import Foundation import Network public class API { static var process: Process? private static var release: Release? static let didReceiveEvent = NSNotification.Name("elixirkit.event") public static var isRunning: Bool { get { release != nil && release!.isRunning; } } public static func start( name: String, logPath: String? = nil, readyHandler: @escaping () -> Void, terminationHandler: ((Process) -> Void)? = nil) { release = Release(name: name, logPath: logPath, readyHandler: readyHandler, terminationHandler: terminationHandler) } public static func publish(_ name: String, _ data: String) { release!.publish(name, data) } public static func stop() { release!.stop(); } public static func waitUntilExit() { release!.waitUntilExit(); } public static func addObserver(queue: OperationQueue?, using: @escaping (((String, String)) -> Void)) { NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: didReceiveEvent, object: nil, queue: queue) { n in let (name, data) = n.object! as! (String, String) using((name, data)) } } } private class Release { let process: Process let logger: Logger let listener: NWListener var connection: Connection? let readyHandler: () -> Void let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0) var isRunning: Bool { get { process.isRunning } } init( name: String, logPath: String? = nil, readyHandler: @escaping () -> Void, terminationHandler: ((Process) -> Void)? = nil) { self.readyHandler = readyHandler logger = Logger(logPath: logPath) listener = try! NWListener(using: .tcp, on: .any) let bundle = Bundle.main var rootDir = ""; if bundle.bundlePath.hasSuffix(".app") { rootDir = "\(bundle.bundlePath)/Contents/Resources" } else { rootDir = bundle.bundlePath } process = Process() process.launchPath = "\(rootDir)/rel/bin/\(name)" process.arguments = ["start"] process.terminationHandler = terminationHandler if logPath != nil { logger.capture(process: process) } listener.stateUpdateHandler = stateDidChange(to:) listener.newConnectionHandler = didAccept(conn:) listener.start(queue: .global()) let seconds = 5 let timeout = + DispatchTimeInterval.seconds(seconds) if semaphore.wait(timeout: timeout) == .timedOut { fatalError("waited for connection for more than \(seconds)s") } } public func stop() { connection?.cancel() listener.cancel() waitUntilExit() } public func waitUntilExit() { process.waitUntilExit() } public func publish(_ name: String, _ data: String) { connection!.send("\(name):\(data)") } private func stateDidChange(to state: NWListener.State) { switch state { case .ready: start(port: listener.port!.rawValue.description) case .failed(let error): print("Listener error: \(error.localizedDescription)") exit(EXIT_FAILURE) default: break } } private func start(port: String) { var env = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment env["ELIXIRKIT_PORT"] = port process.environment = env try! semaphore.signal() } private func didAccept(conn: NWConnection) { self.connection = Connection(conn: conn, logger: logger) readyHandler() } } // Logs to stdout and a log file (if given) private class Logger { var logHandle: FileHandle? init(logPath: String?) { if let logPath = logPath { let fm = FileManager.default if !fm.fileExists(atPath: logPath) { fm.createFile(atPath: logPath, contents: Data()) } logHandle = FileHandle(forUpdatingAtPath: logPath)! logHandle!.seekToEndOfFile() } } public func capture(process: Process) { let stdout = Pipe() let stderr = Pipe() process.standardOutput = stdout process.standardError = stderr let stdouth = stdout.fileHandleForReading let stderrh = stderr.fileHandleForReading stdouth.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() stderrh.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(receiveStdout(n:)), name: NSNotification.Name.NSFileHandleDataAvailable, object: stdouth ) NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( self, selector: #selector(receiveStderr(n:)), name: NSNotification.Name.NSFileHandleDataAvailable, object: stderrh ) } public func puts(_ string: String) { let data = (string + "\n").data(using: .utf8)! logHandle?.write(data) FileHandle.standardOutput.write(data) } @objc private func receiveStdout(n: NSNotification) { let h = n.object as! FileHandle let data = h.availableData if !data.isEmpty { FileHandle.standardOutput.write(data) logHandle!.write(data) h.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() } } @objc private func receiveStderr(n: NSNotification) { let h = n.object as! FileHandle let data = h.availableData if !data.isEmpty { FileHandle.standardError.write(data) logHandle!.write(data) h.waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify() } } } private struct Connection { let conn: NWConnection let logger: Logger init(conn: NWConnection, logger: Logger) { self.logger = logger self.conn = conn self.conn.stateUpdateHandler = stateDidChange(to:) self.conn.start(queue: .main) } func stateDidChange(to state: NWConnection.State) { switch state { case .ready: receiveEventMessage() case .failed(let error): logger.puts("\(error)") exit(EXIT_FAILURE) default: break } } // Receives event message from the socket and posts it as a notification. // A message contains a header which is a big endian uint32 that is the length of the payload that follows. func receiveEventMessage() { conn.receive(minimumIncompleteLength: 4, maximumLength: 4) { (data, _context, isComplete, error) in if (isComplete) { return } if let error = error { switch error { case .posix(POSIXError.ECANCELED): // socket is closed, ignore. () default: logger.puts("\(error)") } return } let size = Int(data!.withUnsafeBytes { pointer in CFSwapInt32BigToHost(pointer.load(as: UInt32.self)) }) self.conn.receive(minimumIncompleteLength: size, maximumLength: size) { (payload, _context, isComplete, error) in if (isComplete) { return } if let error = error { switch error { case .posix(POSIXError.ECANCELED): // socket is closed, ignore. () default: logger.puts("\(error)") } return } let parts = payload!.split(separator: UInt8(ascii:":"), maxSplits: 1) let eventName = String(data: parts[0], encoding: .utf8)! let eventData = String(data: parts[1], encoding: .utf8)! API.didReceiveEvent, object: (eventName, eventData)) self.receiveEventMessage() } } } func send(_ string: String) { var message = Data() let data = .utf8)! withUnsafeBytes(of: UInt32(data.count).bigEndian) { message.append(contentsOf: $0) } message.append(data) conn.send( content: message, completion: .contentProcessed { error in if error != nil { print(error!) } } ) } func cancel() { conn.cancel() } }