defmodule LivebookWeb.Helpers do use Phoenix.Component alias LivebookWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes @doc """ Determines user platform based on the given *User-Agent* header. """ @spec platform_from_user_agent(String.t()) :: :linux | :mac | :windows | :other def platform_from_user_agent(user_agent) when is_binary(user_agent) do cond do linux?(user_agent) -> :linux mac?(user_agent) -> :mac windows?(user_agent) -> :windows true -> :other end end defp linux?(user_agent), do: String.match?(user_agent, ~r/Linux/) defp mac?(user_agent), do: String.match?(user_agent, ~r/Mac OS X/) defp windows?(user_agent), do: String.match?(user_agent, ~r/Windows/) @doc """ Returns path to specific process dialog within LiveDashboard. """ def live_dashboard_process_path(socket, pid) do pid_str = Phoenix.LiveDashboard.PageBuilder.encode_pid(pid) Routes.live_dashboard_path(socket, :page, node(), "processes", info: pid_str) end @doc """ Converts human-readable strings to strings which can be used as HTML element IDs (compatible with HTML5) At the same time duplicate IDs are enumerated to avoid duplicates """ @spec names_to_html_ids(list(String.t())) :: list(String.t()) def names_to_html_ids(names) do names |> |> Enum.map_reduce(%{}, fn html_id, counts -> counts = Map.update(counts, html_id, 1, &(&1 + 1)) case counts[html_id] do 1 -> {html_id, counts} count -> {"#{html_id}-#{count}", counts} end end) |> elem(0) end defp name_to_html_id(name) do name |> String.trim() |> String.downcase() |> String.replace(~r/\s+/u, "-") end defdelegate ansi_string_to_html(string), to: LivebookWeb.Helpers.ANSI defdelegate ansi_string_to_html_lines(string), to: LivebookWeb.Helpers.ANSI @doc """ Returns the text in singular or plural depending on the quantity ## Examples iex> LivebookWeb.Helpers.pluralize(1, "notebook is not persisted", "notebooks are not persisted") "1 notebook is not persisted" iex> LivebookWeb.Helpers.pluralize(3, "notebook is not persisted", "notebooks are not persisted") "3 notebooks are not persisted" """ @spec pluralize(non_neg_integer(), String.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() def pluralize(1, singular, _plural), do: "1 #{singular}" def pluralize(count, _singular, plural), do: "#{count} #{plural}" @doc """ Returns the text in singular or plural depending on the quantity ## Examples iex> LivebookWeb.Helpers.format_items(["tea"]) "tea" iex> LivebookWeb.Helpers.format_items(["tea", "coffee"]) "tea and coffee" iex> LivebookWeb.Helpers.format_items(["wine", "tea", "coffee"]) "wine, tea and coffee" """ @spec format_items(list(String.t())) :: String.t() def format_items([]), do: "" def format_items([item]), do: item def format_items(list) do {leading, [last]} = Enum.split(list, -1) Enum.join(leading, ", ") <> " and " <> last end end