#!/bin/bash ## ## License: GPL ## It can reinstall Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, AlmaLinux, RockyLinux, Fedora linux system with network. ## Default root password: LeitboGi0ro ## Written By MoeClub.org ## Blog: https://moeclub.org ## Modified By 秋水逸冰 ## Blog: https://teddysun.com/ ## Modified By VPS收割者 ## Blog: https://www.idcoffer.com/ ## Modified By airium ## Blog: https://github.com/airium ## Modified By Leitbogioro ## Blog: https://www.zhihu.com/column/originaltechnic export tmpVER='' export tmpDIST='' export tmpURL='' export tmpWORD='' export tmpMirror='' export tmpDHCP='' export TimeZone='' export ipAddr='' export ipMask='' export ipGate='' export ipDNS='' export ip6Addr='' export ip6Mask='' export ip6Gate='' export ip6DNS='2606:4700:4700::1001' export IncDisk='default' export interface='' export interfaceSelect='' export setInterfaceName='0' export IsCN='' export Relese='' export sshPORT='' export ddMode='0' export setNet='0' export setRDP='0' export setIPv6='0' export setRaid='' export isMirror='0' export FindDists='0' export setFileType='' export loaderMode='0' export IncFirmware='0' export SpikCheckDIST='0' export UNKNOWHW='0' export UNVER='6.4' export GRUBDIR='' export GRUBFILE='' export GRUBVER='' export VER='' export setCMD="" export setConsole='' export FirmwareImage='' export AddNum='1' export DebianModifiedProcession='echo "";' while [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; do case $1 in -version) shift tmpVER="$1" shift ;; -debian|-Debian) shift Relese='Debian' tmpDIST="$1" shift ;; -ubuntu|-Ubuntu) shift Relese='Ubuntu' tmpDIST="$1" shift ;; -centos|-CentOS|-cent|-Cent) shift Relese='CentOS' tmpDIST="$1" shift ;; -rocky|-rockylinux|-RockyLinux) shift Relese='RockyLinux' tmpDIST="$1" shift ;; -alma|-almalinux|-AlmaLinux) shift Relese='AlmaLinux' tmpDIST="$1" shift ;; -fedora|-Fedora) shift Relese='Fedora' tmpDIST="$1" shift ;; -dd|--image) shift ddMode='1' tmpURL="$1" shift ;; --ip-addr) shift ipAddr="$1" shift ;; --ip-mask) shift ipMask="$1" shift ;; --ip-gate) shift ipGate="$1" shift ;; --ip-dns) shift ipDNS="$1" shift ;; --ip6-addr) shift ip6Addr="$1" shift ;; --ip6-mask) shift ip6Mask="$1" shift ;; --ip6-gate) shift ip6Gate="$1" shift ;; --ip6-dns) shift ip6DNS="$1" shift ;; --network) shift tmpDHCP="$1" shift ;; --adapter) shift interfaceSelect="$1" shift ;; --netdevice-unite) shift setInterfaceName='1' ;; --loader) shift loaderMode='1' ;; -mirror) shift isMirror='1' tmpMirror="$1" shift ;; -rdp) shift setRDP='1' WinRemote="$1" shift ;; -raid) shift setRaid="$1" shift ;; -timezone) shift TimeZone="$1" shift ;; -cmd) shift setCMD="$1" shift ;; -console) shift setConsole="$1" shift ;; -firmware) shift IncFirmware="1" shift ;; -filetype) shift setFileType="$1" shift ;; -port) shift sshPORT="$1" shift ;; -pwd) shift tmpWORD="$1" shift ;; --noipv6) shift setIPv6='1' ;; *) if [[ "$1" != 'error' ]]; then echo -ne "\nInvaild option: '$1'\n\n"; fi echo -ne " Usage:\n\tbash $(basename $0)\t-debian [\033[33m\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-ubuntu [\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-centos [\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-rockylinux [\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-almalinux [\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-fedora [\033[04mdists-name\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t-v/--ver [32/i386|64/\033[33m\033[04mamd64\033[0m|arm/\033[33m\033[04marm64\033[0m] [\033[33m\033[04mdists-verison\033[0m]\n\t\t\t\t--ip-addr/--ip-gate/--ip-mask\n\t\t\t\t-apt/-yum/-mirror\n\t\t\t\t-dd/--image\n\t\t\t\t-pwd [linux password]\n\t\t\t\t-port [linux ssh port] [only support debian or ubuntu]\n" exit 1; ;; esac done [[ "$EUID" -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mThis script must be run as root!\n" && exit 1; # Ping delay to YouTube($1) and Instagram($2) and Twitter($3), support both ipv4 and ipv6, $4 is $IPStackType function checkCN(){ for TestUrl in "$1" "$2" "$3"; do IPv4PingDelay=`ping -4 -c 2 -w 2 "$TestUrl" | grep rtt | cut -d'/' -f5 | awk -F'.' '{print $NF}' | sed -n '/^[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?$/p'` IPv6PingDelay=`ping -6 -c 2 -w 2 "$TestUrl" | grep rtt | cut -d'/' -f5 | awk -F'.' '{print $NF}' | sed -n '/^[0-9]\+\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?$/p'` if [[ "$4"="BioStack" ]]; then if [[ "$IPv4PingDelay" != "" ]] || [[ "$IPv6PingDelay" != "" ]]; then IsCN="" IsCN=`echo -e "$IsCN"`"$IsCN" else IsCN="cn" fi elif [[ "$4"="IPv4Stack" ]]; then if [[ "$IPv4PingDelay" != "" ]]; then IsCN="" IsCN=`echo -e "$IsCN"`"$IsCN" else IsCN="cn" IsCN=`echo -e "$IsCN"`"$IsCN" fi elif [[ "$4"="IPv6Stack" ]]; then if [[ "$IPv6PingDelay" != "" ]]; then IsCN="" IsCN=`echo -e "$IsCN"`"$IsCN" else IsCN="cn" IsCN=`echo -e "$IsCN"`"$IsCN" fi fi done [[ `echo "$IsCN" | grep "cn"` != "" ]] && IsCN="cn" || IsCN="" if [[ "$IsCN" == "cn" ]]; then TimeZone="Asia/Shanghai" if [[ "$4" == "BioStack" || "$4" == "IPv6Stack" ]]; then ipDNS="" ip6DNS="2001:da8::666" else ipDNS="" fi fi } function dependence(){ Full='0'; for BIN_DEP in `echo "$1" |sed 's/,/\n/g'` do if [[ -n "$BIN_DEP" ]]; then Found='0'; for BIN_PATH in `echo "$PATH" |sed 's/:/\n/g'` do ls $BIN_PATH/$BIN_DEP >/dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? == '0' ]; then Found='1'; break; fi done if [ "$Found" == '1' ]; then echo -en "[\033[32mok\033[0m]\t"; else Full='1'; echo -en "[\033[31mNot Install\033[0m]"; fi echo -en "\t$BIN_DEP\n"; fi done if [ "$Full" == '1' ]; then echo -ne "\n\033[31mError! \033[0mPlease use '\033[33mapt-get\033[0m' or '\033[33myum\033[0m' install it.\n\n\n" exit 1; fi } function selectMirror(){ [ $# -ge 3 ] || exit 1 Relese=$(echo "$1" |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/') DIST=$(echo "$2" |sed 's/\ //g' |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/') VER=$(echo "$3" |sed 's/\ //g' |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/') New=$(echo "$4" |sed 's/\ //g') [ -n "$Relese" ] && [ -n "$DIST" ] && [ -n "$VER" ] || exit 1 if [ "$Relese" == "debian" ] || [ "$Relese" == "ubuntu" ]; then [ "$DIST" == "focal" ] && legacy="legacy-" || legacy="" TEMP="SUB_MIRROR/dists/${DIST}/main/installer-${VER}/current/${legacy}images/netboot/${Relese}-installer/${VER}/initrd.gz" elif [ "$Relese" == "centos" ] || [ "$Relese" == "rockylinux" ] || [ "$Relese" == "almalinux" ]; then if [ "$Relese" == "centos" ] && [[ "$RedHatSeries" -le "7" ]]; then TEMP="SUB_MIRROR/${DIST}/os/${VER}/images/pxeboot/initrd.img" else TEMP="SUB_MIRROR/${DIST}/BaseOS/${VER}/os/images/pxeboot/initrd.img" fi elif [ "$Relese" == "fedora" ]; then TEMP="SUB_MIRROR/releases/${DIST}/Server/${VER}/os/images/pxeboot/initrd.img" fi [ -n "$TEMP" ] || exit 1 mirrorStatus=0 declare -A MirrorBackup if [[ "$IsCN" == "cn" ]]; then MirrorBackup=(["debian0"]="" ["debian1"]="http://mirror.nju.edu.cn/debian" ["debian2"]="http://mirrors.hit.edu.cn/debian" ["debian3"]="https://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian-archive/debian" ["ubuntu0"]="" ["ubuntu1"]="https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu" ["ubuntu2"]="http://mirrors.xjtu.edu.cn/ubuntu" ["centos0"]="" ["centos1"]="https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/centos-stream" ["centos2"]="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos" ["centos3"]="http://mirror.nju.edu.cn/centos-altarch" ["centos4"]="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/centos-vault" ["fedora0"]="" ["fedora1"]="https://mirrors.bfsu.edu.cn/fedora" ["fedora2"]="https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/fedora" ["rockylinux0"]="" ["rockylinux1"]="http://mirror.nju.edu.cn/rocky" ["rockylinux2"]="http://mirrors.sdu.edu.cn/rocky" ["almalinux0"]="" ["almalinux1"]="https://mirror.sjtu.edu.cn/almalinux" ["almalinux2"]="http://mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn/almalinux") else MirrorBackup=(["debian0"]="" ["debian1"]="http://deb.debian.org/debian" ["debian2"]="http://ftp.kddilabs.jp/pub/debian" ["debian3"]="http://archive.debian.org/debian" ["ubuntu0"]="" ["ubuntu1"]="http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" ["ubuntu2"]="http://ports.ubuntu.com" ["centos0"]="" ["centos1"]="http://mirror.centos.org/centos" ["centos2"]="http://mirror.stream.centos.org" ["centos3"]="http://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/centos-altarch" ["centos4"]="http://vault.centos.org" ["fedora0"]="" ["fedora1"]="https://download-ib01.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux" ["fedora2"]="https://download-cc-rdu01.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux" ["rockylinux0"]="" ["rockylinux1"]="http://download.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky" ["rockylinux2"]="http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/rocky" ["almalinux0"]="" ["almalinux1"]="http://repo.almalinux.org/almalinux" ["almalinux2"]="http://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/linux/almalinux") fi echo "$New" | grep -q '^http://\|^https://\|^ftp://' && MirrorBackup[${Relese}0]="${New%*/}" for mirror in $(echo "${!MirrorBackup[@]}" |sed 's/\ /\n/g' |sort -n |grep "^$Relese"); do Current="${MirrorBackup[$mirror]}" [ -n "$Current" ] || continue MirrorURL=`echo "$TEMP" |sed "s#SUB_MIRROR#${Current}#g"` wget --no-check-certificate --spider --timeout=3 -o /dev/null "$MirrorURL" [ $? -eq 0 ] && mirrorStatus=1 && break done [ $mirrorStatus -eq 1 ] && echo "$Current" || exit 1 } function netmask() { n="${1:-32}" b="" m="" for((i=0;i<32;i++)){ [ $i -lt $n ] && b="${b}1" || b="${b}0" } for((i=0;i<4;i++)){ s=`echo "$b"|cut -c$[$[$i*8]+1]-$[$[$i+1]*8]` [ "$m" == "" ] && m="$((2#${s}))" || m="${m}.$((2#${s}))" } echo "$m" } function ipv4Calc() { tmpIp4="$1" tmpIp4Mask=`netmask "$2"` IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "$tmpIp4" IFS=. read -r m1 m2 m3 m4 <<< "$tmpIp4Mask" tmpNetwork="$((i1 & m1)).$((i2 & m2)).$((i3 & m3)).$((i4 & m4))" tmpBroadcast="$((i1 & m1 | 255-m1)).