defmodule Livebook.TestHelpers do import Phoenix.LiveViewTest alias Livebook.Session.Data @doc """ Creates file structure according to the given specification. """ def create_tree!(path, items) do for {name, content} <- items do child_path = Path.join(path, to_string(name)) case content do items when is_list(items) -> File.mkdir!(child_path) create_tree!(child_path, items) content when is_binary(content) -> File.write!(child_path, content) end end end @doc """ Creates the given number of subdirectories and returns their paths. """ def create_subdirs!(path, number) do for n <- 1..number//1 do child_path = Path.join(path, "subdir#{n}") File.mkdir_p!(child_path) child_path end end @doc """ Applies the given list of operations to `Livebook.Session.Data`. Raises if any of the operations results in an error. """ def data_after_operations!(data \\, operations) do operations |> List.flatten() |> Enum.reduce(data, fn operation, data -> case Data.apply_operation(data, operation) do {:ok, data, _action} -> data :error -> raise "failed to set up test data, operation #{inspect(operation)} returned an error" end end) end @doc """ Converts a Unix-like absolute path into OS-compatible absolute path. """ defmacro p("/" <> path), do: Path.expand("/") <> path @doc """ Confirms the action guarded by `LivebookWeb.Confirm/3` and returns the rendered result. """ def render_confirm(view, options \\ %{}) do options = for {option, value} <- options, into: %{}, do: {Atom.to_string(option), Atom.to_string(value)} view |> element(~s/[data-el-confirm-form]/) |> render_submit(%{"options" => options}) end @doc """ Builds code that renders the given output as part of evaluation. """ def source_for_output(output) do quote do send( Process.group_leader(), {:io_request, self(), make_ref(), {:livebook_put_output, unquote(Macro.escape(output))}} ) end |> Macro.to_string() end @doc """ Builds code that renders the given output as part of evaluation. """ def source_for_input_read(input_id) do quote do send( Process.group_leader(), {:io_request, self(), make_ref(), {:livebook_get_input_value, unquote(input_id)}} ) end |> Macro.to_string() end @doc """ Builds code that awaits for a messages before finishing. Returns `{code, continue_fun}`, where calling `continue_fun` should continue execution. Embedded runtime must be used for this to work. """ def source_for_blocking() do name = Livebook.Utils.random_short_id() |> String.to_atom() code = quote do # This test uses the Embedded runtime, so we can target the # process by name Process.register(self(), unquote(name)) receive do: (:stop -> :ok) end |> Macro.to_string() ack_fun = fn -> send(Process.whereis(name), :pong) end {code, ack_fun} end @doc """ Builds a terminal output map. """ defmacro terminal_text(text, chunk \\ false) do quote do %{type: :terminal_text, text: unquote(text), chunk: unquote(chunk)} end end def clean_message(message) do message |> remove_trailing_whitespace() |> remove_ansi() end defp remove_trailing_whitespace(string) do String.replace(string, ~r/ +$/m, "") end defp remove_ansi(string) do String.replace(string, ~r/\e\[\d+m/, "") end end