2024-01-24 23:02:24 +08:00
import { a as Qu } from "./chunk-RB5OF3IH.js" ; import "./chunk-BZUL2CAN.js" ; import { $a as Da , Fa as Rr , Ha as Ju , I as Mp , L as Wu , M as Ku , N as Zu , b as Op , c as Np , cb as ju , h as sn } from "./chunk-KR7JTV7U.js" ; import { f as ni , h as nn } from "./chunk-3V74GZ4F.js" ; var el = ni ( ( Qi , Ji ) => { ( function ( q , W ) { typeof Qi == "object" && typeof Ji != "undefined" ? Ji . exports = W ( ) : typeof define == "function" && define . amd ? define ( W ) : ( q = typeof globalThis != "undefined" ? globalThis : q || self , q . cytoscape = W ( ) ) } ) ( Qi , function ( ) { "use strict" ; function q ( t ) { "@babel/helpers - typeof" ; return q = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol . iterator == "symbol" ? function ( e ) { return typeof e } : function ( e ) { return e && typeof Symbol == "function" && e . constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol . prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , q ( t ) } function W ( t , e ) { if ( ! ( t instanceof e ) ) throw new TypeError ( "Cannot call a class as a function" ) } function _ ( t , e ) { for ( var r = 0 ; r < e . length ; r ++ ) { var a = e [ r ] ; a . enumerable = a . enumerable || ! 1 , a . configurable = ! 0 , "value" in a && ( a . writable = ! 0 ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , a . key , a ) } } function L ( t , e , r ) { return e && _ ( t . prototype , e ) , r && _ ( t , r ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , "prototype" , { writable : ! 1 } ) , t } function E ( t , e , r ) { return e in t ? Object . defineProperty ( t , e , { value : r , enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 } ) : t [ e ] = r , t } function w ( t , e ) { return A ( t ) || V ( t , e ) || U ( t , e ) || J ( ) } function A ( t ) { if ( Array . isArray ( t ) ) return t } function V ( t , e ) { var r = t == null ? null : typeof Symbol != "undefined" && t [ Symbol . iterator ] || t [ "@@iterator" ] ; if ( r != null ) { var a = [ ] , n = ! 0 , i = ! 1 , s , o ; try { for ( r = r . call ( t ) ; ! ( n = ( s = r . next ( ) ) . done ) && ( a . push ( s . value ) , ! ( e && a . length === e ) ) ; n = ! 0 ) ; } catch ( l ) { i = ! 0 , o = l } finally { try { ! n && r . return != null && r . return ( ) } finally { if ( i ) throw o } } return a } } function U ( t , e ) { if ( t ) { if ( typeof t == "string" ) return R ( t , e ) ; var r = Object . prototype . toString . call ( t ) . slice ( 8 , - 1 ) ; if ( r === "Object" && t . constructor && ( r = t . constructor . name ) , r === "Map" || r === "Set" ) return Array . from ( t ) ; if ( r === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/ . test ( r ) ) return R ( t , e ) } } function R ( t , e ) { ( e == null || e > t . length ) && ( e = t . length ) ; for ( var r = 0 , a = new Array ( e ) ; r < e ; r ++ ) a [ r ] = t [ r ] ; return a } function J ( ) { throw new TypeError ( ` Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.
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In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}var D=typeof window=="undefined"?null:window, $ =D?D.navigator:null;D&&D.document;var Y=q(""),j=q({}),te=q(function(){}),le=typeof HTMLElement=="undefined"?"undefined":q(HTMLElement),Q=function(e){return e&&e.instanceString&&ne(e.instanceString)?e.instanceString():null},ee=function(e){return e!=null&&q(e)==Y},ne=function(e){return e!=null&&q(e)===te},me=function(e){return!se(e)&&(Array.isArray?Array.isArray(e):e!=null&&e instanceof Array)},C=function(e){return e!=null&&q(e)===j&&!me(e)&&e.constructor===Object},B=function(e){return e!=null&&q(e)===j},N=function(e){return e!=null&&q(e)===q(1)&&!isNaN(e)},Z=function(e){return N(e)&&Math.floor(e)===e},ue=function(e){if(le!=="undefined")return e!