defmodule Livebook.Runtime.NoopRuntime do @moduledoc false # A runtime that doesn't do any actual evaluation, # thus not requiring any underlying resources. defstruct [:started, :trace_to] def new(trace_to \\ nil) do %__MODULE__{started: false, trace_to: trace_to} end defimpl Livebook.Runtime do def describe(_runtime) do [{"Type", "Noop"}] end def connect(runtime), do: {:ok, %{runtime | started: true}} def connected?(runtime), do: runtime.started def take_ownership(_, _), do: make_ref() def disconnect(runtime), do: {:ok, %{runtime | started: false}} def duplicate(_), do: def evaluate_code(_, _, _, _, _, _ \\ []), do: :ok def forget_evaluation(_, _), do: :ok def drop_container(_, _), do: :ok def handle_intellisense(_, _, _, _), do: make_ref() def read_file(_, path) do case do {:ok, binary} -> {:ok, binary} {:error, reason} -> {:error, "failed to read the file, got: #{inspect(reason)}"} end end def transfer_file(_runtime, path, _file_id, callback) do callback.(path) :ok end def relabel_file(_runtime, _file_id, _new_file_id), do: :ok def revoke_file(runtime, file_id) do trace(runtime, :revoke_file, [file_id]) :ok end def start_smart_cell(_, _, _, _, _), do: :ok def set_smart_cell_parent_locators(_, _, _), do: :ok def stop_smart_cell(_, _), do: :ok def fixed_dependencies?(_), do: false def add_dependencies(_runtime, code, dependencies) do Livebook.Runtime.Dependencies.add_dependencies(code, dependencies) end def has_dependencies?(_runtime, _dependencies), do: true def snippet_definitions(_runtime) do Livebook.Runtime.Definitions.snippet_definitions() end def search_packages(_, _, _), do: make_ref() def disable_dependencies_cache(_), do: :ok def put_system_envs(_, _), do: :ok def delete_system_envs(_, _), do: :ok defp trace(runtime, fun, args) do if runtime.trace_to do send(runtime.trace_to, {:runtime_trace, fun, args}) end end end end