defmodule LivebookWeb.JSViewChannel do use Phoenix.Channel @impl true def join("js_view", %{"session_id" => session_id}, socket) do {:ok, assign(socket, session_id: session_id, ref_with_info: %{})} end @impl true def handle_in("connect", %{"session_token" => session_token, "ref" => ref, "id" => id}, socket) do {:ok, data} = Phoenix.Token.verify(LivebookWeb.Endpoint, "js view", session_token) %{pid: pid} = data send(pid, {:connect, self(), %{origin: self(), ref: ref}}) socket = update_in(socket.assigns.ref_with_info[ref], fn nil -> %{pid: pid, count: 1, connect_queue: [id]} info -> %{info | count: info.count + 1, connect_queue: info.connect_queue ++ [id]} end) if socket.assigns.ref_with_info[ref].count == 1 do Livebook.Session.subscribe_to_runtime_events( socket.assigns.session_id, "js_live", ref, &fastlane_encoder/1, socket.transport_pid ) end {:noreply, socket} end def handle_in("event", raw, socket) do {[event, ref], payload} = transport_decode!(raw) pid = socket.assigns.ref_with_info[ref].pid send(pid, {:event, event, payload, %{origin: self(), ref: ref}}) {:noreply, socket} end def handle_in("ping", %{"ref" => ref}, socket) do pid = socket.assigns.ref_with_info[ref].pid send(pid, {:ping, self(), nil, %{ref: ref}}) {:noreply, socket} end def handle_in("disconnect", %{"ref" => ref}, socket) do socket = if socket.assigns.ref_with_info[ref].count == 1 do Livebook.Session.unsubscribe_from_runtime_events( socket.assigns.session_id, "js_live", ref ) {_, socket} = pop_in(socket.assigns.ref_with_info[ref]) socket else update_in(socket.assigns.ref_with_info[ref], &%{&1 | count: &1.count - 1}) end {:noreply, socket} end @impl true def handle_info({:connect_reply, payload, %{ref: ref}}, socket) do # Multiple connections for the same reference may be establish, # the replies come sequentially and we dispatch them according # to the clients queue {id, socket} = get_and_update_in(socket.assigns.ref_with_info[ref].connect_queue, fn [id | queue] -> {id, queue} end) with {:error, error} <- try_push(socket, "init:#{ref}:#{id}", nil, payload) do message = "Failed to serialize initial widget data, " <> error push(socket, "error:#{ref}", %{"message" => message, "init" => true}) end {:noreply, socket} end def handle_info({:pong, _, %{ref: ref}}, socket) do push(socket, "pong:#{ref}", %{}) {:noreply, socket} end def handle_info({:encoding_error, error, {:event, _event, _payload, %{ref: ref}}}, socket) do message = "Failed to serialize widget data, " <> error push(socket, "error:#{ref}", %{"message" => message}) {:noreply, socket} end defp try_push(socket, event, meta, payload) do with {:ok, _} <- run_safely(fn -> push(socket, event, transport_encode!(meta, payload)) end), do: :ok end # In case the payload fails to encode we catch the error defp run_safely(fun) do try do {:ok, fun.()} catch :error, %Protocol.UndefinedError{protocol: Jason.Encoder, value: value} -> {:error, "value #{inspect(value)} is not JSON-serializable, use another data type"} :error, error -> {:error, Exception.message(error)} end end defp fastlane_encoder({:event, event, payload, %{ref: ref}}) do run_safely(fn -> Phoenix.Socket.V2.JSONSerializer.fastlane!(%Phoenix.Socket.Broadcast{ topic: "js_view", event: "event:#{ref}", payload: transport_encode!([event], payload) }) end) end # A user payload can be either a JSON-serializable term # or a {:binary, info, binary} tuple, where info is a # JSON-serializable term. The channel allows for sending # either maps or binaries, so we need to translare the # payload accordingly defp transport_encode!(meta, {:binary, info, binary}) do {:binary, encode!([meta, info], binary)} end defp transport_encode!(meta, payload) do %{"root" => [meta, payload]} end defp transport_decode!({:binary, raw}) do {[meta, info], binary} = decode!(raw) {meta, {:binary, info, binary}} end defp transport_decode!(raw) do %{"root" => [meta, payload]} = raw {meta, payload} end defp encode!(meta, binary) do meta = Jason.encode!(meta) meta_size = byte_size(meta) <> end defp decode!(raw) do <> = raw meta = Jason.decode!(meta) {meta, binary} end end