* Introduce branching sections
* parent_index -> branch_parent_index
* Flip the branch icon
* Don't mark branching sections as aborted if the main flow crashes
* Outline more details about branching sections in the Elixir and Livebook notebook
* Add branch indicator to the sections sidebar
* Force menu items into a single line
* Add shortcut for saving the notebook
* Make the disk icon always show file dialog
* Split runtime and file settings into separate modals
* Add ctrl+s to the shortcuts list
* Add togglable menu to the session page
* Make sure newly saved file appears in the file selector
* Fix path seletor force reloading
* Remove notebook generated in tests
* Add test for file list refresh after save
* Update cell actions
* Add new focus indicator
* Update headings typography
* Update cell actions and insert buttons
* Add sidebar menu
* Add settings modal
* Update homepage
* Update settings dialog
* Rename classes
* Add floating menu
* Update icon colors on hover
* Fix homepage tests
* Format assets source
* Update monaco editor
* Fix editor width on resize
* Add more padding to the notebook content
* Update settings dialog title
* Show reevaluate button when the cell is in evaluated state
* Show section actions on focus or hover only
* Pre-fill runtime selector with the current configuration
* Ignore cmd + enter in Markdown cells
* Update keybindings and add help modal
* Add more evaluation shortcuts
* Add shortcut to the help modal
* Show appropriate shortcuts depending on the user system
* Handle missing user-agent header
* Conditionally render shortcut based on user agent
* Implement vim-style navigation
* Remove warning
* Determine platform based on socket on mount
* Improve shortcuts list UI