defmodule LivebookWeb.PathSelectComponentTest do use LivebookWeb.ConnCase import Phoenix.LiveViewTest alias LivebookWeb.PathSelectComponent test "when the path has a trailing slash, lists that directory" do path = notebooks_path() <> "/" assert render_component(PathSelectComponent, attrs(path: path)) =~ "basic.livemd" assert render_component(PathSelectComponent, attrs(path: path)) =~ ".." end test "when the path has no trailing slash, lists the parent directory" do path = notebooks_path() assert render_component(PathSelectComponent, attrs(path: path)) =~ "notebooks" end test "lists only files with matching name" do path = notebooks_path() |> Path.join("with_two_sectio") assert render_component(PathSelectComponent, attrs(path: path)) =~ "with_two_sections.livemd" refute render_component(PathSelectComponent, attrs(path: path)) =~ "basic.livemd" end test "does not show parent directory when in root" do path = "/" refute render_component(PathSelectComponent, attrs(path: path)) =~ ".." end test "does not show parent directory when there is a basename typed" do path = notebooks_path() |> Path.join("a") refute render_component(PathSelectComponent, attrs(path: path)) =~ ".." end test "relative paths are expanded from the current working directory" do!(notebooks_path()) path = "" assert render_component(PathSelectComponent, attrs(path: path)) =~ "basic.livemd" end defp attrs(attrs) do Keyword.merge( [id: 1, path: "/", extnames: [".livemd"], running_paths: [], target: nil], attrs ) end defp notebooks_path() do Path.expand("../../support/notebooks", __DIR__) end end