$((i2 & m2 | 255-m2)).$((i3 & m3 | 255-m3)).$((i4 & m4 | 255-m4))" tmpFirstIP="$((i1 & m1)).$((i2 & m2)).$((i3 & m3)).$(((i4 & m4)+1))" tmpFiLast="$(echo "$tmpFirstIP" | cut -d'.' -f 4)" FirstIP="$tmpFirstIP" tmpLastIP="$((i1 & m1 | 255-m1)).$((i2 & m2 | 255-m2)).$((i3 & m3 | 255-m3)).$(((i4 & m4 | 255-m4)-1))" tmpLiLast="$(echo "$tmpLastIP" | cut -d'.' -f 4)" LastIP="$tmpLastIP" [[ "$tmpFiLast" > "$tmpLiLast" ]] && { FirstIP="$tmpLastIP" LastIP="$tmpFirstIP" } [[ "$2" > "31" ]] && { FirstIP="$tmpNetwork" LastIP="$tmpNetwork" } echo -e "Network: $tmpNetwork\nBroadcast: $tmpBroadcast\nFirstIP: $FirstIP\nLastIP: $LastIP\n" } function getDisk(){ disks=`lsblk | sed 's/[[:space:]]*$//g' |grep "disk$" |cut -d' ' -f1 |grep -v "fd[0-9]*\|sr[0-9]*" |head -n1` [ -n "$disks" ] || echo "" echo "$disks" |grep -q "/dev" [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "$disks" || echo "/dev/$disks" } function diskType(){ echo `udevadm info --query all "$1" 2>/dev/null |grep 'ID_PART_TABLE_TYPE' |cut -d'=' -f2` } # $1 is timezone checkfile direction, $2 $3 $4 are api keys. function getUserTimezone(){ if [[ "$TimeZone" == "" ]]; then GuestIP=`who am i | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g'` for Count in "$2" "$3" "$4"; do [[ "$TimeZone" == "Asia/Shanghai" ]] && break tmpApi=`echo -n "$Count" | base64 -d` TimeZone=`curl -s "https://api.ipgeolocation.io/timezone?apiKey=$tmpApi&ip=$GuestIP" | jq '.timezone' | tr -d '"'` checkTz=`echo $TimeZone | cut -d'/' -f 1` [[ -n "$checkTz" && "$checkTz" =~ ^[a-zA-Z] ]] && break done else echo `timedatectl list-timezones` >> "$1" [[ `grep -c "$TimeZone" "$1"` == "0" ]] && TimeZone="Asia/Tokyo" rm -rf "$1" fi } function checkEfi(){ EfiStatus=`efibootmgr l | head -n 1` EfiVars="" for Count in "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"; do EfiVars=`ls -Sa $Count | wc -l` [[ "$EfiVars" -ge "1" ]] && break done if [[ "$EfiStatus" == "" ]] || [[ "$EfiVars" == "0" ]]; then EfiSupport="disabled" elif [[ -n `echo "$EfiStatus" | awk '{print $2}' | sed -n '/^[0-9][0-9]*$/p'` ]] && [[ "$EfiVars" != "0" ]]; then EfiSupport="enabled" else echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mboot firmware of your system could not be confirmed!\n" exit 1 fi } function checkGrub(){ GRUBDIR="" GRUBFILE="" for Count in "$1" "$2" "$3"; do # don't support grub1 if [[ -f "$Count""$4" ]] && [[ `grep -c "insmod*" $Count$4` -ge "1" ]]; then GRUBDIR="$Count" GRUBFILE="$4" elif [[ -f "$Count""$5" ]] && [[ `grep -c "insmod*" $Count$5` -ge "1" ]]; then GRUBDIR="$Count" GRUBFILE="$5" fi done if [[ -z "$GRUBFILE" ]] || [[ `grep -c "insmod*" $GRUBDIR$GRUBFILE` == "0" ]]; then for Count in "$4" "$5"; do GRUBFILE=`find "$6" -name "$Count"` if [[ -n "$GRUBFILE" ]]; then GRUBDIR=`echo "$GRUBFILE" | sed "s/$Count//g"` GRUBFILE="$Count" break fi done fi GRUBDIR=`echo ${GRUBDIR%?}` if [[ `awk '/menuentry*/{print NF}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE | head -n 1` -ge "1" ]] || [[ `awk '/feature*/{print $a}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE | head -n 1` != "" ]]; then if [[ -n `grep -w "grub2-mkconfig" $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE` ]] || [[ `type grub2-mkconfig` != "" ]]; then GRUBTYPE="isGrub2" elif [[ -n `grep -w "grub-mkconfig" $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE` ]] || [[ `type grub-mkconfig` != "" ]]; then GRUBTYPE="isGrub1" elif [[ "$CurrentOS" == "CentOS" || "$CurrentOS" == "OracleLinux" ]] && [[ "$CurrentOSVer" -le "6" ]]; then GRUBTYPE="isGrub1" fi fi } # $1 is $linux_relese, $2 is $RedHatSeries function checkMem(){ TotalMem1=$(cat /proc/meminfo | grep "^MemTotal:" | sed 's/kb//i' | grep -o "[0-9]*" | awk -F' ' '{print $NF}') TotalMem2=$(free -k | grep -wi "mem*" | awk '{printf $2}') # Without the function of OS re-installation templates in control panel which provided by cloud companies(many companies even have not). # A independent VPS with only one hard drive is lack of the secondary hard drive to format and copy new OS file to main hard drive. # So PXE installation need to use memory as a 'hard drive' temporary. # For redhat series, the main OS installation file is 'squashfs.img', for example, this is the link of rockylinux 8 LiveOS iso file: # http://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/8/Live/x86_64/Rocky-8-MATE-x86_64-latest.iso # If you download and mount it, you will found that the size of '/LiveOS/squashfs.img' is 1.55GB! # It means in first step of netboot installation, this 1.55GB file will be all downloaded and loaded in memory! # So and consider other install programs if necessary, even 2GB memory is not enough, 2.5GB only just pass, it's so ridiculous! # Debian 11 PXE installation will be able in low memory mode just 512M, why redhat loves swallow memory so much, is shame on you! # Redhat 9 slightly improved the huge occupy of the memory, 2GB RAM machine can run it successfully. # Technology companies usually add useless functions and redundant code in new version of software increasingly. # They never optimize or improve it, just tell users they need to pay more to expand their hardware performance and adjust to the endless demand of them. it's not a correct decision. [[ "$1" == 'fedora' || "$1" == 'rockylinux' || "$1" == 'almalinux' || "$1" == 'centos' ]] && { if [[ "$1" == 'rockylinux' || "$1" == 'almalinux' || "$1" == 'centos' ]]; then if [[ "$2" == "8" ]] && [[ "$TotalMem1" -le "2406400" || "$TotalMem2" -le "2406400" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mMinimum system memory requirement is 2.5GB!\n" exit 1 elif [[ "$2" -ge "9" ]] && [[ "$TotalMem1" -le "1740800" || "$TotalMem2" -le "1740800" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mMinimum system memory requirement is 2GB!\n" exit 1 elif [[ "$2" == "7" ]] && [[ "$TotalMem1" -le "1384200" || "$TotalMem2" -le "1384200" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mMinimum system memory requirement is 1.5GB!\n" exit 1 fi elif [[ "$1" == 'fedora' ]]; then if [[ "$TotalMem1" -le "1740800" || "$TotalMem2" -le "1740800" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mMinimum system memory requirement is 2GB!\n" exit 1 fi fi } } function checkSys(){ apt update -y apt install curl dnsutils efibootmgr file subnetcalc jq lsb-release wget xz-utils -y yum update --allowerasing -y yum update -y yum install epel-release -y yum install bind-utils curl dnsutils efibootmgr file ipcalc jq redhat-lsb wget xz --skip-broken -y OsLsb=`lsb_release -d | awk '{print$2}'` CurrentOSVer=`cat /etc/os-release | grep -w "VERSION_ID=*" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g' | cut -d'.' -f 1` RedHatRelease="" for Count in `cat /etc/redhat-release | awk '{print$1}'` `cat /etc/system-release | awk '{print$1}'` `cat /etc/os-release | grep -w "ID=*" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}' | sed 's/\"//g'` "$OsLsb"; do [[ -n "$Count" ]] && RedHatRelease=`echo -e "$Count"`"$RedHatRelease" done DebianRelease="" IsUbuntu=`uname -a | grep -i "ubuntu"` IsDebian=`uname -a | grep -i "debian"` for Count in `cat /etc/os-release | grep -w "ID=*" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}'` `cat /etc/issue | awk '{print $1}'` "$OsLsb"; do [[ -n "$Count" ]] && DebianRelease=`echo -e "$Count"`"$DebianRelease" done if [[ `echo "$RedHatRelease" | grep -i "centos"` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="CentOS" elif [[ `echo "$RedHatRelease" | grep -i "almalinux"` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="AlmaLinux" elif [[ `echo "$RedHatRelease" | grep -i "rocky"` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="RockyLinux" elif [[ `echo "$RedHatRelease" | grep -i "fedora"` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="Fedora" elif [[ `echo "$RedHatRelease" | grep -i "virtuozzo"` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="Vzlinux" elif [[ `echo "$RedHatRelease" | grep -i 'ol\|oracle'` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="OracleLinux" elif [[ `echo "$RedHatRelease" | grep -i 'opencloudos'` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="OpenCloudOS" elif [[ `echo "$RedHatRelease" | grep -i 'alibaba\|aliyun'` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="AlibabaCloudLinux" elif [[ `echo "$RedHatRelease" | grep -i 'scientific'` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="ScientificLinux" elif [[ "$IsUbuntu" ]] || [[ `echo "$DebianRelease" | grep -i "ubuntu"` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="Ubuntu" CurrentOSVer=`lsb_release -r | awk '{print$2}' | cut -d'.' -f1` elif [[ "$IsDebian" ]] || [[ `echo "$DebianRelease" | grep -i "debian"` != "" ]]; then CurrentOS="Debian" CurrentOSVer=`lsb_release -r | awk '{print$2}' | cut -d'.' -f1` else echo -e "Does't support your system!\n" exit 1 fi if [[ "$CurrentOS" == "CentOS" || "$CurrentOS" == "OracleLinux" ]] && [[ "$CurrentOSVer" == "6" ]]; then echo -e "Does't support your system!\n" exit 1 fi } function checkIpv4OrIpv6(){ IPv4DNSLookup=`timeout 2 dig -4 TXT +short o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | sed 's/\"//g'` IPv6DNSLookup=`timeout 2 dig -6 TXT +short o-o.myaddr.l.google.com @ns1.google.com | sed 's/\"//g'` IP_Check="$IPv4DNSLookup" if expr "$IP_Check" : '[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$' >/dev/null; then for i in 1 2 3 4; do if [ $(echo "$IP_Check" | cut -d. -f$i) -gt 255 ]; then echo "fail ($IP_Check)" exit 1 fi done IP_Check="isIPv4" fi IPv6_Check="$IPv6DNSLookup" # If the last two strings of IPv6 is "::", we should replace ":" to "0" for the last string to make sure it's a valid IPv6(can't end with ":"). [[ ${IPv6DNSLookup: -1} == ":" ]] && IPv6_Check=$(echo "$IPv6DNSLookup" | sed 's/.