=null&&e instanceof HTMLElement},se=function(e){return Le(e)||be(e)},Le=function(e){return Q(e)==="collection"&&e._private.single},be=function(e){return Q(e)==="collection"&&!e._private.single},Ge=function(e){return Q(e)==="core"},et=function(e){return Q(e)==="stylesheet"},ct=function(e){return Q(e)==="event"},Ye=function(e){return e==null?!0:!!(e===""||e.match(/^ \s + $ /))},Fe=function(e){return typeof HTMLElement=="undefined"?!1:e instanceof HTMLElement},ze=function(e){return C(e)&&N(e.x1)&&N(e.x2)&&N(e.y1)&&N(e.y2)},Je=function(e){return B(e)&&ne(e.then)},at=function(){return $ && $ .userAgent.match(/msie|trident|edge/i)},ut=function(e,r){r||(r=function(){if(arguments.length===1)return arguments[0];if(arguments.length===0)return"undefined";for(var i=[],s=0;s<arguments.length;s++)i.push(arguments[s]);return i.join(" $ ")});var a=function n(){var i=this,s=arguments,o,l=r.apply(i,s),u=n.cache;return(o=u[l])||(o=u[l]=e.apply(i,s)),o};return a.cache={},a},tt=ut(function(t){return t.replace(/([A-Z])/g,function(e){return"-"+e.toLowerCase()})}),Tt=ut(function(t){return t.replace(/(- \w )/g,function(e){return e[1].toUpperCase()})}),mt=ut(function(t,e){return t+e[0].toUpperCase()+e.substring(1)},function(t,e){return t+" $ "+e}),xt=function(e){return Ye(e)?e:e.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.substring(1)},Ke="(?:[-+]?(?:(?: \\ d+| \\ d* \\ . \\ d+)(?:[Ee][+-]? \\ d+)?))",mr="rgb[a]? \\ (("+Ke+"[%]?) \\ s*, \\ s*("+Ke+"[%]?) \\ s*, \\ s*("+Ke+"[%]?)(?: \\ s*, \\ s*("+Ke+"))? \\ )",Zt="rgb[a]? \\ ((?:"+Ke+"[%]?) \\ s*, \\ s*(?:"+Ke+"[%]?) \\ s*, \\ s*(?:"+Ke+"[%]?)(?: \\ s*, \\ s*(?:"+Ke+"))? \\ )",br="hsl[a]? \\ (("+Ke+") \\ s*, \\ s*("+Ke+"[%]) \\ s*, \\ s*("+Ke+"[%])(?: \\ s*, \\ s*("+Ke+"))? \\ )",Qt="hsl[a]? \\ ((?:"+Ke+") \\ s*, \\ s*(?:"+Ke+"[%]) \\ s*, \\ s*(?:"+Ke+"[%])(?: \\ s*, \\ s*(?:"+Ke+"))? \\ )",hn=" \\ #[0-9a-fA-F]{3}",Kr=" \\ #[0-9a-fA-F]{6}",Zr=function(e,r){return e<r?-1:e>r?1:0},Jt=function(e,r){return-1*Zr(e,r)}, $ e=Object.assign!=null?Object.assign.bind(Object):function(t){for(var e=arguments,r=1;r<e.length;r++){var a=e[r];if(a!=null)for(var n=Object.keys(a),i=0;i<n.length;i++){var s=n[i];t[s]=a[s]}}return t},fl=function(e){if(!(!(e.length===4||e.length===7)||e[0]!=="#")){var r=e.length===4,a,n,i,s=16;return r?(a=parseInt(e[1]+e[1],s),n=parseInt(e[2]+e[2],s),i=parseInt(e[3]+e[3],s)):(a=parseInt(e[1]+e[2],s),n=parseInt(e[3]+e[4],s),i=parseInt(e[5]+e[6],s)),[a,n,i]}},hl=function(e){var r,a,n,i,s,o,l,u;function f(d,g,y){return y<0&&(y+=1),y>1&&(y-=1),y<1/6?d+(g-d)*6*y:y<1/2?g:y<2/3?d+(g-d)*(2/3-y)*6:d}var h=new RegExp("^"+br+" $ ").exec(e);if(h){if(a=parseInt(h[1]),a<0?a=(360- -1*a%360)%360:a>360&&(a=a%360),a/=360,n=parseFloat(h[2]),n<0||n>100||(n=n/100,i=parseFloat(h[3]),i<0||i>100)||(i=i/100,s=h[4],s!==void 0&&(s=parseFloat(s),s<0||s>1)))return;if(n===0)o=l=u=Math.round(i*255);else{var c=i<.5?i*(1+n):i+n-i*n,v=2*i-c;o=Math.round(255*f(v,c,a+1/3)),l=Math.round(255*f(v,c,a)),u=Math.round(255*f(v,c,a-1/3))}r=[o,l,u,s]}return r},cl=function(e){var r,a=new RegExp("^"+mr+" $ ").exec(e);if(a){r=[];for(var n=[],i=1;i<=3;i++){var s=a[i];if(s[s.length-1]==="%"&&(n[i]=!0),s=parseFloat(s),n[i]&&(s=s/100*255),s<0||s>255)return;r.push(Math.floor(s))}var o=n[1]||n[2]||n[3],l=n[1]&&n[2]&&n[3];if(o&&!l)return;var u=a[4];if(u!==void 0){if(u=parseFloat(u),u<0||u>1)return;r.push(u)}}return r},vl=function(e){return gl[e.toLowerCase()]},dl=function(e){return(m
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` ),h=t.pstyle("text-max-width").pfValue,c=t.pstyle("text-overflow-wrap").value,v=c==="anywhere",d=[],g=/[ \s \u 200b]+/,y=v?"":" ",p=0;p<f.length;p++){var m=f[p],b=this.calculateLabelDimensions(t,m),x=b.width;if(v){var I=m.split("").join(u);m=I}if(x>h){for(var O=m.split(g),T="",k=0;k<O.length;k++){var S=O[k],F=T.length===0?S:T+y+S,z=this.calculateLabelDimensions(t,F),P=z.width;P<=h?T+=S+y:(T&&d.push(T),T=S+y)}T.match(/^[ \s \u 200b]+ $ /)||d.push(T)}else d.push(m)}s("labelWrapCachedLines",d),n=s("labelWrapCachedText",d.join( `
