Authentication required
Type password to access the Livebook. Please check out the console for authentication URL or type the token directly here.
To use password authentication, set the LIVEBOOK_PASSWORD environment variable.
Public apps
<.link :for={session <- @app_sessions} navigate={~p"/apps/#{session.app_info.slug}"} class="px-4 py-3 border border-gray-200 rounded-xl text-gray-800 text-lg pointer hover:bg-gray-50 flex justify-between" > <%= session.notebook_name %> <.remix_icon icon="arrow-right-line" class="" />
No app notebooks found. To list your apps here follow these steps:
  1. Open a notebook
  2. Click <.remix_icon icon="rocket-line" class="align-sub text-lg" /> in the sidebar, configure the app and make sure it is public
  3. Place the notebook in the <%= Livebook.Config.apps_path() %> folder
  4. Relaunch your Livebook app