defmodule LivebookWeb.SessionControllerTest do use LivebookWeb.ConnCase, async: true alias Livebook.{Sessions, Session, Notebook, FileSystem} describe "show_file" do test "returns not found when the given session does not exist", %{conn: conn} do id = Livebook.Utils.random_node_aware_id() conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{id}/files/image.jpg") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "Not found" end test "returns the file when it does exist", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() :ok = FileSystem.File.resolve(session.files_dir, "test.jpg") |> FileSystem.File.write("") Session.add_file_entries(, [%{type: :attachment, name: "test.jpg"}]) conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/files/test.jpg") assert conn.status == 200 assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") == ["image/jpeg"] Session.close( end test "returns not found when file entry with this name does not exist", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() :ok = FileSystem.File.resolve(session.files_dir, "test.jpg") |> FileSystem.File.write("") conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/files/test.jpg") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "Not found" Session.close( end test "returns not found when the given file does not exist", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() Session.add_file_entries(, [%{type: :attachment, name: "test.jpg"}]) conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/files/test.jpg") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "No such file or directory" Session.close( end test "returns not found when file entry with this name is not an attachment", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() :ok = FileSystem.File.resolve(session.files_dir, "test.jpg") |> FileSystem.File.write("") Session.add_file_entries(, [ %{type: :url, name: "test.jpg", url: ""} ]) conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/files/test.jpg") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "Not found" Session.close( end end # Legacy endpoint for resolving images/ describe "show_image" do test "returns not found when the given session does not exist", %{conn: conn} do id = Livebook.Utils.random_node_aware_id() conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{id}/images/image.jpg") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "Not found" end test "returns not found when the given image does not exist", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/images/nonexistent.jpg") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "No such file or directory" Session.close( end test "returns the image when it does exist", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() images_dir = FileSystem.File.resolve(session.files_dir, "../images/") :ok = FileSystem.File.resolve(images_dir, "test.jpg") |> FileSystem.File.write("") conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/images/test.jpg") assert conn.status == 200 assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") == ["image/jpeg"] Session.close( end end describe "download_file" do test "returns not found when the given session does not exist", %{conn: conn} do id = Livebook.Utils.random_node_aware_id() conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{id}/download/files/data.csv") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "Not found" end test "returns not found when file entry with this name does not exist", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/download/files/data.csv") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "Not found" Session.close( end test "returns the file contents when it does exist", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() :ok = FileSystem.File.resolve(session.files_dir, "data.csv") |> FileSystem.File.write("hello") Session.add_file_entries(, [%{type: :attachment, name: "data.csv"}]) conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/download/files/data.csv") assert conn.status == 200 assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-disposition") == [~s/attachment; filename="data.csv"/] assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") == ["text/csv"] assert conn.resp_body == "hello" Session.close( end test "downloads remote file to cache and returns the file contents", %{conn: conn} do bypass = url = "http://localhost:#{bypass.port}/data.csv" Bypass.expect_once(bypass, "GET", "/data.csv", fn conn -> Plug.Conn.resp(conn, 200, "hello") end) {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() Session.add_file_entries(, [%{type: :url, name: "data.csv", url: url}]) conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/download/files/data.csv") assert conn.status == 200 assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-disposition") == [~s/attachment; filename="data.csv"/] assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") == ["text/csv"] assert conn.resp_body == "hello" Session.close( end end describe "download_source" do test "returns not found when the given session does not exist", %{conn: conn} do id = Livebook.Utils.random_node_aware_id() conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{id}/download/export/livemd") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "Not