$/0/') # If the first two strings of IPv6 is "::", we should replace ":" to "0" for the first string to make sure it's a valid IPv6(can't start with ":"). [[ ${IPv6DNSLookup:0:1} == ":" ]] && IPv6_Check=$(echo "$IPv6DNSLookup" | sed 's/^./0/') # Add ":" in the last of the IPv6 address for cut all items infront of the ":" by split by symbol ":". IP6_Check_Temp="$IPv6_Check"":" # Total numbers of the hex blocks in IPv6 address includes with empty value(abbreviation of "0000"). IP6_Hex_Num=`echo "$IP6_Check_Temp" | tr -cd ":" | wc -c` # Default number of empty values of the hex block is "0". IP6_Hex_Abbr="0" # The first filter plays a role of: # 1. check if 0-9 or a-z and ":" in original IPv6; # 2. the longest number of ":" in IPv6 is "7", because of variable "IP6_Check_Temp" one more ":" has been add, # so the total number of ":" in variable "IP6_Check_Temp" should be less or equal "8". if [[ `echo "$IPv6_Check" | grep -i '[[:xdigit:]]' | grep ':'` ]] && [[ "$IP6_Hex_Num" -le "8" ]]; then # Total cycles of the check(sequence of the current hex block). for ((i=1; i<="$IP6_Hex_Num"; i++)){ # Every IPv6 hex block of current cycle. IP6_Hex=$(echo "$IP6_Check_Temp" | cut -d: -f$i) # Count "::" abbreviations for this IPv6. [[ "$IP6_Hex" == "" ]] && IP6_Hex_Abbr=`expr $IP6_Hex_Abbr + 1` # String number of letters or numbers in one block should less or equal "4". [[ `echo "$IP6_Hex" | wc -c` -le "4" ]] && { # The second filter plays a reversion role of the following to exclude an effective IPv6 hex block: # 1. Except 0-9 and a-f; # 2. Abbreviation of hex block should be appeared less than or equal one time in principle. if [[ `echo "$IP6_Hex" | grep -iE '[^0-9a-f]'` ]] || [[ "$IP6_Hex_Abbr" -gt "1" ]]; then echo "fail ($IP6_Check_Temp)" exit 1 fi } } IP6_Check="isIPv6" fi [[ "$IP_Check" == "isIPv4" && "$IP6_Check" == "isIPv6" ]] && IPStackType="BioStack" [[ "$IP_Check" == "isIPv4" && "$IP6_Check" != "isIPv6" ]] && IPStackType="IPv4Stack" [[ "$IP_Check" != "isIPv4" && "$IP6_Check" == "isIPv6" ]] && IPStackType="IPv6Stack" } # $1 is $CurrentOS $2 is $CurrentOSVer function getInterface(){ # Network config file for Ubuntu 16.04 and former version, # Debian all version included the latest Debian 11 is deposited in /etc/network/interfaces, they managed by "ifupdown". # Ubuntu 18.04 and later version, using netplan to replace legacy ifupdown, the network config file is in /etc/netplan # Some templates of cloud provider like Bandwagonhosts, Ubuntu 22.04, may modify parameters in " GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" " in /etc/default/grub # to make Linux kernel redirect names of network adapters from real name like ens18, ens3, enp0s4 to eth0, eth1, eth2... # This setting may confuse program to get real adapter name from reading /proc/cat/dev GrubCmdLine=`grep "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX" /etc/default/grub | grep -v "#" | grep "net.ifnames=0\|biosdevname=0"` # So we need to comfirm whether adapter name is renamed and whether we should inherit it into new system. [[ -n "$GrubCmdLine" && -z "$interfaceSelect" ]] && setInterfaceName='1' interface="" Interfaces=`cat /proc/net/dev |grep ':' |cut -d':' -f1 |sed 's/\s//g' |grep -iv '^lo\|^sit\|^stf\|^gif\|^dummy\|^vmnet\|^vir\|^gre\|^ipip\|^ppp\|^bond\|^tun\|^tap\|^ip6gre\|^ip6tnl\|^teql\|^ocserv\|^vpn'` defaultRoute=`ip route show default | grep "^default"` for item in `echo "$Interfaces"`; do [ -n "$item" ] || continue echo "$defaultRoute" | grep -q "$item" [ $? -eq 0 ] && interface="$item" && break done echo "$interface" if [[ "$1" == 'Ubuntu' ]] && [[ "$2" -ge "18" ]]; then NetCfgDir="/etc/netplan/" NetCfgFile=`ls -Sl $NetCfgDir | grep ".yaml" | head -n 1 | awk -F' ' '{print $NF}'` elif [[ "$1" == 'CentOS' || "$1" == 'AlmaLinux' || "$1" == 'RockyLinux' || "$1" == 'Fedora' || "$1" == 'Vzlinux' || "$1" == 'OracleLinux' || "$1" == 'OpenCloudOS' || "$1" == 'AlibabaCloudLinux' || "$1" == 'ScientificLinux' ]]; then for Count in "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/" "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/" "/run/NetworkManager/system-connections/" "/usr/lib/NetworkManager/system-connections/" "/run/sysconfig/network-scripts/" "/run/network-scripts/" "/usr/lib/sysconfig/network-scripts/" "/usr/lib/network-scripts/"; do NetCfgDir="$Count" NetCfgFile=`ls -Sl $NetCfgDir | grep "nmconnection\|ifcfg-*" | grep -iv 'lo\|sit\|stf\|gif\|dummy\|vmnet\|vir\|gre\|ipip\|ppp\|bond\|tun\|tap\|ip6gre\|ip6tnl\|teql\|ocserv\|vpn' | head -n 1 | awk -F' ' '{print $NF}'` [[ -n `grep -wlr "BOOTPROTO=*\|DEVICE=*\|ONBOOT=*\|DEFROUTE=*\|id=*\|\[connection\]\|interface-name=*\|method=*" $NetCfgDir*` ]] && break done else for Count in "/run/network/" "/etc/network/"; do NetCfgWhole=`grep -wrl "network" | grep -wrl "iface" | grep -wrl "lo" | grep -wrl "inet\|inte6" $Count* | grep -v "if-*" | grep -v "state"` if [[ "$NetCfgWhole" != "" ]]; then NetCfgFile=`echo $NetCfgWhole | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'` NetCfgDir=`echo $NetCfgWhole | sed "s/$NetCfgFile//g"` break fi done fi } # If original system using DHCP, skip IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS server settings manually. # In many DHCP server, manual settings may cause problems. # $1 is $CurrentOS $2 is $CurrentOSVer function checkDHCP(){ getInterface "$CurrentOS" "$CurrentOSVer" if [[ "$1" == 'CentOS' || "$1" == 'AlmaLinux' || "$1" == 'RockyLinux' || "$1" == 'Fedora' || "$1" == 'Vzlinux' || "$1" == 'OracleLinux' || "$1" == 'OpenCloudOS' || "$1" == 'AlibabaCloudLinux' || "$1" == 'ScientificLinux' ]]; then # RedHat like linux system 8 and before network config name is "ifcfg-interface", deposited in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ # RedHat like linux system 9 and later network config name is "interface.nmconnection", deposited in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections if [[ -n `grep -Ewrn "BOOTPROTO=none|BOOTPROTO=\"none\"|BOOTPROTO=\'none\'|BOOTPROTO=NONE|BOOTPROTO=\"NONE\"|BOOTPROTO=\'NONE\'|BOOTPROTO=static|BOOTPROTO=\"static\"|BOOTPROTO=\'static\'|BOOTPROTO=STATIC|BOOTPROTO=\"STATIC\"|BOOTPROTO=\'STATIC\'" $NetCfgDir*` ]] || [[ -n `grep -Ewrn "method=manual" $NetCfgDir*` ]] || [[ "$tmpDHCP" == "static" || "$tmpDHCP" == "manual" || "$tmpDHCP" == "none" || "$tmpDHCP" == "false" || "$tmpDHCP" == "no" || "$tmpDHCP" == "0" ]]; then NetworkConfig="isStatic" else NetworkConfig="isDHCP" fi elif [[ "$1" == 'Debian' ]] || [[ "$1" == 'Ubuntu' && "$2" -le "16" ]]; then # Debian network configs may be deposited in the following directions. # /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/network/interfaces.d/interface or /run/network/interfaces.d/interface if [[ `grep -c "inet" $NetCfgDir$NetCfgFile | grep -c "static" $NetCfgDir$NetCfgFile` -ne "0" ]] || [[ `grep -c "inet6" $NetCfgDir$NetCfgFile | grep -c "static" $NetCfgDir$NetCfgFile` -ne "0" ]] || [[ "$tmpDHCP" == "static" || "$tmpDHCP" == "manual" || "$tmpDHCP" == "none" || "$tmpDHCP" == "false" || "$tmpDHCP" == "no" || "$tmpDHCP" == "0" ]]; then NetworkConfig="isStatic" else NetworkConfig="isDHCP" fi elif [[ "$1" == 'Ubuntu' ]] && [[ "$2" -ge "18" ]]; then if [[ `grep -c "dhcp4: false" $NetCfgDir$NetCfgFile` -ne "0" || `grep -c "dhcp4: no" $NetCfgDir$NetCfgFile` -ne "0" || `grep -c "dhcp6: false" $NetCfgDir$NetCfgFile` -ne "0" || `grep -c "dhcp6: no" $NetCfgDir$NetCfgFile` -ne "0" ]] || [[ "$tmpDHCP" == "static" || "$tmpDHCP" == "manual" || "$tmpDHCP" == "none" || "$tmpDHCP" == "false" || "$tmpDHCP" == "no" || "$tmpDHCP" == "0" ]]; then NetworkConfig="isStatic" else NetworkConfig="isDHCP" fi fi [[ "$tmpDHCP" == "dhcp" || "$tmpDHCP" == "auto" || "$tmpDHCP" == "automatic" || "$tmpDHCP" == "true" || "$tmpDHCP" == "yes" || "$tmpDHCP" == "1" ]] && NetworkConfig="isDHCP" } function DebianModifiedPreseed(){ if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]]; then # Must use ";" instead of using "&&", "echo -e" etc to combine multiple commands, or write text in files, recommend sed. # Can't pass parameters correctly in preseed environment # DebianVimVer=`ls -a /usr/share/vim | grep vim[0-9]` DebianVimVer="vim"`expr ${DebianDistNum} + 71` [[ "$DIST" == "bookworm" ]] && DebianVimVer="vim90" # $1 is "in-target" AptUpdating="$1 apt update;" # pre-install some commonly used software. InstallComponents="$1 apt install sudo apt-transport-https bc binutils ca-certificates cron curl debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring dnsutils dosfstools efibootmgr ethtool fail2ban file figlet iptables iptables-persistent iputils-tracepath jq lrzsz libnet-ifconfig-wrapper-perl lsof libnss3 lsb-release mtr-tiny mlocate netcat-openbsd net-tools ncdu nmap ntfs-3g parted psmisc python3 socat sosreport subnetcalc tcpdump telnet traceroute unzip unrar-free uuid-runtime vim vim-gtk3 wget xz-utils -y;" # In debian 9 and former, some certificates are expired. DisableCertExpiredCheck="$1 sed -i '/^mozilla\/DST_Root_CA_X3/s/^/!