defmodule LivebookWeb.SessionHelpers do import Phoenix.LiveView use LivebookWeb, :html alias Phoenix.LiveView.Socket alias Livebook.Session alias Livebook.FileSystem @doc """ Creates a new session, redirects on success, puts an error flash message on failure. ## Options * `:queue_setup` - whether to queue the setup cell right after the session is started. Defaults to `false` Accepts the same options as `Livebook.Sessions.create_session/1`. """ @spec create_session(Socket.t(), keyword()) :: Socket.t() def create_session(socket, opts \\ []) do {queue_setup, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :queue_setup, false) # Revert persistence options to default values if there is # no file attached to the new session opts = if opts[:notebook] != nil and opts[:file] == nil do Keyword.update!(opts, :notebook, &Livebook.Notebook.reset_persistence_options/1) else opts end case Livebook.Sessions.create_session(opts) do {:ok, session} -> if queue_setup do Session.queue_cell_evaluation(, Livebook.Notebook.Cell.setup_cell_id()) end redirect_path = session_path(, opts) push_navigate(socket, to: redirect_path) {:error, reason} -> put_flash(socket, :error, "Failed to create session: #{reason}") end end @doc """ Generate the session path based on the provided options. """ @spec session_path(, keyword()) :: String.t() def session_path(session_id, opts \\ []) do maybe_add_url_hash(~p"/sessions/#{session_id}", opts) end defp maybe_add_url_hash(redirect_path, opts) do case opts[:url_hash] do nil -> redirect_path url_hash -> "#{redirect_path}##{url_hash}" end end @doc """ Formats the given list of notebook import messages and puts into the warning flash. """ @spec put_import_warnings(Socket.t(), list(String.t())) :: Socket.t() def put_import_warnings(socket, messages) def put_import_warnings(socket, []), do: socket def put_import_warnings(socket, messages) do list = messages |> message -> ["- ", message] end) |> Enum.intersperse("\n") flash = IO.iodata_to_binary(["We found problems while importing the file:\n" | list]) put_flash(socket, :warning, flash) end def uses_memory?(%{runtime: %{total: total}}) when total > 0, do: true def uses_memory?(_), do: false @doc """ Updates a list of sessions based on the given `Sessions` event. """ @spec update_session_list( list(Session.t()), {:session_created | :session_updated | :session_closed, Session.t()} ) :: list(Session.t()) def update_session_list(sessions, {:session_created, session}) do if session in sessions do sessions else [session | sessions] end end def update_session_list(sessions, {:session_updated, session}) do, fn other -> if ==, do: session, else: other end) end def update_session_list(sessions, {:session_closed, session}) do Enum.reject(sessions, &(& == end @doc """ Creates a new session by forking the given notebook file. """ @spec fork_notebook(Socket.t(), FileSystem.File.t()) :: Socket.t() def fork_notebook(socket, file) do case import_notebook(file) do {:ok, {notebook, messages}} -> notebook = Livebook.Notebook.forked(notebook) files_dir = Session.files_dir_for_notebook(file) socket |> put_import_warnings(messages) |> create_session( notebook: notebook, files_source: {:dir, files_dir}, origin: {:file, file} ) {:error, error} -> put_flash(socket, :error, Livebook.Utils.upcase_first(error)) end end @doc """ Creates a new session by opening the given notebook file. """ @spec open_notebook(Socket.t(), FileSystem.File.t()) :: Socket.t() def open_notebook(socket, file) do case import_notebook(file) do {:ok, {notebook, messages}} -> socket |> put_import_warnings(messages) |> create_session(notebook: notebook, file: file, origin: {:file, file}) {:error, error} -> put_flash(socket, :error, Livebook.Utils.upcase_first(error)) end end defp import_notebook(file) do with {:ok, content} <- do {:ok, Livebook.LiveMarkdown.notebook_from_livemd(content)} end end def cell_icon(%{cell_type: :code, language: :elixir} = assigns) do ~H"""
""" end def cell_icon(%{cell_type: :code, language: :erlang} = assigns) do ~H"""
""" end def cell_icon(%{cell_type: :markdown} = assigns) do ~H"""
""" end def cell_icon(%{cell_type: :smart} = assigns) do ~H"""
<.remix_icon icon="flashlight-line text-red-900" />
""" end @doc """ Shows a confirmation modal to delete the given session. ## Options * `:redirect_to` - a URL to redirect to after closing the session """ def confirm_close_session(socket, session, opts \\ []) do redirect_to = opts[:redirect_to] on_confirm = fn socket -> Livebook.Session.close( if redirect_to do push_redirect(socket, to: redirect_to) else socket end end assigns = %{notebook_name: session.notebook_name, file: session.file} description = ~H""" Are you sure you want to close this session - “<%= @notebook_name %>”?
<%= if @file do %> This won't delete any persisted files. <% else %> The notebook is not persisted and content may be lost. <% end %> """ confirm(socket, on_confirm, title: "Close session", description: description, confirm_text: "Close session", confirm_icon: "close-circle-line" ) end end