defmodule LivebookWeb.SessionLive.PersistenceComponent do use LivebookWeb, :live_component alias Livebook.{Session, SessionSupervisor, LiveMarkdown} @impl true def mount(socket) do session_summaries = SessionSupervisor.get_session_summaries() running_paths =, & &1.path) {:ok, assign(socket, running_paths: running_paths)} end @impl true def update(assigns, socket) do {path, assigns} = Map.pop!(assigns, :path) {persist_outputs, assigns} = Map.pop!(assigns, :persist_outputs) attrs = %{path: path, persist_outputs: persist_outputs} socket = socket |> assign(assigns) |> assign(attrs: attrs, new_attrs: attrs) {:ok, socket} end @impl true def render(assigns) do ~H"""


<.switch_checkbox name="persist_outputs" label="Persist outputs" checked={@new_attrs.persist_outputs} />
<.choice_button active={@new_attrs.path != nil} phx-click="set_persistence_type" phx-value-type="file" phx-target={@myself}> Save to file <.choice_button active={@new_attrs.path == nil} phx-click="set_persistence_type" phx-value-type="memory" phx-target={@myself}> Memory only
<%= if @new_attrs.path != nil do %>
<%= live_component LivebookWeb.PathSelectComponent, id: "path_select", path: @new_attrs.path, extnames: [LiveMarkdown.extension()], running_paths: @running_paths, phx_target: @myself, phx_submit: if(disabled?(@new_attrs, @attrs, @running_paths), do: nil, else: "save") %>
<% end %>
<%= if @new_attrs.path != nil do %>
File: <%= normalize_path(@new_attrs.path) %>
<% end %>
""" end @impl true def handle_event("set_persistence_type", %{"type" => type}, socket) do path = case type do "file" -> socket.assigns.attrs.path || default_path() "memory" -> nil end {:noreply, put_new_attr(socket, :path, path)} end def handle_event("set_path", %{"path" => path}, socket) do {:noreply, put_new_attr(socket, :path, path)} end def handle_event("set_options", %{"persist_outputs" => persist_outputs}, socket) do persist_outputs = persist_outputs == "true" {:noreply, put_new_attr(socket, :persist_outputs, persist_outputs)} end def handle_event("save", %{}, %{assigns: assigns} = socket) do path = normalize_path(assigns.new_attrs.path) if path != assigns.attrs.path do Session.set_path(assigns.session_id, path) end Session.set_notebook_attributes(assigns.session_id, %{ persist_outputs: assigns.new_attrs.persist_outputs }) Session.save_sync(assigns.session_id) running_paths = if path do [path | assigns.running_paths] else List.delete(assigns.running_paths, path) end # After saving the file reload the directory contents, # so that the new file gets shown. send_update(LivebookWeb.PathSelectComponent, id: "path_select", running_paths: running_paths, force_reload: true ) {:noreply, assign(socket, running_paths: running_paths)} end defp put_new_attr(socket, key, value) do new_attrs = socket.assigns.new_attrs new_attrs = put_in(new_attrs[key], value) assign(socket, :new_attrs, new_attrs) end defp default_path() do Livebook.Config.root_path() |> Path.join("notebook") end defp path_savable?(nil, _running_paths), do: true defp path_savable?(path, running_paths) do if File.exists?(path) do File.regular?(path) and path not in running_paths else true end end defp normalize_path(nil), do: nil defp normalize_path(path) do if String.ends_with?(path, LiveMarkdown.extension()) do path else path <> LiveMarkdown.extension() end end defp disabled?(new_attrs, attrs, running_paths) do if normalize_path(new_attrs.path) == attrs.path do new_attrs.persist_outputs == attrs.persist_outputs else not path_savable?(normalize_path(new_attrs.path), running_paths) end end end