defmodule LivebookWeb.PathSelectComponent do use LivebookWeb, :live_component # The component expects: # # * `path` - the currently entered path # * `running_paths` - the list of notebook paths that are already linked to running sessions # * `extnames` - a list of file extensions that should be shown # * `phx_target` - id of the component to send update events to or nil to send to the parent LV # * `phx_submit` - the event name sent on form submission, use `nil` for no action # # The target receives `set_path` events with `%{"path" => path}` payload. # # Optionally inner block may be passed (e.g. with action buttons) # and it's rendered next to the text input. # # To force the component refetch the displayed files # you can `send_update` with `force_reload: true` to the component. @impl true def mount(socket) do inner_block = Map.get(socket.assigns, :inner_block, nil) {:ok, assign(socket, inner_block: inner_block, current_dir: nil)} end @impl true def update(assigns, socket) do {force_reload?, assigns} = Map.pop(assigns, :force_reload, false) %{assigns: assigns} = socket = assign(socket, assigns) {dir, basename} = split_path(assigns.path) dir = Path.expand(dir) files = if assigns.current_dir != dir or force_reload? do list_files(dir, assigns.extnames, assigns.running_paths) else assigns.files end {:ok, assign(socket, files: annotate_matching(files, basename), current_dir: dir)} end @impl true def render(assigns) do ~L"""
phx-submit="<%= @phx_submit %>" <% else %> onsubmit="return false" <% end %> <%= if @phx_target, do: "phx-target=#{@phx_target}" %>>
<%= if @inner_block do %>
<%= render_block(@inner_block) %>
<% end %>
<%= if highlighting?(@files) do %>
<%= for file <- @files, file.highlighted != "" do %> <%= render_file(file, @phx_target) %> <% end %>
<% end %>
<%= for file <- @files, file.highlighted == "" do %> <%= render_file(file, @phx_target) %> <% end %>
""" end defp highlighting?(files) do Enum.any?(files, &(&1.highlighted != "")) end defp render_file(file, phx_target) do icon = case file do %{is_running: true} -> "play-circle-line" %{is_dir: true} -> "folder-fill" _ -> "file-code-line" end assigns = %{file: file, icon: icon} ~L""" """ end defp annotate_matching(files, prefix) do for %{name: name} = file <- files do if String.starts_with?(name, prefix) do %{file | highlighted: prefix, unhighlighted: String.replace_prefix(name, prefix, "")} else %{file | highlighted: "", unhighlighted: name} end end end defp list_files(dir, extnames, running_paths) do if File.exists?(dir) do file_names = case do {:ok, names} -> names {:error, _} -> [] end file_infos = file_names |> name -> file_info(name, Path.join(dir, name), running_paths) end) |> Enum.filter(fn file -> not hidden?( and (file.is_dir or valid_extension?(, extnames)) end) parent = Path.dirname(dir) file_infos = if parent == dir do file_infos else [file_info("..", parent, running_paths) | file_infos] end Enum.sort_by(file_infos, fn file -> {!file.is_dir,} end) else [] end end defp file_info(name, path, running_paths) do is_dir = File.dir?(path) %{ name: name, highlighted: "", unhighlighted: name, path: if(is_dir, do: ensure_trailing_slash(path), else: path), is_dir: is_dir, is_running: path in running_paths } end defp hidden?(filename) do String.starts_with?(filename, ".") end defp valid_extension?(filename, extnames) do Path.extname(filename) in extnames end # Note: to provide an intuitive behavior when typing the path # we enter a new directory when it has a trailing slash, # so given "/foo/bar" we list files in "foo" and given "/foo/bar/ # we list files in "bar". # # The basename is kinda like search within the current directory, # so we highlight files starting with that string. defp split_path(path) do if String.ends_with?(path, "/") do {path, ""} else {Path.dirname(path), Path.basename(path)} end end defp ensure_trailing_slash(path) do if String.ends_with?(path, "/") do path else path <> "/" end end end