defmodule LivebookWeb.SessionLive.ExportComponent do use LivebookWeb, :live_component alias Livebook.Session @impl true def update(assigns, socket) do {any_stale_cell?, assigns} = Map.pop!(assigns, :any_stale_cell?) socket = assign(socket, assigns) {:ok, socket # Note: we need to load the notebook, because the local data # has cell contents stripped out |> assign_new(:notebook, fn -> Session.get_notebook( end) |> assign_new(:any_stale_cell?, fn -> any_stale_cell? end)} end @impl true def render(assigns) do ~H"""


Here you can preview and directly export the notebook source.

<.link patch={~p"/sessions/#{}/export/livemd"} class={["tab", @tab == "livemd" && "active"]} > Live Markdown <.link patch={~p"/sessions/#{}/export/exs"} class={["tab", @tab == "exs" && "active"]} > IEx session
<.live_component module={component_for_tab(@tab)} id={"export-notebook-#{@tab}"} session={@session} notebook={@notebook} any_stale_cell?={@any_stale_cell?} />
""" end defp component_for_tab("livemd"), do: LivebookWeb.SessionLive.ExportLiveMarkdownComponent defp component_for_tab("exs"), do: LivebookWeb.SessionLive.ExportElixirComponent end