2024-01-26 15:23:37 +08:00
defmodule LivebookWeb.HTMLHelpers do
2021-07-07 20:32:49 +08:00
use Phoenix.Component
2023-02-23 02:34:54 +08:00
use LivebookWeb, :verified_routes
2021-02-11 19:42:17 +08:00
2021-04-22 05:02:09 +08:00
@doc """
Returns path to specific process dialog within LiveDashboard.
2023-02-23 02:34:54 +08:00
def live_dashboard_process_path(pid) do
2021-07-07 20:32:49 +08:00
pid_str = Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder.encode_pid(pid)
2023-02-23 02:34:54 +08:00
2021-04-22 05:02:09 +08:00
2021-05-24 00:22:55 +08:00
@doc """
Converts human-readable strings to strings which can be used
as HTML element IDs (compatible with HTML5)
At the same time duplicate IDs are enumerated to avoid duplicates
@spec names_to_html_ids(list(String.t())) :: list(String.t())
def names_to_html_ids(names) do
|> Enum.map(&name_to_html_id/1)
|> Enum.map_reduce(%{}, fn html_id, counts ->
counts = Map.update(counts, html_id, 1, &(&1 + 1))
case counts[html_id] do
1 -> {html_id, counts}
count -> {"#{html_id}-#{count}", counts}
|> elem(0)
defp name_to_html_id(name) do
|> String.downcase()
2024-02-24 02:55:17 +08:00
|> String.replace(~r/[^\s\w]/u, "")
|> String.trim()
2021-05-24 00:22:55 +08:00
|> String.replace(~r/\s+/u, "-")
2024-02-24 02:55:17 +08:00
|> case do
"" -> Base.url_encode64(name, padding: false)
id -> id
2021-05-24 00:22:55 +08:00
2021-06-08 18:33:50 +08:00
2022-01-29 04:45:04 +08:00
@doc """
Returns the text in singular or plural depending on the quantity
## Examples
2024-01-26 15:23:37 +08:00
iex> LivebookWeb.HTMLHelpers.pluralize(1, "notebook is not persisted", "notebooks are not persisted")
2022-01-29 04:45:04 +08:00
"1 notebook is not persisted"
2024-01-26 15:23:37 +08:00
iex> LivebookWeb.HTMLHelpers.pluralize(3, "notebook is not persisted", "notebooks are not persisted")
2022-01-29 04:45:04 +08:00
"3 notebooks are not persisted"
2023-03-21 19:58:16 +08:00
2022-01-29 04:45:04 +08:00
2022-04-30 18:26:03 +08:00
@spec pluralize(non_neg_integer(), String.t(), String.t()) :: String.t()
2022-01-29 04:45:04 +08:00
def pluralize(1, singular, _plural), do: "1 #{singular}"
def pluralize(count, _singular, plural), do: "#{count} #{plural}"
2023-05-20 01:40:56 +08:00
@doc """
Formats the given UTC datetime relatively to present.
@spec format_datetime_relatively(DateTime.t()) :: String.t()
def format_datetime_relatively(date) do
date |> DateTime.to_naive() |> Livebook.Utils.Time.time_ago_in_words()
2023-07-25 22:59:40 +08:00
@doc """
Returns a list of human readable messages for all upload and upload
entry errors.
@spec upload_error_messages(Phoenix.LiveView.UploadConfig.t()) :: list(String.t())
def upload_error_messages(upload) do
errors = upload_errors(upload) ++ Enum.flat_map(upload.entries, &upload_errors(upload, &1))
Enum.map(errors, &upload_error_to_string/1)
@doc """
Converts an upload or entry error to string.
@spec upload_error_to_string(term()) :: String.t()
def upload_error_to_string(:too_large), do: "Too large"
def upload_error_to_string(:too_many_files), do: "You have selected too many files"
def upload_error_to_string(:not_accepted), do: "You have selected an unacceptable file type"
def upload_error_to_string({:writer_failure, message}) when is_binary(message) do
2021-02-03 20:13:56 +08:00