/' /etc/ca-certificates.conf; $1 update-ca-certificates -f;" if [[ "$IsCN" == "cn" ]]; then # Modify /root/.bashrc to support colorful filename. ChangeBashrc="$1 rm -rf /root/.bashrc; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /root/.bashrc 'https://gitee.com/mb9e8j2/Tools/raw/master/Linux_reinstall/.bashrc';" # Need to install "resolvconf" manually after all installation ended, logged into new system. # DNS server validation must setting up in installed system, can't in preseeding! # Set China DNS server from USTC and Tsinghua University permanently SetDNS="CNResolvHead" DnsChangePermanently="$1 mkdir -p /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head 'https://gitee.com/mb9e8j2/Tools/raw/master/Linux_reinstall/${SetDNS}';" # Modify logging in welcome information(Message Of The Day) of Debian and make it more pretty. ModifyMOTD="$1 rm -rf /etc/update-motd.d/ /etc/motd /run/motd.dynamic; $1 mkdir -p /etc/update-motd.d/; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /etc/update-motd.d/00-header 'https://gitee.com/mb9e8j2/Tools/raw/master/Linux_reinstall/updatemotd/00-header'; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /etc/update-motd.d/10-sysinfo 'https://gitee.com/mb9e8j2/Tools/raw/master/Linux_reinstall/updatemotd/10-sysinfo'; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /etc/update-motd.d/90-footer 'https://gitee.com/mb9e8j2/Tools/raw/master/Linux_reinstall/updatemotd/90-footer'; $1 chmod +x /etc/update-motd.d/00-header; $1 chmod +x /etc/update-motd.d/10-sysinfo; $1 chmod +x /etc/update-motd.d/90-footer;" else ChangeBashrc="$1 rm -rf /root/.bashrc; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /root/.bashrc 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leitbogioro/Tools/master/Linux_reinstall/.bashrc';" # Set DNS server from CloudFlare and Google permanently SetDNS="NomalResolvHead" DnsChangePermanently="$1 mkdir -p /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leitbogioro/Tools/master/Linux_reinstall/${SetDNS}';" ModifyMOTD="$1 rm -rf /etc/update-motd.d/ /etc/motd /run/motd.dynamic; $1 mkdir -p /etc/update-motd.d/; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /etc/update-motd.d/00-header 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leitbogioro/Tools/master/Linux_reinstall/updatemotd/00-header'; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /etc/update-motd.d/10-sysinfo 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leitbogioro/Tools/master/Linux_reinstall/updatemotd/10-sysinfo'; $1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO /etc/update-motd.d/90-footer 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leitbogioro/Tools/master/Linux_reinstall/updatemotd/90-footer'; $1 chmod +x /etc/update-motd.d/00-header; $1 chmod +x /etc/update-motd.d/10-sysinfo; $1 chmod +x /etc/update-motd.d/90-footer;" fi # Set parameter "mouse-=a" in /usr/share/vim/vim-version/defaults.vim to support copy text from terminal to client. VimSupportCopy="$1 sed -i 's/set mouse=a/set mouse-=a/g' /usr/share/vim/${DebianVimVer}/defaults.vim;" # If the network config type of server is DHCP and it have both public IPv4 and IPv6 address, # Debian install program even get nerwork config with DHCP, but after log into new system, # only the IPv4 of the server has been configurated. # so need to write "iface interface inet6 dhcp" to /etc/network/interfaces in preseeding process, # to avoid config IPv6 manually after log into new system. SupportIPv6="" if [[ "$NetworkConfig" == "isDHCP" ]]; then # This IPv4Stack DHCP machine can access IPv6 network in the future, maybe. SupportIPv6="$1 sed -i '\$aiface $interface inet6 dhcp' /etc/network/interfaces" # Enable IPv6 dhcp and set prefer IPv6 access for BioStack or IPv6Stack machine: add "label 2002::/16" in last line of the "/etc/gai.conf" [[ "$IPStackType" == "BioStack" || "$IPStackType" == "IPv6Stack" ]] && SupportIPv6="$1 sed -i '\$aiface $interface inet6 dhcp' /etc/network/interfaces; $1 sed -i '\$alabel 2002::/16 2' /etc/gai.conf" elif [[ "$NetworkConfig" == "isStatic" ]]; then [[ "$IPStackType" == "BioStack" || "$IPStackType" == "IPv6Stack" ]] && SupportIPv6="$1 sed -i '\$aiface $interface inet6 static' /etc/network/interfaces; $1 sed -i '\$a\\\taddress $ip6Addr' /etc/network/interfaces; $1 sed -i '\$a\\\tgateway $ip6Gate' /etc/network/interfaces; $1 sed -i '\$a\\\tnetmask $ip6Mask' /etc/network/interfaces; $1 sed -i '\$a\\\tdns-nameservers $ip6DNS' /etc/network/interfaces; $1 sed -i '\$alabel 2002::/16 2' /etc/gai.conf" # a typical network configuration sample of IPv6 static for Debian: # iface eth0 inet6 static # address 2702:b43c:492a:9d1e:8270:fd59:6de4:20f1 # gateway fe80::200:17ff:fe9e:f9d0 # netmask 128 # dns-nameservers 2606:4700:4700::1001 fi [[ "$setRaid" == "0" ]] && FormatDisk=`echo -e "d-i partman-md/confirm boolean true d-i partman-md/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true d-i partman-basicfilesystems/no_swap boolean false d-i partman/mount_style select label d-i partman-auto/method string raid d-i partman-auto/disk string "$IncDisk" /dev/sdb d-i partman-auto-raid/recipe string \ 1 2 0 ext4 /boot "$IncDisk"1#/dev/sdb1 . \ 0 2 0 ext4 / "$IncDisk"2#/dev/sdb2 . d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string multiraid :: \ 400 100 400 raid \\$bootable{ } \\$primary{ } method{ raid } . \ 100 200 -1 raid \\$primary{ } method{ raid } . d-i mdadm/boot_degraded boolean true"` # Raid 0 partition recipe: # d-i partman-md/confirm boolean true # d-i partman-md/confirm_nooverwrite boolean true # d-i partman-basicfilesystems/no_swap boolean false # d-i partman/mount_style select label # d-i partman-auto/method string raid # d-i partman-auto/disk string /dev/sda /dev/sdb # d-i partman-auto-raid/recipe string \ # 1 2 0 ext4 /boot /dev/sda1#/dev/sdb1 . \ # 0 2 0 ext4 / /dev/sda2#/dev/sdb2 . # d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string multiraid :: \ # 400 100 400 raid \$bootable{ } \$primary{ } method{ raid } . \ # 100 200 -1 raid \$primary{ } method{ raid } . # d-i mdadm/boot_degraded boolean true export DebianModifiedProcession="${AptUpdating} ${InstallComponents} ${DisableCertExpiredCheck} ${ChangeBashrc} ${VimSupportCopy} ${DnsChangePermanently} ${ModifyMOTD} ${SupportIPv6}" fi } function DebianPreseedProcess(){ # Default to make a GPT partition to support 3TB hard drive or larger. FormatDisk=`echo -e "d-i partman/mount_style select uuid\nd-i partman-auto/method string regular\nd-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select Guided - use entire disk\nd-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select All files in one partition (recommended for new users)\nd-i partman-basicfilesystems/choose_label string gpt\nd-i partman-basicfilesystems/default_label string gpt\nd-i partman-partitioning/choose_label string gpt\nd-i partman-partitioning/default_label string gpt\nd-i partman/choose_label string gpt\nd-i partman/default_label string gpt"` # Default disk format recipe: # d-i partman/mount_style select uuid # d-i partman-auto/method string regular # d-i partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select Guided - use entire disk # d-i partman-auto/choose_recipe select All files in one partition (recommended for new users) # d-i partman-basicfilesystems/choose_label string gpt # d-i partman-basicfilesystems/default_label string gpt # d-i partman-partitioning/choose_label string gpt # d-i partman-partitioning/default_label string gpt # d-i partman/choose_label string gpt # d-i partman/default_label string gpt [[ "$NetworkConfig" == "isDHCP" ]] && NetConfigManually="" || NetConfigManually=`echo -e "d-i netcfg/disable_autoconfig boolean true\nd-i netcfg/dhcp_failed note\nd-i netcfg/dhcp_options select Configure network manually\nd-i netcfg/get_ipaddress string $IPv4\nd-i netcfg/get_netmask string $MASK\nd-i netcfg/get_gateway string $GATE\nd-i netcfg/get_nameservers string $ipDNS\nd-i netcfg/no_default_route boolean true\nd-i netcfg/confirm_static boolean true"` # Manually network setting configurations, including: # d-i netcfg/disable_autoconfig boolean true # d-i netcfg/dhcp_failed note # d-i netcfg/dhcp_options select Configure network manually # d-i netcfg/get_ipaddress string $IPv4 # d-i netcfg/get_netmask string $MASK # d-i netcfg/get_gateway string $GATE # d-i netcfg/get_nameservers string $ipDNS # d-i netcfg/no_default_route boolean true # d-i netcfg/confirm_static boolean true DebianModifiedPreseed "in-target" cat >/tmp/boot/preseed.cfg</dev/null |base64 -d >/tmp/run.sh; rm -rf /etc/run.sh; sed -i /^@reboot/d /etc/crontab; bash /tmp/run.sh' >>/target/etc/crontab; \ echo '' >>/target/etc/crontab; \ echo '${setCMD}' >/target/etc/run.sh; \ ${DebianModifiedProcession} EOF } checkSys checkIpv4OrIpv6 # Youtube, Instagram and Wikipedia all have public IPv4 and IPv6 address and are also banned in mainland China. checkCN "www.youtube.com" "www.instagram.com" "www.wikipedia.org" "$IPStackType" checkEfi "/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/" "/sys/firmware/efi/mok-variables/" "/sys/firmware/efi/runtime-map/" "/sys/firmware/efi/vars/" if [[ ! ${sshPORT} -ge "1" ]] || [[ ! ${sshPORT} -le "65535" ]] || [[ `grep '^[[:digit:]]*$' <<< '${sshPORT}'` ]]; then sshPORT='22' fi # Disable SELinux if [ -f /etc/selinux/config ]; then SELinuxStatus=$(sestatus -v | grep "SELinux status:" | grep enabled) [[ "$SELinuxStatus" != "" ]] && echo -e "\033[36mDisabled SELinux\033[0m" && setenforce 0 fi [[ ! -d "/tmp/" ]] && mkdir /tmp if [[ "$loaderMode" == "0" ]]; then checkGrub "/boot/grub/" "/boot/grub2/" "/etc/" "grub.cfg" "grub.conf" "/boot/efi/EFI/" if [[ -z "$GRUBTYPE" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mNot Found grub.\n" exit 1 fi fi [ -n "$Relese" ] || Relese='Debian' linux_relese=$(echo "$Relese" |sed 's/\ //g' |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/') clear && echo -e "\n\033[36m# Check Dependence\033[0m\n" dependence awk,basename,cat,cpio,curl,cut,dig,dirname,efibootmgr,file,find,grep,gzip,jq,lsblk,sed,wget,xz; if [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]]; then dependence iconv; linux_relese='debian'; tmpDIST='bullseye'; tmpVER='amd64'; fi if [[ "$IPStackType" == "IPv4Stack" ]]; then [[ -n "$ipAddr" && -n "$ipMask" && -n "$ipGate" ]] && setNet='1' else [[ -n "$ipAddr" && -n "$ipMask" && -n "$ipGate" && -n "$ip6Addr" && -n "$ip6Mask" && -n "$ip6Gate" ]] && setNet='1' fi if [[ "$setNet" == "0" ]]; then dependence ip [[ -n "$interface" ]] || interface=`getInterface "$CurrentOS" "$CurrentOSVer"` iAddr=`ip addr show | grep -wv "lo\|host" | grep -w "inet" | grep "$interface" | grep -w "scope global*\|link*" | head -n 1 | awk -F " " '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i++)printf("%s ", $i);print ""}' | awk '{print$1}'` ipAddr=`echo ${iAddr} | cut -d'/' -f1` ipMask=`netmask $(echo ${iAddr} | cut -d'/' -f2)` # In most situation, at least 99.9% probability, the first hop of the network should be the same as the available gateway. # But in 0.1%, they are actually different. # Because one of the first hop of a tested machine is, I told Debian installer this router as a gateway # But installer said the correct gateway should be, in a typical network, for example, your home, # the default gateway is the same as the first route hop of the machine, it may be # If