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` ),p=0;p<y.length;p++){var m=y[p],b=c.measureText(m),x=Math.ceil(b.width),I=l;d=Math.max(x,d),g+=I}return d+=s,g+=s,n[a]={width:d,height:g}},lr.calculateLabelAngle=function(t,e){var r=t._private,a=r.rscratch,n=t.isEdge(),i=e?e+"-":"",s=t.pstyle(i+"text-rotation"),o=s.strValue;return o==="none"?0:n&&o==="autorotate"?a.labelAutoAngle:o==="autorotate"?0:s.pfValue},lr.calculateLabelAngles=function(t){var e=this,r=t.isEdge(),a=t._private,n=a.rscratch;n.labelAngle=e.calculateLabelAngle(t),r&&(n.sourceLabelAngle=e.calculateLabelAngle(t,"source"),n.targetLabelAngle=e.calculateLabelAngle(t,"target"))};var gu={},pu=28,yu=!1;gu.getNodeShape=function(t){var e=this,r=t.pstyle("shape").value;if(r==="cutrectangle"&&(t.width()<pu||t.height()<pu))return yu||(lt("The ` cutrectangle ` node shape can not be used at small sizes so ` rectangle ` is used instead"),yu=!0),"rectangle";if(t.isParent())return r==="rectangle"||r==="roundrectangle"||r==="round-rectangle"||r==="cutrectangle"||r==="cut-rectangle"||r==="barrel"?r:"rectangle";if(r==="polygon"){var a=t.pstyle("shape-polygon-points").value;return e.nodeShapes.makePolygon(a).name}return r};var Zn={};Zn.registerCalculationListeners=function(){var t=this.cy,e=t.collection(),r=this,a=function(s){var o=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:!0;if(e.merge(s),o)for(var l=0;l<s.length;l++){var u=s[l],f=u._private,h=f.rstyle;h.clean=!1,h.cleanConnected=!1}};r.binder(t).on("bounds.* dirty.*",function(s){var o=s.target;a(o)}).on("style.* background.*",function(s){var o=s.target;a(o,!1)});var n=function(s){if(s){var o=r.onUpdateEleCalcsFns;e.cleanStyle();for(var l=0;l<e.length;l++){var u=e[l],f=u._private.rstyle;u.isNode()&&!f.cleanConnected&&(a(u.connectedEdges()),f.cleanConnected=!0)}if(o)for(var h=0;h<o.length;h++){var c=o[h];c(s,e)}r.recalculateRenderedStyle(e),e=t.collection()}};r.flushRenderedStyleQueue=function(){n(!0)},r.beforeRender(n,r.beforeRenderPriorities.eleCalcs)},Zn.onUpdateEleCalcs=function(t){var e=this.onUpdateEleCalcsFns=this.onUpdateEleCalcsFns||[];e.push(t)},Zn.recalculateRenderedStyle=function(t,e){var r=function(x){return x._private.rstyle.cleanConnected},a=[],n=[];if(!this.destroyed){e===void 0&&(e=!0);for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++){var s=t[i],o=s._private,l=o.rstyle;s.isEdge()&&(!r(s.source())||!r(s.target()))&&(l.clean=!1),!(e&&l.clean||s.removed())&&s.pstyle("display").value!=="none"&&(o.group==="nodes"?n.push(s):a.push(s),l.clean=!0)}for(var u=0;u<n.length;u++){var f=n[u],h=f._private,c=h.rstyle,v=f.position();this.recalculateNodeLabelProjection(f),c.nodeX=v.x,c.nodeY=v.y,c.nodeW=f.pstyle("width").pfValue,c.nodeH=f.pstyle("height").pfValue}this.recalculateEdgeProjections(a);for(var d=0;d<a.length;d++){var g=a[d],y=g._private,p=y.rstyle,m=y.rscratch;p.srcX=m.arrowStartX,p.srcY=m.arrowStartY,p.tgtX=m.arrowEndX,p.tgtY=m.arrowEndY,p.midX=m.midX,p.midY=m.midY,p.labelAngle=m.labelAngle,p.sourceLabelAngle=m.sourceLabelAngle,p.targetLabelAngle=m.targetLabelAngle}}};var Qn={};Qn.updateCachedGrabbedEles=function(){var t=this.cachedZSortedEles;if(t){t.drag=[],t.nondrag=[];for(var e=[],r=0;r<t.length;r++){var a=t[r],n=a._private.rscratch;a.grabbed()&&!a.isParent()?e.push(a):n.inDragLayer?t.drag.push(a):t.nondrag.push(a)}for(var r=0;r<e.length;r++){var a=e[r];t.drag.push(a)}}},Qn.invalidateCachedZSortedEles=function(){this.cachedZSortedEles=null},Qn.getCachedZSortedEles=function(t){if(t||!this.cachedZSortedEles){var