# Releasing Livebook 0. If applicable, release Kino first and update built-in notebooks to reference the new version. 1. Make sure the latest CI "Assets" workflow finished. 2. Switch to (or create) vx.y branch. 3. If applicable cherry-pick the relevant commits from main onto the vx.y branch. 1. If you do that, push, wait for CI "Assets" workflow to finish, and pull. 3. Update version in `mix.exs` and finish changelog. 4. Run `mix hex.build` as a sanity check. 5. `git tag vx.y.z`, `git push --tags` 1. Wait for CI to finish (Docker and Desktop) 6. Run `mix hex.publish`. 7. Publish GH release with copied changelog notes. 8. If you created a branch in step 2., update main changelog to point to the branch and bump version in mix.exs (with `-dev` suffix).