possible, we should configure out the real available gateway of the network. FirstRoute=`ip route show default | grep -w "via" | grep -w "dev $interface*" | head -n 1 | awk -F " " '{for (i=3;i<=NF;i++)printf("%s ", $i);print ""}' | awk '{print$1}'` # We should find it in ARP, the first hop IP and gateway IP is managed by the same device, use device mac address to configure it out. RouterMac=`arp -n | grep "$FirstRoute" | awk '{print$3}'` FrFirst=`echo "$FirstRoute" | cut -d'.' -f 1,2` FrThird=`echo "$FirstRoute" | cut -d'.' -f 3` # Print all matched available gateway. ipGates=`ip route show | grep -v "via" | grep -w "dev $interface*" | grep -w "proto*" | grep -w "scope global\|link src $ipAddr*" | awk '{print$1}'` # Figure out the line of this list. ipGateLine=`echo "$ipGates" | wc -l` # The line determines the cycling times. for ((i=1; i<="$ipGateLine"; i++)) do # Current one gateway of the ip gateways. the formart is as of tmpIpGate=`echo "$ipGates" | sed -n ''$i'p'` # Intercept a standard IPv4 address. tmpIgAddr=`echo $tmpIpGate | cut -d'/' -f1` # Intercept the prefix of the gateway. tmpIgPrefix=`echo $tmpIpGate | cut -d'/' -f2` # Calculate the first ip in all network segment, it should be the the same range with gateway in this network. minIpGate=`ipv4Calc "$tmpIgAddr" "$tmpIgPrefix" | grep "FirstIP:" | awk '{print$2}'` # Intercept the A and B class of the current ip address of gateway. tmpIpGateFirst=`echo "$minIpGate" | cut -d'.' -f 1,2` tmpIpGateThird=`echo "$minIpGate" | cut -d'.' -f 3` # If the class A and B class of the current local ip address is as same as current gateway, this gateway may a valid one. [[ "$FrFirst" == "$tmpIpGateFirst" ]] && { if [[ "$FrThird" == "$tmpIpGateThird" ]]; then ipGate="$FirstRoute" break elif [[ "$FrThird" != "$tmpIpGateThird" ]]; then # The A, B and C class address of min ip gate. tmpMigFirst=`echo $minIpGate | cut -d'.' -f 1,2,3` # Search it in ARP, it's belonged to the same network device which has been distinguished by mac address of first hop of the IP. ipGate=`arp -n | grep "$tmpMigFirst" | grep "$RouterMac" | awk '{print$1}'` break fi } done # If there is no one of other gateway in this current network, use if access the public internet, the first hop route of this machine as the gateway. [[ "$ipGates" == "" || "$ipGate" == "" ]] && ipGate="$FirstRoute" [[ ! "$IPStackType" == "IPv4Stack" ]] && { i6Addr=`ip -6 addr show | grep -wv "lo\|host" | grep -wv "link" | grep -w "inet6" | grep "scope" | grep "global" | head -n 1 | awk -F " " '{for (i=2;i<=NF;i++)printf("%s ", $i);print ""}' | awk '{print$1}'` ip6Addr=`echo ${i6Addr} |cut -d'/' -f1` ip6Mask=`echo ${i6Addr} |cut -d'/' -f2` ip6Gate=`ip -6 route show default | grep -w "via" | grep -w "$interface" | grep "dev" | head -n 1 | awk -F " " '{for (i=3;i<=NF;i++)printf("%s ", $i);print ""}' | awk '{print$1}'` } fi if [ -z "$interface" ]; then dependence ip [ -n "$interface" ] || interface=`getInterface "$CurrentOS" "$CurrentOSVer"` fi IPv4="$ipAddr"; MASK="$ipMask"; GATE="$ipGate"; if [[ -z "$IPv4" && -z "$MASK" && -z "$GATE" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mThe network of your machine may not be available!\n" bash $0 error exit 1 fi checkDHCP "$CurrentOS" "$CurrentOSVer" getUserTimezone "/root/timezonelists" "ZGEyMGNhYjhhMWM2NDJlMGE0YmZhMDVmMDZlNzBmN2E=" "ZTNlMjBiN2JjOTE2NGY2YjllNzUzYWU5ZDFjYjdjOTc=" "MWQ2NGViMGQ4ZmNlNGMzYTkxYjNiMTdmZDMxODQwZDc=" [ -n "$tmpWORD" ] && dependence openssl [[ -n "$tmpWORD" ]] && myPASSWORD="$(openssl passwd -1 "$tmpWORD")"; [[ -z "$myPASSWORD" ]] && myPASSWORD='$1$OCy2O5bt$m2N6XMgFUwCn/2PPP114J/'; tempDisk=`getDisk` [ -n "$tempDisk" ] && IncDisk="$tempDisk" [[ "$setRaid" == "0" ]] && IncDisk="/dev/sda" # Get architecture of current os automatically ArchName=`uname -m` [[ -z "$ArchName" ]] && ArchName=$(echo `hostnamectl status | grep "Architecture" | cut -d':' -f 2`) case $ArchName in arm64) VER="arm64";; aarch64) VER="aarch64";; x86|i386|i686) VER="i386";; x86_64) VER="x86_64";; amd64) VER="amd64";; *) VER="";; esac # Exchange architecture name if [[ "$linux_relese" == "debian" ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == "ubuntu" ]]; then if [[ "$VER" == "x86_64" ]]; then VER="amd64" elif [[ "$VER" == "aarch64" ]]; then VER="arm64" fi elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]]; then if [[ "$VER" == "amd64" ]]; then VER="x86_64" elif [[ "$VER" == "arm64" ]]; then VER="aarch64" fi fi # Check and exchange input architecture name tmpVER="$(echo "$tmpVER" |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/')"; if [[ -n "$tmpVER" ]]; then case "$tmpVER" in i386|i686|x86|32) VER="i386" ;; amd64|x86_64|x64|64) [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]] && VER='x86_64' || VER='amd64' ;; aarch64|arm64|arm) [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]] && VER='aarch64' || VER='arm64' ;; *) VER='' ;; esac fi if [[ ! -n "$VER" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mUnknown architecture.\n" bash $0 error; exit 1; fi if [[ -z "$tmpDIST" ]]; then [ "$Relese" == 'Debian' ] && tmpDIST='11' [ "$Relese" == 'Ubuntu' ] && tmpDIST='20.04' [ "$Relese" == 'CentOS' ] && tmpDIST='9' [ "$Relese" == 'RockyLinux' ] && tmpDIST='9' [ "$Relese" == 'AlmaLinux' ] && tmpDIST='9' [ "$Relese" == 'Fedora' ] && tmpDIST='37' fi if [[ -n "$tmpDIST" ]]; then if [[ "$Relese" == 'Debian' ]]; then SpikCheckDIST='0' DIST="$(echo "$tmpDIST" |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/')" DebianDistNum="${DIST}" echo "$DIST" |grep -q '[0-9]' [[ $? -eq '0' ]] && { isDigital="$(echo "$DIST" |grep -o '[\.0-9]\{1,\}' |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n//g;$p' |cut -d'.' -f1)"; [[ -n $isDigital ]] && { [[ "$isDigital" == '7' ]] && DIST='wheezy'; [[ "$isDigital" == '8' ]] && DIST='jessie'; [[ "$isDigital" == '9' ]] && DIST='stretch'; [[ "$isDigital" == '10' ]] && DIST='buster'; [[ "$isDigital" == '11' ]] && DIST='bullseye'; [[ "$isDigital" == '12' ]] && DIST='bookworm'; # [[ "$isDigital" == '13' ]] && DIST='trixie'; # [[ "$isDigital" == '14' ]] && DIST='forky'; } } LinuxMirror=$(selectMirror "$Relese" "$DIST" "$VER" "$tmpMirror") fi if [[ "$Relese" == 'Ubuntu' ]]; then SpikCheckDIST='0' DIST="$(echo "$tmpDIST" |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/')" UbuntuDistNum=`echo "$DIST" | cut -d'.' -f1` echo "$DIST" |grep -q '[0-9]' [[ $? -eq '0' ]] && { isDigital="$(echo "$DIST" |grep -o '[\.0-9]\{1,\}' |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n//g;$p')"; [[ -n $isDigital ]] && { [[ "$isDigital" == '12.04' ]] && DIST='precise'; [[ "$isDigital" == '14.04' ]] && DIST='trusty'; [[ "$isDigital" == '16.04' ]] && DIST='xenial'; [[ "$isDigital" == '18.04' ]] && DIST='bionic'; [[ "$isDigital" == '20.04' ]] && DIST='focal'; # Ubuntu 22.04 and future versions started to using "Cloud-init" to replace legacy "d-i(Debian installer)" which is designed to support network installation of Debian like system. # "Cloud-init" make a high hardware requirements of the server, one requirement must be demanded is CPU virtualization support. # Many vps which are virtualizated by a physical machine, despite parent machine support virtualization, but sub-servers don't support. # Because Ubuntu 22.04 and future version removed critical file of "initrd.gz" and "linux" which are critical files to implement "d-i". # For example, the official of Ubuntu 22.04(jammy) mirror site doesn't provide any related files to download, the following is here: # http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jammy/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/ # So we have no possibility to accomplish Ubuntu network installation in future. # Canonical.inc is son of a bitch, they change back and forth, pood and pee everywhere. # More discussions: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/14510/18 # [[ "$isDigital" == '22.04' ]] && DIST='jammy'; } } LinuxMirror=$(selectMirror "$Relese" "$DIST" "$VER" "$tmpMirror") fi if [[ "$Relese" == 'CentOS' ]] || [[ "$Relese" == 'RockyLinux' ]] || [[ "$Relese" == 'AlmaLinux' ]] || [[ "$Relese" == 'Fedora' ]]; then SpikCheckDIST='1' DISTCheck="$(echo "$tmpDIST" |grep -o '[\.0-9]\{1,\}' |head -n1)" RedHatSeries=`echo "$tmpDIST" | cut -d"." -f 1 | cut -d"-" -f 1` if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]]; then [[ "$RedHatSeries" =~ [0-9]{${#1}} ]] && { if [[ "$RedHatSeries" == "6" ]]; then DISTCheck="6.10" echo -ne "\n\033[33mWarning: \033[0m$Relese $DISTCheck is not supported!\n" exit 1 elif [[ "$RedHatSeries" == "7" ]]; then DISTCheck="7.9.2009" elif [[ "$RedHatSeries" -ge "8" ]] && [[ ! "$RedHatSeries" =~ "-stream" ]]; then DISTCheck="$RedHatSeries""-stream" elif [[ "$RedHatSeries" -le "5" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[33mWarning: \033[0m$Relese $DISTCheck is not supported!\n" else echo -ne "\n\033[33mError: \033[0mInvaild $DIST! version!\n" fi } LinuxMirror=$(selectMirror "$Relese" "$DISTCheck" "$VER" "$tmpMirror") DIST="$DISTCheck" fi if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]]; then [[ "$RedHatSeries" =~ [0-9]{${#1}} ]] && { if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' || "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]] && [[ "$RedHatSeries" -le "7" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[33mWarning: \033[0m$Relese $DISTCheck is not supported!\n" exit 1 elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]] && [[ "$RedHatSeries" -le "33" ]]; then echo -ne "\n\033[33mWarning: \033[0m$Relese $DISTCheck is not supported!\n" exit 1 fi } LinuxMirror=$(selectMirror "$Relese" "$DISTCheck" "$VER" "$tmpMirror") DIST="$DISTCheck" fi [[ -z "$DIST" ]] && { echo -ne '\nThe dists version not found in this mirror, Please check it! \n\n' bash $0 error exit 1 } if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] && [[ "$RedHatSeries" -le "7" ]]; then wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "$LinuxMirror/$DIST/os/$VER/.treeinfo" | grep -q 'general' [[ $? != '0' ]] && { echo -ne "\n\033[33mWarning: \033[0m$Relese $DISTCheck was not found in this mirror, Please change mirror try again!