e=this.cy.mutableElements().toArray();e.sort(Vo),e.interactive=e.filter(function(r){return r.interactive()}),this.cachedZSortedEles=e,this.updateCachedGrabbedEles()}else e=this.cachedZSortedEles;return e};var mu={};[_r,Kn,Gt,Qa, $ i,lr,gu,Zn,Qn].forEach(function(t){ $ e(mu,t)});var bu={};bu.getCachedImage=function(t,e,r){var a=this,n=a.imageCache=a.imageCache||{},i=n[t];if(i)return i.image.complete||i.image.addEventListener("load",r),i.image;i=n[t]=n[t]||{};var s=i.image=new Image;s.addEventListener("load",r),s.addEventListener("error",function(){s.error=!0});var o="data:",l=t.substring(0,o.length).toLowerCase()===o;return l||(s.crossOrigin=e),s.src=t,s};var ma={};ma
2023-05-27 15:05:48 +08:00
` +ze.showPosition()+ `
2023-06-20 23:34:33 +08:00
Expecting ` +Kr.join(", ")+", got '"+(this.terminals_[mt]||mt)+"'":Zr="Parse error on line "+(Ge+1)+": Unexpected "+(mt==Ye?"end of input":"'"+(this.terminals_[mt]||mt)+"'"),this.parseError(Zr,{text:ze.match,token:this.terminals_[mt]||mt,line:ze.yylineno,loc:ut,expected:Kr})}if(Ke[0]instanceof Array&&Ke.length>1)throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: "+xt+", token: "+mt);switch(Ke[0]){case 1:N.push(mt),ue.push(ze.yytext),se.push(ze.yylloc),N.push(Ke[1]),mt=null,et=ze.yyleng,be=ze.yytext,Ge=ze.yylineno,ut=ze.yylloc;break;case 2:if(Qt=this.productions_[Ke[1]][1],Zt. $ =ue[ue.length-Qt],Zt._ $ ={first_line:se[se.length-(Qt||1)].first_line,last_line:se[se.length-1].last_line,first_column:se[se.length-(Qt||1)].first_column,last_column:se[se.length-1].last_column},tt&&(Zt._ $ .range=[se[se.length-(Qt||1)].range[0],se[se.length-1].range[1]]),mr=this.performAction.apply(Zt,[be,et,Ge,Je.yy,Ke[1],ue,se].concat(Fe)),typeof mr!="undefined")return mr;Qt&&(N=N.slice(0,-1*Qt*2),ue=ue.slice(0,-1*Qt),se=se.slice(0,-1*Qt)),N.push(this.productions_[Ke[1]][0]),ue.push(Zt. $ ),se.push(Zt._ $ ),hn=Le[N[N.length-2]][N[N.length-1]],N.push(hn);break;case 3:return!0}}return!0}},ee=function(){var me={EOF:1,parseError:function(B,N){if(this.yy.parser)this.yy.parser.parseError(B,N);else throw new Error(B)},setInput:function(C,B){return this.yy=B||this.yy||{},this._input=C,this._more=this._backtrack=this.done=!1,this.yylineno=this.yyleng=0,this.yytext=this.matched=this.match="",this.conditionStack=["INITIAL"],this.yylloc={first_line:1,first_column:0,last_line:1,last_column:0},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[0,0]),this.offset=0,this},input:function(){var C=this._input[0];this.yytext+=C,this.yyleng++,this.offset++,this.match+=C,this.matched+=C;var B=C.match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g);return B?(this.yylineno++,this.yylloc.last_line++):this.yylloc.last_column++,this.options.ranges&&this.yylloc.range[1]++,this._input=this._input.slice(1),C},unput:function(C){var B=C.length,N=C.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this._input=C+this._input,this.yytext=this.yytext.substr(0,this.yytext.length-B),this.offset-=B;var Z=this.match.split(/(?: \r \n ?| \n )/g);this.match=this.match.substr(0,this.match.length-1),this.matched=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-1),N.length-1&&(this.yylineno-=N.length-1);var ue=this.yylloc.range;return this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:N?(N.length===Z.length?this.yylloc.first_column:0)+Z[Z.length-N.length].length-N[0].length:this.yylloc.first_column-B},this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[ue[0],ue[0]+this.yyleng-B]),this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this},more:function(){return this._more=!0,this},reject:function(){if(this.options.backtrack_lexer)this._backtrack=!0;else return this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . You can only invoke reject ( ) in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion ( options . backtrack _lexer = true ) .
