defmodule LivebookWeb.HomeLiveTest do use LivebookWeb.ConnCase, async: true import Phoenix.LiveViewTest alias Livebook.{Sessions, Session} test "disconnected and connected render", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, disconnected_html} = live(conn, "/") assert disconnected_html =~ "Running sessions" assert render(view) =~ "Running sessions" end test "redirects to session upon creation", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = view |> element(~s/[role="navigation"] button/, "New notebook") |> render_click() assert to =~ "/sessions/" close_session_by_path(to) end describe "file selection" do test "updates the list of files as the input changes", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") path = Path.expand("../../../lib", __DIR__) <> "/" view |> element(~s{form[phx-change="set_path"]}) |> render_change(%{path: path}) # Render the view separately to make sure it received the :set_file event render(view) =~ "livebook_web" end test "allows importing when a notebook file is selected", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") path = test_notebook_path("basic") view |> element(~s{form[phx-change="set_path"]}) |> render_change(%{path: Path.dirname(path) <> "/"}) view |> element("button", "basic.livemd") |> render_click() assert assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = view |> element(~s{button[phx-click="fork"]}, "Fork") |> render_click() assert to =~ "/sessions/" close_session_by_path(to) end @tag :tmp_dir test "disables import when a directory is selected", %{conn: conn, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") view |> element(~s{form[phx-change="set_path"]}) |> render_change(%{path: tmp_dir <> "/"}) assert view |> element(~s{button[phx-click="fork"][disabled]}, "Fork") |> has_element?() end test "disables import when a nonexistent file is selected", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") path = File.cwd!() |> Path.join("nonexistent.livemd") view |> element(~s{form[phx-change="set_path"]}) |> render_change(%{path: path}) assert view |> element(~s{button[phx-click="fork"][disabled]}, "Fork") |> has_element?() end @tag :tmp_dir test "disables open when a write-protected notebook is selected", %{conn: conn, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "write_protected.livemd") File.touch!(path) File.chmod!(path, 0o444) view |> element(~s{form[phx-change="set_path"]}) |> render_change(%{path: tmp_dir <> "/"}) view |> element("button", "write_protected.livemd") |> render_click() assert view |> element(~s{button[phx-click="open"][disabled]}, "Open") |> has_element?() assert view |> element(~s{[data-tooltip="This file is write-protected, please fork instead"]}) |> has_element?() end end describe "sessions list" do test "lists running sessions", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session1} = Sessions.create_session() {:ok, session2} = Sessions.create_session() {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") assert render(view) =~ assert render(view) =~ Session.close([,]) end test "updates UI whenever a session is added or deleted", %{conn: conn} do Sessions.subscribe() {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") {:ok, %{id: id} = session} = Sessions.create_session() assert_receive {:session_created, %{id: ^id}} assert render(view) =~ id Session.close( assert_receive {:session_closed, %{id: ^id}} refute render(view) =~ id end test "allows download the source of an existing session", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() Session.set_notebook_name(, "My notebook") {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") {:error, {:redirect, %{to: to}}} = view |> element(~s{[data-test-session-id="#{}"] a}, "Download source") |> render_click assert to == Routes.session_path(conn, :download_source,, "livemd", include_outputs: false ) Session.close( end test "allows forking existing session", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() Session.set_notebook_name(, "My notebook") {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = view |> element(~s{[data-test-session-id="#{}"] button}, "Fork") |> render_click() assert to =~ "/sessions/" {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, to) assert render(view) =~ "My notebook - fork" close_session_by_path(to) Session.close( end test "allows closing session after confirmation", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session} = Sessions.create_session() {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") assert render(view) =~ view |> element(~s{[data-test-session-id="#{}"] a}, "Close") |> render_click() view |> element(~s{button[role=button]}, "Close session") |> render_click() refute render(view) =~ end test "close all selected sessions using bulk action", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, session1} = Sessions.create_session() {:ok, session2} = Sessions.create_session() {:ok, session3} = Sessions.create_session() {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") assert render(view) =~ assert render(view) =~ assert render(view) =~ view |> form("#bulk-action-form", %{ "action" => "close_all", "session_ids" => [,,] }) |> render_submit() assert