if exist "!RELEASE_ROOT!\user\env.bat" ( call "!RELEASE_ROOT!\user\env.bat" ) set RELEASE_MODE=interactive if defined LIVEBOOK_NODE set RELEASE_NODE="!LIVEBOOK_NODE!" if not defined RELEASE_NODE set RELEASE_NODE=livebook_server if defined LIVEBOOK_DISTRIBUTION set RELEASE_DISTRIBUTION="!LIVEBOOK_DISTRIBUTION!" if not defined RELEASE_DISTRIBUTION (if defined LIVEBOOK_CLUSTER set RELEASE_DISTRIBUTION="name") if defined LIVEBOOK_COOKIE set RELEASE_COOKIE="!LIVEBOOK_COOKIE!" set cookie_path="!RELEASE_ROOT!\releases\COOKIE" if not exist %cookie_path% ( if not defined RELEASE_COOKIE ( for /f "skip=1" %%X in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined TIMESTAMP set TIMESTAMP=%%X :: '| set /p=""' is so that we don't add ' \r\n' to the cookie echo | set /p="cookie-!TIMESTAMP:~0,11!-!RANDOM!" > %cookie_path% ) )