- Detect the CPU architecture of current os automatically, you need not to add parameter '-v' to comfirm architecture manually.
- Can handle boot item automatically of grub2 in different hardware platforms(AMD64 legacy/AMD64 UEFI/ARM64 UEFI) to make sure all supported bootfile can be loaded correctly.
- Support single-stack(only have IPv6 public address) server like Vultr 2.5$/mo model, only for DHCP.
- Support network auto configurations in bio-stack(have both IPv4 and IPv6 public address), after log into system, you don't have to config IPv6 address manually, only for Debian, DHCP.
- Ubuntu 22.04 has cancelled net boot start features, so this program don't support Ubuntu 22.04 and above reinstallation(source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/uroape/is_there_a_netbootiso_equivalent_for_2204_jammy/).
- South Korea debian official mirror(http://ftp.kr.debian.org/debian/) is usually crashed down, so I change recommend mirror for Jaist University to replace it. Japan recommend debian mirror is from https://www.riken.jp/, a science research organization in Japan. America recommend debian mirror is from University of California, Berkeley: https://www.berkeley.edu/.
- Completely modified debian, such as support terminal files colorful displaying, permanently change dns server, disable expired certificates, add on a cute welcome introduction, pre-install many complements in preseeding progress, now enjoy a newly, comfortable, graceful debian experience!
- Support grub2 boot file modify, it can switch debian to Redhat or switch Redhat to debian smoothly, in old version if you installed from debian to redhat, you will no more switch to debian.
- Support xfs file system(only for Debian 9 and later), it's better than the old ext2 and it's the default option of redhat series.
- Detect if the machine is operating in mainland of China or outside and switch mirror automatically.
- Support the parameter of '-port' to modify ssh port of redhat series.
- Detect the network of machine is DHCP or static automatically.
- Change name server for Debian permanently is provided by "resolvconf", related configuration files has been written. you just need to logging in new installed system, and install "resolvconf":
- Don't support Ubuntu 22.04(jammy) and later, because Canonical deprecated netboot file and force users to use its fuckin cloud-init, it must virtualization demanded but most of VPS can't support.
- For redhat series 8, the minimum memory requirement is 2.5GB, for redhat series 9, the minimum memory requirement is 2GB.
- Because the syntax of grub1 in CentOS 6 is different from other version of grub1 or grub2 completely, so I removed support to CentOS6 or Oracle Linux 6.
**-firmware**: specify drivers for Debian to support old hardwares, if your server location is in mainland China, you can prefer it to mirror of 'University of Science and Technology of China(https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/debian-cdimage/)' for downloading more quickly, default mirror is from http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/.
<b>If you didn't assign other ssh password or port, after system installation, you must change passwords immediately if you assigned default password(LeitboGi0ro)!</b>
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<b>"installNET.sh" doesn't provide any third-part activation service for Windows, this function is only help you to research, evaluate related features of Windows. "installNET.sh" is not responsible or liable if someone cause any illegal circumstance.</b>
.bashrc is a script file system which contains a series of configurations for the terminal session. when the user logs in. The file itself includes highlight settingup for different files.
This ".bat" script can only run in Windows. Although only one group-policy rule in Windows can be exported at a time and not support a global one and also have no GUI entrance to import another backuped group policy which exported from another computer. It can help you import or export GroupPolicy conveniently.
<li>Only support the group-policy rules which exported by this script.</li>
<li>If you want to export group-policy rules. Folder which included group-policy files corresponds to current OS version strictly. Not support export rules which is different from current OS version.</li>
<li>Export operation is irreversible, be cautious to run it!</li>