2023-05-27 15:05:48 +08:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno});return this},less:function(C){this.unput(this.match.slice(C))},pastInput:function(){var C=this.matched.substr(0,this.matched.length-this.match.length);return(C.length>20?"...":"")+C.substr(-20).replace(/ \n /g,"")},upcomingInput:function(){var C=this.match;return C.length<20&&(C+=this._input.substr(0,20-C.length)),(C.substr(0,20)+(C.length>20?"...":"")).replace(/ \n /g,"")},showPosition:function(){var C=this.pastInput(),B=new Array(C.length+1).join("-");return C+this.upcomingInput()+ `
` +B+"^"},test_match:function(C,B){var N,Z,ue;if(this.options.backtrack_lexer&&(ue={yylineno:this.yylineno,yylloc:{first_line:this.yylloc.first_line,last_line:this.last_line,first_column:this.yylloc.first_column,last_column:this.yylloc.last_column},yytext:this.yytext,match:this.match,matches:this.matches,matched:this.matched,yyleng:this.yyleng,offset:this.offset,_more:this._more,_input:this._input,yy:this.yy,conditionStack:this.conditionStack.slice(0),done:this.done},this.options.ranges&&(ue.yylloc.range=this.yylloc.range.slice(0))),Z=C[0].match(/(?: \r \n ?| \n ).*/g),Z&&(this.yylineno+=Z.length),this.yylloc={first_line:this.yylloc.last_line,last_line:this.yylineno+1,first_column:this.yylloc.last_column,last_column:Z?Z[Z.length-1].length-Z[Z.length-1].match(/ \r ? \n ?/)[0].length:this.yylloc.last_column+C[0].length},this.yytext+=C[0],this.match+=C[0],this.matches=C,this.yyleng=this.yytext.length,this.options.ranges&&(this.yylloc.range=[this.offset,this.offset+=this.yyleng]),this._more=!1,this._backtrack=!1,this._input=this._input.slice(C[0].length),this.matched+=C[0],N=this.performAction.call(this,this.yy,this,B,this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]),this.done&&this._input&&(this.done=!1),N)return N;if(this._backtrack){for(var se in ue)this[se]=ue[se];return!1}return!1},next:function(){if(this.done)return this.EOF;this._input||(this.done=!0);var C,B,N,Z;this._more||(this.yytext="",this.match="");for(var ue=this._currentRules(),se=0;se<ue.length;se++)if(N=this._input.match(this.rules[ue[se]]),N&&(!B||N[0].length>B[0].length)){if(B=N,Z=se,this.options.backtrack_lexer){if(C=this.test_match(N,ue[se]),C!==!1)return C;if(this._backtrack){B=!1;continue}else return!1}else if(!this.options.flex)break}return B?(C=this.test_match(B,ue[Z]),C!==!1?C:!1):this._input===""?this.EOF:this.parseError("Lexical error on line "+(this.yylineno+1)+ ` . Unrecognized text .
2023-10-06 00:34:57 +08:00
` +this.showPosition(),{text:"",token:null,line:this.yylineno})},lex:function(){var B=this.next();return B||this.lex()},begin:function(B){this.conditionStack.push(B)},popState:function(){var B=this.conditionStack.length-1;return B>0?this.conditionStack.pop():this.conditionStack[0]},_currentRules:function(){return this.conditionStack.length&&this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]?this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length-1]].rules:this.conditions.INITIAL.rules},topState:function(B){return B=this.conditionStack.length-1-Math.abs(B||0),B>=0?this.conditionStack[B]:"INITIAL"},pushState:function(B){this.begin(B)},stateStackSize:function(){return this.conditionStack.length},options:{"case-insensitive":!0},performAction:function(B,N,Z,ue){switch(Z){case 0:return B.getLogger().trace("Found comment",N.yytext),6;case 1:return 8;case 2:this.begin("CLASS");break;case 3:return this.popState(),16;case 4:this.popState();break;case 5:B.getLogger().trace("Begin icon"),this.begin("ICON");break;case 6:return B.getLogger().trace("SPACELINE"),6;case 7:return 7;case 8:return 15;case 9:B.getLogger().trace("end icon"),this.popState();break;case 10:return B.getLogger().trace("Exploding node"),this.begin("NODE"),19;case 11:return B.getLogger().trace("Cloud"),this.begin("NODE"),19;case 12:return B.getLogger().trace("Explosion Bang"),this.begin("NODE"),19;case 13:return B.getLogger().trace("Cloud Bang"),this.begin("NODE"),19;case 14:return this.begin("NODE"),19;case 15:return this.begin("NODE"),19;case 16:return this.begin("NODE"),19;case 17:return this.begin("NODE"),19;case 18:return 13;case 19:return 22;case 20:return 11;case 21:this.begin("NSTR2");break;case 22:return"NODE_DESCR";case 23:this.popState();break;case 24:B.getLogger().trace("Starting NSTR"),this.begin("NSTR");break;case 25:return