defmodule LivebookWeb.SessionLiveTest do use LivebookWeb.ConnCase import Phoenix.LiveViewTest alias Livebook.{SessionSupervisor, Session, Delta, Runtime, Users} alias Livebook.Notebook.Cell alias Livebook.Users.User setup do {:ok, session_id} = SessionSupervisor.create_session() %{session_id: session_id} end test "disconnected and connected render", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do {:ok, view, disconnected_html} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") assert disconnected_html =~ "Untitled notebook" assert render(view) =~ "Untitled notebook" end describe "asynchronous updates" do test "renders an updated notebook name", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") Session.set_notebook_name(session_id, "My notebook") wait_for_session_update(session_id) assert render(view) =~ "My notebook" end test "renders a newly inserted section", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") section_id = insert_section(session_id) assert render(view) =~ section_id end test "renders an updated section name", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") Session.set_section_name(session_id, section_id, "My section") wait_for_session_update(session_id) assert render(view) =~ "My section" end test "renders a newly inserted cell", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") cell_id = insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, :markdown) assert render(view) =~ cell_id end test "un-renders a deleted cell", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, :markdown) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") Session.delete_cell(session_id, cell_id) wait_for_session_update(session_id) refute render(view) =~ cell_id end end describe "UI events update the shared state" do test "adding a new section", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element("button", "New section") |> render_click() assert %{notebook: %{sections: [_section]}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end test "adding a new cell", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do Session.insert_section(session_id, 0) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element("button", "+ Markdown") |> render_click() assert %{notebook: %{sections: [%{cells: [%Cell.Markdown{}]}]}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end test "queueing cell evaluation", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, :elixir, "Process.sleep(10)") {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element("#session") |> render_hook("queue_cell_evaluation", %{"cell_id" => cell_id}) assert %{cell_infos: %{^cell_id => %{evaluation_status: :evaluating}}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end test "cancelling cell evaluation", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, :elixir, "Process.sleep(2000)") {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element("#session") |> render_hook("queue_cell_evaluation", %{"cell_id" => cell_id}) view |> element("#session") |> render_hook("cancel_cell_evaluation", %{"cell_id" => cell_id}) assert %{cell_infos: %{^cell_id => %{evaluation_status: :ready}}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end test "inserting a cell below the given cell", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, :elixir) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element("#session") |> render_hook("insert_cell_below", %{"cell_id" => cell_id, "type" => "markdown"}) assert %{notebook: %{sections: [%{cells: [_first_cell, %Cell.Markdown{}]}]}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end test "inserting a cell above the given cell", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, :elixir) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element("#session") |> render_hook("insert_cell_above", %{"cell_id" => cell_id, "type" => "markdown"}) assert %{notebook: %{sections: [%{cells: [%Cell.Markdown{}, _first_cell]}]}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end test "deleting the given cell", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, :elixir) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element("#session") |> render_hook("delete_cell", %{"cell_id" => cell_id}) assert %{notebook: %{sections: [%{cells: []}]}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end test "newlines in input values are normalized", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_input_cell(session_id, section_id) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element(~s/form[phx-change="set_cell_value"]/) |> render_change(%{"value" => "line\r\nline"}) assert %{notebook: %{sections: [%{cells: [%{id: ^cell_id, value: "line\nline"}]}]}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end end describe "runtime settings" do test "connecting to elixir standalone updates connect button to reconnect", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}/settings/runtime") Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(Livebook.PubSub, "sessions:#{session_id}") [elixir_standalone_view] = live_children(view) elixir_standalone_view |> element("button", "Connect") |> render_click() assert_receive {:operation, {:set_runtime, _pid, %Runtime.ElixirStandalone{} = runtime}} page = render(view) assert page =~ Atom.to_string(runtime.node) assert page =~ "Reconnect" assert page =~ "Disconnect" end end @tag :tmp_dir describe "persistence settings" do test "saving to file shows the newly created file", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}/settings/file") path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "notebook.livemd") view |> element("button", "Save to file") |> render_click() view |> element("form") |> render_change(%{path: path}) view |> element(~s{button[phx-click="save"]}, "Save") |> render_click() assert view |> element("button", "notebook.livemd") |> has_element?() end end describe "completion" do test "replies with nil completion reference when no runtime is started", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, :elixir, "Process.sleep(10)") {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element("#session") |> render_hook("completion_request", %{"cell_id" => cell_id, "hint" => "System.ver"}) assert_reply view, %{"completion_ref" => nil} end test "replies with completion reference and then sends asynchronous response", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, :elixir, "Process.sleep(10)") {:ok, runtime} = Livebook.Runtime.Embedded.init() Session.connect_runtime(session_id, runtime) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") view |> element("#session") |> render_hook("completion_request", %{"cell_id" => cell_id, "hint" => "System.ver"}) assert_reply view, %{"completion_ref" => ref} assert ref != nil assert_push_event(view, "completion_response", %{ "completion_ref" => ^ref, "items" => [%{label: "version/0"}] }) end end test "forking the session", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do Session.set_notebook_name(session_id, "My notebook") wait_for_session_update(session_id) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: to}}} = view |> element("button", "Fork") |> render_click() assert to =~ "/sessions/" {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, to) assert render(view) =~ "My notebook - fork" end describe "connected users" do test "lists connected users", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do user1 = create_user_with_name("Jake Peralta") client_pid = spawn_link(fn -> Session.register_client(session_id, self(), user1) receive do :stop -> :ok end end) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") assert render(view) =~ "Jake Peralta" send(client_pid, :stop) end test "updates users list whenever a user joins or leaves", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(Livebook.PubSub, "sessions:#{session_id}") user1 = create_user_with_name("Jake Peralta") client_pid = spawn_link(fn -> Session.register_client(session_id, self(), user1) receive do :stop -> :ok end end) assert_receive {:operation, {:client_join, ^client_pid, _user}} assert render(view) =~ "Jake Peralta" send(client_pid, :stop) assert_receive {:operation, {:client_leave, ^client_pid}} refute render(view) =~ "Jake Peralta" end test "updates users list whenever a user changes his data", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do user1 = create_user_with_name("Jake Peralta") client_pid = spawn_link(fn -> Session.register_client(session_id, self(), user1) receive do :stop -> :ok end end) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}") Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(Livebook.PubSub, "sessions:#{session_id}") assert render(view) =~ "Jake Peralta" Users.broadcast_change(%{user1 | name: "Raymond Holt"}) assert_receive {:operation, {:update_user, _pid, _user}} refute render(view) =~ "Jake Peralta" assert render(view) =~ "Raymond Holt" send(client_pid, :stop) end end describe "input cell settings" do test "setting input cell attributes updates data", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do section_id = insert_section(session_id) cell_id = insert_input_cell(session_id, section_id) {:ok, view, _} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}/cell-settings/#{cell_id}") form_selector = ~s/[role="dialog"] form/ assert view |> element(form_selector) |> render_change(%{attrs: %{type: "range"}}) =~ ~s{
