defmodule LivebookCLI do def usage() do """ Usage: livebook [command] [options] Available commands: livebook server Starts the Livebook web application The --help and --version options can be given instead of a command for usage and versioning information. """ end def main(args) do {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:elixir) :ok = Application.load(:livebook) if unix?() do Application.put_env(:elixir, :ansi_enabled, true) end call(args) end defp unix?(), do: match?({:unix, _}, :os.type()) defp call([arg]) when arg in ["--help", "-h"], do: display_help() defp call([arg]) when arg in ["--version", "-v"], do: display_version() defp call([task_name | args]) do case find_task(task_name) do nil -> IO.ANSI.format([:red, "Unknown command #{task_name}\n"]) |> IO.puts() IO.write(usage()) task -> call_task(task, args) end end defp call(_args), do: IO.write(usage()) defp find_task("server"), do: LivebookCLI.Server defp find_task(_), do: nil defp call_task(task, [arg]) when arg in ["--help", "-h"] do IO.write(task.usage()) end defp call_task(task, args) do try do rescue error in OptionParser.ParseError -> IO.ANSI.format([ :red, Exception.message(error), "\n\nFor more information try --help" ]) |> IO.puts() error -> IO.ANSI.format([:red, Exception.format(:error, error, __STACKTRACE__), "\n"]) |> IO.puts() end end defp display_help() do IO.puts("Livebook is an interactive notebook system for Elixir\n") IO.write(usage()) end defp display_version() do IO.puts(:erlang.system_info(:system_version)) IO.puts("Elixir " <> System.build_info()[:build]) version = Livebook.Config.app_version() IO.puts("\nLivebook #{version}") end end