defmodule LivebookWeb.AppAuthLiveTest do use LivebookWeb.ConnCase, async: false import Phoenix.LiveViewTest setup ctx do {slug, app_pid} = create_app(ctx[:app_settings] || %{}) on_exit(fn -> Livebook.App.close(app_pid) end) Application.put_env(:livebook, :authentication_mode, :password) Application.put_env(:livebook, :password, ctx[:livebook_password]) on_exit(fn -> Application.put_env(:livebook, :authentication_mode, :disabled) Application.delete_env(:livebook, :password) end) %{slug: slug} end defp create_app(app_settings_attrs) do slug = Livebook.Utils.random_long_id() app_settings = |> Map.replace!(:slug, slug) |> Map.merge(app_settings_attrs) notebook = %{ | app_settings: app_settings} {:ok, app_pid} = Livebook.Apps.deploy(notebook) {slug, app_pid} end # Integration tests for the authentication scenarios describe "public app" do @describetag app_settings: %{access_type: :public} test "does not require authentication", %{conn: conn, slug: slug} do {:ok, view, _} = conn |> live(~p"/apps/#{slug}") |> follow_redirect(conn) assert render(view) =~ "Untitled notebook" end end describe "protected app" do @describetag livebook_password: "long_livebook_password" @describetag app_settings: %{access_type: :protected, password: "long_app_password"} test "redirect to auth page when not authenticated", %{conn: conn, slug: slug} do {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = live(conn, ~p"/apps/#{slug}") assert to == "/apps/#{slug}/authenticate" end test "shows an error on invalid password", %{conn: conn, slug: slug} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, ~p"/apps/#{slug}/authenticate") assert view |> element("form") |> render_submit(%{password: "invalid password"}) =~ "app password is invalid" end test "persists authentication across requests", %{conn: conn, slug: slug} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, ~p"/apps/#{slug}/authenticate") view |> element("form") |> render_submit(%{password: "long_app_password"}) # The token is stored on the client assert_push_event(view, "persist_app_auth", %{"slug" => ^slug, "token" => token}) assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = render_hook(view, "app_auth_persisted") assert to == "/apps/#{slug}" # Then, the client passes the token in connect params conn = put_connect_params(conn, %{"app_auth_token" => token}) {:ok, view, _} = conn |> live("/apps/#{slug}") |> follow_redirect(conn) assert render(view) =~ "Untitled notebook" # The auth page redirects to the app {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = live(conn, "/apps/#{slug}/authenticate") assert to == "/apps/#{slug}" end test "when redirected from app session page, returns to that same page", %{conn: conn, slug: slug} do {:ok, %{sessions: [%{id: session_id}]}} = Livebook.Apps.fetch_app(slug) # We navigate to a specific session and get redirected to auth {:ok, view, _} = conn |> live(~p"/apps/#{slug}/#{session_id}") |> follow_redirect(conn) view |> element("form") |> render_submit(%{password: "long_app_password"}) assert_push_event(view, "persist_app_auth", %{"slug" => ^slug, "token" => _token}) assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = render_hook(view, "app_auth_persisted") assert to == ~p"/apps/#{slug}/#{session_id}" end test "redirects to the app page when authenticating in Livebook", %{conn: conn, slug: slug} do conn = get(conn, ~p"/authenticate?redirect_to=/apps/#{slug}") assert redirected_to(conn) == "/authenticate" conn = post(conn, ~p"/authenticate", password: "long_livebook_password") assert redirected_to(conn) == "/apps/#{slug}" {:ok, view, _} = conn |> live(~p"/apps/#{slug}") |> follow_redirect(conn) assert render(view) =~ "Untitled notebook" # The auth page redirects to the app {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = live(conn, ~p"/apps/#{slug}/authenticate") assert to == "/apps/#{slug}" end end test "redirects to homepage when accessing non-existent app", %{conn: conn} do assert {:error, {:redirect, %{to: "/"}}} = live(conn, ~p"/apps/nonexistent") end end