import { getAttributeOrThrow } from "../lib/attribute"; import LiveEditor from "./live_editor"; import Markdown from "./markdown"; import { globalPubSub } from "../lib/pub_sub"; import { md5Base64, smoothlyScrollToElement } from "../lib/utils"; import scrollIntoView from "scroll-into-view-if-needed"; /** * A hook managing a single cell. * * Mounts and manages the collaborative editor, * takes care of markdown rendering and focusing the editor when applicable. * * Configuration: * * * `data-cell-id` - id of the cell being edited * * `data-type` - type of the cell */ const Cell = { mounted() { this.props = getProps(this); this.state = { isFocused: false, insertMode: false, // For text cells (markdown or elixir) liveEditor: null, evaluationDigest: null, }; if (["markdown", "elixir"].includes(this.props.type)) { this.pushEvent("cell_init", { cell_id: this.props.cellId }, (payload) => { const { source, revision, evaluation_digest } = payload; const editorContainer = this.el.querySelector( `[data-element="editor-container"]` ); // Remove the content placeholder. editorContainer.firstElementChild.remove(); // Create an empty container for the editor to be mounted in. const editorElement = document.createElement("div"); editorContainer.appendChild(editorElement); // Setup the editor instance. this.state.liveEditor = new LiveEditor( this, editorElement, this.props.cellId, this.props.type, source, revision ); // Setup change indicator if (this.props.type === "elixir") { this.state.evaluationDigest = evaluation_digest; const updateChangeIndicator = () => { const indicator = this.el.querySelector( `[data-element="change-indicator"]` ); if (indicator) { const source = this.state.liveEditor.getSource(); const digest = md5Base64(source); const changed = this.state.evaluationDigest !== digest; indicator.toggleAttribute("data-js-shown", changed); } }; updateChangeIndicator(); this.handleEvent( `evaluation_started:${this.props.cellId}`, ({ evaluation_digest }) => { this.state.evaluationDigest = evaluation_digest; updateChangeIndicator(); } ); this.state.liveEditor.onChange((newSource) => { updateChangeIndicator(); }); } // Setup markdown rendering if (this.props.type === "markdown") { const markdownContainer = this.el.querySelector( `[data-element="markdown-container"]` ); const baseUrl = this.props.sessionPath; const markdown = new Markdown(markdownContainer, source, { baseUrl, emptyText: "Empty markdown cell", }); this.state.liveEditor.onChange((newSource) => { markdown.setContent(newSource); }); } // Once the editor is created, reflect the current state. if (this.state.isFocused && this.state.insertMode) { this.state.liveEditor.focus(); // If the element is being scrolled to, focus interrupts it, // so ensure the scrolling continues. smoothlyScrollToElement(this.el); broadcastSelection(this); } this.state.liveEditor.onBlur(() => { // Prevent from blurring unless the state changes. // For example when we move cell using buttons // the editor should keep focus. if (this.state.isFocused && this.state.insertMode) { this.state.liveEditor.focus(); } }); this.state.liveEditor.onCursorSelectionChange((selection) => { broadcastSelection(this, selection); }); }); } if (this.props.type === "input") { const input = getInput(this); input.addEventListener("blur", (event) => { if (this.state.isFocused && this.state.insertMode) { // We are still in the insert mode, so focus the input // back once other handlers complete setTimeout(() => { input.focus(); }, 0); } }); } this._unsubscribeFromCellsEvents = globalPubSub.subscribe( "cells", (event) => { handleCellsEvent(this, event); } ); }, destroyed() { this._unsubscribeFromCellsEvents(); if (this.state.liveEditor) { this.state.liveEditor.dispose(); } }, updated() { this.props = getProps(this); }, }; function getProps(hook) { return { cellId: getAttributeOrThrow(hook.el, "data-cell-id"), type: getAttributeOrThrow(hook.el, "data-type"), sessionPath: getAttributeOrThrow(hook.el, "data-session-path"), }; } function getInput(hook) { if (hook.props.type === "input") { return hook.el.querySelector(`[data-element="input"]`); } else { return null; } } /** * Handles client-side cells event. */ function handleCellsEvent(hook, event) { if (event.type === "cell_focused") { handleCellFocused(hook, event.cellId, event.scroll); } else if (event.type === "insert_mode_changed") { handleInsertModeChanged(hook, event.enabled); } else if (event.type === "cell_moved") { handleCellMoved(hook, event.cellId); } else if (event.type === "cell_upload") { handleCellUpload(hook, event.cellId, event.url); } else if (event.type === "location_report") { handleLocationReport(hook, event.client,; } } function handleCellFocused(hook, cellId, scroll) { if (hook.props.cellId === cellId) { hook.state.isFocused = true; hook.el.setAttribute("data-js-focused", "true"); if (scroll) { smoothlyScrollToElement(hook.el); } } else if (hook.state.isFocused) { hook.state.isFocused = false; hook.el.removeAttribute("data-js-focused"); } } function handleInsertModeChanged(hook, insertMode) { if (hook.state.isFocused) { hook.state.insertMode = insertMode; if (hook.state.liveEditor) { if (hook.state.insertMode) { hook.state.liveEditor.focus(); // The insert mode may be enabled as a result of clicking the editor, // in which case we want to wait until editor handles the click // and sets new cursor position. // To achieve this, we simply put this task at the end of event loop, // ensuring all click handlers are executed first. setTimeout(() => { scrollIntoView(document.activeElement, { scrollMode: "if-needed", behavior: "smooth", block: "center", }); }, 0); broadcastSelection(hook); } else { hook.state.liveEditor.blur(); } } const input = getInput(hook); if (input) { if (hook.state.insertMode) { input.focus(); input.selectionStart = input.selectionEnd = input.value.length; } else { input.blur(); } } } } function handleCellMoved(hook, cellId) { if (hook.state.isFocused && cellId === hook.props.cellId) { smoothlyScrollToElement(hook.el); } } function handleCellUpload(hook, cellId, url) { if (!hook.state.liveEditor) { return; } if (hook.props.cellId === cellId) { const markdown = `![](${url})`; hook.state.liveEditor.insert(markdown); } } function handleLocationReport(hook, client, report) { if (!hook.state.liveEditor) { return; } if (hook.props.cellId === report.cellId && report.selection) { hook.state.liveEditor.updateUserSelection(client, report.selection); } else { hook.state.liveEditor.removeUserSelection(client); } } function broadcastSelection(hook, selection = null) { selection = selection || hook.state.liveEditor.editor.getSelection(); // Report new selection only if this cell is in insert mode if (hook.state.isFocused && hook.state.insertMode) { globalPubSub.broadcast("session", { type: "cursor_selection_changed", cellId: hook.props.cellId, selection, }); } } export default Cell;