render(view) =~ "Are you sure you want to close 3 sessions?" view |> element(~s{button[role="button"]}, "Close sessions") |> render_click() refute render(view) =~ refute render(view) =~ refute render(view) =~ Session.close([,,]) end end test "link to introductory notebook correctly creates a new session", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = view |> element(~s{[data-el-explore-section] a}, "Welcome to Livebook") |> render_click() |> follow_redirect(conn) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, to) assert render(view) =~ "Welcome to Livebook" close_session_by_path(to) end describe "notebook import" do test "allows importing notebook directly from content", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/home/import/content") notebook_content = """ # My notebook """ view |> element("form", "Import") |> render_submit(%{data: %{content: notebook_content}}) {path, _flash} = assert_redirect(view, 5000) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, path) assert render(view) =~ "My notebook" close_session_by_path(path) end test "should show info flash with information about the imported notebook", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/home/import/content") notebook_content = """ # My notebook """ view |> element("form", "Import") |> render_submit(%{data: %{content: notebook_content}}) {path, flash} = assert_redirect(view, 5000) assert flash["info"] =~ "You have imported a notebook, no code has been executed so far. You should read and evaluate code as needed." close_session_by_path(path) end test "should show warning flash when the imported notebook have errors", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/home/import/content") # Notebook with 3 headers notebook_content = """ # My notebook # My notebook # My notebook """ view |> element("form", "Import") |> render_submit(%{data: %{content: notebook_content}}) {path, flash} = assert_redirect(view, 5000) assert flash["warning"] =~ "We found problems while importing the file and tried to autofix them:\n- Downgrading all headings, because 3 instances of heading 1 were found" close_session_by_path(path) end end describe "public import endpoint" do test "imports notebook from the given url and redirects to the new session", %{conn: conn} do bypass = Bypass.expect_once(bypass, "GET", "/notebook", fn conn -> conn |> Plug.Conn.put_resp_content_type("text/plain") |> Plug.Conn.resp(200, "# My notebook") end) notebook_url = "http://localhost:#{bypass.port}/notebook" assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = live(conn, "/import?url=#{URI.encode_www_form(notebook_url)}") {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, to) assert render(view) =~ "My notebook" close_session_by_path(to) end @tag :tmp_dir test "imports notebook from local file URL", %{conn: conn, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do notebook_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "notebook.livemd") File.write!(notebook_path, "# My notebook") notebook_url = "file://" <> notebook_path assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = live(conn, "/import?url=#{URI.encode_www_form(notebook_url)}") {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, to) assert render(view) =~ "My notebook" close_session_by_path(to) end test "redirects to the import form on error", %{conn: conn} do bypass = Bypass.expect(bypass, "GET", "/notebook", fn conn -> Plug.Conn.resp(conn, 500, "Error") end) notebook_url = "http://localhost:#{bypass.port}/notebook" assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = live(conn, "/import?url=#{URI.encode_www_form(notebook_url)}") assert to == "/home/import/url?url=#{URI.encode_www_form(notebook_url)}" {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, to) assert render(view) =~ notebook_url end end describe "public open endpoint" do test "checkouts the directory when a directory is passed", %{conn: conn} do directory_path = Path.join(File.cwd!(), "test") {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/?path=#{directory_path}") assert render(view) =~ directory_path end @tag :tmp_dir test "opens a file when livebook file is passed", %{conn: conn, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do notebook_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "notebook.livemd") :ok = File.write(notebook_path, "# My notebook") assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{flash: %{}, to: to}}} = live(conn, "/open?path=#{notebook_path}") {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, to) assert render(view) =~ "My notebook" close_session_by_path(to) end end test "handles user profile update", %{conn: conn} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/") view |> element("#user_form") |> render_submit(%{data: %{hex_color: "#123456"}}) assert render(view) =~ "#123456" end # Helpers defp test_notebook_path(name) do path = ["../../support/notebooks", name <> ".livemd"] |> Path.join() |> Path.expand(__DIR__) unless File.exists?(path) do raise "Cannot find test notebook with the name: #{name}" end path end defp close_session_by_path("/sessions/" <> session_id) do {:ok, session} = Sessions.fetch_session(session_id) Session.close( end end