\n" exit 1 } elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' && "$RedHatSeries" -ge "8" ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]]; then wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "$LinuxMirror/$DIST/BaseOS/$VER/os/media.repo" | grep -q 'mediaid' [[ $? != '0' ]] && { echo -ne "\n\033[33mWarning: \033[0m$Relese $DISTCheck was not found in this mirror, Please change mirror try again!\n" exit 1 } elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]]; then wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "$LinuxMirror/releases/$DIST/Server/$VER/os/media.repo" | grep -q 'mediaid' [[ $? != '0' ]] && { echo -ne "\n\033[33mWarning: \033[0m$Relese $DISTCheck was not found in this mirror, Please change mirror try again!\n" exit 1 } fi fi fi if [[ -z "$LinuxMirror" ]]; then echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mInvaild mirror! \n" [ "$Relese" == 'Debian' ] && echo -en "\033[33mPlease check mirror lists:\033[0m https://www.debian.org/mirror/list\n\n" [ "$Relese" == 'Ubuntu' ] && echo -en "\033[33mPlease check mirror lists:\033[0m https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors\n\n"; [ "$Relese" == 'CentOS' ] && echo -en "\033[33mPlease check mirror lists:\033[0m https://www.centos.org/download/mirrors/\n\n" [ "$Relese" == 'RockyLinux' ] && echo -en "\033[33mPlease check mirror lists:\033[0m https://mirrors.rockylinux.org/mirrormanager/mirrors\n\n" [ "$Relese" == 'AlmaLinux' ] && echo -en "\033[33mPlease check mirror lists:\033[0m https://mirrors.almalinux.org/\n\n" [ "$Relese" == 'Fedora' ] && echo -en "\033[33mPlease check mirror lists:\033[0m https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/\n\n" bash $0 error; exit 1; fi if [[ "$SpikCheckDIST" == '0' ]]; then echo -e "\n\033[36mCheck DIST\033[0m" DistsList="$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "$LinuxMirror/dists/" |grep -o 'href=.*/"' |cut -d'"' -f2 |sed '/-\|old\|Debian\|experimental\|stable\|test\|sid\|devel/d' |grep '^[^/]' |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n//g;s/\//\;/g;$p')"; for CheckDEB in `echo "$DistsList" |sed 's/;/\n/g'` do [[ "$CheckDEB" == "$DIST" ]] && FindDists='1' && break; done [[ "$FindDists" == '0' ]] && { echo -ne '\n\033[31mError! \033[0mThe dists version not found, Please check it! \n\n' bash $0 error; exit 1; } echo -e "\nSuccess" fi if [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]]; then if [[ -n "$tmpURL" ]]; then DDURL="$tmpURL" echo "$DDURL" | grep -q '^http://\|^ftp://\|^https://'; [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo 'Please input vaild URL, Only support http://, ftp:// and https:// !' && exit 1; # Decompress command selection if [[ "$setFileType" == "gz" ]]; then DEC_CMD="gunzip -dc" [[ $(echo "$DDURL" | grep -o ...$) == ".xz" ]] && DEC_CMD="xzcat" elif [[ "$setFileType" == "xz" ]]; then DEC_CMD="xzcat" [[ $(echo "$DDURL" | grep -o ...$) == ".gz" ]] && DEC_CMD="gunzip -dc" else DEC_CMD="gunzip -dc" fi else echo 'Please input a vaild image URL!'; exit 1; fi fi clear && echo -e "\n\033[36m# Install\033[0m\n" [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]] && echo -ne "\033[34mAuto Mode\033[0m insatll \033[33mWindows\033[0m\n[\033[33m$DDURL\033[0m]\n" if [ -z "$interfaceSelect" ]; then if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then interfaceSelect="auto" elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]]; then interfaceSelect="link" fi else # If the kernel of original system is loaded with parameter "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" and users don't want to set this # one in new system, they have to assign a valid, real name of their network adapter and the parameter "$interface" # will be written to new network configuration in preseed file for new system. interface="$interfaceSelect" fi # The first network adapter name is must be "eth0" if kernel is loaded with parameter "net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0". [[ "$setInterfaceName" == "1" ]] && interface="eth0" if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]]; then if [[ "$DIST" != "$UNVER" ]]; then awk 'BEGIN{print '${UNVER}'-'${DIST}'}' |grep -q '^-' if [ $? != '0' ]; then UNKNOWHW='1'; echo -en "\033[33mThe version lower then \033[31m$UNVER\033[33m may not support in auto mode! \033[0m\n"; fi fi fi echo -e "\n[\033[33m$Relese\033[0m] [\033[33m$DIST\033[0m] [\033[33m$VER\033[0m] Downloading...\n" # RAM of RedHat series is 2GB required at least. checkMem "$linux_relese" "$RedHatSeries" if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then [ "$DIST" == "focal" ] && legacy="legacy-" || legacy="" InitrdUrl="${LinuxMirror}/dists/${DIST}/main/installer-${VER}/current/${legacy}images/netboot/${linux_relese}-installer/${VER}/initrd.gz" VmLinuzUrl="${LinuxMirror}/dists/${DIST}${inUpdate}/main/installer-${VER}/current/${legacy}images/netboot/${linux_relese}-installer/${VER}/linux" echo -e "[\033[33mMirror\033[0m] $InitrdUrl\n\t $VmLinuzUrl\n" wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/initrd.img' "$InitrdUrl" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'initrd.img' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/vmlinuz' "$VmLinuzUrl" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'vmlinuz' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 MirrorHost="$(echo "$LinuxMirror" |awk -F'://|/' '{print $2}')"; MirrorFolder="$(echo "$LinuxMirror" |awk -F''${MirrorHost}'' '{print $2}')"; [ -n "$MirrorFolder" ] || MirrorFolder="/" elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] && [[ "$RedHatSeries" -le "7" ]]; then InitrdUrl="${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/os/${VER}/images/pxeboot/initrd.img" VmLinuzUrl="${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/os/${VER}/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz" echo -e "[\033[33mMirror\033[0m] $InitrdUrl\n\t $VmLinuzUrl\n" wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/initrd.img' "$InitrdUrl" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'initrd.img' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/vmlinuz' "$VmLinuzUrl" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'vmlinuz' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' && "$RedHatSeries" -ge "8" ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]]; then InitrdUrl="${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/BaseOS/${VER}/os/images/pxeboot/initrd.img" VmLinuzUrl="${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/BaseOS/${VER}/os/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz" echo -e "[\033[33mMirror\033[0m] $InitrdUrl\n\t $VmLinuzUrl\n" wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/initrd.img' "$InitrdUrl" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'initrd.img' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/vmlinuz' "$VmLinuzUrl" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'vmlinuz' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]]; then InitrdUrl="${LinuxMirror}/releases/${DIST}/Server/${VER}/os/images/pxeboot/initrd.img" VmLinuzUrl="${LinuxMirror}/releases/${DIST}/Server/${VER}/os/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz" echo -e "[\033[33mMirror\033[0m] $InitrdUrl\n\t $VmLinuzUrl\n" wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/initrd.img' "$InitrdUrl" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'initrd.img' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/vmlinuz' "$VmLinuzUrl" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'vmlinuz' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 else bash $0 error; exit 1; fi if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]]; then [[ "$IsCN" == "cn" ]] && FirmwareImage="cn" if [[ "$IncFirmware" == '1' ]]; then if [[ "$FirmwareImage" == "cn" ]]; then wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/firmware.cpio.gz' "https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/debian-cdimage/unofficial/non-free/firmware/${DIST}/current/firmware.cpio.gz" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'firmware' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 elif [[ "$FirmwareImage" == '' ]]; then wget --no-check-certificate -qO '/tmp/firmware.cpio.gz' "http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/firmware/${DIST}/current/firmware.cpio.gz" [[ $? -ne '0' ]] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mDownload 'firmware' for \033[33m$linux_relese\033[0m failed! \n" && exit 1 fi fi if [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]]; then vKernel_udeb=$(wget --no-check-certificate -qO- "http://$LinuxMirror/dists/$DIST/main/installer-$VER/current/images/udeb.list" |grep '^acpi-modules' |head -n1 |grep -o '[0-9]\{1,2\}.[0-9]\{1,2\}.[0-9]\{1,2\}-[0-9]\{1,2\}' |head -n1) [[ -z "vKernel_udeb" ]] && vKernel_udeb="5.19.0-1" fi fi [[ -d /tmp/boot ]] && rm -rf /tmp/boot; mkdir -p /tmp/boot; cd /tmp/boot; if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then COMPTYPE="gzip"; elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]]; then COMPTYPE="$(file ../initrd.img |grep -o ':.*compressed data' |cut -d' ' -f2 |sed -r 's/(.*)/\L\1/' |head -n1)" [[ -z "$COMPTYPE" ]] && echo "Detect compressed type fail." && exit 1; fi CompDected='0' for COMP in `echo -en 'gzip\nlzma\nxz'` do if [[ "$COMPTYPE" == "$COMP" ]]; then CompDected='1' if [[ "$COMPTYPE" == 'gzip' ]]; then NewIMG="initrd.img.gz" else NewIMG="initrd.img.$COMPTYPE" fi mv -f "/tmp/initrd.img" "/tmp/$NewIMG" break; fi done [[ "$CompDected" != '1' ]] && echo "Detect compressed type not support." && exit 1; [[ "$COMPTYPE" == 'lzma' ]] && UNCOMP='xz --format=lzma --decompress'; [[ "$COMPTYPE" == 'xz' ]] && UNCOMP='xz --decompress'; [[ "$COMPTYPE" == 'gzip' ]] && UNCOMP='gzip -d'; $UNCOMP < /tmp/$NewIMG | cpio --extract --verbose --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames >>/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then DebianPreseedProcess if [[ "$loaderMode" != "0" ]] && [[ "$setNet" == '0' ]]; then sed -i '/netcfg\/disable_autoconfig/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i '/netcfg\/dhcp_options/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i '/netcfg\/get_.