found" end test "returns bad request when given an invalid format", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/download/export/invalid") assert conn.status == 400 assert conn.resp_body == "Invalid format, supported formats: livemd, exs" Session.close( end test "handles live markdown notebook source", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/download/export/livemd") assert conn.status == 200 assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-disposition") == [~s/attachment; filename="untitled_notebook.livemd"/] assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") == ["text/plain"] assert conn.resp_body == """ # Untitled notebook ## Section ```elixir ``` """ Session.close( end test "includes output in markdown when include_outputs parameter is set", %{conn: conn} do notebook = %{ | name: "My Notebook", sections: [ %{ | name: "Section 1", cells: [ %{ | source: """ IO.puts("hey")\ """, outputs: [{0, %{type: :terminal_text, text: "hey", chunk: true}}] } ] } ] } {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session(notebook: notebook) conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/download/export/livemd?include_outputs=true") assert conn.status == 200 assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-disposition") == [~s/attachment; filename="my_notebook.livemd"/] assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") == ["text/plain"] assert conn.resp_body == """ # My Notebook ## Section 1 ```elixir IO.puts("hey") ``` ``` hey ``` """ Session.close( end test "handles elixir notebook source", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() conn = get(conn, ~p"/sessions/#{}/download/export/exs") assert conn.status == 200 assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-disposition") == [~s/attachment; filename="untitled_notebook.exs"/] assert get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") == ["text/plain"] assert conn.resp_body == """ # Run as: iex --dot-iex path/to/notebook.exs # Title: Untitled notebook # ── Section ── """ Session.close( end end describe "show_asset" do test "fetches assets and redirects to the session-less path", %{conn: conn} do %{notebook: notebook, hash: hash} = notebook_with_js_output() conn = start_session_and_request_asset(conn, notebook, hash) assert redirected_to(conn, 301) == ~p"/public/sessions/assets/#{hash}/main.js" {:ok, asset_path} = Session.local_asset_path(hash, "main.js") assert File.exists?(asset_path) end test "fetches assets and redirects even on empty asset directories", %{conn: conn} do %{notebook: notebook, hash: hash} = notebook_with_js_output() assets_path = Session.local_assets_path(hash) File.mkdir_p!(assets_path) conn = start_session_and_request_asset(conn, notebook, hash) assert redirected_to(conn, 301) == ~p"/public/sessions/assets/#{hash}/main.js" assert File.exists?(Path.join(assets_path, "main.js")) end test "skips the session if assets are in cache", %{conn: conn} do %{notebook: notebook, hash: hash} = notebook_with_js_output() # Fetch the assets for the first time start_session_and_request_asset(conn, notebook, hash) # Use nonexistent session, so any communication would fail random_session_id = Livebook.Utils.random_node_aware_id() conn = get(conn, ~p"/public/sessions/#{random_session_id}/assets/#{hash}/main.js") assert redirected_to(conn, 301) == ~p"/public/sessions/assets/#{hash}/main.js" end end describe "show_cached_asset" do test "returns not found when no matching assets are in the cache", %{conn: conn} do %{notebook: _notebook, hash: hash} = notebook_with_js_output() conn = get(conn, ~p"/public/sessions/assets/#{hash}/main.js") assert conn.status == 404 assert conn.resp_body == "Not found" end test "returns the requests asset if available in cache", %{conn: conn} do %{notebook: notebook, hash: hash} = notebook_with_js_output() # Fetch the assets for the first time start_session_and_request_asset(conn, notebook, hash) conn = get(conn, ~p"/public/sessions/assets/#{hash}/main.js") assert conn.status == 200 assert "export function init(" <> _ = conn.resp_body end test "supports gzip compression", %{conn: conn} do %{notebook: notebook, hash: hash} = notebook_with_js_output() start_session_and_request_asset(conn, notebook, hash) conn = conn |> put_req_header("accept-encoding", "gzip") |> get(~p"/public/sessions/assets/#{hash}/main.js") assert conn.status == 200 assert "export function init(" <> _ = :zlib.gunzip(conn.resp_body) end end defp start_session_and_request_asset(conn, notebook, hash) do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session(notebook: notebook) # We need runtime in place to actually copy the archive {:ok, runtime} = |> Livebook.Runtime.connect() Session.set_runtime(, runtime) conn = get(conn, ~p"/public/sessions/#{}/assets/#{hash}/main.js") Session.close( conn end defp notebook_with_js_output() do archive_path = Path.expand("../../support/assets.tar.gz", __DIR__) hash = "test-" <> Livebook.Utils.random_id() assets_info = %{archive_path: archive_path, hash: hash, js_path: "main.js"} output = %{type: :js, js_view: %{assets: assets_info}, export: nil} notebook = %{ | sections: [ %{ | cells: [%{ | outputs: [{0, output}]}] } ] } %{notebook: notebook, hash: hash} end end