import * as monaco from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api"; import ElixirLanguageConfiguration from "./elixir/language_configuration"; import ElixirMonarchLanguage from "./elixir/monarch_language"; import ElixirOnTypeFormattingEditProvider from "./elixir/on_type_formatting_edit_provider"; import theme from "./theme"; // Register the Elixir language and add relevant configuration monaco.languages.register({ id: "elixir" }); monaco.languages.setLanguageConfiguration( "elixir", ElixirLanguageConfiguration ); monaco.languages.registerOnTypeFormattingEditProvider( "elixir", ElixirOnTypeFormattingEditProvider ); monaco.languages.setMonarchTokensProvider("elixir", ElixirMonarchLanguage); // Define custom theme monaco.editor.defineTheme("custom", theme); // See // Without this selecting text with whitespace shrinks the whitespace. document.fonts.addEventListener("loadingdone", (event) => { const jetBrainsMonoLoaded = event.fontfaces.some( // font-family may be either "JetBrains Mono" or "\"JetBrains Mono\"" (fontFace) =>"JetBrains Mono") ); if (jetBrainsMonoLoaded) { // We use JetBrains Mono in all instances of the editor, // so we wait until it loads and then tell Monaco to remeasure // fonts and updates its cache. monaco.editor.remeasureFonts(); } }); // Define custom completion provider. // In our case the completion behaviour is cell-dependent, // so we delegate the implementation to the appropriate cell. // See cell/live_editor.js for more details. monaco.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider("elixir", { provideCompletionItems: (model, position) => { if (model.__getCompletionItems) { return model.__getCompletionItems(model, position); } else { return []; } }, }); export default monaco;