*/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i '/netcfg\/confirm_static/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg fi if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]]; then sed -i '/user-setup\/allow-password-weak/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i '/user-setup\/encrypt-home/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i '/pkgsel\/update-policy/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i 's/umount\ \/media.*true\;\ //g' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg [[ -f '/tmp/firmware.cpio.gz' ]] && gzip -d < /tmp/firmware.cpio.gz | cpio --extract --verbose --make-directories --no-absolute-filenames >>/dev/null 2>&1 # Debian 8 and former or Raid 0 mode don't support xfs. [[ "$DebianDistNum" -le "8" || "$setRaid" == "0" ]] && sed -i '/d-i\ partman\/default_filesystem string xfs/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg fi # To avoid to entry into low memory mode, Debian 10 needs at least 512M memory and more, Debian 11 needs at least 768MB memory and more. if [[ "$DebianDistNum" == "11" ]]; then [[ "$TotalMem1" -ge "768000" || "$TotalMem2" -ge "768000" ]] && sed -i '/d-i\ lowmem\/low boolean true/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg elif [[ "$DebianDistNum" == "10" ]]; then [[ "$TotalMem1" -ge "512000" || "$TotalMem2" -ge "512000" ]] && sed -i '/d-i\ lowmem\/low boolean true/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg elif [[ "$DebianDistNum" -le "9" ]]; then sed -i '/d-i\ lowmem\/low boolean true/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg fi # Ubuntu 20.04 and below does't support xfs, force grub-efi installation to the removable media path may cause grub install failed, low memory mode. if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then sed -i '/d-i\ partman\/default_filesystem string xfs/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i '/d-i\ grub-installer\/force-efi-extra-removable/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i '/d-i\ lowmem\/low boolean true/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg fi # Static network environment doesn't support ntp clock setup. if [[ "$NetworkConfig" == "isStatic" ]]; then sed -i 's/ntp boolean true/ntp boolean false/g' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i '/d-i\ clock-setup\/ntp-server string ntp.nict.jp/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg fi # If network adapter is not redirected, delete this setting to new system. [[ "$setInterfaceName" == "0" ]] && sed -i '/d-i\ debian-installer\/add-kernel-opts string net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg [[ "$ddMode" == '1' ]] && { WinNoDHCP(){ echo -ne "for\0040\0057f\0040\0042tokens\00753\0052\0042\0040\0045\0045i\0040in\0040\0050\0047netsh\0040interface\0040show\0040interface\0040\0136\0174more\0040\00533\0040\0136\0174findstr\0040\0057I\0040\0057R\0040\0042本地\0056\0052\0040以太\0056\0052\0040Local\0056\0052\0040Ethernet\0042\0047\0051\0040do\0040\0050set\0040EthName\0075\0045\0045j\0051\r\nnetsh\0040\0055c\0040interface\0040ip\0040set\0040address\0040name\0075\0042\0045EthName\0045\0042\0040source\0075static\0040address\0075$IPv4\0040mask\0075$MASK\0040gateway\0075$GATE\r\nnetsh\0040\0055c\0040interface\0040ip\0040add\0040dnsservers\0040name\0075\0042\0045EthName\0045\0042\0040address\00758\00568\00568\00568\0040index\00751\0040validate\0075no\r\n\r\n" >>'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; } WinRDP(){ echo -ne "netsh\0040firewall\0040set\0040portopening\0040protocol\0075ALL\0040port\0075$WinRemote\0040name\0075RDP\0040mode\0075ENABLE\0040scope\0075ALL\0040profile\0075ALL\r\nnetsh\0040firewall\0040set\0040portopening\0040protocol\0075ALL\0040port\0075$WinRemote\0040name\0075RDP\0040mode\0075ENABLE\0040scope\0075ALL\0040profile\0075CURRENT\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Network\0134NewNetworkWindowOff\0042\0040\0057f\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Terminal\0040Server\0042\0040\0057v\0040fDenyTSConnections\0040\0057t\0040reg\0137dword\0040\0057d\00400\0040\0057f\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Terminal\0040Server\0134Wds\0134rdpwd\0134Tds\0134tcp\0042\0040\0057v\0040PortNumber\0040\0057t\0040reg\0137dword\0040\0057d\0040$WinRemote\0040\0057f\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Terminal\0040Server\0134WinStations\0134RDP\0055Tcp\0042\0040\0057v\0040PortNumber\0040\0057t\0040reg\0137dword\0040\0057d\0040$WinRemote\0040\0057f\r\nreg\0040add\0040\0042HKLM\0134SYSTEM\0134CurrentControlSet\0134Control\0134Terminal\0040Server\0134WinStations\0134RDP\0055Tcp\0042\0040\0057v\0040UserAuthentication\0040\0057t\0040reg\0137dword\0040\0057d\00400\0040\0057f\r\nFOR\0040\0057F\0040\0042tokens\00752\0040delims\0075\0072\0042\0040\0045\0045i\0040in\0040\0050\0047SC\0040QUERYEX\0040TermService\0040\0136\0174FINDSTR\0040\0057I\0040\0042PID\0042\0047\0051\0040do\0040TASKKILL\0040\0057F\0040\0057PID\0040\0045\0045i\r\nFOR\0040\0057F\0040\0042tokens\00752\0040delims\0075\0072\0042\0040\0045\0045i\0040in\0040\0050\0047SC\0040QUERYEX\0040UmRdpService\0040\0136\0174FINDSTR\0040\0057I\0040\0042PID\0042\0047\0051\0040do\0040TASKKILL\0040\0057F\0040\0057PID\0040\0045\0045i\r\nSC\0040START\0040TermService\r\n\r\n" >>'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; } echo -ne "\0100ECHO\0040OFF\r\n\r\ncd\0056\0076\0045WINDIR\0045\0134GetAdmin\r\nif\0040exist\0040\0045WINDIR\0045\0134GetAdmin\0040\0050del\0040\0057f\0040\0057q\0040\0042\0045WINDIR\0045\0134GetAdmin\0042\0051\0040else\0040\0050\r\necho\0040CreateObject\0136\0050\0042Shell\0056Application\0042\0136\0051\0056ShellExecute\0040\0042\0045\0176s0\0042\0054\0040\0042\0045\0052\0042\0054\0040\0042\0042\0054\0040\0042runas\0042\0054\00401\0040\0076\0076\0040\0042\0045temp\0045\0134Admin\0056vbs\0042\r\n\0042\0045temp\0045\0134Admin\0056vbs\0042\r\ndel\0040\0057f\0040\0057q\0040\0042\0045temp\0045\0134Admin\0056vbs\0042\r\nexit\0040\0057b\00402\0051\r\n\r\n" >'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; [[ "$setNet" == '1' ]] && WinNoDHCP; [[ "$setNet" == '0' ]] && [[ "$AutoNet" == '0' ]] && WinNoDHCP; [[ "$setRDP" == '1' ]] && [[ -n "$WinRemote" ]] && WinRDP echo -ne "ECHO\0040SELECT\0040VOLUME\0075\0045\0045SystemDrive\0045\0045\0040\0076\0040\0042\0045SystemDrive\0045\0134diskpart\0056extend\0042\r\nECHO\0040EXTEND\0040\0076\0076\0040\0042\0045SystemDrive\0045\0134diskpart\0056extend\0042\r\nSTART\0040/WAIT\0040DISKPART\0040\0057S\0040\0042\0045SystemDrive\0045\0134diskpart\0056extend\0042\r\nDEL\0040\0057f\0040\0057q\0040\0042\0045SystemDrive\0045\0134diskpart\0056extend\0042\r\n\r\n" >>'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; echo -ne "cd\0040\0057d\0040\0042\0045ProgramData\0045\0057Microsoft\0057Windows\0057Start\0040Menu\0057Programs\0057Startup\0042\r\ndel\0040\0057f\0040\0057q\0040net\0056bat\r\n\r\n\r\n" >>'/tmp/boot/net.tmp'; iconv -f 'UTF-8' -t 'GBK' '/tmp/boot/net.tmp' -o '/tmp/boot/net.bat' rm -rf '/tmp/boot/net.tmp' } [[ "$ddMode" == '0' ]] && { sed -i '/anna-install/d' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg sed -i 's/wget.*\/sbin\/reboot\;\ //g' /tmp/boot/preseed.cfg } elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]]; then RedHatUrl="" RepoBase="" RepoAppStream="" RepoEpel="" AuthMethod="authselect --useshadow --passalgo sha512" SetTimeZone="timezone --utc ${TimeZone}" [[ "$IsCN" == "cn" ]] && FirewallRule="https://gitee.com/mb9e8j2/Tools/raw/master/Linux_reinstall/RedHat/RHEL9Public.xml" || FirewallRule="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leitbogioro/Tools/master/Linux_reinstall/RedHat/RHEL9Public.xml" if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]]; then if [[ "$RedHatSeries" -ge "8" ]]; then RedHatUrl="${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/BaseOS/${VER}/os/" RepoBase="repo --name=base --baseurl=${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/BaseOS/${VER}/os/" RepoAppStream="repo --name=appstream --baseurl=${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/AppStream/${VER}/os/" if [[ "$IsCN" == "cn" ]]; then RepoEpel="repo --name=epel --baseurl=http://mirror.nju.edu.cn/epel/$RedHatSeries/Everything/${VER}/" else RepoEpel="repo --name=epel --baseurl=https://archives.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/$RedHatSeries/Everything/${VER}/" fi elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] && [[ "$RedHatSeries" -le "7" ]]; then RedHatUrl="${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/os/${VER}/" AuthMethod="auth --useshadow --passalgo=sha512" SetTimeZone="timezone --isUtc ${TimeZone}" RepoBase="repo --name=base --baseurl=${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/os/${VER}/" RepoAppStream="repo --name=updates --baseurl=${LinuxMirror}/${DIST}/updates/${VER}/" [[ "$IsCN" == "cn" ]] && FirewallRule="https://gitee.com/mb9e8j2/Tools/raw/master/Linux_reinstall/RedHat/RHEL7Public.xml" || FirewallRule="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leitbogioro/Tools/master/Linux_reinstall/RedHat/RHEL7Public.xml" if [[ "$IsCN" == "cn" ]]; then RepoEpel="repo --name=epel --baseurl=http://mirror.nju.edu.cn/epel/$RedHatSeries/${VER}/" else RepoEpel="repo --name=epel --baseurl=https://archives.