} view |> element(form_selector) |> render_change(%{attrs: %{name: "length"}}) view |> element(form_selector) |> render_change(%{attrs: %{props: %{min: "10"}}}) view |> element(form_selector) |> render_submit() assert %{ notebook: %{ sections: [ %{ cells: [ %{ id: ^cell_id, type: :range, name: "length", props: %{min: 10, max: 100, step: 1} } ] } ] } } = Session.get_data(session_id) end end describe "relative paths" do test "renders an info message when the path doesn't have notebook extension", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do session_path = "/sessions/#{session_id}" assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: ^session_path}}} = result = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}/document.pdf") {:ok, view, _} = follow_redirect(result, conn) assert render(view) =~ "Got unrecognised session path: document.pdf" end test "renders an info message when the session has no associated path", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id} do session_path = "/sessions/#{session_id}" assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: ^session_path}}} = result = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}/notebook.livemd") {:ok, view, _} = follow_redirect(result, conn) assert render(view) =~ "Cannot resolve notebook path notebook.livemd, because the current notebook has no file" end @tag :tmp_dir test "renders an error message when the relative notebook does not exist", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do index_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "index.livemd") notebook_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "notebook.livemd") Session.set_path(session_id, index_path) wait_for_session_update(session_id) session_path = "/sessions/#{session_id}" assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: ^session_path}}} = result = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}/notebook.livemd") {:ok, view, _} = follow_redirect(result, conn) assert render(view) =~ "Failed to open #{notebook_path}, reason: no such file or directory" end @tag :tmp_dir test "opens a relative notebook if it exists", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do index_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "index.livemd") notebook_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "notebook.livemd") Session.set_path(session_id, index_path) wait_for_session_update(session_id) File.write!(notebook_path, "# Sibling notebook") assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: _session_path}}} = result = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}/notebook.livemd") {:ok, view, _} = follow_redirect(result, conn) assert render(view) =~ "Sibling notebook" end @tag :tmp_dir test "if the notebook is already open, redirects to the session", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do index_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "index.livemd") notebook_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "notebook.livemd") Session.set_path(session_id, index_path) wait_for_session_update(session_id) File.write!(notebook_path, "# Sibling notebook") assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: session_path}}} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}/notebook.livemd") assert {:error, {:live_redirect, %{to: ^session_path}}} = live(conn, "/sessions/#{session_id}/notebook.livemd") end @tag :tmp_dir test "handles nested paths", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do parent_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "parent.livemd") child_dir = Path.join(tmp_dir, "dir") child_path = Path.join(child_dir, "child.livemd") Session.set_path(session_id, parent_path) wait_for_session_update(session_id) File.mkdir!(child_dir) File.write!(child_path, "# Child notebook") {:ok, view, _} = conn |> live("/sessions/#{session_id}/dir/child.livemd") |> follow_redirect(conn) assert render(view) =~ "Child notebook" end @tag :tmp_dir test "handles parent paths", %{conn: conn, session_id: session_id, tmp_dir: tmp_dir} do parent_path = Path.join(tmp_dir, "parent.livemd") child_dir = Path.join(tmp_dir, "dir") child_path = Path.join(child_dir, "child.livemd") File.mkdir!(child_dir) Session.set_path(session_id, child_path) wait_for_session_update(session_id) File.write!(parent_path, "# Parent notebook") {:ok, view, _} = conn |> live("/sessions/#{session_id}/__parent__/parent.livemd") |> follow_redirect(conn) assert render(view) =~ "Parent notebook" end end # Helpers defp wait_for_session_update(session_id) do # This call is synchronous, so it gives the session time # for handling the previously sent change messages. Session.get_data(session_id) :ok end # Utils for sending session requests, waiting for the change to be applied # and retrieving new ids if applicable. defp insert_section(session_id) do Session.insert_section(session_id, 0) %{notebook: %{sections: [section]}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end defp insert_text_cell(session_id, section_id, type, content \\ "") do Session.insert_cell(session_id, section_id, 0, type) %{notebook: %{sections: [%{cells: [cell]}]}} = Session.get_data(session_id) # We need to register ourselves as a client to start submitting cell deltas user = Session.register_client(session_id, self(), user) delta = content) Session.apply_cell_delta(session_id,, delta, 1) wait_for_session_update(session_id) end defp insert_input_cell(session_id, section_id) do Session.insert_cell(session_id, section_id, 0, :input) %{notebook: %{sections: [%{cells: [cell]}]}} = Session.get_data(session_id) end defp create_user_with_name(name) do {:ok, user} = |> User.change(%{"name" => name}) user end end