defmodule Livebook.TestHelpers do @moduledoc false import Phoenix.LiveViewTest alias Livebook.Session.Data @doc """ Creates file structure according to the given specification. """ def create_tree!(path, items) do for {name, content} <- items do child_path = Path.join(path, to_string(name)) case content do items when is_list(items) -> File.mkdir!(child_path) create_tree!(child_path, items) content when is_binary(content) -> File.write!(child_path, content) end end end @doc """ Applies the given list of operations to `Livebook.Session.Data`. Raises if any of the operations results in an error. """ def data_after_operations!(data \\, operations) do operations |> List.flatten() |> Enum.reduce(data, fn operation, data -> case Data.apply_operation(data, operation) do {:ok, data, _action} -> data :error -> raise "failed to set up test data, operation #{inspect(operation)} returned an error" end end) end @doc """ Converts a Unix-like absolute path into OS-compatible absolute path. """ defmacro p("/" <> path), do: Path.expand("/") <> path @doc """ Confirms the action guarded by `LivebookWeb.Confirm/3` and returns the rendered result. """ def render_confirm(view) do view |> element(~s/[data-el-confirm-form]/) |> render_submit() end end