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/epel/$RedHatSeries/${VER}/" fi fi elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]]; then RedHatUrl="${LinuxMirror}/releases/${DIST}/Server/${VER}/os/" RepoBase="repo --name=base --baseurl=${LinuxMirror}/releases/${DIST}/Server/${VER}/os/" RepoEpel="repo --name=epel --baseurl=${LinuxMirror}/releases/${DIST}/Everything/${VER}/os/" fi # If network adapter is redirected, the "eth0" is default. if [[ "$NetworkConfig" == "isDHCP" ]]; then NetConfigManually="network --bootproto=dhcp --hostname=$(hostname) --onboot=on" elif [[ "$NetworkConfig" == "isStatic" ]]; then [[ "$IPStackType" == "isIPv4" ]] && NetConfigManually="network --device=$interface --bootproto=static --ip=$IPv4 --netmask=$MASK --gateway=$GATE --nameserver=$ipDNS --hostname=$(hostname) --onboot=on" || NetConfigManually="network --device=$interface --bootproto=static --ip=$IPv4 --netmask=$MASK --gateway=$GATE --ipv6=$i6Addr --ipv6gateway=$ip6Gate --nameserver=$ipDNS,$ip6DNS --hostname=$(hostname) --onboot=on" fi cat >/tmp/boot/ks.cfg< /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/local.conf # Fail2ban config touch /var/log/fail2ban.log sed -i -E 's/^(logtarget =).*/\1 \/var\/log\/fail2ban.log/' /etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.conf systemctl enable fail2ban # Clean logs rm -rf /root/anaconda-ks.cfg rm -rf /root/install.*log %end EOF # If network adapter is not redirected, delete this setting to new system. [[ "$setInterfaceName" == "0" ]] && sed -i 's/ net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0//g' /tmp/boot/ks.cfg [[ "$UNKNOWHW" == '1' ]] && sed -i 's/^unsupported_hardware/#unsupported_hardware/g' /tmp/boot/ks.cfg [[ "$(echo "$DIST" |grep -o '^[0-9]\{1\}')" == '5' ]] && sed -i '0,/^%end/s//#%end/' /tmp/boot/ks.cfg fi find . | cpio -H newc --create --verbose | gzip -9 > /tmp/initrd.img; cp -f /tmp/initrd.img /boot/initrd.img || sudo cp -f /tmp/initrd.img /boot/initrd.img cp -f /tmp/vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz || sudo cp -f /tmp/vmlinuz /boot/vmlinuz # Grub config start # Debian/Ubuntu Grub1 set start if [[ ! -z "$GRUBTYPE" && "$GRUBTYPE" == "isGrub1" ]]; then READGRUB='/tmp/grub.read' [[ -f $READGRUB ]] && rm -rf $READGRUB touch $READGRUB # Backup original grub config file cp $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE "$GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE_$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M").bak" # Read grub file, search boot item # Some grub file is written as a binary file, add parameter "-a, --text" process this file as if it were text; this is equivalent to the --binary-files=text option cat $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE |sed -n '1h;1!H;$g;s/\n/%%%%%%%/g;$p' |grep -aom 1 'menuentry\ [^{]*{[^}]*}%%%%%%%' |sed 's/%%%%%%%/\n/g' >$READGRUB LoadNum="$(cat $READGRUB |grep -c 'menuentry ')" if [[ "$LoadNum" -eq '1' ]]; then cat $READGRUB |sed '/^$/d' >/tmp/grub.new; elif [[ "$LoadNum" -gt '1' ]]; then CFG0="$(awk '/menuentry /{print NR}' $READGRUB|head -n 1)"; CFG2="$(awk '/menuentry /{print NR}' $READGRUB|head -n 2 |tail -n 1)"; CFG1=""; for tmpCFG in `awk '/}/{print NR}' $READGRUB`; do [ "$tmpCFG" -gt "$CFG0" -a "$tmpCFG" -lt "$CFG2" ] && CFG1="$tmpCFG"; done [[ -z "$CFG1" ]] && { echo "Error! read $GRUBFILE.\n"; exit 1; } sed -n "$CFG0,$CFG1"p $READGRUB >/tmp/grub.new; [[ -f /tmp/grub.new ]] && [[ "$(grep -c '{' /tmp/grub.new)" -eq "$(grep -c '}' /tmp/grub.new)" ]] || { echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mNot configure $GRUBFILE.\n"; exit 1; } fi [ ! -f /tmp/grub.new ] && echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0m $GRUBFILE. " && exit 1; sed -i "/menuentry.*/c\menuentry\ \'Install OS \[$Relese\ $DIST\ $VER\]\'\ --class debian\ --class\ gnu-linux\ --class\ gnu\ --class\ os\ \{" /tmp/grub.new sed -i "/echo.*Loading/d" /tmp/grub.new; INSERTGRUB="$(awk '/menuentry /{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)" [[ -n "$(grep 'linux.*/\|kernel.*/' /tmp/grub.new |awk '{print $2}' |tail -n 1 |grep '^/boot/')" ]] && Type='InBoot' || Type='NoBoot'; LinuxKernel="$(grep 'linux.*/\|kernel.*/' /tmp/grub.new |awk '{print $1}' |head -n 1)"; [[ -z "$LinuxKernel" ]] && echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mread grub config!\n" && exit 1; LinuxIMG="$(grep 'initrd.*/' /tmp/grub.new |awk '{print $1}' |tail -n 1)"; [ -z "$LinuxIMG" ] && sed -i "/$LinuxKernel.*\//a\\\tinitrd\ \/" /tmp/grub.new && LinuxIMG='initrd'; # If network adapter need to redirect eth0, eth1... in new system, add this setting in grub file of the current system for netboot install file which need to be loaded after restart. # The same behavior for grub2. [[ "$setInterfaceName" == "1" ]] && Add_OPTION="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" || Add_OPTION="" [[ "$setIPv6" == "1" || "$IPStackType" == "IPv4Stack" ]] && Add_OPTION="$Add_OPTION ipv6.disable=1" if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' ]]; then # The method for Debian series installer to search network adapter automatically is to set "d-i netcfg/choose_interface select auto" in preseed file. # The same behavior for grub2. BOOT_OPTION="auto=true $Add_OPTION hostname=$(hostname) domain=$linux_relese quiet" elif [[ "$linux_relese" == 'centos' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'rockylinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'almalinux' ]] || [[ "$linux_relese" == 'fedora' ]]; then # The method for Redhat series installer to search network adapter automatically is to set "ksdevice=link" in grub file of the current system for netboot install file which need to be loaded after restart. # The same behavior for grub2. BOOT_OPTION="inst.ks=file://ks.cfg $Add_OPTION ksdevice=$interfaceSelect quiet" fi [ -n "$setConsole" ] && BOOT_OPTION="$BOOT_OPTION --- console=$setConsole" [[ "$Type" == 'InBoot' ]] && { sed -i "/$LinuxKernel.*\//c\\\t$LinuxKernel\\t\/boot\/vmlinuz $BOOT_OPTION" /tmp/grub.new; sed -i "/$LinuxIMG.*\//c\\\t$LinuxIMG\\t\/boot\/initrd.img" /tmp/grub.new; } [[ "$Type" == 'NoBoot' ]] && { sed -i "/$LinuxKernel.*\//c\\\t$LinuxKernel\\t\/vmlinuz $BOOT_OPTION" /tmp/grub.new; sed -i "/$LinuxIMG.*\//c\\\t$LinuxIMG\\t\/initrd.img" /tmp/grub.new; } sed -i '$a\\n' /tmp/grub.new; sed -i ''${INSERTGRUB}'i\\n' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE; sed -i ''${INSERTGRUB}'r /tmp/grub.new' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE; [[ -f $GRUBDIR/grubenv ]] && sed -i 's/saved_entry/#saved_entry/g' $GRUBDIR/grubenv; # Debian/Ubuntu grub1 set end elif [[ ! -z "$GRUBTYPE" && "$GRUBTYPE" == "isGrub2" ]]; then # RedHat grub2 set start # Confirm linux and initrd kernel direction if [[ -f /boot/grub2/grubenv ]] && [[ -d /boot/loader/entries ]] && [[ "$(ls /boot/loader/entries | wc -w)" != "" ]]; then LoaderPath=$(cat /boot/grub2/grubenv | grep 'saved_entry=' | awk -F '=' '{print $2}') LpLength=`echo ${#LoaderPath}` LpFile="/boot/loader/entries/$LoaderPath.conf" # The saved_entry of OpenCloudOS is equal "0" # [root@VM-4-11-opencloudos ~]# cat /boot/grub2/grubenv # GRUB Environment Block # saved_entry=0 # kernelopts=root=UUID=c21f153f-c0a8-42db-9ba5-8299e3c3d5b9 ro quiet elevator=noop console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 vconsole.keymap=us crashkernel=1800M-64G:256M,64G-128G:512M,128G-:768M vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=1 intel_pstate=disable iommu=pt amd_iommu=on # boot_success=0 if [[ "$LpLength" -le "1" ]] || [[ ! -f "$LpFile" ]]; then LpFile=`ls -Sl /boot/loader/entries/ | grep -wv "rescue*" | awk -F' ' '{print $NF}' | sed -n '2p'` [[ "$(cat /boot/loader/entries/$LpFile | grep '^linux /boot/')" ]] && BootDIR='/boot' || BootDIR='' else [[ "$(cat $LpFile | grep '^linux /boot/')" ]] && BootDIR='/boot' || BootDIR='' fi else [[ -n "$(grep 'linux.*/\|kernel.*/' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n 1 | grep '^/boot/')" ]] && BootDIR='/boot' || BootDIR=''; fi # Confirm if BIOS or UEFI firmware if [[ "$VER" == "x86_64" || "$VER" == "amd64" ]]; then if [[ "$EfiSupport" == "enabled" ]]; then BootHex="efi" else BootHex="16" fi elif [[ "$VER" == "aarch64" || "$VER" == "arm64" ]]; then BootHex="" fi # Get main menuentry parameter from current system CFG0="$(awk '/insmod part_/{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 1)" CFG2tmp="$(awk '/--fs-uuid --set=root/{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE|head -n 2|tail -n 1)" CFG2=`expr $CFG2tmp + 1` CFG1="" for tmpCFG in `awk '/fi/{print NR}' $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE`; do [ "$tmpCFG" -ge "$CFG0" -a "$tmpCFG" -le "$CFG2" ] && CFG1="$tmpCFG" done if [[ -z "$CFG1" ]]; then CFG1="$CFG2tmp" [[ -z "$CFG1" ]] && { echo -ne "\n\033[31mError: \033[0mread $GRUBFILE.\n" exit 1 } fi sed -n "$CFG0,$CFG1"p $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE >/tmp/grub.new sed -i -e 's/^/ /' /tmp/grub.new [[ -f /tmp/grub.new ]] && [[ "$(grep -c '{' /tmp/grub.new)" -eq "$(grep -c '}' /tmp/grub.new)" ]] || { echo -ne "\033[31mError! \033[0mNot configure $GRUBFILE. \n" exit 1 } [ ! -f /tmp/grub.new ] && echo -e "\n\033[31mError: \033[0m$GRUBFILE.\n" && exit 1 # Set IPv6 or distribute unite network adapter interface [[ "$setInterfaceName" == "1" ]] && Add_OPTION="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" || Add_OPTION="" [[ "$setIPv6" == "1" || "$IPStackType" == "IPv4Stack" ]] && Add_OPTION="$Add_OPTION ipv6.disable=1" # Write menuentry to grub if [[ "$linux_relese" == 'ubuntu' || "$linux_relese" == 'debian' ]]; then BOOT_OPTION="auto=true $Add_OPTION hostname=$(hostname) domain=$linux_relese quiet" else BOOT_OPTION="inst.ks=file://ks.cfg $Add_OPTION ksdevice=$interfaceSelect quiet" fi cat >> /etc/grub.d/40_custom <>/dev/null 2>&1 grub2-set-default "Install $Relese $DIST $VER" >>/dev/null 2>&1 grub2-reboot "Install $Relese $DIST $VER" >>/dev/null 2>&1 # RedHat grub set end fi # Grub config end chown root:root $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE chmod 444 $GRUBDIR/$GRUBFILE if [[ "$loaderMode" == "0" ]]; then sleep 3 && reboot || sudo reboot >/dev/null 2>&1 else rm -rf "$HOME/loader" mkdir -p "$HOME/loader" cp -rf "/boot/initrd.img" "$HOME/loader/initrd.img" cp -rf "/boot/vmlinuz" "$HOME/loader/vmlinuz" [[ -f "/boot/initrd.img" ]] && rm -rf "/boot/initrd.img" [[ -f "/boot/vmlinuz" ]] && rm -rf "/boot/vmlinuz" echo && ls -AR1 "$HOME/loader" fi