B.getLogger().trace("description:",N.yytext),"NODE_DESCR";case 26:this.popState();break;case 27:return this.popState(),B.getLogger().trace("node end ))"),"NODE_DEND";case 28:return this.popState(),B.getLogger().trace("node end )"),"NODE_DEND";case 29:return this.popState(),B.getLogger().trace("node end ...",N.yytext),"NODE_DEND";case 30:return this.popState(),B.getLogger().trace("node end (("),"NODE_DEND";case 31:return this.popState(),B.getLogger().trace("node end (-"),"NODE_DEND";case 32:return this.popState(),B.getLogger().trace("node end (-"),"NODE_DEND";case 33:return this.popState(),B.getLogger().trace("node end (("),"NODE_DEND";case 34:return this.popState(),B.getLogger().trace("node end (("),"NODE_DEND";case 35:return B.getLogger().trace("Long description:",N.yytext),20;case 36:return B.getLogger().trace("Long description:",N.yytext),20}},rules:[/^(?: \s *%%.*)/i,/^(?:mindmap \b )/i,/^(?::::)/i,/^(?:.+)/i,/^(?: \n )/i,/^(?:::icon \( )/i,/^(?:[ \s ]+[ \n ])/i,/^(?:[ \n ]+)/i,/^(?:[^ \) ]+)/i,/^(?: \) )/i,/^(?:- \) )/i,/^(?: \( -)/i,/^(?: \) \) )/i,/^(?: \) )/i,/^(?: \( \( )/i,/^(?: \{ \{ )/i,/^(?: \( )/i,/^(?: \[ )/i,/^(?:[ \s ]+)/i,/^(?:[^ \( \[ \n \) \{ \} ]+)/i,/^(?: $ )/i,/^(?:["][ ` ] ) / i , /^(?:[^`"]+)/i , /^(?:[`]["])/i , /^(?:["])/i , /^(?:[^"]+)/i , /^(?:["])/i , /^(?:[\)]\))/i , /^(?:[\)])/i , /^(?:[\]])/i , /^(?:\}\})/i , /^(?:\(-)/i , /^(?:-\))/i , /^(?:\(\()/i , /^(?:\()/i , /^(?:[^\)\]\(\}]+)/i , /^(?:.+(?!\(\())/i ] , conditions : { CLASS : { rules : [ 3 , 4 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , ICON : { rules : [ 8 , 9 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , NSTR2 : { rules : [ 22 , 23 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , NSTR : { rules : [ 25 , 26 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , NODE : { rules : [ 21 , 24 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 ] , inclusive : ! 1 } , INITIAL : { rules : [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 ] , inclusive : ! 0 } } } ; return me } ( ) ; Q . lexer = ee ; function ne ( ) { this . yy = { } } return ne . prototype = Q , Q . Parser = ne , new ne } ( ) ; ns . parser = ns ; var Ip = ns , fn = q => Ju ( q , Da ( ) ) , Kt = [ ] , al = 0 , ss = { } , Rp = ( ) => { Kt = [ ] , al = 0 , ss = { } } , kp = function ( q ) { for ( let W = Kt . length - 1 ; W >= 0 ; W -- ) if ( Kt [ W ] . level < q ) return Kt [ W ] ; return null } , Pp = ( ) => Kt . length > 0 ? Kt [ 0 ] : null , Bp = ( q , W , _ , L ) => { Rr . info ( "addNode" , q , W , _ , L ) ; let E = Da ( ) , w = { id : al ++ , nodeId : fn ( W ) , level : q , descr : fn ( _ ) , type : L , children : [ ] , width : Da ( ) . mindmap . maxNodeWidth } ; switch ( w . type ) { case dt . ROUNDED _RECT : w . padding = 2 * E . mindmap . padding ; break ; case dt . RECT : w . padding = 2 * E . mindmap . padding ; break ; case dt . HEXAGON : w . padding = 2 * E . min
2023-05-27 15:05:48 +08:00
a$ { A } , $ { A } 1 0 , 1 $ { _ * . 4 } , $ { - 1 * _ * . 1 }
a$ { w } , $ { w } 1 0 , 1 $ { _ * . 35 } , $ { 1 * _ * . 2 }
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 1 $ { _ * . 15 } , $ { 1 * L * . 35 }
a$ { V } , $ { V } 1 0 , 1 $ { - 1 * _ * . 15 } , $ { 1 * L * . 65 }
a$ { w } , $ { E } 1 0 , 1 $ { - 1 * _ * . 25 } , $ { _ * . 15 }
a$ { A } , $ { A } 1 0 , 1 $ { - 1 * _ * . 5 } , 0
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 1 $ { - 1 * _ * . 25 } , $ { - 1 * _ * . 15 }
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 1 $ { - 1 * _ * . 1 } , $ { - 1 * L * . 35 }
a$ { V } , $ { V } 1 0 , 1 $ { _ * . 1 } , $ { - 1 * L * . 65 }
2023-06-20 23:34:33 +08:00
H0 V0 Z ` )},Xp=function(q,W){let _=W.width,L=W.height,E=.15*_;q.append("path").attr("id","node-"+W.id).attr("class","node-bkg node-"+Wr(W.type)).attr("d", ` M0 0 a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { _ * . 25 } , $ { - 1 * L * . 1 }
2023-05-27 15:05:48 +08:00
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { _ * . 25 } , 0
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { _ * . 25 } , 0
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { _ * . 25 } , $ { 1 * L * . 1 }
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { _ * . 15 } , $ { 1 * L * . 33 }
a$ { E * . 8 } , $ { E * . 8 } 1 0 , 0 0 , $ { 1 * L * . 34 }
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { - 1 * _ * . 15 } , $ { 1 * L * . 33 }
