawls :returns: A dictionary containing the ports/ services that Shodan crawls for. The key is the port number and the value is the name of the service. """ return self._request('/shodan/services', {}) def queries(self, page=1, sort='timestamp', order='desc'): """List the search queries that have been shared by other users. :param page: Page number to iterate over results; each page contains 10 items :type page: int :param sort: Sort the list based on a property. Possible values are: votes, timestamp :type sort: str :param order: Whether to sort the list in ascending or descending order. Possible values are: asc, desc :type order: str :returns: A list of saved search queries (dictionaries). """ args = { 'page': page, 'sort': sort, 'order': order, } return self._request('/shodan/query', args) def queries_search(self, query, page=1): """Search the directory of saved search queries in Shodan. :param query: The search string to look for in the search query :type query: str :param page: Page number to iterate over results; each page contains 10 items :type page: int :returns: A list of saved search queries (dictionaries). """ args = { 'page': page, 'query': query, } return self._request('/shodan/query/search', args) def queries_tags(self, size=10): """Search the directory of saved search queries in Shodan. :param query: The number of tags to return :type page: int :returns: A list of tags. """ args = { 'size': size, } return self._request('/shodan/query/tags', args) def create_alert(self, name, ip, expires=0): """Search the directory of saved search queries in Shodan. :param query: The number of tags to return :type page: int :returns: A list of tags. """ data = { 'name': name, 'filters': { 'ip': ip, }, 'expires': expires, } response = api_request(self.api_key, '/shodan/alert', data=data, params={}, method='post') return response def alerts(self, aid=None, include_expired=True): """List all of the active alerts that the user created.""" if aid: func = '/shodan/alert/%s/info' % aid else: func = '/shodan/alert/info' response = api_request(self.api_key, func, params={ 'include_expired': include_expired, }) return response def delete_alert(self, aid): """Delete the alert with the given ID.""" func = '/shodan/alert/%s' % aid response = api_request(self.api_key, func, params={}, method='delete') return response