defmodule LivebookWeb.SessionLive.SectionComponent do use LivebookWeb, :live_component def render(assigns) do ~L"""

<%= %>

<%# ^ Note it's important there's no space between


because we want the content to exactly match section name. %>
<%= remix_icon("link", class: "text-xl") %>
<%= for {cell_view, index} <- Enum.with_index(@section_view.cell_views) do %> <%= live_component @socket, LivebookWeb.SessionLive.InsertButtonsComponent, id: "#{}:#{index}", persistent: false, section_id:, insert_cell_index: index, insert_section_index: nil %> <%= live_component @socket, LivebookWeb.SessionLive.CellComponent, id:, session_id: @session_id, cell_view: cell_view %> <% end %> <%= live_component @socket, LivebookWeb.SessionLive.InsertButtonsComponent, id: "#{}:last", persistent: @section_view.cell_views == [], section_id:, insert_cell_index: length(@section_view.cell_views), insert_section_index: @index + 1 %>
""" end end