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { - 1 * _ * . 25 } , $ { L * . 15 }
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { - 1 * _ * . 25 } , 0
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { - 1 * _ * . 25 } , 0
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { - 1 * _ * . 25 } , $ { - 1 * L * . 15 }
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { - 1 * _ * . 1 } , $ { - 1 * L * . 33 }
a$ { E * . 8 } , $ { E * . 8 } 1 0 , 0 0 , $ { - 1 * L * . 34 }
a$ { E } , $ { E } 1 0 , 0 $ { _ * . 1 } , $ { - 1 * L * . 33 }
2023-06-20 23:34:33 +08:00
H0 V0 Z ` )},qp=function(q,W){q.append("circle").attr("id","node-"+W.id).attr("class","node-bkg node-"+Wr(W.type)).attr("r",W.width/2)};function Wp(q,W,_,L,E){return q.insert("polygon",":first-child").attr("points",L.map(function(w){return w.x+","+w.y}).join(" ")).attr("transform","translate("+(E.width-W)/2+", "+_+")")}var Kp=function(q,W){let _=W.height,E=_/4,w=W.width-W.padding+2*E,A=[{x:E,y:0},{x:w-E,y:0},{x:w,y:-_/2},{x:w-E,y:-_},{x:E,y:-_},{x:0,y:-_/2}];Wp(q,w,_,A,W)},Zp=function(q,W){q.append("rect").attr("id","node-"+W.id).attr("class","node-bkg node-"+Wr(W.type)).attr("height",W.height).attr("rx",W.padding).attr("ry",W.padding).attr("width",W.width)},Qp=function(q,W,_,L){let E=L.htmlLabels,w=_%(sl-1),A=q.append("g");W.section=w;let V="section-"+w;w<0&&(V+=" section-root"),A.attr("class",(W.class?W.class+" ":"")+"mindmap-node "+V);let U=A.append("g"),R=A.append("g"),J=W.descr.replace(/(<br \/ *>)/g, `
2023-10-06 00:34:57 +08:00
` );Qu(R,J,{useHtmlLabels:E,width:W.width,classes:"mindmap-node-label"}),E||R.attr("dy","1em").attr("alignment-baseline","middle").attr("dominant-baseline","middle").attr("text-anchor","middle");let D=R.node().getBBox(), $ =L.fontSize.replace?L.fontSize.replace("px",""):L.fontSize;if(W.height=D.height+ $ *1.1*.5+W.padding,W.width=D.width+2*W.padding,W.icon)if(W.type===dt.CIRCLE)W.height+=50,W.width+=50,A.append("foreignObject").attr("height","50px").attr("width",W.width).attr("style","text-align: center;").append("div").attr("class","icon-container").append("i").attr("class","node-icon-"+w+" "+W.icon),R.attr("transform","translate("+W.width/2+", "+(W.height/2-1.5*W.padding)+")");else{W.width+=50;let Y=W.height;W.height=Math.max(Y,60);let j=Math.abs(W.height-Y);A.append("foreignObject").attr("width","60px").attr("height",W.height).attr("style","text-align: center;margin-top:"+j/2+"px;").append("div").attr("class","icon-container").append("i").attr("class","node-icon-"+w+" "+W.icon),R.attr("transform","translate("+(25+W.width/2)+", "+(j/2+W.padding/2)+")")}else if(E){let Y=(W.width-D.width)/2,j=(W.height-D.height)/2;R.attr("transform","translate("+Y+", "+j+")")}else{let Y=W.width/2,j=W.padding/2;R.attr("transform","translate("+Y+", "+j+")")}switch(W.type){case dt.DEFAULT:Up(U,W,w);break;case dt.ROUNDED_RECT:Zp(U,W);break;case dt.RECT:Yp(U,W);break;case dt.CIRCLE:U.attr("transform","translate("+W.width/2+", "+ +W.height/2+")"),qp(U,W);break;case dt.CLOUD:Hp(U,W);break;case dt.BANG:Xp(U,W);break;case dt.HEXAGON:Kp(U,W);break}return nl(W.id,A),W.height},Jp=function(W,_,L,E,w){let A=w%(sl-1),V=L.x+L.width/2,U=L.y+L.height/2,R=_.x+_.width/2,J=_.y+_.height/2,D=R>V?V+Math.abs(V-R)/2:V-Math.abs(V-R)/2, $ =J>U?U+Math.abs(U-J)/2:U-Math.abs(U-J)/2,Y=R>V?Math.abs(V-D)/2+V:-Math.abs(V-D)/2+V,j=J>U?Math.abs(U- $ )/2+U:-Math.abs(U- $ )/2+U;W.append("path").attr("d",L.direction==="TB"||L.direction==="BT"? ` M$ { V } , $ { U } Q$ { V } , $ { j } $ { D } , $ { $ } T$ { R } , $ { J } ` : ` M$ { V } , $ { U } Q$ { Y } , $ { U } $ { D } , $ { $ } T$ { R } , $ { J } ` ).attr("class","edge section-edge-"+A+" edge-depth-"+E)},jp=function(q){let W=os(q.id),_=q.x||0,L=q.y||0;W.attr("transform","translate("+_+","+L+")")},ol={drawNode:Qp,positionNode:jp,drawEdge:Jp};is.default.use(rl.default);function ul(q,W,_,L){ol.drawNode(q,W,_,L),W.children&&W.children.forEach((E,w)=>{ul(q,E,_<0?w:_,L)})}function ey(q,W){W.edges().map((_,L)=>{let E=_.data();if(_[0]._private.bodyBounds){let w=_[0]._private.rscratch;Rr.trace("Edge: ",L,E),q.insert("path").attr("d", ` M $ { w . startX } , $ { w . startY } L $ { w . midX } , $ { w . midY } L$ { w . endX } , $ { w . endY } ` ).attr("class","edge section-edge-"+E.section+" edge-depth-"+E.depth)}})}function ll(q,W,_,L){W.add({group:"nodes",data:{id:q.id,labelText:q.descr,height:q.height,width:q.width,level:L,nodeId:q.id,padding:q.padding,type:q.type},position:{x:q.x,y:q.y}}),q.children&&q.children.forEach(E=>{ll(E,W,_,L+1),W.add({group:"edges",data:{id: ` $ { q . id } _$ { E . id } ` ,source:q.id,target:E.id,depth:L,section:E.section}})})}function ty(q,W){return new Promise(_=>{let L=sn("body").append("div").attr("id","cy").attr("style","display:none"),E=(0,is.default)({container:document.getElementById("cy"),style:[{selector:"edge",style:{"curve-style":"bezier"}}]});L.remove(),ll(q,E,W,0),E.nodes().forEach(function(w){w.layoutDimensions=()=>{let A=w.data();return{w:A.width,h:A.height}}}),E.layout({name:"cose-bilkent",quality:"proof",styleEnabled:!1,animate:!1}).run(),E.ready(w=>{Rr.info("Ready",w),_(E)})})}function ry(q){q.nodes().map((W,_)=>{let L=W.data();L.x=W.position().x,L.y=W.position().y,ol.positionNode(L);let E=os(L.nodeId);Rr.info("Id:",_,"Position: (",W.position().x,", ",W.position().y,")",L),E.attr("transform", ` translate ( $ { W . position ( ) . x - L . width / 2 } , $ { W . position ( ) . y - L . height / 2 } ) ` ),E.attr("attr", ` apa - $ { _ } ) ` )})}var ay=async(q,W,_,L)=>{let E=Da();E.htmlLabels=!1,Rr.debug( ` Rendering mindmap diagram
2023-06-20 23:34:33 +08:00
` +q,L.parser);let w=Da().securityLevel,A;w==="sandbox"&&(A=sn("#i"+W));let U=(w==="sandbox"?sn(A.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body):sn("body")).select("#"+W);U.append("g");let R=L.db.getMindmap(),J=U.append("g");J.attr("class","mindmap-edges");let D=U.append("g");D.attr("class","mindmap-nodes"),ul(D,R,-1,E);let $ =await ty(R,E);ey(J, $ ),ry( $ ),ju(void 0,U,E.mindmap.padding,E.mindmap.useMaxWidth)},ny={draw:ay},iy=q=>{let W="";for(let _=0;_<q.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT;_++)q["lineColor"+_]=q["lineColor"+_]||q["cScaleInv"+_],Wu(q["lineColor"+_])?q["lineColor"+_]=Ku(q["lineColor"+_],20):q["lineColor"+_]=Zu(q["lineColor"+_],20);for(let _=0;_<q.THEME_COLOR_LIMIT;_++){let L=""+(17-3*_);W+= `
2023-05-27 15:05:48 +08:00
. section - $ { _ - 1 } rect , . section - $ { _ - 1 } path , . section - $ { _ - 1 } circle , . section - $ { _ - 1 } polygon , . section - $ { _ - 1 } path {
fill : $ { q [ "cScale" + _ ] } ;
. section - $ { _ - 1 } text {
fill : $ { q [ "cScaleLabel" + _ ] } ;
. node - icon - $ { _ - 1 } {
font - size : 40 px ;
color : $ { q [ "cScaleLabel" + _ ] } ;
. section - edge - $ { _ - 1 } {
stroke : $ { q [ "cScale" + _ ] } ;
. edge - depth - $ { _ - 1 } {
stroke - width : $ { L } ;
. section - $ { _ - 1 } line {
stroke : $ { q [ "cScaleInv" + _ ] } ;
stroke - width : 3 ;
. disabled , . disabled circle , . disabled text {
fill : lightgray ;
. disabled text {
fill : # efefef ;
2023-06-20 23:34:33 +08:00
` }return W},sy=q=> `
2023-05-27 15:05:48 +08:00
. edge {
stroke - width : 3 ;
2023-06-20 23:34:33 +08:00
$ { iy ( q ) }
2023-05-27 15:05:48 +08:00
. section - root rect , . section - root path , . section - root circle , . section - root polygon {
fill : $ { q . git0 } ;
. section - root text {
fill : $ { q . gitBranchLabel0 } ;
. icon - container {
height : 100 % ;
display : flex ;
justify - content : center ;
align - items : center ;
. edge {
fill : none ;
. mindmap - node - label {
dy : 1 em ;
alignment - baseline : middle ;
text - anchor : middle ;
dominant - baseline : middle ;
text - align : center ;
2023-06-20 23:34:33 +08:00
` ,oy=sy,py={db:_p,renderer:ny,parser:Ip,styles:oy};export{py as diagram};
2023-05-27 15:05:48 +08:00
/ * ! B u n d l e d l i c e n s e i n f o r m a t i o n :
cytoscape / dist / cytoscape . umd . js :
( * !
Embeddable Minimum Strictly - Compliant Promises / A + 1.1 . 1 Thenable
Copyright ( c ) 2013 - 2014 Ralf S . Engelschall ( http : //engelschall.com)
Licensed under The MIT License ( http : //opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
* )
( * !
Event object based on jQuery events , MIT license
https : //jquery.org/license/
https : //tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license
https : //github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/event.js
* )
( * ! Bezier curve function generator . Copyright Gaetan Renaudeau . MIT License : http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License *)
( * ! Runge - Kutta spring physics function generator . Adapted from Framer . js , copyright Koen Bok . MIT License : http : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License *)
* /